Adolf Hitler made many mistakes for him NOT be considered a British Agent, or maybe an Agent of Londinium? This is Part 2
By now, it should be no surprise that some of the most seemingly venomous enemies we read about in history were only actors, following a script.
There have been many different takes on the World Wars, most people would see them as dark spots in history — and they were indeed. When one digs into the details of just “why” they occurred, just how they were choreographed and managed for the Equity Owners to extract their “Pound of Flesh” out of every living human being by the price of Death; the view becomes even more stark than just a ‘dark spot.’
It can be argued that there has not been a TRUE ORGANIC war between Nation States for at least 200 years. My two posts on “All Wars are Bankers Wars” go into further detail:
All Wars are Banker’s Wars Part 1
All Wars are Banker’s Wars Part 2
So, if Wars are of course not happening unless they are really being managed, the question could be: “How do they ‘Manage’ Wars?” The following information from Firestarter’s research is a good example of just how it may have happened in WW2 and Hitler’s Germany. Keep in mind, I’m NOT trying to diminish any of the real sacrifices that were made by either side, they were real lives that should always be remembered and honored; to that end, it makes for all the more importance to see the truth.
In Recent News:
There is one Parasitic Pedophile who just died, he had been a “Manager of Wars” for quite some time; Henry Kissinger finally took a dirt nap. There are many individual managers like Henry Kissinger unfortunately, some are current and former politicians. Hitler was likely in a similar position, although he seemed to have had such a populist following, he may very well have been working WITH interests located in the City of London and AGAINST the interest of Germany.
Firestarter begins here:
Hitler sabotages German army - USSR, Dunkirk, Normandy
According to mainstream history falsifiers, the German Nazis, including Adolf Hitler, made an awful lot of mistakes.
But to me it looks like they intentionally sabotaged the German army...
Russia – Moscow and Stalingrad – 1941, 1942
By common consensus the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany was the mistake to invade the Soviet Union.
Starting in 1942, Adolf Hitler took full control of all important decisions for the army and regularly brushed aside the advice of his military experts.
Most days, Hitler stayed up till 4 a.m. or so, and slept till noon, when he would hold his first military conference of the day...
Hitler also regularly told his staff that they weren’t allowed to wake him under any circumstance.Mistake #1
During the winter of 1941-42, the Wehrmacht in Russia around Moscow suffered over a million casualties after they were “surprised” when a division of well-equipped Russians materialized “seemingly out of nowhere” and attacked.
Mistake #2
In the late spring of 1942, Hitler left Moscow and steered the German Army to the Caucasus. Traveling huge distances will defeat any army.
Mistake #3
His new “strategy” was to grab the oil fields in the Caucasus and seize Stalingrad.
To add to the confusion, Hitler added 52 non-German divisions with questionable training and skills.
Mistake #4
Hitler first directed the Fourth Panzer Army away from Stalingrad to aid the First Panzer Army which was already approaching the oil fields.
Then the Führer decided to turn the Fourth Panzer Army completely around and send it back toward Stalingrad.
Mistake #5
Then suddenly Hitler ordered the attack on Stalingrad and at the same time take the oil fields.
Senior strategists urged Hitler to take Stalingrad first using all available resources, and then go for the oil fields. Instead Hitler pushed for an impossible strategy…
Mistake #6
German’s Blitzkrieg strategy relied on heavy tanks and motorized infantry that needed room to move.
To make their mission impossible, Hitler used artillery bombardments to create blocked streets and broken cement in Stalingrad. This not only blocked the heavy infantry but was also used for cover by thousands of Russian infantrymen.
Mistake #7
With German casualties piling up at 20,000 men a day, Hitler pulled divisions from his outer defenses and sent them in one-by-one (to make it easier to defeat them). By sending so many rear units into Stalingrad, Hitler eroded his outer sectors, leaving the defense to the 52 non-German divisions with questionable training and skills.
Then the German army was taken in a “surprise” Russian attack. In just 3 days, Russian troops blasted their way through the crumbling lines and encircled and trapped the entire Sixth Army inside Stalingrad.
Thousands of wounded, starving German infantrymen in Stalingrad froze to death amid subzero temperatures.
Mistake #8
Erich von Manstein’s troops were first sent to help, but when they were within 30 miles of Stalingrad were ordered to pull back.
Mistake #9
Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to provide the Sixth Army with supplies, but Russian anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes blasted them out of the sky (possibly they had advance knowledge...).
Mistake #10
General Kurt Zeitzler now pleaded with Hitler to let (the remnants of) the Sixth Army attempt a breakout to the south to link up with Manstein.
Hitler blatantly refused.
On 8 January 1943, the Russians presented surrender terms. These were reluctantly turned down by General Paulus, on Hitler's direct order. Two days later, the Russians blasted the remaining Germans with 5000 artillery guns, followed a week later by a massive infantry assault.
Out of the original 285,000 Sixth Army soldiers, 165,000 died, while some 29,000 wounded had been air lifted out. The remaining 91,000 spent years of captivity in Russian POW camps: ... ingrad.htm
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Dunkirk – May 1940
Mistake #11
In May 1940, General Paul von Kleist's panzers were only 18 miles from Dunkirk, in an operation that could have scooped up the entire northern Allied force.
