A useful link for you, Nefahotep!

The 236 uses of the term '6 million Jews' - http://www.whale.to/c/236_references.html

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Perfect timing, Frances! As I mentioned to Nef, I'm writing a post responding to this character: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/54979261 and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/55073857.

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Tereza, I can't imagine how it must be to actually have a conversation with a guy like that.

Your response was epically beautiful, with firm strength.

It's often difficult just to look at the numbers themselves, from the various sources; sorting those out with people like him who take everything personally ----- it's just like pulling teeth.

Did I ever mention how much I admire you? 😉 I'm firmly standing with you on this; there's a very good purpose in questioning everything.

The Holocaust has become something akin to a sacred cow. How can this guy think Israeli use of advanced weapons to destroy hospitals full of Palestinians, mostly injured children would be ok?

How sad.

The most important part of the whole conversation is really with death happening to everyone roughly equally, just ask exactly who are the people that profit off of, yet never die in wars. This guy justified the "Us vs them" concept. He failed to see that both sides are puppets operated by the same banker masters.

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Thank you, Nef. Your comment thread here is providing lots of material for my reply. Without his provocation, I might not have done the research on the 6M number. Sometimes an adversary where you can stop being nice is a real gift ;-)

And someone just sent that Humbolt, where my oldest went to college, is the most entrenched pro-Palestinian protest in the country: https://news.yahoo.com/small-campus-redwoods-nation-most-113959850.html

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Funny you should say that.... We have exactly one University in Germany where they do it US-Style... Humboldt.


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I just took a closer look, I am a bit rusty with German. My only way to get some of it is through my limited exposure to Norse.

This situation with protests is a split one.

On one hand, there's true actual individuals who are protesting; then on the other, there's a "Rent a Mob" who are paid to go there and destroy things. Infiltration is a very very old tactic. Everywhere in the US wherever there's a protest, it gets infiltrations.

Lenin once said: "Easiest way to Crush the Resistance, is for us to Lead it ourselves. "

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That is so true. We know this from the Stasi as Zersetzung. I have witnessed so called agent provocateurs at our marches against the lockdowns and mandates. It is disgusting, all this satanic reversal of everything that is right and good.

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What brave young people. What a harsh environment in which to take a stand.

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May 6Edited

I am not so sure about that, Teresa. First and foremost Muslims get a free pass at everything under our government. Even if they rape and kill. Secondly, these so-called protests seem very orchestrated. And don't get me wrong here, there is definitely a Holocaust in Gaza and it needs to be stopped.

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I'm surprised the number isn't 6.66 million, or is that too obvious?

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This is Epic, thanks Frances.

Everyone should check out the link. According to some entries, the 6 million were "suffering arguments" for Zionism in places like Russia in the 1900s --

Russia was "allowing" Jews to leave. --- more likely they were being asked to leave.

This is an excellent resource.

Pinned to the top.

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>All Wars are Banker’s Wars

True. Yet who is it that pulls the trigger.

Is it the banker, or is it the soldier?

Who injected people with the vaxx, the banker, or the nurse?

Who enforced the closure of people's businesses during the lockdowns, the bankers, or the police?

So if you want to know who is behind all of these events, one needs to only look into a mirror.

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I agree with you. It's the Individual who holds the Sovereign Key of Action. The Individual ultimately has the Executive Power to decide NOT to commit a crime.

This is of course completely in line with the comment on my post, Bhagavad Gita.

I am an intense Individualist, true power comes from each individual only. The problem at hand is all the mindless Followers.

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My grandmother often used to say, that things were not like we are told, but she never, ever went into detail. You might want to look up one Ursula Haverbeck.

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Hey Nef, get this. What a howler! Tsk tsk.

TC blocked me from posting this! Too funny! I wonder what set her off?

Tereza Coraggio

May 2


That's something I've also been thinking about, Julius. I've been looking for another word than 'revision' to describe what I'm doing because that implies we're changing history, altering what actually happened. I've termed my playlist on this 'Corrected Histories.' I think the term 'revisionist history' will be used against us.

I attempted to post this.... but (see last sentence).

"...because that implies we're changing history, altering what actually happened."

