Adolph Eichmann and the Holocaust, Narratives and Information Embargo
This is a controversial post; I'm not questioning the Holocaust, just willing to question the story behind it. Those who claim "Victim" were not; those who are Blamed are likely the true Victims.
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Of Holocausts and Genocides
This is a continuation on the topic of Holocausts; the last post was about the Ancient Historic precedent of Infiltration, Manipulation and Story Inversion. With the First Holocaust in Ancient History , the story of Exodus was an inversion written from the perspective of those who did the worst they could, while victimizing the Egyptians. In the Old Testament; written much later, they claimed to be “Chosen of God” and “Victims” of the King’s enslavement. Sounds almost like the story we were all taught to accept without question in regards to the Holocaust, World War 2 Narrative. Passover was quite likely a Genocide of first born children and a mass poisoning event. In my opinion, a Genocide is essentially the same as a Holocaust. We should stop using a capital “H” for the word.
In exploration of the chapter of history known as World War 2, our eyes can become acclimated to some patterns. There are some basic ones that seem to repeat through history, even in ancient times.
Wars benefit the very few, as many people; including the unthinking ones taking orders, become it’s victims of unnecessary death.
In the Cycle of War, there are some consistencies in Engineered Consent:
Unlawful Claims, such as Sykes Picot, Secret Agreements, Balfour Declaration justified from Ancient Lies and Inverted History.
Mindless Fighting, pushed by False Flags, then justified by MSM. Sinking of the Lusitania, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, 9-11, Tonkin Bay and Oct 7th.
Food shortages, caused by Fighting itself, Fiat Inflation, or Artificial Shortages, shutting down of Private Farms; controlling food is the way to control people.
Famine, after major conflicts, Rationing and Managed Starvation. Such as in Camps.
Fear, artificially created, then sold as Acts of God, Plandemics to instill Conformity. From Scarab Beetles to Poisonous Injections.
Anger, outrage from prior experiences become a rallying point to seek punishment of One Group against another.
Hatred, when one group can be labeled: “Oppressors,” they can fall Victim to the “Tyranny of the Oppressed.”
Holocaust, Burnt Offerings, true victims are blamed for their own Genocide.
Reparations, officially labeled “Oppressors,” are then bound to Absurd Debts.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat — Nobody ever seems to point to exactly who is benefiting and orchestrating the violence that is unnecessary, until now. Because they have always managed to stay hidden. Spoiler: All Wars are Banker’s Wars. Part 1 and Part 2 .
By looking into Eichmann, we can get an idea who benefited from the Holocaust; it wasn’t Hitler, it wasn’t Germany or anyone else, unless they were the ones who Profited off the War. In my post about The No Annexation Principle, I explain the nature of whomever it was that created the Protocols of Zion. Tereza, in her post, The Breggins & Semitism makes reference to the No Annexation Principle and Dean Henderson’s post on Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. We can all agree the Jewish community was being setup to take blame for all the criminal activity that happens, particularly in Multinational Finance.
You would notice below, Eichmann was part of a rescue effort to save certain wealthy individuals, even though these were Jewish people, they were very well connected to the Principals in control of events at that time. In terms of who benefited, from the Propaganda called “Holocaust,” we could take a look at the First Zionist Congress, we could take a look at the founders of the Bank of International Settlements. We could take a look at the primary controllers of the Media in those days; The Pilgrim Society, purveyors of Information Embargo and Propaganda based out of the City of London. Please see: Secret Sabbatean Frankist “enlightened despotism” of the British Pilgrims Society
RIGHT: “Great swamp of unconscious desires”
LEFT: “Collective awareness against self-interest”
BOTH THOUGHTS WERE / ARE DRIVEN by the same Freudian Sabbatean Frankist satanism of the British Pilgrims Society – They controlled both sides of the argument. [This includes support for both sides of wars, whenever the Media speaks, you know you are being played.]
Here’s a review of the basis of the research I have done on the Over Class / Parasitic Elites, more specifically where they have a direct effect on the politics of the world during the time between the Wars. The following links I consider to have the most importance. Also please see other posts I have on Dragon Court; a good summary for Dragon Court is found here: Intergranular Corruption.
Adolph Hitler was a British Agent Part 1 — This post illustrates the fact that Hitler, like many politicians, are actually “Installed,” not elected. The Finance machine shows who had an interest in the Third Reich; you will find many members of the Order of the Garter, the multitudes of Corporations, including in USA and Individual Banker Families directly involved in the effort to internally immolate Germany.
This is a very important excerpt from the above post:
1897 - The first Zionist congress, founded by the De Rothschild family after first staging the Dreyfus affair, takes place in August 1897 in Basel. The leader of the Zionist Congress Theodor Herzl wrote in his diary that Zionism is founded on Anti-Semitism:
It is essential that the sufferings of Jews (…) become worse (…) this will assist in realization of our plans. (…) I have an excellent idea (…) I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. (...)