Then on 24 May 1940, Hitler issued the infamous ''Halt Order'' that countermanded the order by the Wehrmacht's Commander-in-Chief, General Walther von Brauchitsch, and that the line of Lens–Bethune–Saint-Omer–Gravelines "'will not be passed''.
Kleist afterwards recalled:I must say that the English managed to escape that trap in Dunkirk which I had so carefully laid, only with the personal help of Hitler.
There was a channel from Arras to Dunkirk. I had already crossed this channel and my troops occupied the heights which jutted out over Flanders. Therefore, my panzer group had complete control of Dunkirk and the area in which the British were trapped.
The fact of the matter is that the English would have been unable to get into Dunkirk because I had them covered. Then Hitler personally ordered that I should withdraw my troops from these heights.
We could have wiped out the British Army completely if it weren't for the stupid order of Hitler.General Gerd von Rundstedt (more on Von Rundstedt below) was given the blame for the “Halt Order”. Von Rundstedt vehemently denied:
If I had had my way the English would not have got off so lightly at Dunkirk. But my hands were tied by direct orders from Hitler. ... f-war.html
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Sabotaging D-day – 6/6/’44
You may have heard about the cardboard army that completely fooled the Nazi command or about spies being sent out with information on the fake invasion. In reality there was no way that the 6 June 1944 could have been a success – except for the sabotage of Hitler and his close associates.
It’s impossible that a defence strategy would have been chosen that would single out any place for the possible landing of the Allied invasion.
There are also stories that the resistance destroyed the radar, of course this would have been a warning sign for the Germans...
Mistake #12
Adolf Hitler issued a directive that Germany’s armored forces, which were kept back from the beaches, could only be deployed upon his personal order.
Mistake #13
A number of key German commanders were absent from their posts during the critical hours of 6 June 1944.
General Friedrich Dollmann (commander of the Seventh Army in Normandy), Lt. Gen. Heinz Hellmich (commander of the 243rd Division), and Maj. Gen. Wilhelm Falley had all left the Normandy coast for war-games exercise at Rennes.
Admiral Theodor Krancke (naval commander in the west) was on his way to Bordeaux.
Maj. Gen. Edgar Feuchtinger (commander of the 21st Panzer Division) was heading to Paris for a rendezvous with his mistress.
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had left Normandy for his wife’s 50th birthday in Germany: ... -mistakes/
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Mistake #14
The only German high-command officer, who responded correctly to the coming invasion, was Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt. Two hours before the landings began, Von Rundstedt ordered the 2 available reserve panzer divisions, the 12th SS Panzer and Panzer Lehr, to move to Caen.
He judged that the airborne landings were on such a large scale that they weren’t a mere deception. The only place the landings could come in lower Normandy was on the Calvados and Cotentin coasts.
Hitler had given orders that he wasn’t to be awakened for any reason. At 07:30, Jodi informed Von Rundstedt that the divisions could not be committed until Hitler gave the order, and Hitler was still sleeping. Hitler slept until noon.
Mistake #15
It was 16:00 when Hitler finally gave his approval.
By then the Allied fighters and bombers were ready for them (we can’t rule out advance knowledge…).
The panzers had to take shelter in the woods and wait for darkness before continuing their march.
Hitler didn’t even try to hide his joy over the coming destruction of Germany and exclaimed: "It's begun at last".
He confided to Hermann Göring:They are landing here, and here: just where we expected them!
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said: "Thank God, at last. This is the final round".
Mistake #16
On the afternoon of June 6, Hitler ordered the V-1 attacks on London. It took 6 days to bring the heavy steel catapult rigs that were in hiding to prevent them from being used immediately. When it started on June 12, the only attainable result could be to prove to the world what scumbags the Nazis were.
If the beaches and artificial harbours of Normandy, jammed with men, had been bombed they possibly could have still stopped the Allied forces:
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The Devon beach massacre – 27 April 1944
In a “friendly fire” disaster during training exercises for D-day, scores of US soldiers died in a mock invasion at Slapton Sands and their corpses were secretly buried.
This incident was covered-up:
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This is important, because it is improbable that the German Nazis didn’t know about this, and - as the Devon beaches are similar to Normandy - it shows that German intelligence could have known that Normandy would be the spot for the Allied invasion.
Hitler - Nero Decree, Morgenthau plan, General Patton
A lot of people know that the Allied forces murdered hundreds of thousands innocent civilians by bombing German and Japanese cities, but refuse to see that the “good guys” didn’t win WW II...
Nero decree
By March 1945, the Third Reich had already been decimated to Germany, some territory in central Europe, northern Italy, Denmark, Norway and part of Holland.
On 19 March 1945, Adolf Hitler once again showed himself the enemy of Germany, by ordering the complete destruction of German infrastructure. Hitler was reported to have died only 6 weeks later - on 30 April 1945.
It was officially titled “Befehl betreffend Zerstörungsmaßnahmen im Reichsgebiet (Destructive Measures on Reich Territory Order) and was subsequently nicknamed the Nero Decree.