How can that be when it's probably not yet possble that we can change what actually happened? The only thing that revisionsts are doing is hopefully changing the reporting of "history."

You are blocked from commenting on this

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Hey Nef, I just reread a translation of Tacitus' Histories, Chapter 5 which deals with Jerusalem of ~ 2000 years ago. Here are a few excerpts that I found interesting and thought you and your audience would appreciate them too. (A Kenneth wellesley of the U of Edinburgh did this translation and I have no idea what his leanings were.) Apparently little has changed in 2 millenia...

"Then there were strong levies [in the Roman army] of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbours…

"[Upon being kicked out of Egypt] Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown.

"In order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future, Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind. Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral…

The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

"…and this has led some to imagine that the god thus worshipped [in Jerusalem]was Prince Liber, (8) the conqueror of the East. But the two cults are diametrically opposed. Liber founded a festive and happy cult: the Jewish belief is paradoxical and degraded.

"In the Hellenistic period, King Antiochus (10) made an effort to get rid of their primitive cult and hellenize them, but his would-be reform of this degraded nation was foiled...

["then] the Jews established a dynasty of their own. These kings were expelled by the fickle mob, but regained control by force, setting up a reign of terror which embraced, among other typical acts of despotism, the banishment of fellow-citizens, the destruction of cities, and the murder of brothers, wives and parents. The kings encouraged the superstitious Jewish religion, for they assumed the office of High Priest in order to buttress their regime.

'[The Temple’s] builders had foreseen only too well that the strange practices of the Jews would lead to continual fighting.

'So taking advantage of the money-grubbing instincts of the Claudian period, they purchased permission to fortify the city, and in the days of peace built walls meant for war.

"[In Jerusalem] were three different leaders and three armies. The long outer perimeter of the walls was held by Simon, the central part of the city by John, and the Temple by Eleazar. John and Simon could rely on numbers and equipment, Eleazar on his strategic position. But it was upon each other that they turned the weapons of battle, ambush and fire, and great stocks of corn went up in flames. Then John sent off a party of men, ostensibly to offer sacrifice but in reality to cut Eleazar and his followers to pieces, thus gaining possession of the Temple.

"The majority were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from Judaea would go forth men destined to rule the world. This mysterious prophecy really referred to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, true to the selfish ambitions of mankind, thought that this mighty destiny was reserved for them, and not even their calamities opened their eyes to the truth.

-Tacitus, The Histories, Book 5, The Jews.


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Thanks for this, it's really quite informing. The only thing is, I'm assuming the term "Jew" was a modern addition done in recent translation. The original name for them would be: Habiru or Apiru, later they would be Judeans, maybe pronounced Yudeau.

There's a lot in this, I'm going to study it.

Judea: a gift that just keeps giving ;-)

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When I used to comment over at Unz Review, there were folks who referred to this site for info on holocaust studies from a revisionist of contrarian viewpoint.


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Nef, have you heard of Ilya Ehrenburg? This is the sort of grotesqu, deranged, fanaticsim the German folks were up against.

From a Rense article with a goofy title (He did not invent the 6 million).:

“In one leaflet entitled "Kill," Ehrenburg incited the simple Russian soldier to treat the Germans as subhuman. The final paragraph concludes:

"The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word 'German' is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word 'German' strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime ... If you have already killed a German, then kill another one - there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don't count the days, don't count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! ... - Kill the Germans! Kill!"

And in another leaflet: "The Germans must be killed. One must kill them ... Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast? ... Kill a German! If you are a righteous an conscientious man - kill a German! ... Kill!"

Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man

Who Invented The 'Six Million'


Here’s another of similar ilk.:

JANUARY 17, 1943

NY Times: "We Shall Hate, or We Shall Fail"

If we do not hate the Germans now, says Rex Stout, we shall fail in our effort to establish a lasting peace.



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Wow, thanks for showing me this. It's so sad.

German people were really just trying to get their country back from the "absurd debt" of the Treaty of Versailles.

To know what I have read so far, then to read that----- takes my breath away.

We need to make this famous. I wish there was a way to make it all go viral. I could add that to the section where I talk about the American Jew who wants to Exterminate Germany and it's culture. The post was already quite long, maybe a start for a book.

