Intergranular Corruption and how it Spreads Black Nobility, Dragon Court, Order of the Garter, Diagrams and Charts help map Secrets
Individual Parasites and their Crime Families have relationships, this creates spheres of influence that are compartmentalized. Through Private Trusts, their decisions are anonymized.
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Intergranular Corruption is the Master Plan of Hierarchy everywhere it exists without Merit
History has always been written by those who have held the reins of power; what you know about it, as prescribed from our education system is what they WANT you to know and is not necessarily the whole truth of events. The purpose in taking a closer look at the origins of specific aspects of our system of systems is to pick up on the common patterns of behavior displayed by those who have held the illusion of real control over civilization. Illusory only because there is no true power located out “there” in the physical world. Everything that they have gained at our expense has been due to fraud and foolish acquiescence, afterwards it was backed up by force.
Careful Study of History is Important
The Dragon Court Series I have been posting has many fine nuances and describes what can be called history’s micro connections. There are some aspects of this we have seen everywhere but have taken for granted, like “Heraldry” and “Symbolism,” such as shown on coats of arms and our fiat paper money. There are some less obvious transfections, such as the ways that the Power Seeking Parasites and their counter culture have effectively hijacked most societies worldwide; by stealing their cultural symbolism, they perverted the languages. This took centuries, Linguistic Manipulation became a conduit for Creating Religious Calcification out of Spiritual Practices. This slowly culminated in the construction of Kingdoms propped up by Arbitrary Hierarchy; the patterns of which can be seen today in Corporate Government.
Old world slavery went from being the direct ownership of Labor, to the direct ownership of Money for control of wages Labor earns. From there; it got worse, Fiat Fake Money was forced onto Labor for compensation. Average laborers and value producing individuals have never had a vote, nor any knowledge of these facts, yet they were the ones being robbed of their Natural Individual Sovereignty. The study of this, shows exactly how and what was brought to bear to cause the direction that resulted in what we see today.
Centralization is a Petri Dish for growing ‘cultures’ of Corruption.
Central to almost every legal fiction, is the falsehood called “Hierarchy,” or it’s “Arbitrary” form. It is very well worth keeping our attention focused on this topic in this specific way. Study of the Enemy is the first step to defeating them.
Index of Diagrams Below:
Figure 1 Shows layers of Hierarchy and approximated communities they inhabit
Figure 1a: (Companion) Abrahamic Triangle of Insanity
Figure 2: Shows priority of control each Compartmentalized Family has Committees corresponding to publicly known functionaries
Figure 3: From Policy Makers to Policy Subjects (borrowed from Bailiwick News)
Figure 4: Shows the Public / Private Framework Hierarchy
Figure 5: Illustrates the Monstrosity that is our current “Government” (US Inc.)
Figure 6: US Government cut down to the size of a Postage Stamp (via Constitution)
Figure 7: Double Headed Phoenix coat of Arms and it’s Symbolism
A Summary for The Dragon Court Series:
Philanthropy as a Soft Infiltration Tool was a possible beginning
Philanthropy helped feed Hierarchy by reducing the Individual, thus convincing the many to be willing to ‘follow’ the chosen few.
Dragon Court part 1:
Sabbatean Billionaires and their Philanthropy, what do they want?
Aristocracy and Hierarchy clings to Civilization like a bad Habit Dragon Court part 2 — linked here and further below:
Sabbatean Frankist Billionaires who are they? Some History could help us see them for who they are.
Rothschild origins and Druidic Council of Elders Dragon Court part 3:
Dragon Court, a history of Symbolism and the Elite Societies
Khazars – Scythia Dragon Court part 4:
Dragon Court and The Order of the Garter, the Elite Societies they control
Dragon and Serpent myths part 5:
Scythian Connection, Armenian Serpent, Tribe of Dan
Dragon Court part 6 —— an important one:
Illuminati an introduction to the Cult of Mithras Dragon Court part 7:
Back ground of The Order of the Garter --- Names of Families Dragon Court part 8:
Names of Primary Families that are connected to the early formation of Ruling Elites and Nobility
Order of the Garter and the continuation of the Knights Templar of London
Dragon Court part 9:
A Bankster Family more powerful than the Rothschild Family; The Montagu Barons have even greater international influences in banking than the Rothschild family as the co-founders of the Bank of England and connections with HSBC and their Norman agents’ connections to the Bank of International Settlements. The Montagus claim to be Roman Catholic. [Likely they are Black Nobility]
The Founding of the Order of the Garter
Like a Super Massive Black Hole, supposedly at the center of our Galaxy, causing stars to circle an “Invisible Drain;” The Black Nobility cause our whole Civilization to circle a drain, spiraling into Slavery.