The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.[Anti-Semites = Nazis (created by the Sabbatean members serving the Black Nobility)]
1913 - Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for the purpose of identifying anyone who challenges Rothschild’s New World Order as “anti-Semitic”. [This is part of the mechanism to defame anyone who dares question anything later….]
1914 - The start of World War I, where the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds finance the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French. [Remember the BIS is involved at this time see below]
Adolph Hitler made Many Mistakes Part 2 — This post calls out the specifics of why I think he was Installed and thus also Controlled, for a role in a Theater; if he had actually had the level of control we have been “taught” that he held, these “Mistakes” could never have happened. I have a sense that he personally did have a passion for Germany, but couldn’t prevent the events he was pushed into. I do not sense a full hatred of Jews, such as what has been sold to all of us. Hitler was just the man in the middle. There were others managing the Mistakes that Hitler was supposed to make. Note: Hitler used the anger of the German people politically to manage the Populism for his support, he never issued any order to have vast numbers of Jews liquidated. He actively supported the Transfer Agreement, to get the Jews to leave Germany and immigrate to Palestine.
The No Annexation Principle Building a Global Empire lashed with the sinew of Contract Law. This explains the methods employed to control the German Theater, to exploit from a distance, then destroy from a distance. Please see further down; The Bank of International Settlements has a lot to do with the misery experienced by the Germans, both in the Wiemar Republic and the Third Reich.
As a proviso, I am NOT blaming Jews nor am I blaming Germans for the Holocaust, this goes deeper. This is a progression that I think serves to illustrate a pattern:
Control: Black Nobility —> Sabbateans —> Zionist —> Nazi —> German Public
Roles: Private Equity —> Banker Families. —> Political Families —> Public regulars
Function: Create Pubic funds —> Availability —> Spend / Tax —> Tax Farm = Usury
This is a circular progression.
Adolph Eichmann was an unimportant person but he does make some important deals; to save some future Financiers, on a VIP Train
Firestarter states about Eichmann:
Adolf Eichmann made a $1.7 million deal with Hungarian Jewish lawyer Reszö “Rudolph” Kasztner, leader of the Zionist Vaad Party, (or Rescue and Relief Committee) and Joel Brand to transport 1,685 privileged Jews by VIP train from Budapest to “neutral” Switzerland on the night of 30 June 1944 (for $1,000 a head).
The money was paid to Himmler's envoy, SS officer Kurt Becher.The Munk Family was one of the Elite Hungarian Jewish families that paid the German Nazis to be transported out of the country to Switzerland.
On board the VIP train was one Peter Meir Abraham Munk (1927 – 2018). Munk’s mother, Katharina Adler, who had separated from his father, was not on the train. She was sent to Auschwitz but survived.
Peter Munk relocated to Canada and founded Barrick in 1983. Munk became a business partner of the Rothschild crime syndicate (including the Russian Oleg Deripaska).
In 2008, Peter Munk was appointed Companion of the Order of Canada, the country’s highest civilian honour: ... b88805897zPeter Munk: The man who escaped a war to build the world’s biggest gold empire:
West Australian says this:
“Peter Munk, who has died aged 90, was a Hungarian-born immigrant to Canada who built the world’s largest gold mining company.
Barrick Gold, now valued at more than $C27 billion ($27.6 billion) had its origins in a small gold mine in Ontario that was acquired by Munk and his associates in 1983, after they had previously ventured with mixed success in consumer electronics, resort hotels and oil and gas.
Barrick’s prospects were transformed in 1986 when Munk bought Goldstrike, a Nevada mine with estimated reserves of 600,000 ounces of gold that subsequently turned out to be more than 20 million ounces.”
Munk, a sophisticated Financier, recognized the importance of building a strong technical team around him, valuing the expertise that came with acquisitions as much as the precious metal in the ground. [Asset Stripping develops Private Equity]
Eichmann said about Kasztner:
“I believe that Kasztner would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand... to achieve his goal.”
Kasztner settled in Israel, where he worked as a civil servant. Then in 1952, the Hungarian Jew Malchiel Gruenwald, accused Kasztner of collaborating with the Nazis and stealing the wealth of Hungarian Jews with Becher.
Kasztner wasn’t convicted, but was shot dead outside his home in March 1957. His killer, an Israeli with connections to the secret service, was caught and imprisoned: ... 11468.html
(archived here:
After Adolf Eichmann was caught by Israeli forces in Argentina in 1960, he told the interrogators that he had Jewish relatives through marriage. He explained that many of his stepmother’s family married Jews and Jewesses.
