it makes more sense that what we have been told so far.

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You go back to Abraham? He threw out his first born even so the tradition in the desert dwellers culture the first born gets the glory. Fast forward to another theft by Essau of the first born glory title?

Let us also remember that there was a creator who created men with foreskins!! Oops, a mistake? OK, if it was a mistake, why not create the new models without foreskin? Or why the rest of the world that doesn't follow the OT, or the Koran never lost their private parts?

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I never fully comprehended why they were so focused on private parts.

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The satanic cult gets a pleasure from inflicting pain, especially on the weak.As a child is screaming from pain, the POS laughs. Today, as people with no airforce are being bombed by the most advanced airforce, the Israelis are laughing and dancing.

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Read Egypt KNEW NO Pharaohs. The researcher Dr. Ashram Ezzat found that a Jewish tribe lived in Yemen in an area called Mizra, which was ruled by bad guy called Pharaoh.

They packed and left going in the Arabian desert towards Saudi Arabia. That was called the EXODUS?

The author said all the ancient Egyptian writings never used the word Pharaoh to describe their kings.

So, how everyone refer to the kings who built the pyramids as Pharaohs? Because the OT, and the Koran used that word.

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You are 100 % correct.

I have been studying Ancient Egyptian for a little while, the term used is Neshua.

Neshua em Tau wei = king of two lands. Tau wei is the actual archaic name of Egypt in ancient Egyptian.

I am happy you brought up Yemen. 😎

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Actually, there is another dimensions to Yemen? The area where the jews lived was Mizra, and the Jews from Yemen are called Mizrahi. Also, the Arabs when they invaded Egypt, changed Egypt name to Mizra!

The Arabic name of Egypt, and Cairo is MIZRA.

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Russian author Andrey Yurievich Sklyarov wrote an amazing book 'Yahweh vs. Baal - Chronicle of a Coup'.

Various reports are presented and discussed, primarily devoted to the current state and results of research (by a fairly large team of enthusiasts) on traces of the use in ancient times of very highly developed technologies that were possessed by a certain civilization, which was far superior in the level of its knowledge and capabilities even to our modern one.

The 'exodus' is also dissected through a technological angle that piggybacks this post. At this point in time nothing is as was taught. It is definitely worth a read.

It started with Abram of Ur......

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I appreciate this so much! lately i am noticing the similar persons in the Mahabarata. and wondering about a relationship to the Kali ma. The cult of Kali is/was very into human sacrifice. But they are sweeter than honey at first, for the set up. some basic foundational, interfamily, mind control was first established , possibly by there people by some called the Bloody mujahindaru. Also, remember the CERN ritual with Shiva? Shiva Is Kali's husband. I think this cult is still out there.

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Amazing work. I love you so much for the way you constructed this information. My gut tells me this is closer to truth than anything I have ever read concerning this topic. My gut hasn't steered me wrong thus far. I can't even close this page out as I read it again. And again.

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Me too! Just read it again for the third time and a very light, high frequency vibrates throughout my body. I can feel the truth in my soul and the research surrounding this passage is unwavering. Excellent work here!

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You are always welcome, and I might add that this journey has been a big learning experience for me.

You are of course free to copy paste this and save it for future reference if you like.

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Thank you for this. Very interesting and so many parallels. For example, the taking of the grain harvests of the Ukrainians by the 'Bolsheviks' causing the Holodomor. Probably the famine(s) in India during the British Raj (the Empire of course just a facade for the 'merchants & bankers').

They are currently talking about us eating insects. They are sacrificing our children via needles. I could go on. And on.

I am going to call them the Hyksos from now on. My hubby is Greek and we need a new, more accurate name for them.

I agree with you about keeping things local and non hierarchical. It is the only way as far as I can see. That and knowing in our souls that we are sovereign. That we are not humans, but mankind; men and women.