Black Nobility are a combination of original bloodlines or families that seem to predominantly come from Ancient Khazaria originally, pre Roman era. The area now known as Ukraine. That could be why Ukraine is so important to them, these days.
Please do NOT assume they are Jewish; because they are NOT, even if some of them publicly “claim” to be. Never believe what people say, just believe what they do…..
For reference see the article:
So, Who were the Khazars?
Please note: I do not endorse many of the authors who write about “Khazarian Evil Overlords,” or “Cypto Jewish Bankers.” The majority of the material out there has an over usage of the word “Evil” in just about every other sentence. Instead of painting with a very broad brush, I want to actually fully comprehend exactly WHO the perpetrators are in Name as Individuals; Remember that I am an Individualist not a Collectivist. Even an “Individual Criminal” can choose NOT to commit a crime.
The “Scythian Haplogroup” is a more proper generalized description, with the original Scythian Lords being of a very different culture than even the Pre- Jewish Khazarians. There is a list of “Family Names” that are supposedly the original 13 Families, this is likely only the “Post Roman” era family names. There may be other families as well, that we simply don’t know of.
Here are the 13 Families:
• House of Borja • House of Breakspeare • House of Somaglia
• House of Orsini • House of Conti • House of Chigi
• House of Colonna • House of Farnese • House of Medici
• House of Gaetani • House of Pamphili • House of Este
• House of Aldobrandini
Pepe Orsini of Rome may be the primary individual who holds a leadership role for the Black Nobility.
Frances Leader from her post “Black Nobility 101:”
They originate from the Roman Senator families which were driven out of Rome to the swamps of northern Italy in 476AD. The Venetian Empire, which grew from that event, was mainly in shipping, slavery and transport on the Mediterranean until they relocated to Amsterdam and finally to the City of London with William of Orange.
See William of Orange and the Glorious Revolution of 1688, in the following post by Will Zoll:
1871 – Part III This stack is absolutely excellent I very strongly recommend Prussia Gate all posts by Will Zoll are intensive and chocked full of info on a “micro dynamic scale.”
Frances continues:
It should be noted that the first known ghetto was set up in Venice. Created to corral the Jews into one area and limit their influence on the Black Nobility. This method of control was extended all over Europe because it was successful. The Black Nobility created the military arm of Catholicism, i.e., the Jesuits and they have always controlled the Vatican by appointing Popes from among their own ranks. [Note that many of the Popes came from these families directly.]
One other point I would like you to consider is this:
The Banks are staffed by some Jewish families (a frequently stated fact) BUT have you considered who their principle clients might be?
The Papal bloodlines are 5 out of the 13: (I would need to verify)
• Breakspear • Somaglia
• Orsini • Farnese • Aldobrandini
Citation from Firestarter:
Chancellor Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg have revealed much about the Occult philosophy and believes of the Draconists.
After he was appointed Sovereign Grand Master by the House of Habsburg (former head of the European Council of Princes Prince Otto von Habsburg), De Vere on his website (no longer active) openly discussed the principles of the Order, including Vampirism, Witchcraft and Satanism.
De Vere accepted blood samples to be DNA tested at a top London facility for purity to decide if an applicant could join the Dragon Court (and become a Vampire).
The goal of the Dragon Society is to reunify the old bloodlines and create the Master Race.
According to Nicholas de Vere, these families are intensively interested in maintaining their bloodline “purity.” They intermarry only and never go outside of their respective circles.
Sounds familiar…… Here is the link again to Dragon Court 2:
The first diagram below, (Fig 1) is organized similar to an onion; the most highest members of the Criminal Cabal are in the center. There is a “power veil” that separates each of the layers. The outer layer being the one that describes the various communities that are being manipulated. From the center, the primary influence zones radiate outwards; think of each influence zone as it’s own pyramidal hierarchy, radial lines were left out because there seems to be a lot of overlap between the private parasitic stakeholders themselves inside each affected community. There is also a bit of overlap between Black Nobility primary members, the Dragon Bloodline and Order of the Garter. The relationships of these “Orders” moves only in one direction. The further in you go, the more exclusive. Another way to look at this diagram is each layer has a Public side, then it has an inner Private side, with the exception of the final layer that is the Black Nobility itself, which is entirely Private.