Eichmann claimed that he helped some of these Jews to escape to Switzerland as late as 1944: ... -jew-haterAn interesting story on Adolf Eichmann from David Irving:
Eichmann was never the top-Nazi “architect of the Holocaust” he was later made out to be. He was a relatively unimportant person, the head of Office A4b in Department IV (the Gestapo) of the Reich Security Head Office. His office supervised the transportation to concentration camps of the Jews. Eichmann was the specialist in transporting Jews in Hungary and Slovakia to Germany.
Eichmann served under Heinrich Müller (head of the Gestapo), who came under Reinhard Heydrich (the chief of the RSHA) and - after January 1943 - Ernst Kaltenbrunner, who came under Heinrich Himmler (the Reichsführer SS), who came under Hitler.
Himmler was farther under Hitler than you would imagine from subsequent propaganda; he was never very close to Hitler.
Adolf Eichmann survived unharmed in Argentina a few miles north of Buenos Aires under the name “Ricardo Klement”. Of course Adolf Eichmann had not gone unnoticed, but they simply let him be.
Eichmann bought a copy of the German edition of the memoirs of Rudolf Höss – Kommandant in Auschwitz (1958). Höss had written these “memoirs” while he was in Polish captivity (Krakow).
Then something happened…
Flemish journalist Willem Sassens von Hildewor, who was also hiding in Argentina, got hold of some of the personal notes of Eichmann and taped conversations with Eichmann and wrote transcripts down that he sold to Life magazine, in 1959 or 1960, that published them.
Throughout his personal notes, Adolf Eichmann wrote that the “Endlösung” (final solution) to him only meant to transport the Jews out of Germany (not to murder them).Eichmann wrote about his ideas that possibly the Zionists used the Nazis to further their own goals.
He describes the pits in Auschwitz, the crematoria, just like Albert Hoffmann. But nothing on the “gas chambers”.
Eichmann had to be “neutralised”, because he was giving evidence that the official story on WW II is wrong (including the “Holocaust”).
Eichmann wrote notes about disagreeing with Höss, in particular about the claims that 2 ½ million Jews were liquidated at Auschwitz, where he was commandant.
Eichmann commented:“Where does Höss believe that he got these two and a half million Jews? Not from me. Because to have liquidated two and a half million decrepit, elderly, unworkable Jews, I must have had to feed to him three, four, five, six or seven million Jews in that space of time, and from the transport point of view alone this would have been totally impossible.”
”If you’re going to ship five or six million Jews across Europe to Auschwitz at that time, let me tell you how many trains that would have taken.”
”You’re not only going to have trains going that way full of Jews, you’re going to have empty trains coming back. And you’re going to have to have a circulation time, a time where they’re unloading at one end, a time where they’re loading at the other end… You’re going to need so many thousands of wagons.
This alone proves that Rudolf Höss was talking through his hat. These figures are totally fantastic, what the hell is Höss up to?” ... rving.html
(archived here:
Was the Holocaust, a Fraud?
By questioning it, I am not saying that one didn’t occur, I’m just questioning who the victims were and who the oppressors were. Please note that I am not going to paint with a broad brush, as many people who wrote about it have done in the past. Narratives about what happened should be rejected.
Jews are NOT a monolithic singular group, neither are the German People; if we constrain our focus, we will find the abuses were committed by a Parasitic Culture that can only exist in deep secrecy, inside of other cultures. Sometimes these Parasitic Cultures are able to fool the Host Culture into nourishing and nurturing it, that happens through a variety of economic, political and cultural vectors. Zionist were in control of the Nazi Party, they were in control of the International Finance Sources that funded both sides. Zionist were in control of the Allies too. It could be argued the Holocaust was a fruit born of both sides; but really just one interest actually did everything, while playing the minds of the populace.
The bottom line:
Zionist were always in control of the Nazis, they created the Nazis. How many individuals who wore Nazi uniforms were actually Zionist? I would say most of them; but not all of them, because for the Host / Parasite Complex to function, there needed to be a majority of people from the general population who would believe and follow the Zionists unawares, see my post on Managed Populism. The Political and Cultural aspect to this are coequally tied to Religion, this has been the case for a very long time; also, this is why Judaism was hijacked by those who identify themselves as Zionist. Christians have held very strong association with the Zionist movement; ironically in the early days, there was outspoken criticism of Zionism by most Jewish communities in the US.
Not all Zionists are Jews; not all Jews are Zionists. Just like all the political agendas there is a public facing Ideology sold to the public with Populism and there is a secret occult facing Agenda, those proponents and benefactors are carefully kept hidden.
