A useful link for you, Nefahotep!

The 236 uses of the term '6 million Jews' - http://www.whale.to/c/236_references.html

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Perfect timing, Frances! As I mentioned to Nef, I'm writing a post responding to this character: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/54979261 and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-breggins-and-semitism/comment/55073857.

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Tereza, I can't imagine how it must be to actually have a conversation with a guy like that.

Your response was epically beautiful, with firm strength.

It's often difficult just to look at the numbers themselves, from the various sources; sorting those out with people like him who take everything personally ----- it's just like pulling teeth.

Did I ever mention how much I admire you? 😉 I'm firmly standing with you on this; there's a very good purpose in questioning everything.

The Holocaust has become something akin to a sacred cow. How can this guy think Israeli use of advanced weapons to destroy hospitals full of Palestinians, mostly injured children would be ok?

How sad.

The most important part of the whole conversation is really with death happening to everyone roughly equally, just ask exactly who are the people that profit off of, yet never die in wars. This guy justified the "Us vs them" concept. He failed to see that both sides are puppets operated by the same banker masters.

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Thank you, Nef. Your comment thread here is providing lots of material for my reply. Without his provocation, I might not have done the research on the 6M number. Sometimes an adversary where you can stop being nice is a real gift ;-)

And someone just sent that Humbolt, where my oldest went to college, is the most entrenched pro-Palestinian protest in the country: https://news.yahoo.com/small-campus-redwoods-nation-most-113959850.html

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Funny you should say that.... We have exactly one University in Germany where they do it US-Style... Humboldt.


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I just took a closer look, I am a bit rusty with German. My only way to get some of it is through my limited exposure to Norse.

This situation with protests is a split one.

On one hand, there's true actual individuals who are protesting; then on the other, there's a "Rent a Mob" who are paid to go there and destroy things. Infiltration is a very very old tactic. Everywhere in the US wherever there's a protest, it gets infiltrations.

Lenin once said: "Easiest way to Crush the Resistance, is for us to Lead it ourselves. "

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That is so true. We know this from the Stasi as Zersetzung. I have witnessed so called agent provocateurs at our marches against the lockdowns and mandates. It is disgusting, all this satanic reversal of everything that is right and good.

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What brave young people. What a harsh environment in which to take a stand.

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May 6Edited

I am not so sure about that, Teresa. First and foremost Muslims get a free pass at everything under our government. Even if they rape and kill. Secondly, these so-called protests seem very orchestrated. And don't get me wrong here, there is definitely a Holocaust in Gaza and it needs to be stopped.

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I'm surprised the number isn't 6.66 million, or is that too obvious?

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This is Epic, thanks Frances.

Everyone should check out the link. According to some entries, the 6 million were "suffering arguments" for Zionism in places like Russia in the 1900s --

Russia was "allowing" Jews to leave. --- more likely they were being asked to leave.

This is an excellent resource.

Pinned to the top.

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>All Wars are Banker’s Wars

True. Yet who is it that pulls the trigger.

Is it the banker, or is it the soldier?

Who injected people with the vaxx, the banker, or the nurse?

Who enforced the closure of people's businesses during the lockdowns, the bankers, or the police?

So if you want to know who is behind all of these events, one needs to only look into a mirror.

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I agree with you. It's the Individual who holds the Sovereign Key of Action. The Individual ultimately has the Executive Power to decide NOT to commit a crime.

This is of course completely in line with the comment on my post, Bhagavad Gita.

I am an intense Individualist, true power comes from each individual only. The problem at hand is all the mindless Followers.

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My grandmother often used to say, that things were not like we are told, but she never, ever went into detail. You might want to look up one Ursula Haverbeck.

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Hey Nef, get this. What a howler! Tsk tsk.

TC blocked me from posting this! Too funny! I wonder what set her off?

Tereza Coraggio

May 2


That's something I've also been thinking about, Julius. I've been looking for another word than 'revision' to describe what I'm doing because that implies we're changing history, altering what actually happened. I've termed my playlist on this 'Corrected Histories.' I think the term 'revisionist history' will be used against us.

I attempted to post this.... but (see last sentence).