Dragon and Grail Families as well as Order of the Garter can be considered archaic nomenclature, yet it does help in establishing where the relationships come from. With the series on Dragon Court, it is clear these Parasites follow a very consistent pattern of behavior. They are clearly the architects of Arbitrary Hierarchy, they maintain a “Public Face” and an “Occulted One,” with the occulted side, as can be seen in the diagram, there are ever deeper shades of “Hidden.” As one ventures deeper into their occult world, the darker it gets, their “name” suits them well.
Black Nobility members can easily join and be a part of the outer identified groups; personally they can be involved in the various Corporations or Banks, they may even get “Selected” into public office. Dragon line is mostly able trace their lineage back to the original families, so they are usually synonymous with the Black Nobility, or so far as I have been able to tell. If a member of the Garter or any other Order of Royalty cannot prove they are a part of the original line; they cannot be a part of the Black Nobility or the Dragon’s inner circle, they would be just merely followers in the blood cults associated with them. Nicholas de Vere was not pure enough to be a real member. Many of these are simply Sabbatean / Frankists, [please see references below for the history of Sabbatei Zevi.]
Communities affected by these Infiltrators: additional descriptions of the relationships shown in the diagram above:
Some additional descriptions of the affected communities:
Islamic countries, both the Sunni and Sheia
The Dragon and Grail Families stem from the Knights Templar, in group practices and mysticism. Since they were able to get around quite a bit; they played an important role contributing to the development of such groups as the “Wahhabist” of Muslim Sunni or the “12th Emom” believers of the Muslim Sheia. These groups exist at the highest levels within those societies today and are considered “Fundamentalists” in public, sometimes referred to as Extremist. These groups do blood rituals in secret and this is very contrary to Islam. They have a Public / Private framework to keep secrets.
Hindu communities in India and some minor ones living abroad
In India, there is an activist group known as “Hindutva” they are also called extremist. These Cretins operate organized criminal networks to facilitate human trafficking, organ harvesting, rape gangs, drug running and money laundering.
Who are the Hindutva? For every country that has a western orbit, influence from the World Bank, BIS and London, there are "fundamentalist" religious groups. These are most likely fed support from the Private Equity Owners who operate out of London.
Hindutva definition from Association for Asian Studies:
Hinduism is the name given to the most ancient and persistent religion on the Indian subcontinent, and Hindutva is the name by which the ideology of the Hindu right, represented by the political party Bharatiya Janata Party, or Indian People's Party (BJP), is known.
Wikipedia states:
Hindutva ( lit. 'Hindu-ness') is a political ideology encompassing the cultural justification of Hindu nationalism and the belief in establishing Hindu hegemony within India. The political ideology was formulated by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1922.
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar: This Cancerous Parasite has had influence and funding from the Private Owners of London. The establishment of fundamentalist groups are one of the ways that those of Londinium nudge the local populations into whatever divides a society the easiest.
The Bund, or “League of the Just” located in Germany [In the early Days]
In Germany, there was the Bavarian Illuminati associated group called the “Bund.” See Ryan DeLarme’s article on the Bavarian Illuminati and how it influenced the French and American Revolutions as well as how they infiltrated religious groups.
From Legacy of the Bavarian Illuminati - Part 1 and Part 2 :
Ryan states:
Contrary to popular belief, Karl Marx was not the true progenitor of the ideas put forth in the Communist Manifesto. Marx was paid and directed by a group called the League of the Just, which was known in Germany as the Bund der Gerechten, or more simply as the Bund. The Bund, which also existed as a secret society, was later to become known as the International Communist Party and would be the spiritual successor of, or work directly in conjunction with, the Bavarian Illuminati. (#)
The Bund existed as a means to not only infiltrate and eradicate most religions, but they targeted Judaism especially, which at that time was a far more unified people than what we see today. It is easier to control and eventually destroy a religion by splintering it into many competing sects, and that was one of the purposes that the Bund inherited from the Illuminati. [A divided society is easiest to control.]
The true origin of the Bund appears to be lost in obscurity, but it is believed by many political scientists to have been influenced by the Bavarian Illuminati.
Ashkenazi Jewish communities of Europe were likely the first infiltrated
Ryan shows that there are very definite connections to the Sabbatean / Frankists, and the Illuminati, he also establishes that for the earliest infiltrations, these Parasites essentially started with the Jewish or Judean culture, particularly the ones living in Europe at the time.