From “Enlightened despotism” of the British Pilgrims Society:
Earlier, Privy Councilor Cecil Rhodes, Lords Lionel/Walter Rothschild, Sir Arthur Balfour and necromancer publisher W.T. Stead (the “father of tabloid journalism”) envisioned “Government by Journalism” as a Pilgrims Society vehicle for socialist “control of the masses”
“Let business do it, because business is better at responding to needs, wants and desires.”
*To rule, power players must control all sides of an argument: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.
There have been a lot of lies, information embargo and corrupt bias from the Media, benefiting political systems that have propped up constructed narratives. Carolyn Yeager has some very interesting research and articles on her site that discusses this. I got to her site from some links from Julius Skoolafish:
Holocausts are nothing new, they have occurred throughout history as far back as the Hyksos “Infiltration” and slow seizure of political power in Ancient Egypt, which has a separate post: First Holocaust in Ancient History also linked above.
The pattern leading up to a Holocaust is always the same. The real oppressor claims to be the victim then later, the actual victims are bamboozled into believing they deserved it. Surviving generations (in the case of Germans) are pushed into guilt by brow beating them into a false sense of culpability. More on that later, because there’s a twist.
Sometimes reparations are sought after through the falsehood of indebtedness, just like what happened after World War 1. During the Wiemar Republic, countless thousands of Germans died of starvation due to the hyperinflation of the Fiat Currency.
Economic starvation can be considered a Holocaust, targeting the poor.
Poisoning of the Food, Poisoning medicine, Poison Injections?
The Bombing of Dresden? That was definitely a burnt offering.
I could think of many different venues of forced death. All of these can be considered Holocausts.
Wars are Holocausts and they would not happen without Central Bankers.
Managed food shortages, makes famine unavoidable. Notice how in some places these days, there are efforts underway to stop people from growing their own food? Communist State of Oregon is trying to put small farms out of business; that’s happening right now. Our Farmers are a bulwark against major famine. Across Europe, there are huge resistance movements underway against this tyranny. Please see Frances Leader’s post on: The Despair and Anger of Europe’s Farmers by Thierry Meyssan.
There can be a Natural Disaster or a Plandemic, in which case mass vaccination campaigns could be announced, along with either forced vaccination, or mandates which restrict travel or access to food; this would be a start for Famine. We have already witnessed a dry run of this recently; the whole world experienced a Holocaust called Covid, complete with vaccine passports.
In World War 2, with regards to the Holocaust
It is true there were Nazi “Work Camps,” I don’t dispute this, I am NOT a Nazi apologist nor a sympathizer; in order to have a work camp however, there would need to be a supply chain of resources such as food getting to them. Allied bombings made it nearly impossible for resources to get to those camps later in the war, starvation began to ensue. Firestarter’s research backs this up.
Regarding the Holocaust “Number of Deaths,” the population figures just don’t add up:
Carolyn Yeager:
The almanac of the "American Jewish Committee", which appears new every year, announced in the 1945 edition on page 367 the number of world Jewry as 15,192,089. For 1946, this number increased by 516, 549 to 15,753,638 ! Then this number of about 15.5 million Jews is maintained by the Almanac for the years 1947 (on page 748), 1948 (page 572) and 1949 (page 289).
In 1950, the number suddenly drops to 11,500,000. Why? Who eliminated about 4,000,000 Jews between 1949 and 1950? [Things that make you go Hmm….]
The "6 million figure" was an introduced and contrived misrepresentation from around the 1950’s on wards. Also, Germany in post war Allied Occupation, was a hell hole for regular Germans. The Morgenthau plan made sure that nearly 6 million Germans starved to death, NOT just the Jews.
As a Recap from my post: Adolph Hitler made Many Mistakes
The Morgenthau Plan for Germany ... became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy and undertaking for action ... signed by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Besides dividing Germany in a West and East part, in July and August 1945 the occupying armies took 25% of Germany's most fertile land and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 million people, according to British writer Victor Gollancz "with the very maximum of brutality".
The Allies forbade emigration (except to Israel?) and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labour camps (some Nazi concentration camps remained to be used).Some 4,160,000 Germans were forced to slave labour outside Germany:
3,000,000 in Russia, 750,000 in France, 400,000 in Britain and 10,000 in Belgium.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower labelled them Disarmed Enemy Forces to violate the Geneva Convention.
Some 1.4 million died in the Allied concentration camps, [like Rhine Meadows] of which according to the Soviets 450,600 in their camps.
[Soviets likely had A LOT more than they stated.]
The production of oil, tractors, steel and other products that were essential to food production was stopped. They cut fertilizer production by 82%. They under-valued German exports, depriving Germans of cash needed to import food. During the first 6 months after the “end” of the war, Germany's industrial production fell by 75%.