"...because that implies we're changing history, altering what actually happened."

How can that be when it's probably not yet possble that we can change what actually happened? The only thing that revisionsts are doing is hopefully changing the reporting of "history."

You are blocked from commenting on this

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"Zionists are like a hive of locusts, spreading their pestilence everywhere, consuming everything in their path."

On the south side of Chicago you will find Maxwell St. just west of State St. (which is the "0 meridian" there. Madison being the "equator"). After WWII it was a vey busy street with lots of stores and businesses. Then all of a sudden something happened. The businesses left in droves. I guess there was no more money to be made there, so "they" turned off the lights and left. From the sixties on it has been a poor neighborhood.

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This is the misfortune suffered by many cities. Detroit is another, very similar place. It seems like nearly all cities have had life cycles where there is boom and then, what follows is bust.

In Chicago, the violent crime rate is so high, it's worse than going to South Africa.

I'm not sure if this is all related to the Zionist though, but it could be. There are many tributaries to the reasoning, investment banking may play a big role in causing collapse of communities.

The 15 minute cities and S40 cities are going to be the next big collapse. All big cities are unsustainable unless they are meticulously maintained, average people who live there don't know how to do maintenance on infrastructure, most just want to rely on the government, which is a dead stick.

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"...., average people who live there don't know how to do maintenance on infrastructure, most just want to rely on the government, which is a dead stick."

Maintenance also requires money, and lots of it.

This is why every time I read a comment on the dead stick and the state of infrastructure in the US, and every time I heard "Make America Great Again" I have asked the following question: How on God's green earth is any of that going to benefit Israel? (Think switch off the light and leave.).

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Bingo and Bullseye 🎯

That's what it's about, especially lately. The way nearly every media outlet, every government function down to the local level, wants to enforce support for Israel; it's bound to end very badly.

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"The way nearly every media outlet, every government function down to the local level, wants to enforce support for Israel."

I read somewhere that one has to pledge allegiance to Israel on Capitol Hill. How true that is I have no idea, but it would not surprise me one bit.

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Apparently Cynthia McKinney got ousted bcause she would not sign something like that.

Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels

If Americans Knew

27,361 views Mar 18, 2019

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to support Israel. "Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge. They were given a pledge to sign ... that had Jerusalem as the capital city," McKinney said in an interview with Press TV on May 22, 2011.

"You make a commitment that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel that the economic assistant that Israel wants that you would vote to provide that," she added.

McKinney said that if a candidate does not sign the pledge or perform accordingly, "then you do not get money to run your campaign."


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I have had several back and forths with her before I committed FB suicide (i.e. deleted my account) ten tears ago, or so.

If you vote 99 out of 100 times for what the Israel lobby wants you are defunded, defamed and replaced. 99% is not good enough.

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I found a video just now, and transcribed a relevant part of it.

@26:09 "..., and if we look at this memorandum of law, since March the 9th, 1933 realize that any time we see the word enemy, as penned in this memorandum of law, that that aplies to you.

I have lost track of how many times I have read the word enemy since March the 11th, 2020.


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You are correct:

They declared themselves an enemy to Free Inhabitants of the Land; they declared war on the Individual Sovereignty of everyone.

I have lost count on how many times these Parasites have come searching for their Grave.

They do not realize just how many people are fully aware of their Individual Sovereign Right. We out number them 600,000 to one here in the US alone.

They always ask: "Are you above the Law?" My answer is YES! -- because Legal is equal to Debtor. The whole economic system that runs on Fake Money is a Debtor Prison. They think they have us all contained and just like the Palestinians, they think they can just shoot us like fish in a barrel. They are wrong. They will lose.

Every place where ink has been placed on paper, they are in a habit of using all capital letters. This is the "Color of Law" they try to operate under. Any place where you see the "Law" written, you should consider it Unlawful; there's a difference between "Legal" and "Lawful." The very presence of the Legal System is an enshrinement of War against Free People everywhere. We have been Enemies to the State since we were born.

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I was aware of the "Caps Lock" thing, but not the legal versus lawful thing. NEFAHOTEP is a proxy, and Nefahotep is you. When you signe a document you are agreeing to pay the debt owed to them by their NEFAHOTEP.