See (translated) sections from the Order:1. All military transport and communication facilities, industrial establishments and supply depots, as well as anything else of value within Reich territory, which could in any way be used by the enemy immediately or within the foreseeable future for the prosecution of the war, will be destroyed.
2. It is the responsibility of the military command posts to execute this order to destroy all military objects, including traffic and communications installations.
The Gauleiters and Commissioners for Reich Defense are responsible for destroying the industrial and supply installations, as well as of other objects of valuable; the troops must give the Gauleiters and Commissioners for Reich Defense the assistance they need to carry out this task.
According to history falsifiers the plan was sabotaged by German Minister Albert Speer (1905-1981), who after expressing his fundamental opposition, requested Hitler to give him full responsibility for the execution of the Order.
The order had local Gauleiters (district Nazi Party leaders) and Reich defense commissioners destroying: factories, farms, power plants, railroad lines, bridges, dams, and military and supply installations.
Some Gauleiters followed their orders, including Dusseldorf's Friedrich Karl Florian, but others supposedly refused. The needed explosives weren’t available to carry out the complete destruction: ... tml?pg=all
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Morgenthau plan
Basically Hitler’s 1945 Nero Decree was following the 1944 Morgenthau plan, devised by US secretary of the treasury Henry C. Morgenthau Jr. (written by Harry Dexter White).
Again according to history falsifiers not implemented, but I don’t know a single difference with JCS 1067...
Some have estimated that from 1945 till 1950 Germany some 9 million Germans died from starvation.
The plan to dismantle German industrial capacity was first discussed in August 1944 at the British headquarters of General Dwight Eisenhower. Morgenthau and Eisenhower agreed that Germany needed a "good and hard" treatment.
According to history falsifiers, when US President Roosevelt, British PM Winston Churchill, British foreign secretary Anthony Eden, US secretary of state Cordell Hull and US secretary for war Henry L. Stimson first heard of the plan in September 1944, they all protested vigorously, because it would prevent Germany from feeding itself.Hull argued that 40% of the German population would die.
That sounds almost philanthropic…
In the 24 November 1947 New York Post Morgenthau himself wrote:
The Morgenthau Plan for Germany ... became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy and undertaking for action ... signed by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Besides dividing Germany in a West and East part, in July and August 1945 the occupying armies took 25% of Germany's most fertile land and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 million people, according to British writer Victor Gollancz "with the very maximum of brutality".
The Allies forbade emigration (except to Israel?) and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labour camps (some Nazi concentration camps remained to be used).
Some 4,160,000 Germans were forced to slave labour outside Germany: 3,000,000 in Russia, 750,000 in France, 400,000 in Britain and 10,000 in Belgium. General Dwight D. Eisenhower labelled them Disarmed Enemy Forces to violate the Geneva Convention. Some 1.4 million died in the Allied concentration camps, of which according to the Soviets 450,600 in their camps.
The production of oil, tractors, steel and other products that were essential to food production was stopped. They cut fertilizer production by 82%. They under-valued German exports, depriving Germans of cash needed to import food. During the first 6 months after the “end” of the war, Germany's industrial production fell by 75%.
Captain Albert Behnke compared German and Dutch starvation: in much of Germany the ration set by the occupying Allies was around 1,000 calories per day and for more than 2 years never more than 1,550.
The Dutch in the “Hongerwinter” of 1944, 1945 always got more than 1,394 calories per day.
In 1947, a paper from the US State Department by Robert Murphy showed that the US statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths over the next 3 years the German population should be 71 million, but "to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used".
This not only showed that millions died since the “liberation” in 1945, but also that the official number were falsified to hide what was going on.
The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people less than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census.
Canadian writer and TV producer Robert Allen, described the scene in a Berlin railway station as the refugees arrived in late 1945:
They were all exhausted and starved and miserable ... A child only half alive ... A woman in the most terrible picture of despair I've seen ... Even when you see it, it's impossible to believe ... God it was terrible.
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Have you seen the pictures of the starved concentration camp prisoners (after the Allied forces bombed food transports)?See some severely malnourished German children, starved by the Allied “heroes”:
Some extracts from the Morgenthau plan:
3. The Ruhr Area.
Here lies the heart of German industrial power, the cauldron of wars. This area should not only be stripped of all presently existing industries but so weakened and controlled that it can not in the foreseeable future become an industrial area. The following steps will accomplish this:
(a) Within a short period, if possible not longer than 6 months after the cessation of hostilities, all industrial plants and equipment not destroyed by military action shall either be completely dismantled and removed from the area or completely destroyed. All equipment shall be removed from the mines and the mines shall be thoroughly wrecked.
It is anticipated that the stripping of this area would be accomplished in three stages:
(i) The military forces immediately upon entry into the area shall destroy all plants and equipment which cannot be removed.
(ii) Removal of plants and equipment by members of the United Nations as restitution and reparation (Paragraph 4).
(iii) All plants and equipment not removed within a stated period of time, say 6 months, will be completely destroyed or reduced to scrap and allocated to the United Nations.
(d) by forced German labor outside Germany; and
(e) by confiscation of all German assets of any character whatsoever outside of Germany.
On 10 May 1945, President Truman approved JCS 1067 which directed the US forces of occupation in Germany to:
...take no steps looking toward the economic rehabilitation of Germany [nor steps] designed to maintain or strengthen the German economy.