In today's world, the Palestinians are the new Germans.

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Yeah, I cannot stomach reading what the German, Russian, and a lot of other people went through at the hands of the Communists. It's a continous litany of monstrous horrors and with a little digging, there's tons of info on it.

What really galls me is that both Communism and the National Socialists were supported by American and British bankers and industrialists, and all of them were unhinged yet we never hear about that. FDR and Churchill have more blood and other sins on their hands than Stalin and Hitler. WW2 especially was an attempt to put a major hurt on two Christian countries by pitting them against each other. It's positively diabolical.

All we ever hear is one side of the story. I do not hate but I now despise the Breggins for not allowing any discussion about it and they should know that "the" holocaust is as big a pack of lies as everything else. Covid should have taught them that, and if they had a shred of decency they would have discussed your comments in a mature and resonable maneer. Their cutting you off is completely despicable but that's pretty much typical.

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A very interesting and important article, thank you.

Another who has recently been looking into this subject matter is Jasun Horsley.


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I think you can now write articles like this without apologizing up front. Their "magik" no longer works. It's better to just face the truth and deal with it.

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>>> ... all the world is a stage, ... <<<

Absolutely, at least if one stops to look at REALITY! And for those minds that have been blinded for REALITY all sorts of tricks can be played by THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT masquerading as "righteous" "compassionate" "freedom, liberty loving" "happiness providing" ...

>>> ... the media is owned and managed by the same people who committed the atrocities.<<<

To a certain degree now and then yes, but most of the time it is simply OPPORTUNISTIC behaviour by any disciple of THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT. And even though there are certain groups of people (also mentioned in your Tome) being involved in different vectors, stages, plots it is a general condition of man's mind that leads to this behaviour. But one aspect is common to all of them speaking HALF-TRUTHS, which certainly is the most effective LIE. With the "devastating"/counterproductive consequence that the more often one tells it the more one starts to believe it oneself and thereby becoming part of THE MENTAL ASYLUM one has started out to build for others.

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>>> Hatred, when one group can be labeled: “Oppressors,” they can fall Victim to the “Tyranny of the Oppressed.” <<<

The "oppressors" will DEFINITELY become the next or the one after ... "victim" as this "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" is the very modus operandi - MIND VIRUS - of THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT, each and every mind falling prey to this kind of FAITH. And this is only the tip - symptom - of the MENTAL CONFUSION causing it.

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" Wars benefit the very few, as many people; including the unthinking ones taking orders, become it’s victims of unnecessary death."

The "unthinking" are and always will be THE MAJORITY and will not "only" take orders but by passionately carrying those orders out and getting high on the REWARDS they are reaping from such OBEDIENCE they will rather sooner than later become zealots and the most passionate supporters to "the cause" no matter what the atrocities are and in what name they are carried out. And this applies to ALL levels of the hierarchical structure that has erected itself based on the initial spark .... which I don't want to go into right now.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer has formulated a updated explanation based on PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE ... it is called "stupidity".

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The unthinking ones to which I refer are the blind cuckolds of law enforcement, the utterly ignorant "ossifers" that will say: "Yes sir yes sir three bags full sir." When ordered to "force vaccinate" someone. Oh, I'm sure that will never happen here (it's America) Anyone awake these days knows that most of the enforcement personnel are dangerously low on IQ, or are too young or naive to resist Unlawful orders. Yet, as obedient as these three year olds are, they too have their names on a liquidation list, it's just much further down than our names.

Resistance is obligatory for life to thrive, for civilization to exist.

To comply with Tyranny is an effortless act.

To resist Tyranny takes decisive courage;

Both of these have consequences--- choose your consequence.

I also refer to the fact that there are a tiny number of Parasites that seem to NEVER experience consequences.

This time around, their intransigence and treachery will become so clearly obvious it will become the very noose of death for them. There will be a time when they no longer exist, it can't come soon enough.

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I get the sentiment of your comment, with which's analysis I certainly agree. The suggested remedy nevertheless seems rather counterproductive.