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Ancient Mesopotamian name was Hibiru or Hapiru; notice the "b" and "p" phonetic? It's interesting because if you compare the term Hibiru with Hebrew, it's only a very slight phonetic adjustment...... Just thought I'd mention it. ;-)

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Mighty God, this is great! Would love to have you and Jason from Archaic in a room together for discussion. This piece is so wonderful and resonates with me right now based on the studies I have encountered during an extended fast for spiritual strength and enlightenment. Thank you so much for this deep dive. Please keep studying and researching and writing. You help and encourage us to do the same. Much love and a peace profound to you and yours. 🌹

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Great article, Nefahotep. Since the dawn of the Israelites, Zionists and Jews, everything they do is based on complete dominance and control by any means possible. We’re seeing it right now in Palestine. Why is it these evil tribes have had such power on this planet for so many centuries and not a tribe like the ancient Egyptians? Perhaps what the world needs today is a resurrection of modern day Egyptian empires.

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When it comes to defeating the present day Globalist Empire, it looks more like we will benefit the most by creating very localized, agreeable, representative systems and developing ways to keep it simple, small and Lawful. (Not a Legalite System) I have thought that for starters, it's not just decentralized, it's going to work best structured in a manner that completely respects the Independent Sovereign. In order for this to work, people would need to come together, through some form of Voluntary Cooperation.

The way the tribes of Israel have managed their "Cultural System" is to have a bicameral power structure, where the average person is not aware of what the occulted power is doing. Even the individual who is king in their system is kept out of the decision process, must listen to the secret individual who sits just behind the throne, whispering in his ear. As the old Scythian saying goes: "One shall Govern in Front, while another Rules from Behind." This is the exact arrangement with Joe Biden right now; it's so obvious he is a puppet.

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Trump is also a Puppet! They're all selected Puppets! We the people are given an illusion of freedom by being told and believing that our votes matter!

This is a great article! Very different from what we've all been taught and told about the Exodus and the enslavement of the jews! Also "Europa: The Last Battle" also blew my mind too! Everything that we've been taught is a lie! I'm searching and seeking for the truth!

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I’ve watched the entire documentary and am convinced that the 6 million Jews gassed by the German Nazis is nothing more than a psyop perpetrated by the Secret Societies and the Banksters who funded Hitler and the WW2 killing affair.

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Yeah and then the banksters and the Rothschilds established a homeland in Palestine for the jews! Maybe WW2 was the plan to get the rest of the world to see the jews as something extra special over other nations of people and that these "poor victims" deserve a place to call home and parts of Palestine was taken and given to the jews! Boy that sure worked out well didn't it! These psychopathic banksters knew damn good and well that the jews and Palestinians would be fighting for eternity! Of course the jews need to kill all of the Palestinians and completely take over so they can build their 3rd temple for the new world order and the antichrist! That's a chilling thought running up and down my spine too that this mess in Gaza is going to get America into WW3!

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We are all a family of truth seekers. For many, I am probably quite controversial. 😎

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I love checking out controversial points of view and things that are not mainstream because once something has gone mainstream then that something is accepted by the majority public whether that something is the truth or not. The holocaust is one of those "somethings" that's been accepted by the majority public! Actually this concept about the holocaust is new to me and that the true real victims were the German people and not the jews! I want to research more about this because I want to know the truth! There's quite a few videos on BitChute about the jews and the holocaust that explains things differently than what's been accepted by the mainstream public. This subject is extremely controversial anyway and I'm learning that I have to be careful talking about it, even with loved ones! I'm starting to believe that we've all been psyoped, gaslighted and lied to about everything with our history! Hopefully this mess going on in Gaza will reveal the truth about these people and who they really are and what they are all about! Another thing, Trump is a Zionist and I don't believe that the majority of Americans are paying attention and they are completely blind to that! I believe that Trump will be America's downfall! I've been keeping up with Trump's trial some and today it's been said that the case might get thrown out of court? I really don't think anything will happen to Trump and he will be reelected again! I keep trying to talk to my husband about me and him getting offgrid because I think the shit is going to hit the fan sometime soon and if people want to be safe and free then they need to be offgrid and in an offgrid community. I'm worried that the controlling psychopaths will create a reason to put Americans in martial law, if that happens its over for "we the people" because then They can force Americans into Their 15 minute cities! I think something like this will happen once Trump gets back in the White House! Things aren't looking good and I don't feel good about things at all! I'm expecting WW3 too! It'll be under Trump because I believe that he will support Israel first over America and "we the people"!

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Amii, I hear you loud and clear.

There's so many levels of concern that you bring up. I wish I could offer absolution for how you see things going.