The net effect was that Germany couldn’t produce or import enough food; 1947 was the worst year. William Clayton reported to Washington that "millions of people are slowly starving".
The occupation directive remained secret. It was made public on 17 October 1945, after much of it had been incorporated in the Potsdam Agreement.
Dwight D. Eisenhower "loaned" US Treasury officials to the Army of occupation - "Morgenthau boys" – to ensure that the JCS 1067 was interpreted as strictly as possible. They continued their activities for more than 2 years after the resignation of Morgenthau in mid-1945.
Germany was to be reduced to the standard of life it had known in 1932. The occupation forces ensured that German standards of living wouldn’t exceed the average level of European neighbors.
In 1946, the first "level of industry" plan stated that German heavy industry must be lowered to 50% of its 1938 levels by the closing of 1,500 manufacturing plants. The production of oil, rubber, merchant ships, and aircraft were prohibited. No new locomotives were built until 1949, most industries had their production halved, automobile production was 10% of its 1936 level, etc.
The amount of loans to Germany through the Marshall Plan (about $1.4 billion in total) was far overshadowed by the amount the Germans had to pay back as war reparations and the about $2.4 billion per year to the Allies for the ongoing cost of occupation.
In July 1947, after more than 2 years of effective starvation of the Germans, President Harry S. Truman rescinded JCS 1067 and replaced it with JCS 1779.
JCS 1779 wasn’t nearly as brutal as the previous 2 years under JCS 1067, but it included breaking up the relationships between German banks. By limiting them to short-term financing only, they prevented the rehabilitation of German industry.
It took until 5/5/’55 that all restrictions were rescinded:
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The following official 26 February 1947 paper shows that the Allied “heroes” knew very well that they were effectively starving Germany to death; see from page 275.
(C) Over half of the 6,595,000 children and adolescents, especially in the lower-income groups, are in a deplorable condition. Their situation is better in limited localities where school feeding has been undertaken but outside these limits stunted growth and delayed development is widespread. In some areas famine edema (actual starvation) is appearing in the children. A study of groups of boys between the ages 9 and 16 years showed 5.5 lbs. under minimum standard weights, with girls 5.1 lbs. below such standard. Other groups studied showed even worse conditions.
(D) A considerable part of the "normal consumer" group of 17,910,000 is likewise in deplorable condition. ... 5_full.pdf
( ... 5_full.pdf)
In late March or early April 1945, an eye witness was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. About 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure.
The men had no shelter or blankets; many had no coats; they slept in the wet and cold mud, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. Their misery from exposure alone was evident. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches.
Many were begging for food, sickening and dying. Most of the guards didn’t help them at all.
Famine was also spreading among the German population. It was a common sight to see German women look in the garbage cans for something to eat:
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The murder of George Patton
Patton was one of the few to resist the orders to destroy Germany, see some excerpts from his diary and letters:
I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories, because the ends for which the factories are being blown up - that is preventing Germany from preparing for war - can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons.
I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff . It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POW's to work as slaves in foreign lands, where many will be starved to death.
Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. If it's a choice between them and the Russians, I prefer the Germans.
Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? . . . We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.
When Patton was effectively fired as military governor of Germany, he wrote on 31 August 1945:
I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.
In his diary Patton noted that on one occasion an RAF Spitfire attacked his private plane in an attempt to shoot it down but crashed after missing.
In July 1945, Patton paid a visit to his family in the US and told his 2 daughters that they will never see him again:My luck has run out. I've used it all up like money in the bank I've had increasingly narrow escapes. It's too damn bad I wasn't killed before the fighting stopped, but I wasn't. So be it.
General Patton had an "accident" on 9 December 1945, in which he was reported to have suffered a broken neck, but had recovered enough to be flown to the US on 22 December. On 21 December 1945, Patton was announced dead as the result of an "embolism".
In 1979, OSS agent Douglass Bazata (OSS was the precursor of the CIA) told an audience of some 450 ex intelligence agents at Hilton Hotel Washington DC, that OSS Chief Donovan had ordered him to kill Patton:For diverse political reasons, many extremely high-ranking persons hated Patton. I know who killed him for I was the one who was hired to do it. Ten thousand dollars.
General William J. 'Wild Bill' Donovan himself, Director of OSS, entrusted me with the mission. I set up the 'accident'. Since he didn't die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital, where he was killed with a cyanide injection.Bazata (who died in 1999) also told The Spotlight that he thought that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt personally ordered Wild Bill Donovan to have Patton murdered.
See FDR second from the left seated, and Donovan on the right, seated. They were classmates in Columbia Law School, long before he appointed Donovan to his cabinet.
Robert Wilcox interviewed Bazata, who told him that after the arranged "accident", he shot General Patton with a neck breaking low velocity projectile. According to Bazata, the job was finished by the Soviet NKVD (the precursor of KGB) in hospital:
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Hitler – More “mistakes” in Russia
I’ve found a lot more unfortunate “mistakes” by the Zionist-controlled Adolf Hitler in the invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).
I’m no expert at Russia or the Soviet Union, but even I know that the very cold winters are a major problem in an invasion.