1. Arguing with a tree is fruitless - absolutely.

2. Getting into a fist fight with "Mike Tyson" is nothing short of suicidal. (which might be not what your comment is suggesting, but it is a slippery slope)

I don't know what the best approach is nor do I think that there is such a thing as one size fits all or even a collective (civilization) solution, but I am certain that falling into the same fallacy under which those "legalese enforcers" operate (which I don't think are just those walking the streets) is certainly the worst approach. It is comparable to going to a football game with a hockey stick.

What has emerged in my mind over time is rather the martial arts mantra akin to "use the momentum of the opponent/ beat the opponent by using his tools". And it would be foolish to believe that LEGALESE - which got us into this mess in the first place - is the solution.

Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. ... or do you believe ANYONE believes in violence, to my understanding it's plain DELUSION/MADNESS of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS! How to confront it is the big question.

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"Arguing with a tree is fruitless." I was wondering if arguing with a nut tree would be nutless, or just plain goofy! WInk wink. : )

I also have no idea what the best, or even a good approach is, but I think that if there is any solution it'll probably develop "organically," i.e., it'll just happen as part of the ebb and flow of existence. My own approach is to just make the best of whatever situation develops and go from there while enjoying the struggle to the extent possible.

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I would certainly go along with the sentiment of your comment. As for the enjoying of the struggle - take up your cross and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - there is a fork in the road as far as I can see. Again - without THE BIBLE I cannot see how this can be seen.

36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Matt 24, 36 - 51

PS: I was going to cite one sentence and once I saw the whole chapter I had to quote the whole passage in order to feel comfortable not having distorted the message - THE WORD.

Each one of us - INDIVIDUALLY - is walking on eggshells on thin ice on a lake of fire. Be FAITHFUL which is being wise!

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At this point in my life I'm even starting to question the concept of "Oneness" that seems to be promoted everywhere. It seems like a sentiment that ultimately leads to monopolies on pretty much everything and I'm not convinced that centralizing as much as possible is beneficial to most of us.

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The concept of Oneness that is expressed in my writings here, are about Spiritual Oneness, which is like an opposite to "Centralization." I have endlessly expressed how Centralized approaches especially in both Culture and the fiction called "Re Legion" are a system of blindly following a leader without questioning.

Also, Centralization in the Governmental sphere is directly connected to zero accountability and total corruption. This Belief or Faith in something that was written is something that "One Existence" seems to have with all his Buy Bull talk. The belief in something is just fine for those who relate like that, so long as those people doing so, live by it without the expectation of convincing others. (I will never be convinced)

In my sense of Oneness, I accept that each human existence is an Individuated expression of the God Self within; a focal point of attention existing within the One Consciousness that is universally the Many Thoughted ALL. In Sanskrit: Purnadvita - Vedanta.

"One Existence" thinks that by putting endless references to the Buy Bull, by thumping the little black book; reciting scriptures, is going to either convince myself or others on here to disagree with me on my stances of Oneness.

Geoff, the stance I take that is inclusive here is this:

"Whatever you believe, if it works for you, that's excellent for You; whatever I practice, be it a Sadhana (Discipline), or other type of study that involves Seeking Truth, that's what works for Me."

My stack is for me to share my perspective; I am not trying to convince you or anyone else to "Convert" or Change their thinking, I have never required anyone to agree with me either.

"One Existence" thinks that he can convince me that I will find my truth, in a work of "Liturgical Fiction;" this to me is like saying that a bird flying Free, will find a greater Fulfillment if he voluntarily agrees to hop inside a Cage and Stay there. --- Kind of Orwellian in a way, it's almost like saying: "Slavery is Freedom, Indebtedness is Wealthiness, Nature is Not Natural, Medicine is an Injection and War is Peace."

There are little tricks to the use of words North Americans have become used to; such as: "Liberty" -- It can be said that a Dog at the end of a Leash has "Liberty," yet if you remove that Leash, he has Freedom.

And for me that same contrary idea applies to the Christian idea of God: "God is Our Father in Heaven." Well; where exactly IS Heaven? Who exactly IS God? Is he Located up in the Clouds? Sitting on a Golden Throne, with hundreds of Angels flying around him? Is HE the Superior Being and all of us are just Magically severed from God as Individual Consciousnesses? If we each have a "Separate Consciousness that is completely isolated from others, how is it possible for us to even SEE each other while standing in front of each other? Superiority doesn't exist, it is strictly a Sabbatean / Heka Khasut construct.