The Illuminati were always working for the Black Nobility. The only original ties these Parasites have to Jewish communities is they have used Jews as a “Human Shield,” setting them up as scapegoats to get blamed for all the crimes committed. This counter cultural psychopathy started with Sabbatie Zevi in the Jewish community and then later spread with Jacob Frank into the Muslim communities. It seems that much of what inspired Sabbatei was what he must have observed already established and practiced within the Catholic Church for centuries before him. There are many resources available on Sabbatean / Frankists. Please see below.
The spread of the British Empire helped spread the influence of the Illuminati and their masters the Black Nobility, they even reached China:
The infiltrations reached China probably through the British Trade and Banking as well as the Masonic Lodges that were established and interconnected via the various Illuminati groups. The British Empire’s primary product traded in China at that time was Opium; they probably couldn’t have done it without Masonic Lodges.
The leader of the Han Dragon portion of the Black Nobility is not Chinese. Towards the top of the pyramid is Henry Breakspear, resident of Macau, China. The Papal Bloodline are not exclusive to Europe, sometimes they import themselves, with tentacles reaching into Asia and India. This region is very important to the coming agenda of the Illuminated bloodlines, with the ‘Great Red Dragon’ China, taking over the world. They must think the Chinese are easy slaves.
For reference on the Sabbatean / Frankist Movement:
Sabbatean is referring to Sabbatie Zevi, he is likely the original source of the Elite institutionalized pedophilia psychopathy. [In contemporary history.] Right after Sabbatie, came Jacob Frank. So, I refer to them as Sabbatean Frankist. With Sabbateans occupying some upper circles of the Muslim and Jewish communities; Frankist seem to be mostly found in various Christian sects, like Catholics / Vatican Elites, Jesuit et al, they are really inside nearly all religious organizations. Are there differences? Maybe slightly, they really have more things in common than any differences; they are poisonous parasitic socialites, chameleons and psychopaths, managing to pose as something they are not. It really doesn’t matter what group they “claim” to be a part of for the public perception, at the level of Black Nobility, Dragon and Grail Families or Garter members of Royalty these are all part of an Occult Culture practiced in deep secret, no matter what “umbrella” they are standing under.
Control Vectors for the Hierarchy has Compartmentalization built in, this helps keep things secret:
The second diagram (Fig 2) below shows the priority of hierarchy to the various global power organizations they command. Keep in mind these Parasites are “Private Equity Owners” who hold Private Trusts that command Performance of the various Corporate structures and the Syndicates. The diagram is somewhat self explanatory.

This is one manner where Public / Private Structure can be seen.
Black Nobility are the ones who are being served by all of this.
Council of 13 are likely made up of members of the Dragon and Grail Family inner circles.
Committee of 300 are likely made up of the various Royal Families who are a part of the Order of the Garter. They may also include Non - Royals.
Bilderberg Group is made up of individuals who are a mix of Elites such as Corporate CEO’s like Larry Fink of Blackrock, or Edgar Bronfman Jr. of the Mega Mafia Group an Equity holder of Vanguard, through Bronfman Rothschild Inc. There are some Politicians like Diane Feinstein, [now dead (finally)] The Clintons, The Bush Family and may well include the low hanging fruits most people already despise, Bill Gates and George Soros.
These three separate bodies act like a Tricameral Legislative System, G3P. Lets not forget the different syndicates they are coordinating:
Global Religious — Organized Religions; mostly in deep inner circles, average lower rank and file know very little about these inner secret “workings.” Bank of the Holy See is one example.
Global Corporate — Both Corporate Government and Private Corporations, run in tandem to the Currency Syndicate; they are “interoperable.”
Global Crime — All Drug Cartels, Human Trafficking, Identity Theft and Money Laundering (This includes the money laundering of governments) this syndicate is augmented by many of the 3 letter agencies (CIA, FBI, ICE, UN, CDC, NIH, FDA and NGO’s in nearly all countries globally)
Global Currency — Fiat Fake Money, The Banks and Treasuries, Securities and Trusts Cede & Co. DTCC and DTC.
These Syndicates each have their own “Double Split Framework,” with notable overlap inside so called Federal Agencies. I’ll need to show this in another post, since each Syndicate needs at least two diagrams to show it.
The diagram below (Fig 3) is courtesy of Kathrine Watt and her substack: Bailiwik News it is organized in a more linear fashion, this allows the view of Hierarchy of policy making.