In May 1942, Winston Churchill mocked Hitler over his "blunder" of invading Russia:
There is a winter, you know, in Russia. For a good many months the temperature is apt to fall very low. There is snow, there is frost, and all that. Hitler forgot about this Russian winter. He must have been very loosely educated.
We all heard about it at school; but he forgot it. I have never made such a bad mistake as that.
Mistake #17
Operation Barbarossa was started on 22 June 1941, by starting it 3 months earlier there would have been 3 months more to finish it before the cold, wet winter.
Mistake #18
The German commissariat had not transported enough woollen hats, gloves, long johns and overcoats to Russia. In other words: they intentionally let the German troops freeze to death.
With the result that thousands of soldiers lost limbs, ears, noses, fingers, sexual organs and/or eyelids: ... uhrer.htmlThere were 3 German army groups to invade the Soviet Union (north, centre, and south).
Two posts ago, is information on the south group that was sent from Stalingrad to the oil fields, and back again and I’ll not add much on the successful sabotage of their mission.
Army Group Centre is the most powerful of the 3 groups.
Between 22 June and 3 July 1941 they encircle Russians at Bialystok and Minsk and catch 420.000 soldiers, 1.500 canons, 2.500 tanks and 1.669 airplanes. Many Russian soldiers escape, so “only” 290.000 are captivated.
By 10 July, they reach Smolensk, which is taken on 16 July. Germans have already advanced 650 km.
Mistake #19
Everything is going great for the German army. On 19 July, when the centre group should progress to Moscow, Hitler orders most of its panzers south-east to Kiev. As a result Moscow can’t be taken.
More than 2 months later, the end of September, the centre group continues its march on Moscow. At that time the Russian have reinforced the Moscow and winter comes quickly.
Moscow wasn’t only important for the moral.
Moscow was/is a big transport centre (railroads, roads), apart from being the administrative centre. If Moscow had been taken, the Red Army would have gotten into trouble because lack of supply. This might have made conquering (the rest of) the Soviet Union relatively easy.
Army Group North advances quickly to Leningrad.
Already on 26 June they have traveled 300 km and reached the Dvina River.
Mistake #20
Everything goes well for the Wehrmacht, but then Group north is ordered to stop for 6 days.
By 4 July, panzers are at Ostrov; only 220 km from the Dvina River. On 14 July, they are on the Louga River, 120 km from Leningrad.
Mistake #21
But again, they’re stopped for 6 days.
Mistake #22
Also on 14 July, part of the infantry is sent to the east to attack Russians at Polotsk.
Army Group South progresses swiftly from June 23 to 29.
On 9 July, they are 75 km from Kiev.
Between 15 July and 8 August they kill 200.000 Russians and imprison 100.000 more.
By repeatedly creating more groups, Hitler weakens their force.
Arguably Stalingrad wasn’t even an important strategic objective, but the oil of the Caucasus was.
Destroying the oil supply of the Russian would have gotten them into trouble.
Mistake #23
Only between 10 and 12 October, (only) Grozny was bombed. Grozny and Maykop (which had already been taken) together accounted for only 10% of oil production.
Baku (460 km south from Grozny) accounted for the remaining 90%. Germans bombers could have bombed it in August.
Mistake #24
At the beginning of November, Hitler sends a substantial number of aircraft to the Mediterranean.
Mistake #25
In large parts of the Soviet Union, Stalin wasn’t too popular (in particular in the Ukraine).
The German army came as conquering oppressors; if they had come as “liberators” they could have used Soviets against Stalin.
Some more peculiarities...
How could Stalin be surprised by the invasion, when he knew that the whole German army was mobilized?
Hitler didn’t continue the attack in the north, but instead attacked in the south.
In the south, unlike in the north, the Russians could retreat long distance without losing crucial territories: http://hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwi ... -1941.html
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Believe it or not, but in the 1930s and 1940s most Americans didn’t want to be involved in another bloody war orchestrated by Britain.
After the (staged?) attack on Pearl Harbor, the US declared war on Japan, but not on Germany.
Mistake #26
Just 3 days after Pearl Harbor, on 11 December 1941, Hitler declared war on the US.
In doing so, Hitler effectively requested the US to help his British masters…
More on D-day
I was obviously too naive to believe that a high German officer was actually fighting against the Allied forces...
On 1 June 1944 at 9 p.m. - the BBC broadcasts the first 3 lines of a poem of Verlaine, which is a message to the French resistance that the invasion is planned within 15 days.
German intelligence officer Hellmuth Meyer understands its meaning, because a member of the French resistance had told the Germans. Meyer informs Admiral Canaris, head of the German counter intelligence.
The only action taken is to put the 15th army on alert, note that on 6 June an excercise was scheduled...
The Germans could have also alerted the 7th army, but maybe they had better things to do...
To delay finding out about the invasions both Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe patrols were canceled.
June 5, at 9:15 p.m. (CET) - the second part of the Verlaine message is transmitted, which means that the invasion will begin within 48 hours.
Meyer immediately warns the head of the 15th Army General Hans von Salmuth, but the 7th Army is still not alerted, because Gerd von Rundstedt doesn’t want to ruin D-day...