To me, Oneness is at the very Heart of Existence. Quantum Study and Zero Point energy is a part of the Laws of Physics that have INTENTIONALLY been left out of all Scientific Schooling, because this keeps Control in the hands of the "Chosen" Few, to enable the enslavement of the Many.

Sorry for the Rant, I'm just trying to clarify a few things. ;-)

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It truly strings a cord with me.

I believe I get the sentiment you are trying to express. And I can only emphasize the fallaciousness of the idea of oneness you are describing. Which is not oneness in LIFE but oneness in DEATH - monolithic/robot like consuming entities ... very much straight out of A Huxley's Brave New World. And surely this is what THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE has in mind/can only imagine/is pushing towards. I have come to believe that this utopia is the opposite what THE BIBLE - not what has been made out of it by TSOMB - is referring to. LIFE cannot be constrained by man's mind - TSOMB - LIFE is going to pop up wherever IT wants and in forms and colours IT IS.


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I think his tree is an Ornamental Landscape tree. I used to trim those often, I never got any fruit. 😎

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I completely agree and no, I'm not advocating for violence, that never solves anything. My thinking is that; ultimately, if enough people become awake to see the truth about the manipulations, the acquiescence factor will go way down. Parasites will no longer gain access to the fruits they seek from us. No more political power, No more monetary power, No more ability to fool people into poisoning themselves on injections. Individuals will hold maximum Sovereignty.

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I don't want to sound condescending as I have been at the same juncture - as far as it can be assessed from a ss-comment - and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone asking for THE TRUTH, but this "awake" mantra has this eerie NEW AGE sound about it. Not because I cannot fathom the sentiment of it, but because I know from personal experience, that it can easily turn into a detour of sorts, leading back into PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE. I don't see any issue with considering it as a stepping stone but anything beyond it looks to me like back to square one. And I don't mean it in a victim role understanding, but being turned - unknowingly - into a helping hand of DARKNESS!

Look at all those Huxleys, Pikes, Crowleys ... who believed and made all around them believe to be the incarnation of LIGHT, while actually leaving nothing but scorched earth left right and centre. Without even mentioning the upper echelons of THE SYNAGOGUE OF CONFUSION.

There is no sovereignty apart from/without THE ONE AND ONLY SOVEREIGN! All else being the bottomless pit with cozy brothels along the way placed on different levels and temporarily satisfying worldly desires by equally confused minds/souls. I am afraid, but that's the bleak outlook that I believe there is no running away from.


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Apr 30
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It's difficult to argue with that, but it gets as subtle as my imagination can imagine it ... just think of the last 4 years, .... take any time window I am aware of and one can clearly see the progression of "sophistication" of tools applied and number of minds converted, going as far as dividing families ... the slaughterhouses called UA/I and their fallout being the most vivid examples.

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It's quite a spectacle to see how even substack "communities" can become shattered. People can agree on 99% of things yet all it takes is one little misstep and they think they can inflict punshment with ostracization. Pathetically petty and good for a chuckle tho.

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Which seems how GOD ALMIGHTY puts on display man's mind CONFUSION about HIS TRUE NATURE. Apparently in an effort to teach by the written word instead of letting man take out the "knifes". Whatever the method it certainly is all about GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE!


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This is a monumental piece, Nef. It puts together so much in a coherent narrative. I read it very slowly and looked at many of the links in the process. All very worthwhile.

Someone in my comment thread used the term ZioNazis and I'm thinking it's the only term I'm going to use for either group, to reinforce that they're one and the same.

So glad you're bringing attention to the BIS. That and the IMF and World Bank are the root of problem, as I write about in my book. I didn't know the BIS was created for the Weimar reparations. What an important clue!

I read the memoir by Nemo Anonymous. Do you know if there are any other accounts that corroborate any of this? Anything tying Hitchcock to WWII propaganda? It seems like the account of Auschwitz as a supply depot, with prisoners casually loitering, contradicts the other account of Auschwitz as a Ford forced labor camp with 79,000 prisoners.