First, successful resistance to what you see requires only your clarity!

Second, if people work together, such as you and your husband, success to resisting tyranny is assured, this obviously becomes easier with your husband having a willingness to notice and acknowledge the issues you see. Aside from the details you clearly can see, there is no political solution.

Trump is in my opinion is a puppet and a manipulators tool. My postings are all about helping people keep their eyes open. I admire your natural desire to keep your attention and your senses alert.

Most important point I can say; you are not alone. Also, we out number the so called Elites 600,000 + to one.

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Oh yes! We definitely outnumber the elitist psychopaths! Yeah me and my husband have a great relationship and he pays attention to things too! I hope that people do start working together and stop being manipulated by the psychopaths! This thing going on in Gaza is dividing people in America just like BLM did! I agree, Trump is definitely a manipulators tool! That's a great thing to call him! It amazes me how so many of my fellow Americans are falling for the the deception that Trump is going to "save" everything and "save" America! It would be great if Trump was real but I've listened to some of his speeches and just get the gut feeling that "nah this is just too good to be true!" I always trust that saying that "if something sounds or feels like it's too good to be true, then it usually is!"

Me and my husband talk about these things going on and keep up with it! We only talk to each other in detail though! My husband doesn't say anything at work and talk to his coworkers about all this stuff because people have dividing opinions on things, especially politically! I tell my husband that I believe that I'm the person in the best position to run to find us a place offgrid if or when the shit hits the fan! Me and my husband are both unvaxxed and didn't fall for that psyop!

Your substack postings are great and attention grabbing! Your posting about the Exodus was amazing and I was like "wow" it's the complete opposite from what we've been taught! The Egyptians wanted to get the jews out of Egypt! I thought this is mind blowing and I started thinking about when Moses with the help of God parted the Red sea to help the Israelites, I thought "is that inverted and not the whole truth too? Amazing!"

Nefahotep do you believe that the Bible is true and hasn't been altered and things manipulated in it because I think it has been? I believe a lot of information was edited out when some of the books were removed!

People have a hard time with controversial information on accepted beliefs that they believe are true and real! Just like your post about the Exodus! I imagine a lot of people had cognitive dissonance over that one! Information like that should make people want to look deeper and research and ask "are my beliefs based on lies?" You've got some fascinating posts on your substack and they are eye opening!🙂

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Nef and Tereza. Again Nef, excellent article! So, there is a lot to unpack here, and I'm not sure where to even begin. I think I'll first address Osarseph, along with the "chief baker," Tereza brought up.

I'd never heard of the name Osarseph, but like Tereza, it initially reminded me of Joseph's name. However, decoding it showed me something more. Keeping in mind that a word is a picture, and every picture tells a story, the story-words that popped out of Osarseph are as follows: Posers (infiltrator posing as something else) - Spores (fungi) - Sparse (meager grains, and btw, notice the word ‘gain’ in ‘grain’) – Horses (you mentioned their introduction to Egypt by the Hyksos) - Spears (with poisoned tips?) - Rashes (leprosy) - Seraph (winged serpent that strikes with burning poison - Wiktionary).

Side note: Klaus Schwab calls a global leader a "Shaper = Seraph" and "Globalist = All Bigots." (Supremacist state of Israel/priestly class AND remember “Treaty of Versailles = Realty Asset for Levi” who was the priestly class, for those that don't know).

Now to the chief baker, which I find very interesting, Tereza. In Gen. 39 and 40, it states Joseph is in “prison” and then the chief butler and baker were put there as well. Then Gen. 40:15, right before Joseph interprets the baker’s dream, (he had already done so with the butler), the word “prison” changes to “dungeon,” which reveals the word “Dung.” I find that very odd, seeing as it would be a baker adding yeast/fungi from dung-rolling beetles to the bread, not a butler. It’s actually the first time the word “dungeon” is used in the KJV. The word “prison” is used 84 times, beginning with Gen. 39 about Joseph, and “dungeon” is used 12 times, beginning with Gen 40:15. “Dungeon” is next used when the pharaoh takes Joseph out, and then after that it’s used in Exo. 12:29, when speaking about killing all the firstborn Egyptians, including those in the “dungeon.”