General Gunther Blumentritt supposedly said it was ridiculous that the Allies would announce the day of the invasion by radio
Between 0:30 a.m. and 2 a.m. (6 June) - massive amounts of paratroopers land in Normandy.
The German communication is disrupted which should have alerted the Germans.
At 2:06 a.m. - Colonel Hamann, acting commander of the 709th Division, calls Saint-Lô and reports enemy paratroopers near Sainte-Mere-Eglise.
At 2:11 a.m. - the 716th tells Hamann that paratroopers have landed east of the Orne, near Caen. Because of the massive scale, they’re convinced that the invasion has begun.
At 2:40 a.m. - at his headquarters in Paris, Marshal Von Rundstedt studies the many reports from Normandy that the radar screens are covered with hundreds of beeps.
That was even before Adolf Hitler went to sleep...
Just before 3 a.m. - Cherbourg naval station reports to general Pemsel that radar and sonar have detected vessels in the Bay of Seine (between Cherbourg and Le Havre).
At 3:12 a.m. - General Max Pemsel, Chief of Staff of the 7th army, informs Chief of Staff of Army Group B Hans Speidel:Engine noises audible from the sea, on the east coast of the Cotentin. Admiral, Channel coast, reports naval vessels offshore Cherbourg, by radar.
At 3:14 a.m. - the commander of the coastal troops is informed that naval units have been detected 11 km from Grandcamp.
At 4:30 a.m. - after waiting more than 2 hours, until Hitler has gone to bed, Von Rundstedt finally requests 2 panzer divisions. He is blocked by General Alfred Jodl, who will wait until Hitler wakes up.
At 6:15 a.m. - Max Speidel informs General Max Pemsel about massive aerial and naval bombardments.
At 6:45 a.m. - Pemsel reports to Von Rundstedt's HQ that landings have begun.
The 716th Division was reportedly only at half its normal strength with approximately 4000 men.
Of the 726th regiment only 360 of the 725 men were present: http://hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwi ... oo-22.html
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WW II – Battle of Britain
In this post, I’ll present some information on the so-called Battle of Britain.
The first thing to note is that invading Britain would have been practically difficult because the sea between the European continent and Britain. Even if Germany would have taken complete control of the sky (and it would have been a “real” war), it would have been difficult.
Maybe it would’ve been easier to block transports to Britain and then wait until Britain would fall over. I had already established that Hitler ordered his naval commanders to stop attacking British ships…
In early July 1940, Hitler issued Directive No. 16 for “Preparations of a Landing Operation against England” (Operation Sea Lion).
German Admiral Erich Raeder explained to Hitler that the invasion could only be achieved after the Luftwaffe had wiped out the Royal Air Force (RAF). Supposedly Hermann Göring claimed it would take “less than a month” to eliminate the RAF.
The Luftwaffe had amassed 656 Messerschmitt fighters, 168 twin-engined Dornier, Heinkel and Junkers 88 bombers, and 316 Stuka dive bombers – a total of 1228.
The RAF had only 504 Hurricanes and Spitfires to defend Britain (these were even used to bomb German cities).
By common consensus, Britain was able to produce double the amount of planes each month of Germany - 470. Even if that is true, that wouldn’t have got them enough qualified pilots.
Between the beginning of August and 7 September 1940, in the Adlerangriff (Eagle Attack), the Luftwaffe almost destroyed the RAF.
On August 13, Adlertag (Eagle Day), German planes couldn’t attack Britain on a larger scale because of bad weather.
On August 14, the Germans launched a full-scale assault with 1,500 sorties.
On 15 August, the Luftwaffe launched another massive assault. The RAF lost about 50 planes and the Germans even more. Because Germany had a lot more planes to start with and they also destroyed airports, Germany was getting the upper hand.
Mistake #27
Germany stopped attacking Britain’s radar net.
As a prelude to changing the “strategy” once again, 15 August was dubbed “Black Thursday”. According to James Stokesbury:They decided that their attacks on the radar stations were not paying off—just as they were beginning to—and they discontinued them, another in their chain of fatal mistakes.
The bombing campaign in late August was so intense that the British lost many planes. British aircraft factories were also attacked. Germany appeared to succeed in eliminating Britain’s air force.
On 7 September 1940, British Group Captain Peter Townsend said that the Wehrmacht “could have begun massive landings on British soil”.
Mistake #28
Then Hitler makes an even more drastic “strategy” change and orders to stop attacking military objects – and bomb cities instead. This gave the RAF time to repair its airfields and return to full capacity.
This would later be used for an argument to bomb German cities (in retaliation). It was also used to motivate the US to enter the war.
I really don’t know which side bombed cities the first. It’s claimed that the Luftwaffe bombed London first in a mistake attack or that the RAF bombed Berlin first, which made Hitler explode in rage, and on 4 September 1940 ordered to bomb London in retaliation (continuing the assault on the RAF would of course stopped the bombing of German cities)…
On 7 September, nearly 1,000 German bombers struck at London. Also other British cities were bombed (besides German cities being bombed by the RAF). On September 15, Göring ordered another major assault on London.
Had they continued their assault on the RAF, the Nazis would have probably established air supremacy: ... 1733805795
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WW II – Battle of Africa
This could be my last post on “mistakes” by Hitler and associates (unless of course I happen to find a great article).