Also, at one point in time the hijackers, as I like to call them, stopped using "the United States are", and replaced it with "the United States is" as if that erases state souvreignty.

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Yes, Detroit is a perfect example. To find the answer to who is to blame for the deaths of these cities one has to find out who the owners were/are. The owners of the large industries that kept these cities alive are to blame. The steel industry, auto manufacturing etc., etc. The owners were the ones who decided to move to Mexico or China and so on. You can bet your last petrodollar many, if not all, were Zionists. Just look at China how financially well off it is, and the Chinese are often refered to as Asias Jews, but I digress.

There was very little industry left in Chicago in 1996 when I was there for a brief visit. I left the US in 91, and boy am I glad I did.

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I think you are right, the investment bankers are easily 97 to 99 % Zionist. I'm allowing that 1% just in case there might be a few individuals who are regular people who don't kill children.

You are living outside the US?

Are you in a non western country? I want to move my family away from the US also. I just lack the right info on where best to go.

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I don't know of any good place to go, but I do know som "not as bad as" places. South- and Central America. Brazil and other obvious dictator countries excluded. On your way there you can ask the people walking in the oposite direction for house keys, and maybe even the deed to the house. :-)

....., but seriously..... I live in Norway. There are more brain dead zombies here than in the US. In the past three and a half years I have met one single unvaxxed person. After Finland and Sweden applied for NATO membership Norway is not really a safe place to be any longer.

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You are a fellow Viking, I love it! Check out this amazing guy who does "Bush Craft." Traditional Viking style skills and crafts and he is also a fellow Freedom Fighter. Quite outspoken. --- Skal


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During the eightis when I lived in the US I was a biker. I stopped by a little place i Wisconcin where there was a bar in the first floor of a house, and went in to buy a beer. Then I saw a lot of Norwegian artifacts on the wall. Then I told the bartend that I grew up in Norway.

He then said: You just sitt right where you're at. The drinks are on the house. That's standing orders from a couple of Norwegian brothers near here. They'll be here shortly. The two brothers came after a short while.

They spoke a local dialect of Norwegian from 1850 or something that I could barely understand, but we had a good time together.

Is your heritage Norwegian, Swedish, or Danish?

................, and are you interested in finding your heritage?

If in Sweden or Norway I can be of great assistance.

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Thank you for the video, and SKÅL! The Å is pronounce like the o in for or nor. Beer time here. 7:45 PM.

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Hey Nef, I just reread a translation of Tacitus' Histories, Chapter 5 which deals with Jerusalem of ~ 2000 years ago. Here are a few excerpts that I found interesting and thought you and your audience would appreciate them too. (A Kenneth wellesley of the U of Edinburgh did this translation and I have no idea what his leanings were.) Apparently little has changed in 2 millenia...

"Then there were strong levies [in the Roman army] of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbours…

"[Upon being kicked out of Egypt] Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown.

"In order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future, Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind. Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral…

The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

"…and this has led some to imagine that the god thus worshipped [in Jerusalem]was Prince Liber, (8) the conqueror of the East. But the two cults are diametrically opposed. Liber founded a festive and happy cult: the Jewish belief is paradoxical and degraded.

"In the Hellenistic period, King Antiochus (10) made an effort to get rid of their primitive cult and hellenize them, but his would-be reform of this degraded nation was foiled...

["then] the Jews established a dynasty of their own. These kings were expelled by the fickle mob, but regained control by force, setting up a reign of terror which embraced, among other typical acts of despotism, the banishment of fellow-citizens, the destruction of cities, and the murder of brothers, wives and parents. The kings encouraged the superstitious Jewish religion, for they assumed the office of High Priest in order to buttress their regime.

'[The Temple’s] builders had foreseen only too well that the strange practices of the Jews would lead to continual fighting.

'So taking advantage of the money-grubbing instincts of the Claudian period, they purchased permission to fortify the city, and in the days of peace built walls meant for war.