Captain Albert Behnke compared German and Dutch starvation: in much of Germany the ration set by the occupying Allies was around 1,000 calories per day and for more than 2 years never more than 1,550.
The Dutch in the “Hongerwinter” of 1944, 1945 always got more than 1,394 calories per day.
Here's a figure taken in 1947
"In 1947, a paper from the US State Department by Robert Murphy showed that the US statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths over the next 3 years the German population should be 71 million, but "to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used"."
"This not only showed that millions died since the “liberation” in 1945, but also that the official number were falsified to hide what was going on. ---""
"The 1950 Census showed "5.7 million people" less than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census." ----
This could be where the 6 million figure comes from. There is a good chance that the Eisenhower Administration caused the murder of former German military and civilian populations in places similar to where the "Jews" were SUPPOSED to have perished. Amazing isn't it? [Remember this was 'Post War']
Rhine Meadows Concentration Camps for Disarmed Enemy Forces:
Firestarter has this to say:
In late March or early April 1945, an eye witness was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. About 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure.
The men had no shelter or blankets; many had no coats; they slept in the wet and cold mud, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. Their misery from exposure alone was evident. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches.
Many were begging for food, sickening and dying. Most of the guards didn’t help them at all.
Famine was also spreading among the German population. It was a common sight to see German women look in the garbage cans for something to eat.
One of my readers, Geoff says this:
"[The former POWs] agreed that the cattle cars were filled with captured German soldiers who were infected with typhus and dysentery. They were in fact unwitting extras in a movie being made by Alfred Hitchcock, the Hollywood horror-film specialist.”
“He had been awarded a contract to make a movie about concentration camps for the Nuremberg tribunal. At night the dead prisoners would be unloaded at Buchenwald, Dachau and other concentration camps by those who were still alive. Hitchcock would then film them, depicting the heaps of corpses as victims of German atrocities.”
“A large number of corpses were dumped at Buchenwald at night, and next day the citizens of Weimar were forced to walk past the heaps of rotting corpses and smell the sickening stench. Some of them actually believed the American propaganda, that the corpses had been concentration-camp inmates.”
“It was all filmed as part of Hitchcock's movie. Afterwards the corpses were shoved into mass graves in the vicinity. That too was part of the script. This is the explanation that the two former officers of the US Army gave me concerning the trainload of dying German prisoners that I witnessed on June 16, 1945.”
Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Alfred Hitchcock's First Horror Movie
From the Memoirs of a German Soldier — Nemo Anonymous
Biggest Mind Fuck Ever, with a Twist:
The Allied Occupation of Germany killed close to 6 million Germans; post war. Those deaths of 6 million then got relabeled as "Jewish," some may have been, but I suspect they were mostly German POWs and Civilians.
Later on, Non—Jewish German people were effectively blamed and brow beaten into a cultural guilt for these deaths, when it was 5.7 million of regular Germans themselves who died. Just imagine being blamed for your own death; fatal starvation caused by the Allied Occupation, then to be relabeled a Jewish 'casualty' caused Nazis! There’s the twist; but wait, there’s more……
This is a Blame Circle Jerk, where nobody’s got the courage to point out exactly who the Pivot Man really is.
A majority of those deaths didn’t occur at the Nazi Camps themselves, but the bodies were brought there later for photo shoots and propaganda at the Nuremberg Trials; all the world is a stage, the media is owned and managed by the same people who committed the atrocities. Please note the financiers of IG Farben shown further down.
Allied Kangaroo Courts: No real important Nazi ever got convicted there, Operation Paperclip took priority over that. Yes there were convictions and executions, mostly middle management and below. The sensationalism of the trial was fueled by the photos of all the “arranged atrocities,” provided by Alfred Hitchcock who may have been on the payroll of the Pilgrim Society out of London. Too bad there were no documentaries on the direct Allied involvement in Rhine Meadows, since that’s where most of the bodies were coming from at the time.
The Corporations who had facilitated the medical experiments and other atrocities under the Nazis, were too busy giving those former Nazis jobs, but the public was never supposed to know this. Having a Resume helps in getting new work even at Zionist owned Corporations.
About IG Farben, Firestarter says this:
In 1951, IG Farben was split up. The main successor companies today are Bayer, BASF, AGFA and Sanofi: ... dustry.htm
Fritz Thyssen was one of the first German supporters of Adolf Hitler; Thyssen was financed with millions of dollars from Standard Oil, Ford, General Electric, DuPont, ITT (sent by Dillon Read & Co).
The money profits were laundered by the Dutch BHS/Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (Queen Wilhelmina, Prince Bernhard), Brownbrothers & Harriman and UBC/Union Banking Corporation (Prescott Bush).