There are two comments on my article by someone called Saho that I'll be quoting and replying to in the next one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/54979261 and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/55073857.

Your article will be helpful in my reply but if there's anything else that can help refute the 6M number, let me know. I read it this morning to Cassandra, my fiercely pro-Palestinian daughter and social media advisor. She had some choice words and strategies for responding, so this should be fun.

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Did you ever see this video on the number Tereza?


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Thanks Winston!

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You're very welcome Tereza... 🙏

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I downloaded this, just now! It will never go away. If the Censors want to ban it, I'll upload it again, on Rumble or other sites.

Winston, please see the comment I pinned to the top of the comments from Frances Leader, it has a similar message regarding the fake figure of 6 million. ;-)

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I will also do the same... 😁... Censor me now muthafxcker... 🤣🤣🤣... Oh I already have my friend... Been to the site and shared it elsewhere already..... Like ripples in a pond turning to waves... 🙏

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As a small aside about the labor camps, during WWII my Dutch great uncle (not Jewish) was taken by the Germans and put into a labor camp in Austria. At the end of the war he was freed and returned to Amsterdam, but then he decided to return to Austria near the old camp. It seems like it couldn’t have been that bad an experience if he went back.

I’m not in any way implying that it’s ok to kidnap people and stick them in labor camps. I’m just adding that my only personal connection to one of the camps is very different from the history books.

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As you probably suspect, the so called history books are largely over simplified ex post facto justifications for "our" own hideous, but hidden history, and worse.

Regarding camps, there was one in Therezienstadt, in Czekoslovakia (or whatever it was called at the time) which was appaently quite civilized and resort-like with music and stage performances and other things generally considered quite civilized. About 20 years ago it was quite easy to find info on it while now it's pretty much a monotone, lock-step bunch of rants about how the "Nazis" essentially set up a Potemkin like village to fool the Red Cross inspectors about the goings on there. The inconvenient truth seems to have been conveniently altered and suppressed according to a bit of quick research by me just now.

Hoevr, the few pictures of the place show people who appear healthy and decently fed so any horror stories about it are probably the usual embellishments and theatrics, but who knows. Funny how cunning, lying and vicious the "Nazis" are while the victims are always blameless, but I digress.

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Not off topic at all.

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I didn't believe either - which is why I still posted it - but could have imagined for others it might be.

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Thank you for that. This is definitely where we can be in complete agreement. We may have quite different Spiritual views; however, this is an example of where no matter the difference, we both benefit by having areas where we can stand strong together.

The WHO Plandemic Treaty, or IHR is an abomination. Also, THE SECRET COVENANT is most definitely an observation of the hidden Parasites who have hijacked everything.

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Without adding ...

Let's keep our eyes open all the time in order not to be deceived ourselves (further) as THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT is cunning and roams like a lion to devour everyone not watching out diligently.

... my comment would be incomplete.

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I believe you overrate our "disagreement", even though it is unbridgeable by rational argument but only through FAITH.

Taking the plunge into uncharted and unsailable waters only guided by THE LIGHT is no small feat and one ever knows when, how, where it will happen and where in the process one currently is, but once THE LIGHT has decided one is ready THE LIGHT will reveal itself as for what it truly is, and that it always is with everyone - accepted or denied by man's mind.

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What your comment is describing is what seems to me could very much be summarised as follows...

Different factions of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN are battling it out - on an ever increasing crescendo/scale - who is going to be the ruler of the world. And this has been going on for millennia, gobbling up more and more resources and sophistication about the modus operandi constantly masquerading it as "salvation" with bigger and bigger lies, while the principal LIE remained the same - refusing GOD ALMIGHTY - I will be like THE MOST HIGH .... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN turning into a battle of the flesh!

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Very valuable to know, Anneke. Most of what people say to confirm the official narrative is anecdotal--I knew or know these Jewish people who survived with numbers tattooed on their wrists or whose relatives were killed. It's why I'm cautious to take an anonymous anecdotal counter-narrative as proof--I feel it would be too easy to disprove one element of it and then throw out all counter-narratives on that basis.

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I wonder how many put the tatoos on their own wrists.