I constructed the diagram below (Fig 4) to at least come close to showing how the Public Private arrangement really looks like. Everything these Parasites do is about having something they can squirrel away into the dark; especially power, it is always set up with this type of pattern. Double Headed Eagle Heraldry, is the way the Trust System works.
Note: The Bilderberg Group probably helps coordinate how policy gets manifested Globally, they act as a type of “Congress” for the Parasitic Private Equity Owners. In consideration, the Bilderberg Group should be shown just under the “Trusts / Sureties” label under the “London Incorporated.”
US Government is a Tangled Web of Original Branches, Control Nodes and Corporate Agencies
Below (Fig 5) is a fairly thorough diagrammatic representation of the relationship the Federal Corporation has to these united States of America. For starters; here’s the mess we have for our so called Federal Government:
To get an idea of the scope of connection with the International Framework, think of each of the “Three Letter Agencies” as having Trustee status on a Bond for Performance to serve “private” equity investments, and private contracts. The majority of this is held internationally by foreign private Independent Sovereigns. Everything involving policy in the US is likely being controlled by foreign actors. These “Stakeholders” have a “Democracy” between themselves, that excludes “Citizens.”
Confusing enough?
So, what would it look like to “Strictly enforce the Constitution” on scope and size of Government? Nearly all extra 3 Letter Agencies would need to disappear. On the diagram below, (Fig 6) I show a rough minimum of what the Constitution would create:
My diagram of the Constitutional Government looks like a sigh of relief, compared to the way it is today. To keep it free of foreign influences necessitates the total abolition of electronic voting, abolition of legal frameworks like the Uniform Commercial Code and abolition of all “Corporate Legal Veils” such as private trusts that control public functions. Administrative Admiralty Law would need to be dissolved.
There are many connections between the History of Power and the Current Global Corruption.
To Enshrine the Divine Right of Kings they began with this phrase:
Honi soit qui mal y pense
The motto of the Order of the Garter is in Old French “Honi soit qui mal y pense” and literally translates: “Shame on him who thinks evil of it”. My interpretation: “Don’t you dare question it.”
In contemporary French usage, it is usually used to insinuate that somebody, or something isn’t as innocent as it appears but there are hidden agendas.
Note the dual sides, the Double Headed Phoenix in the center. The regal symbolism is thus supported by the double heraldry at it’s core. Garter going around the shield represents the continuity or infinity of power, this also provides the public a sense of legitimacy. The symbol of the King or ruler is the armor shown above the shield. With the double headed phoenix “supporting” the power hierarchy, the two heads indicate power is also “occulted,” therefore a fraud, the armor is there to enforce that fraud. There is another phoenix or eagle above the position of the armor, so it is above the King….. Another “Upper Order.” Hier — Archy, I wonder who that is supposed to be…. In the old days it would have been the Vatican, these days it is the immense stack of Corporate Franchises all leading way up into the aristocratic stratosphere, located in the City of London where there are a “chosen few” who think of themselves as having a “Divine Right to Rule.”
Half—Truths wrapped in a Lie which is then presented to us as Golden Truth. Then, for our imaginary pleasure; we are asked to believe in “A Shinning City on the Hill” and how wonderful the Elites want everyone to think Authority is. They want everyone to believe that we couldn’t have a functional civilization without THEM; the biggest problem they seem to have, is they believe their own lies. The rest of us are moving on because we have realized we don’t need them.
This video is long approximately 1:18:00 but has some very interesting information on how the Private Trust System serves the Criminal Parasites. Pay close attention to the section on Trusts — starts around 17:00 go to about 22:00. The video is eye opening, although I don’t agree with the emphasis of “paying taxes.” Absolutely everyone deserves to be free of that.
I will be posting another one to connect the dots a bit more, as a summary of the Corporate Chains of Custody.
I don't know how you do it, Nefahotep. This is years of work distilled into diagrams. I feel like I'm getting it a little bit more with each article. But I need a Sabbatean sabbatical so I can read all of yours, Frances, Will. And try to put something coherent out on it, from 3000 ft. But all three of you have jam-packed so much in, I can't imagine how I'd summarize anything. Whew! Thanks for this.
Most interesting. It is important to note, however, that the US constitution shows evidence of being the work of parasites and instead of liberating the masses was a huge link in the chain around our necks. It's pretty clear that it was designed from the start to ensure freedom for the moneyed classes only. Please note that 4/5 of the promulgators were money lenders.
This should come as little surprise because,
"The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.
It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali.
Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle | Mises Institute
In other words, the anti-federalists were, for the most part, correct. Prescient, too.