According to Gertrude Elias companies in the USA made profits of some 175 billion dollars from financing and collaborating with the Nazis.
It is a fact that many of these and other Corporations employed former Nazis. Many of the Multinational Corporations were owned by Zionist interests.
I will never say that the Nazis didn’t kill anyone; I am NOT saying that Jews didn’t get killed, in war everyone and anyone can get killed, no matter what your affiliation is. On the front lines, there were many German Jews (Mischlinge) who fought alongside the regular Non Jewish Germans in Hitler’s armed forces. There were a lot of atrocities that did happen. So, who was killing who?
List of World War 2 Kabuki Players:
List below is organized based on Country
Name of Country — “doing business as:” Corporate Franchise, name if known. Center of Power is always the Autonomous Zone; with the primary as the City of London.
Country — dba: Corporate Franchise / Center of Power
USA — dba: UNITED STATES INC / Center of Power: Wastington DC
UK — dba: British Empire / Center of Power: City of London (Primary)
Russia — dba: USSR / Center of Power: Moscow
France — dba: Third Republic / Paris; After capitulation / Vichy France
Germany — dba: Third Reich / Center of Power: Berlin
Italy — dba: Repubblica Sociale Italiana or RSI / Center of Power: Brindisi
Japan — dba: Empire of Japan / Center of Power: Tokyo
What are Countries, if they are not Players?
Actually, all countries can be thought of as merely chess pieces on an elaborate game board, the real players are the ones who hold no personal, cultural, spiritual nor political alliances with any countries at all; they think they own the whole planet, they really don’t care who lives or dies. To them, a Holocaust is just part of the Game, a burnt offering; after all, they think they have ownership over living people too.
The Third Reich was governed in front by the Nazi Party; who was ruling behind the Nazi Party? — Zionists.
Who had control of Zionism? A tiny minority of Parasites that controlled the Banks also controlled Zionism from the private side, they are the Sabbateans and ultimately, in turn they are the Black Nobility.
I call them Sabbateans, not Jews and here’s why: It’s worth reiterating, there were many Jews that were also Germans and wanted to fight alongside the same people they knew in regular life in Germany. Together, they wanted their country back from the Unlawful Treaty of Versailles. There were many regular day to day people who really had nothing to do with the Nazi Party.
Every public or private organization is organized with the same pattern; based on the Fascism of the “Public / Private Relationship.”
One shall Govern in Front, while Another shall Rule from Behind. Zionism had a public presence and facade, but it was wholly owned and operated from the private side. Who would be the types of individuals that had this ultimate control? Here are a few……
The Warburg Family:
From: Adolph Hitler was a British Agent
IG Farben was financed by Rothschild agent Max Warburg.
IG Farben and Standard Oil founded Standard Oil American IG with these board members: Walter Teagle (Standard Oil), Paul Walburg (Kuhn Loeb), Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (National City Bank, Rockefeller), Herman Metz (Metz Company).
Already in 1922 the New York Times published an article that Henry Ford financed Hitler and in 1928 the German part of the Ford Company merged with IG Farben.
What else did IG Farben do?
IG Farben was the notorious chemical company (including pharmaceutics) that was both an integral part of the Nazi-machine, and affiliated with Ford and Rockefeller…
IG Farben used 83,000 slave labourers from the largest German concentration camp, Auschwitz, and produced the controversial poison Zyklon-B.IG Farben conducted sick experiments in the part of Auschwitz it controlled - including vaccines. — [I wonder why that is….. ]
John D. Rockefeller already financed eugenics experiments before WW II, including those of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, where “Dr” Josef Mengele already worked before his sick experiments in Auschwitz.
Why would Bankers want to do all this?
Jacob Schiff & Friends:
From an article by Frank De Varona:
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created on May 17, 1930 to administer or “settle” the World War I reparations imposed on Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. There were four very powerful individuals who played a very important role in the founding of BIS: Charles G. Dawes, Owen D. Young, Hjalmar Schacht, and Montagu Norman. Please check out this link to an article on BIS, there is a lot of important stuff:
The BIS is completely unknown by the vast majority of the American people. This most powerful supranational bank has always wanted to keep a low profile. Even well-known authors who have written books describing the history of the operations of the Federal Reserve Bank as well as the powerful organizations that run the United States and the world, such as the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations, do not even mention the existence of the BIS. This is surprising as the owners and employees of the banking cartels who own the central banks of almost all the Western nations, including the United States, are all involved in the BIS. This international bank is the central bank of all the central banks in the United States and Europe, as well as other nations in the world. See Hjalmar Schacht shown below:
There are so many others who were directly involved in control and finance, too many to list them all. The main point is this: The Banking Parasites were the ones who controlled the Wiemar Republic; they were also the same ones who controlled or nudged, Hitler who was not completely in control of Germany. I think of the Holocaust itself as having been a fabrication of the Allies, who were also under the control of the Bankers. They needed to sell a cause to the Public, something with great sensationalism; this is where media out reach groups came into play. The Pilgrim Society, was the coordinator of the propaganda machine to sell the public on the idea that the Germans themselves had something wrong with them, to want to drive out all the Jews. Let’s not forget the Transfer Agreement, was organized before the war, by the same Bankers; they had planned the creation of Israel before WW1.