The biggest "war hero" I ever knew was a guy who never was in the military and probably never heard a gun fired in anger yet was a member of the VFW and when he died, he was "honored" with an honor guard in full regalia firing a farewell salute!

When I was a kid an old WW1 vet used to regale us with stories and songs (when he was drunk) about WW1 and he was always the hero. The songs he used to belt out were the stuff of great deeds and kept us in wide eyed and rapt attention for quite long periods. 'Ol Gus was something else...

I suspect that many of the "I had relative" stories are just that.

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It's quite difficult to find absolutely definitive proof of population, in Germany at that time, everything was in total turmoil. As Firestarter stated; there had been two population census taken, one in 46' ? and the other sometime early 50's, unfortunately these may be based on estimated numbers. The approach I used in my overall assessment is thinking of the numbers of people who died maybe some were legitimate Nazi murders, I can only "suspect" that most of the dead came from elsewhere and were dropped at the camps. Logistics would prove out what Eichmann had said about the limitations of the trains. Due to the fact that the Allies very definitely had Rhine Meadows and other locations, vast open fields where all the German men were exposed to the elements, no food or water, they were executing the Morgenthau Plan.

As for Hitchcock, it is likely that all arrangements made between him and Media Manipulators like Pilgrim Society; was all documented privately, there's no public access.

I'll dig into more of Firestarter's work on Lawful Path Forums to see if there's more on the population data. Might be sparse.

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I think Carlo Mattogno and Germar Rudolf mention numbers. Bletchley Park/The British had a fair idea even at the time (of the comings and goings - yes, many were released!) and the Germans were very thorough re documentation.

Revisiting CM's 'Healthcare in Auschwitz: Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates'. Surprisingly comprehensive. Available in pdf form online.

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Cassandra mentioned she was listening to a podcast talking about how skewed census data was around the world wars because even the census takers were dead. It made me wonder if the discrepancies between the census numbers and the 6M number were becoming known, and that was more narrative cover-up.

Really great post, Nef.

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Cassandra is right, there would have to be, I don't think there were 6 million Jews available while the Nazi were in charge. The whole numbers thing is really hard to pin down.

Cassandra is really paying attention, I admire her for that, you must be quite proud of her.

My own daughter is similar, she picks apart the government and econ class study materials like a boss.

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I found this decades ago so I doubt the link still works but,

"Allowing for a maximum of 100,000 who succeeded in emigrating from Europe, this would bring the total number of Jews under the direct rule of Nazi Germany to about 3,200,000.”

Distribution of the Jewish Population of Europe 1933-. 1940," prepared by Mr. Moses Moskowitz

AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 1941-1942, page 662



The present article on Statistics of Jews follows, in the

main, the arrangement of data developed in previous issues

of the YEAR BOOK.

June 22, 1941, half the

Jewish population on the continent of Europe, estimated

at well over 9,000,000, resided in Russia the other half lived in Germany and

in countries and territories occupied or dominated by her.

Allowing for a maximum of 100,000 who succeeded in emigrating from Europe, this would bring the total number of Jews under the direct rule of Nazi Germany to about 3,200,000.


Old Russia 3,000,000

Polish Areas 1,000,000

Lithuania (excluding Vilna) 200,000

Latvia 100,000

Bessarabia 200,000

Northern Bukowina 100,000

“…the total number of Jews under the direct rule of Nazi Germany to about 3,200,000.”


Statistics of Jews (1941-1942) - Ajcarchives.org


Then there's this,

Numbers 11:21-23

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

21 Moses said, “There are 600,000 soldiers here, and you say, ‘I will give them enough meat to eat for a whole month!’ 22 If we were to kill all the sheep and cattle, that would still not be enough to feed this many people for a month. And if we caught all the fish in the sea, it would not be enough for them!”

How many Israelites left Egypt during the Exodus: 600,000 OR 625,550? (Ex 12:37 vs Ex 38:26; Num 3:39)




There are two contradictory traditions relating the number of males that left Egypt in the Exodus. The older Elohist tradition relates that there were 600,000. This number is revised upward by the later Priestly writer to 625,550.