My problem in finding information on the battle in North Africa is that the stories either give too much detail, or not enough information.
If the Axis would have take control, they would have cut off British oil and would have become independent on Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. So naturally they had to fail...
In North Africa the troops of Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, had already taken over 2 countries, Abyssinia and Libya. Mussolini had about a half-million Italian soldiers available to conquer Egypt. The only thing standing in his way was a British force of 36,000 men (the Western Desert Force).
On Friday 13 September 1940, the British troops in Egypt fell back in the face of overwhelming numbers.
Mistake #29
But then the Italians (that outnumbered the British army by more than 10 to 1) paused when they were about 60 miles inside Egypt.
Mistake #30
The Italians set up a series of fortified base camps widely separated from each other.
Because of this “strategy”, the British troops could attack the isolated camps one-by-one, “surprising” the Italians at each turn.
Mistake #31
This even strengthened the British troops, as they were delivered Italian tanks and artillery.
The 36,000 British troops caught 200,000 Italians that surrendered. It was a stunning victory!!!
In February 1941, Hitler sent General Erwin Rommel to direct the newly formed Afrika Korps.
On March 31, the Afrika Korps attacked and within 12 days had pushed the British 500 miles eastward, all the way back to Egypt, while taking thousands of prisoners.
According to most sources Rommel made the most out of the situation in Africa. I haven’t found major flaws in his actions…
The British managed to hang onto one key position outside of Egypt, the port of Tobruk on the Mediterranean Sea. At this point, Rommel badly needed that seaport for supplies.
Rommel called the Luftwaffe for heavy bombing raids on the British troops inside Tobruk. However, the British and Australian troops withstood the bombardment.
In the meantime, the Royal Navy sailed in relief troops, including Indian, South African, and Polish replacements. As a result, Tobruk held out.
If this seaport was so important, why didn’t Rommel continue the attack…
On 18 November 1941, the British Eighth Army launched a big offensive against Rommel all along the Egyptian Front.
The British lost 300 tanks at the onset.
Mistake #32
Rommel couldn't continue his attack, because his tanks ran low on fuel.
Rommel’s requested supplies were denied.
Rommel had to withdraw westward.
By Christmas, the Eighth Army had pushed Rommel back the 500 miles he had originally won.
In January 1942, Rommel attacked again, and pushed the Eighth Army back to the outskirts of Tobruk.
On 26 May 1942, the Afrika Korps, aided by fresh Italian troops, staged a Blitzkrieg attack, and finally took the city of Tobruk.
The British forces escaped. Rommel asked for reinforcement to strike the British on the outskirts of El Alamein.
Mistake #33
Hitler denied Rommel’s request, so Rommel had only 125 operational tanks.
Rommel’s weakened Afrika Korps was forced to hold its position on the outskirts of El Alamein.
This gave the British time to bring in reinforcements, soldiers, tanks, artillery and ammunition. They also brought in a new commander, General Bernard Law Montgomery.
At the end of August, Rommel was confronted by a well-equipped Eighth Army outnumbering him two-to-one, but he attacked El Alamein anyway.
Rommel was worn out physically and needed to go back home to Germany for recovery.
On 23 October 1942, the Battle of El Alamein was staged.
It began with night-time artillery that demolished the German outer defences. This was followed by an advance of British infantrymen across a narrow stretch of German minefields.
Mistake #34
German field commanders didn’t send tanks but infantry to block the British
After Hitler had requested the US to help his British masters by declaring war…
Almost 800 brand new Sherman tanks were delivered to the British army from the USA.
When Rommel was well again, he rushed back to North Africa and immediately threw his 200 remaining Panzers into a ferocious counter-attack.
Because Britain comfortably outnumbered the German tanks, Montgomery got the upper hand and broke through the centre of the German lines.
Mistake #35
On 2 November 1942, Rommel asked permission to withdraw, but Hitler ordered him to stand his ground regardless.
Montgomery's tanks smashed through Rommel's weakened defences, forcing the decimated Afrika Korps, and its 20 remaining tanks, to flee.
Mistake #36
After Germany had conquered France, Morocco and Algeria (in Northwest Africa) remained French-controlled colonies.
On 8 November 1942, a large first contingent of American combat troops landed to the rear of Rommel on the beaches of Morocco and Algeria, led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Here the first shots were exchanged between German and American troops in World War II.
The American landings took Hitler and his military staff completely by “surprise”. Even though Hitler had declared war on the US, they “expected” that the US would be entirely preoccupied with the Japanese war in the South Pacific
British and US warships and fighter squadrons now dominated the Mediterranean by sheer weight of numbers and isolated the Afrika Korps by completely severing its supply lines.
Mistake #37
Hitler rushed in reinforcements, knowing that the war in Africa was already lost.
Low on ammunition, fuel and food, the entire Afrika Korps and all of the newly arrived reinforcements, totalling 248,000 men, surrendered to the Allied British-Americans: ... desert.htm
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See Erwin Rommel at the centre and aides during a tense meeting at the Italian Army corps in November 1941.
The Germans and Italians could have taken North Africa from Gibraltar to the Red Sea, which would have given the Axis complete control over the Mediterranean.