"[In Jerusalem] were three different leaders and three armies. The long outer perimeter of the walls was held by Simon, the central part of the city by John, and the Temple by Eleazar. John and Simon could rely on numbers and equipment, Eleazar on his strategic position. But it was upon each other that they turned the weapons of battle, ambush and fire, and great stocks of corn went up in flames. Then John sent off a party of men, ostensibly to offer sacrifice but in reality to cut Eleazar and his followers to pieces, thus gaining possession of the Temple.

"The majority were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from Judaea would go forth men destined to rule the world. This mysterious prophecy really referred to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, true to the selfish ambitions of mankind, thought that this mighty destiny was reserved for them, and not even their calamities opened their eyes to the truth.

-Tacitus, The Histories, Book 5, The Jews.


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Thanks for this, it's really quite informing. The only thing is, I'm assuming the term "Jew" was a modern addition done in recent translation. The original name for them would be: Habiru or Apiru, later they would be Judeans, maybe pronounced Yudeau.

There's a lot in this, I'm going to study it.

Judea: a gift that just keeps giving ;-)

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"Nakba; a Replacement Theory that happened in Palestine in the early days is just a model the same Parasites think they will try to repeat in North America. They may try to murder all North American Natives and Western European Natives in the "New Replacement" in order to confiscate land, homes and resources to asset strip every place they can."

You may or may not have seen this, Nefahotep. It is a relevant clip related to the quote above. She uploaded it to her FB page. After realizing how damning it is she deleted it after a couple of hours. Fortunately someone had the wherewithall to download it right away. Pay particularly close attention to what she says starting at 49 seconds.


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Interesting stuff. Except for the fact that violence has been very non selectively directed at American people generally. Crimes in big cities are at very high rates. The police are brutal to the weakest most defenseless elderly and young people.

Donald Jeffries just put out an excellent post on the topic of police trained to beat the hell out of you with little or no provocation.

I don't think that Jews are specific targets, we are all targets.

I think the US government has decided that every free inhabitant is an enemy of the State. Maybe, if they think someone is Jewish, they will leave them alone.

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"...we are all targets."

Yup. "Covid" made that pretty clear.

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Judging from your reply it seems your take on the clip I linked to is different than mine. At 49 seconds she says: ""So, are we just going to wait until the end WHEN WE SHUT OFF THE LIGHTS AND EVERYBODY ELSE IS GONE?

I interpret that as extermination of "everybody else".

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I wasn't thinking about it quite like that.

But you are probably right; in my sense thinking, I was focused on them wanting to leave. Which couldn't come soon enough.

Now that you pointed that aspect out, I see it and agree.

This group has definitely displayed a deep desire to needlessly kill and destroy.

It's sad that they think they can win by extermination of everyone else.

Actually, now that I see it, I can't unsee it.

Thank you for correcting me, I spent so much time giving them a sense of Individuated freedom of choice, not taking into account the majority of them actually believe that they are victims. They all fall in line, their Stockholm Syndrome is becoming more obvious.

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Just like us they are victims of the parasitic class. They have been used as a hammer against us by said class. The level at which we have been propagandized the past four years is what they have experienced for a hundred generations or more. I never thought of it as Stockholm Syndrome, but that's exactly what it is.

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"I wonder if they never really gave up on the concepts of the book: Germany Must Perish, perhaps Germany was just a dry run? Many examples of Genocide that have occurred through out history; we can clearly see the recipe used by those who’s habit to commit genocide, is unmistakable."

What country has suffered the most after 9/26/2022 (Nordstream)? Why, Germany, of course. Electric power in German now is so expensive very many people there have bought solar cells, a car battery and an inverter -> 12VDC to 230VAC, and have their main breaker to the power grid open.

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At this point, it may be more than just Germany, but I do see what you mean. The US is in a bind regarding energy, I live in California. I am thinking of escaping; becoming a refugee in another state, like Tennessee.

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....., and I at this point can't see that one state in the union is better than another. No other NATO country either. California is definitely not a good place to be. Canada under Trudeau has become a failed state. In many European countries you are rewarded with hard time for publishing a post like this. Like the ancient Chinese curse, we are living in interesting times, indeed.