The reason for this revision is unclear. Perhaps the Priestly writer fabricated it in order to lend verisimilitude to the earlier tradition’s too round of a number. Another Priestly text tells us that there were 603,550 non-Levite males (Ex 38:26) and 22,000 Levite males (Num 3:39), thus totaling 625,550.

In either case, just as there were 400 years of captivity in the earlier sources and 430 in the Priestly version (#32), so too here with the earlier 600,000 and P’s 625,550.

And this,

We are told that the number of the besieged, old and young, men and women, amounted to 600,000. All who could bear arms did so, and more than their numbers warranted had the courage necessary.

-Tacitus, Book Five (13) of The Histories

I myself find it astonishing that the number is not 6.66 million perished in "The" 20th century holocaust and 666,000 in the earlier tribulations.

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Wow, so well researched! I will be taking the time later this week to re-read this and go into some of the links! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

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It's my pleasure. This is also a learning experience for me, fun to share too.

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A landmark piece of writing, Nefahotep. So much paradigm-shifting food for thought. Thank you very much!

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This was a difficult one. Lots of levels, all interconnected. I sincerely hope I was both appropriate and accurate.

Hopefully we can avoid any more burnt offerings. ;-)

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Your hopes have been fulfilled. I call it masterful.

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Yes, so many levels - in fact the skeleton of a blockbuster book, if I'm not mistaken?

As for more burnt offerings, Frances Leader's conjecture about the Nobs planning to re-locate to Astana makes me wonder whether they are planning to make a burnt offering of London and her people. Horrific thought, I know; but it did occur to me.

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The Nob relocation to Astana has already begun. The City of London is being deserted in the same way that the Venetians left Venice ahead of Napoleon's invasion. He took over an empty shell and found nobody to fight.

The City of London has sucked the life-blood out of Britain throughout the 20th century by reducing manufacturing down to a fraction of its former glory and making financial services the sole earner.

By taking financial services to Kazakhstan, Britain (as a whole) is left without power or clout and is economically bankrupt.

All it has left are the Law Courts of the Templars (the Temple B.A.R.) and those are under the remote control of the Vatican.

The City of London is not so much a 'burnt offering' as a hollowed out façade, slowly and almost imperceptively crumbling to dust.

Deagel's prediction that UK population would be reduced significantly carried a note that this would be achieved by migration. I would suggest that very few will be fit or wealthy enough to migrate. It is far more likely that the majority of the population are succumbing to electro-magnetic radiation via the massive infrastructure of 5G and satellites..... a murder weapon which leaves no tell-tale signs or toxic trace.

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Well, I suppose migration is better than a thermo-nuclear explosion. I haven't been to the UK for many years; but I hear the phrase "Broken Britain" and sadly it does ring true from what one reads - hollowed out, as you say. There is no denying that wealth and power are moving rapidly eastwards along the old Silk Road; and, having visited Central Asia in recent weeks, I can understand why the Nobs might choose it as the next part of the world for them to ruin. The new cities being built there are extraordinarily impressive to put it mildly.

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"I can understand why the Nobs might choose it as the next part of the world for them to ruin ."

Love it.

I know a Brit (London native) who was sent there years ago to study, now I know why. I may ring him up soon. Thanks

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They might want to do that to the City, but I suspect that there will be no opportunity for them to try it. I hope that the regular people can stay safe 🙏

I don't know if I can write a whole book. I may need some help.

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Let's hope you're right about there being no opportunity. What you say feels right to me, too.

Apologies if this is a mischievous suggestion, but perhaps you and Tereza and others could form a team of co-authors to spread the load and play to one another's strengths?

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I've thought of that, I can only do a bit at a time. You are right to think of teams, if we formed a team it could be quite effective, coordinated efforts can compile a lot of material.

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TC banned me so she could probably do a good job writing the chapter on The Psychology of Petulance!


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Amazing cognitive restructuring of our BS history lessons. It should teach you to take down your 5G towers ASAP.

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5G is definitely a big problem for all life everywhere. I think I may have figured out the basis of why the 5G is being used, it may be infrastructure for another burnt offering.

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Right, that's why Intel started the BURNING MAN

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I think it was last year..... The dry lake where they do burning man, started to fill up, there was so much rain. I was beginning to think they might need to put it on a floatila.

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