This would have meant that Britain couldn’t have used the Suez Canal for oil from the Middle East.
If the Axis had kept North Africa, any significant invasion of South Europe would be blocked.
Mistake #38
Because the Germans regularly murdered hundreds of innocent people in retaliation for crimes, they created many enemies.
Mistake #39
If Germany, would have taken the British “Rock” Gibraltar, this would have blocked British (oil) ships coming from the Middle East.
Experts agree it would have been easy for Germany to conquer Gibraltar.
One of the stories is that Wilhelm Canaris of the Abwehr German intelligence group prevented the Germans from taking Gibraltar, by giving them false information.
Mistake #40
In the North African desert, British magicians literally fooled the Luftwaffe into believing that there were tank battalions where there were none at all.
Mistake #41
German weapons didn’t have freeze resistant oil so couldn’t be used in the subzero temperatures in the siege of Stalingrad.
German resupply of tanks and other weapons was technically difficult, this was a practical problem.
Rommel was deprived by Hitler of gas and he didn’t get reinforcements or tanks.
After the British 8th Army forced Rommel to retreat, Hitler held back supplies to Afrika Korps: ... 6b25e751b0
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The following story adds a lot of detail, but I think that the most important facts are already in the previous section of this post: ... mpaign.htm
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Maybe Erwin Rommel did everything he could, including going against the orders of Hitler, but Adolf Hitler simply refused to bring in additional supplies...
Another interesting point is that because Hitler stopped the Battle of Britain, to attack the Soviet Union, Britain could then send in troops to Africa (that weren’t needed to defend the British Isle at that point).
In Conclusion: There were No Mistakes everything was deliberate
If all the world is stage, then War has become a featured performance. What appears to have gone on in World War 2, with all the calculated “mistakes,” and planning; including the killing of Patton, shows a lot of consistency with what everyone is witnessing in today’s fabricated conflicts. The “War Managers” of those times were really no different than the ones we see today. Hitler, Churchill, FDR, Stalin and later Truman, may have acted deliberately while following a script or a plan written by “Others.” As I stated above: “It can be argued that there has not been a TRUE ORGANIC war between Nation States for at least 200 years.” When we study history, we are all induced to believe in the “Nation State” as an Independent Sovereign country and when a “War” takes place, we are asked to believe the narrative that it is a natural war that happened because one country attacked the other. The proven presence of “managers,” like Kissinger causes this hallucination to evaporate. For example; In the conflict in Israel on Oct 7, I think that Mossad was mostly responsible for the coordination and execution of the “attack.” The IDF was mostly responsible for killing the hostages that were being taken; Israel has this protocol called the Hannibal Directive where they kill the hostages to prevent them from being taken for ransom. So, both Israeli citizens AND Palestinian citizens are squeezed between Israel and Israel, this is because Mossad controls Hamas. This secret management is how they are able to facilitate War. Even though the war itself is fake, it has cause thousands of deaths needlessly.
Is the United States an Independent Sovereign Nation like we think?
Is it a Republic or a Democracy? It could be a bit of both, as a Public / Private Framework controlled as a Franchise.
Why are all the controllers of the US so willing to go to the Middle East right now to help enforce the genocide being done the false Zionist Nation of Israel?
Is Israel an Independent Nation?
Are any of the Nations of the EU Independent?
Are any of the BRICS Nations truly Independent of the same Controllers?
Whoever the controllers are, in order to have wars and guarantee the outcome the way the controllers want, they need to have managers, like Hitler, or in our case Biden.
In the case of War Managers; like Henry Kissinger, more recently and his involvement in Cambodia and Vietnam, drug trade, human trafficking and too many other crimes to list, yet here are some major ones:
This above image borrowed from Tereza’s latest excellent post on Kissinger:
Kissinger and the Balfour Declaration
This World has had to put up with Kissinger for 100 years. For all the death and destruction he caused, I am quite curious what our world would have been like if Henry's father had just chosen to use a condom.
The human trafficking “projects” that multiple high ranking Parasites have been involved in; most infamously, Jeffery Epstein have been a coordinated War on Children to use them as a form of livestock. There are many more “Epsteins” out there. At least one or two exist as trafficking kingpins in each country, serving the Black Nobility and it’s perverse appetite. This is only part of why the mass migration is occurring.
Currently the condition is worsening for the border of the US, as most already know. So this is an invasion being facilitated as a possible flash point for more kinetic conflict, such as what just recently occurred in Ireland. None of this is a “natural” happenstance; it is very clear that there is a plan being executed. It is clear what the intent of it is as well. The dissolution of Civilization; while some few Individual Parasites profit off of it.
The next post will be:
Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds by Arnold Leese
This will be another side posting that comes from the links active in Firestarter’s original thread on Lawful Path Forums. This is long and has a lot of important information in it. I urge everyone who has an interest, to download it from my post into a PDF format; you may download from the original source linked above, it is formatted with very tiny font.
Adolf Hitler - a.k.a. Adolf Ashkenazi Rothschild Hitler
Londinium ...
I like to pick at any controversial statements, but in this case I have to read your commentary/analysis again. to find anything.
What a great post!