There is a lot of information on the Pilgrim Society on this site:
Horrible things DID happen, just not the way it was told. The mainstream Holocaust and World War 2 Narrative is a copyrighted, patented story owned by the Rockefellers. See:
Blackmailing Rockefeller // The Scandal that Helped Israel Become a State By John Loftus
Also please see: The Supreme Rockefeller Crusade — World War II
February 10, 2021
They needed the Holocaust narrative to help sell the idea of Israel to the Public. Just look at the Holocaust happening right now in Gaza, Israel is a power center for the same Zionist tribe of asset strippers that targeted Germany for destruction back during the 1890’s first Zionist Congress.
Then there’s this monster; Theodore Kaufman (an American “Jew”)
In August 1941, Theodore Kaufman (an American “Jew”) – Germany Must Perish was published. It presents a plan to completely annihilate all Germans after the war is won (written years before the Morgenthau plan):
“The population of Germany, excluding conquered and annexed territories, is about 70,000,000, almost equally divided between male and female. To achieve the purpose of German extinction it would be necessary to only sterilize some 48,000,000 — a figure which excludes, because of their limited power to procreate, males over 60 years of age, and females over 45.”
”Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking 20,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 20,000 we mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon, the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian population of Germany could be treated within three months. In as much as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Germany could be sterilized within a period of three years or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present German doctrine that so much as one drop of true German blood constitutes a German.”
”Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, German life will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation German Will will have atrophied and German power reduced to negligible importance.” ... /index.php
My take:
The above description almost seems like an accurate way to list methods of “Depopulation” such as we have seen more recently by the same Criminal Sabbateans. Using Vaccines to depopulate the world is just a tiny adjustment, but I digress, since the Corporations were able to test chemicals and vaccines at the Nazi Camps.
I wonder if they never really gave up on the concepts of the book: Germany Must Perish, perhaps Germany was just a dry run? Many examples of Genocide that have occurred through out history; we can clearly see the recipe used by those who’s habit to commit genocide, is unmistakable.
Today: The Holocaust of Palestinians is being done by Israel in Plain Sight
Nearly all the steps of genocide have been followed by Israel in their current deliberate attempt to “kill off” all Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.
What culture can ever be so “superior” as to “suppose” itself to be in a position to judge who gets to live and who dies? The self proclaimed Chosen Ones, of course.
Israel is currently on steps 7 and 8, but wants to move to 9.
Step 8 actually began in 1948, the Nakba theft of Palestinian’s homes, they had lived in for generations. When they finally get to step 10, the Palestinians will be blamed for their own deaths. Just like the Germans were brow beaten into thinking that they killed 6 million Jews; when in fact it was mostly the Germans themselves who died at the hands of the Allied Occupiers.
So, what may happen in Israel? Palestinians are already being blamed for the so called Oct 7 "attack," this is an absolute load of BS. Since it is very clear the Palestinians could never have flown planes in order to have "parachuted" over into Israel's border to attack them. They don’t have planes and they don’t have airfields.

Nakba; a Replacement Theory that happened in Palestine in the early days is just a model the same Parasites think they will try to repeat in North America. They may try to murder all North American Natives and Western European Natives in the "New Replacement" in order to confiscate land, homes and resources to asset strip every place they can.
Zionists are like a hive of locusts, spreading their pestilence everywhere, consuming everything in their path. They are the Architects of a Collectivist Society, if they think you don’t fit with them they eliminate you; Holocausts are an unfortunate fruit of a Collectivist Society and Israel is definitely that.
I would hope that most North Americans start waking up, to claim their Individualized Sovereign Rights. Don't just be disenfranchised, be completely ungovernable, disavow all these illegitimate governments.
While we are on the subject of Holocausts and Unlawful Human Experimentation, I should mention the Japanese side of it:
Area 731 — may have been far worse than Nazi work camps
Where the Japanese incarcerated about 3,000 Chinese and conducted the most atrocious experimentation imaginable, there is a website dedicated to spreading the information. Please see:
Here are some Excerpts:
Unit 731 was set up in 1938 in Japanese-occupied China with the aim of developing biological weapons. It also operated a secret research and experimental school in Shinjuku, central Tokyo. Its head was Lieutenant Shiro Ishii.