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I agree 👍 💯

I guess I should try moving out of the US. I have some family in the Philippines, Taeygeyte is still a bit wild. But my brother in law has land where we can grow things.

Otherwise it's time to start building a formidable military, for defense.

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Tagaytay is beautiful. I love going down into Taal and have been permanently fascinated with the whole area.

I have word though that the Philippines is slowly descending into the moral hole as much of the West has. Past the South shore of Taal is the province of Batangas whilch was badly brutalized by the US ~125 years ago and the generation that was justifiably bitter about it is now long gone and the main aspirations of many of the last 2 or 3 generations is to become more like Amerika, or to even come to the US, though fewer seem to want to come here of late since the opportunities for economic advnacement are much dimmer now than say 50 years ago.

The culture has changed so much for the worse that few of the many Pinoys I know bother to return there any longer, although age plays a part as well.

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I found the book "Germany Must Perish"as a pdf, and it starts with the following three Orwellian sentences:

"Today's war is not a war against Adolf Hitler. Nor is it a war against the Nazis. It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples envisioning Light, against uncivilizable barbarians who cherish Darkness."

Theodor Kaufman personifies the parasittic class quite well.

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Theodor Kaufman is projecting there. He IS the "Barbarian." The Parasitic Class are all Barbarians; they were that in Ancient Egypt, know as "Sagasu" in Sumerian. Later in Egypt they were called Habiru, which became Hebrew. But the actual ones who were doing all the terrible things were their ruling Overclass called Heka Khasut. Translates to Rulers of Foreign Land. That's also what is described in the No Annexation Principle. The principles are all interconnected, it's included in the Protocols.

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A post I wrote about six months ago is relevant here. Who was the bad guy in the 20th century, and continue to be to this very day? On 24 March, 1933 Judea (read: Big Banking) declared war on Germany.


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Yes, I agree 👍. The bankers are and always have been the primary enemy. The First Zionist Congress spelled that out quite well.

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It doesn't even come close to your post, but I cover some stuff that you don't have here.

"The First Zionist Congress spelled that out quite well."

Are you refering to the protocols?

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Protocols, yes in part; also if you consider what Theodore Herzl wrote in 1897 as leader of the First Zionist Congress, "Zionism is founded on Anti-Semitism."

This points to a very malicious intent against those people who called themselves Jews at that time. I think the reason for this is because then just as now, "Most" people think that Jews are one giant monolithic block of individuals who are magically attached to each other as a group; ignoring the fact that the majority of them are not aware of the true Vile Parasites that rule their community from behind a curtain. The general public would be fomented into hating ALL Jews equally, especially in Germany where the original plan was focused.

This is how the general public gets "herded" into doing things. The whole experience of the Wiemar Republic was one giant Populism Pendulum; just like what is being attempted right now, with the Palestinian conflict. The masses are being driven into each and every conflict, NGO's have completely hijacked the ACTUAL Palestinian protests against Israel. These same "Special Forces" are using this technique against the Medical Freedom Movement, in a very under handed sneaky manner. Even the trolls we often get here on SS. Everything is designed to get us to react. They don't like it when we start carefully sifting through things with an Equal Minded approach.

Vlad Lenin once said: "The most effective way to crush the resistance is for us to lead it ourselves."

The protocols are in part a mechanism designed after that strategy. Once people can see this --- they can't unsee it.

The main parts of my post on Part 1 in the series I did on Adolph Hitler has a lot of historic details especially on just "how" everything was managed and orchestrated:


I'm not sure if you read this.

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Brilliant comment there, Nef. We've pretty much come to the same conclusions.

"Everything is designed to get us to react."

It's so transparent that I almost laugh but cannot because as silly as it is, it seems to work. I have relatives who constantly bombard me on this and that panic du jour, (like the sappy brouhaha about the "Chinese 'spy' baloon") and they keep themselves in a steady state of panic which the young woman in the video sadly exhibits in abundance.

What a way to exist!

PS: You've done yer homework and I say, "Bravo!"

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No, I haven't, but I will once I'm done reading this post. You can see from my comments how far I have read, and I am taking my time. I also actually have a real life outside of Substack too. ;-)

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"I also actually have a real life outside of Substack too."