The unit was supported by Japanese universities and medical schools which supplied doctors and research staff. The picture now emerging about its activities is horrifying.
For 40 years, the horrific activities of “Unit 731” remained one the most closely guarded secrets of World War II. It was not until 1984 that Japan acknowledged what it had long denied – vile experiments on humans conducted by the unit in preparation for germ warfare.
Deliberately infected with plague, anthrax, cholera and other pathogens, an estimated 3,000 of enemy soldiers and civilians were used as guinea pigs. Some of the more horrific experiments included vivisection without anesthesia and pressure chambers to see how much a human could take before his eyes popped out.
According to reports never officially admitted by the Japanese authorities, the unit used thousands of Chinese and other Asian civilians and wartime prisoners as human guinea pigs to breed and develop killer diseases.
Many of the prisoners, who were murdered in the name of research, were used in hideous vivisection and other medical experiments, including barbaric trials to determine the effect of frostbite on the human body.
Some caught in China at the end of the war were arrested and detained, but only a handful of them were prosecuted for war crimes.
In Japan, not one was brought to justice. In a secret deal, the post-war American Administration gave them immunity for prosecution in return for details of their experiments. [Corporations are always looking out for each other]
Some of the worst criminals, including Hisato Yoshimura, who was in charge of the frostbite experiments, went on to occupy key medical and other posts in public and private sectors.
Secrecy for 40 years was carefully guarding and concealing the evidence of ACTUAL atrocities of Unit 731. Yet with Nazi Germany, everyone was supposed to have known exactly what happened almost as soon as the war was finished. This is due to the sensationalized Allied Liberation of Germany. News was printing yellow journalism, main stream public believed every bit of the drivel.
In truth, the real vile human experimentation done in both Germany and Japanese camps were mostly orchestrated by the Corporations that held contracts with the Banks that held control of public funds in those countries.
So Germany’s experience from the Wiemar Republic gave Manufactured Consent to really hate Jews; then after the War, they were accused of committing an Atrocity, so that people on the opposite side could have Manufactured Consent to commit an ACTUAL Atrocity against the Germans and even more consent to go steal land to create Israel.
Very thorough article that shows many aspects of the Pilgrim Society:
Our history books are silent about the Pilgrims Society that has controlled the MSM (mainstream media) with lies for 120 years
They lure promising young Americans, Brits, Russian & Chinese with Rhodes, Schwarzman, Oxford Russia Fund Scholarships and Privy
Council peerage for continuity and legal protectionThe Pilgrims control all British and American intelligence (MI5, MI6, GCHQ, Foreign Office, FBI, C.I.A., NSA, GlaxoSmithKline, State Department)
They organized The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 to take over the public discourse and the meaning of words, not to mention they hijacked the Russian Duma.
Patterns and Connections; a Summary:
Sabbateans are to present day Jews, as Heka Khasut were to ancient Habiru.
Habiru = Hebrew and their Sumerian name: Šagašu = Trespasser.
The USA is to Israel, as Ancient Egypt was to the Habiru in the city of Averis, while it was ruled by “Rulers of Foreign Land.” The Hyksos were infiltrators.
Aren’t we currently ruled by Rulers of Foreign Land? Remember the No Annexation Principle, an Empire built from Contracts.
Sabbateans created Zionism and sold it to Jews and Christians based off the story inversion of Exodus and Passover. Most Jews in the 1800’s, rejected Zionism out of hand, yet many Christians willingly embraced it.
One Shall Govern in Front, while Another Rules from behind
Zionists in the City of London and in Germany colluded to create the Nazi party. Hitler himself personally met with many members of Order of the Garter. Sabbateans are directly connected to the Dragon Bloodline, Order of the Garter has a hand in the activities of Zionism. Most prominent Banker Families are connected either to the Dragons or their Garter affiliates, some are Black Nobility but not all.
In Germany, mostly upper levels of the Nazi members were Sabbatean / Zionists, who were involved in what actual atrocities were committed in Nazi Germany; however, after the fall of the Nazis, the Zionists weren’t done. The “Holocaust” was actually mostly a staged affair, orchestrated by the Allies and their Media handlers, the Pilgrim Society.
The Heka Khasut worshiped Set with burnt offerings
The Sabbateans worship Baal with burnt offerings
Holocausts are Burnt Offerings, who collects the sacrificial offerings? Asset strippers, called Bankers.
The Media is a Crime committed against the Truth, in trying to break the truth, the Zionist and their Sabbatean rulers have broken themselves on the rocks and they know it.
A useful link for you, Nefahotep!
The 236 uses of the term '6 million Jews' -
Amazing cognitive restructuring of our BS history lessons. It should teach you to take down your 5G towers ASAP.