For what it's worth, I hear ya on that!

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When I used to comment over at Unz Review, there were folks who referred to this site for info on holocaust studies from a revisionist of contrarian viewpoint.


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Nef, have you heard of Ilya Ehrenburg? This is the sort of grotesqu, deranged, fanaticsim the German folks were up against.

From a Rense article with a goofy title (He did not invent the 6 million).:

“In one leaflet entitled "Kill," Ehrenburg incited the simple Russian soldier to treat the Germans as subhuman. The final paragraph concludes:

"The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word 'German' is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word 'German' strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime ... If you have already killed a German, then kill another one - there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don't count the days, don't count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! ... - Kill the Germans! Kill!"

And in another leaflet: "The Germans must be killed. One must kill them ... Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast? ... Kill a German! If you are a righteous an conscientious man - kill a German! ... Kill!"

Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man

Who Invented The 'Six Million'


Here’s another of similar ilk.:

JANUARY 17, 1943

NY Times: "We Shall Hate, or We Shall Fail"

If we do not hate the Germans now, says Rex Stout, we shall fail in our effort to establish a lasting peace.



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Wow, thanks for showing me this. It's so sad.

German people were really just trying to get their country back from the "absurd debt" of the Treaty of Versailles.

To know what I have read so far, then to read that----- takes my breath away.

We need to make this famous. I wish there was a way to make it all go viral. I could add that to the section where I talk about the American Jew who wants to Exterminate Germany and it's culture. The post was already quite long, maybe a start for a book.

In today's world, the Palestinians are the new Germans.

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Yeah, I cannot stomach reading what the German, Russian, and a lot of other people went through at the hands of the Communists. It's a continous litany of monstrous horrors and with a little digging, there's tons of info on it.

What really galls me is that both Communism and the National Socialists were supported by American and British bankers and industrialists, and all of them were unhinged yet we never hear about that. FDR and Churchill have more blood and other sins on their hands than Stalin and Hitler. WW2 especially was an attempt to put a major hurt on two Christian countries by pitting them against each other. It's positively diabolical.

All we ever hear is one side of the story. I do not hate but I now despise the Breggins for not allowing any discussion about it and they should know that "the" holocaust is as big a pack of lies as everything else. Covid should have taught them that, and if they had a shred of decency they would have discussed your comments in a mature and resonable maneer. Their cutting you off is completely despicable but that's pretty much typical.

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A very interesting and important article, thank you.

Another who has recently been looking into this subject matter is Jasun Horsley.


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"In my opinion, a Genocide is essentially the same as a Holocaust. We should stop using a capital “H” for the word."

When I use the word I think it is apropriate to write Holocaust™. In the MSM the word is only used when talking about WWII.

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You are both correct.

Also,there is no such thing as the MSM. It's another fiction to label propaganda "main," which lends legitimqcy to the wholly illegitimate brainwashing that the general media has been hijacked to promote on behalf of the global banking and industrial mafia.

The old term, "mass media" is much more appropriate and its use should be continued and promoted.

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Nothing matters more than using the right WORDS!

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I think you can now write articles like this without apologizing up front. Their "magik" no longer works. It's better to just face the truth and deal with it.

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>>> ... all the world is a stage, ... <<<

Absolutely, at least if one stops to look at REALITY! And for those minds that have been blinded for REALITY all sorts of tricks can be played by THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT masquerading as "righteous" "compassionate" "freedom, liberty loving" "happiness providing" ...

>>> ... the media is owned and managed by the same people who committed the atrocities.<<<

To a certain degree now and then yes, but most of the time it is simply OPPORTUNISTIC behaviour by any disciple of THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT. And even though there are certain groups of people (also mentioned in your Tome) being involved in different vectors, stages, plots it is a general condition of man's mind that leads to this behaviour. But one aspect is common to all of them speaking HALF-TRUTHS, which certainly is the most effective LIE. With the "devastating"/counterproductive consequence that the more often one tells it the more one starts to believe it oneself and thereby becoming part of THE MENTAL ASYLUM one has started out to build for others.

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