“Dungeon = Dung One.” In Oxford’s dictionary, “one” was an Old English variant of “oven,” so dung oven.


The word “Prison = Prions,” which are misfolded proteins, the cause of Mad Cow’s Disease.

“Coronavirus Pandemic = Our Mad Prion Vaccines.”

Further, there is a test called Melzer’s Reagent, which is used by mycologists to identify fungi and their spores. It the following Wiki link, see the first picture of fungi spores and notice that they look similar to the coronavirus depiction we’ve been shown. This reagent is also used for testing amyloids. The clots embalmers have been pulling out of the covid vaccinated deceased have been referred to as amyloids, and they show that they have a rubbery texture, almost like mushrooms, which are also fungi.


At 43:45 of this linked video, Dr. Burkhardt explains the amyloids and even states they are related to ‘PRIONS’:


Moving on….in regard to Joseph and the baker, one must assume that Joseph wasn’t the only Egyptian infiltrator, even if the story presents it as such. By killing off the baker someone was able to infiltrate the bakery similar with the bakery of the Nakam story. Here’s that link again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakam

OK, I have to stop for now. Too many interruptions, and I need to read your story again, Nef. Thank you again for posting this! And again, I'll be back. Too much good info here that I need to think further about:)

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Another thing that I think I may have wanted to include in this post was, the limiting of grain for bread was the very first "Crop - Ration" [Corporation] Thereby reducing people's choices to the Dung Bread.

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Interesting Nef, and that makes total sense! Ration crops, whereby only disbursing what poisons they allow us to eat or drink. Next is their fake lab-produced meats. Ugh! It's already devolved to that in regard to what the medical industrial complex allowed as covid treatment, along with the mandated poisonous jabs, although the latter has been going on for a very long time.

So, I have a few questions for you, if and when you have time to answer.

1. What drove you to study ancient Egypt?

2. Through those studies did you find they were poisoning people?

3. Have you ever had the thought you could be reincarnated from that time period, or that you may have even been Neferhotep?

My paternal grandfather was a defense attorney, and around 1926, he was crushed by the law establishment for defending two Germans, although I have no idea about what since the family didn't talk much about it. He gave up the law practice and became a bookie for horse races, and my dad started selling newspapers on the corner at 7 yrs. old to help support the family. The only thing I do know is that they smeared him in the local newspapers, calling him "Satan" coupled with his last name. Then in the 90's, my dad would drill me about what words meant, leading me, after his death, to breaking down the word "spells," of which around 2012, I would find "Scarab Beetle = A Babel Secret = Creates Babel." I didn't understand the true significance of that code until after my mom passed in 2016, when I dug into the only prescription she took, Restasis, which contained Ciclosporin. So, it's as if our past ancestors communicate messages to us, if we're receptive b/c I now know "who" also destroyed my grandfather's career.

Without getting into the specifics, of which I've told Tereza in another comment thread, I had a profound experience, in 2000, where I was told very clearly "I am many generations of people," in regard to me asking if God even existed and who he was. So, perhaps you were either Neferhotep or he was your ancestor, and they are speaking through you??

But then there is this. "I Am Many Generations of People = Mainframe's Appointee Neology." What the heck is going on?!

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The quote: "I Am Many Generations of People," is actually quite profound. I constantly say: "I am that I am."

Being is Eternal, the ego self is just a laboratory of awareness. We are essentially One. Though we experience an Individuated Self, there is a Non Local Self of all to which we are all connected, where we are from, I have written about this before.

I'll put some of the post here for easy reference, you may have already seen them, but sometimes it's difficult to find things while scrolling emails ;-)

In the first one, I was trying to present my concept that because we are Being, that is why we must assert our Individual Sovereignty:


In this one, I reiterate that we are One coming from One:


I have been trying to connect the sweet spot of meaning where it is continuously being hijacked by the political and legal system, in this next one about half way down I explain the symbolic meaning of my Horus Name, Neferhotep.


The last two were the ones I'm sure you may have already read and they were the posts on the Bhagavad Gita and the Isha Upanishad; in all these post, the underlying element is the focus on the spiritual experience. This is a segue to answering the questions on top, because this is all connected.

I became interested in Ancient Egypt the very first time I saw the art work, the statues and writings, I had been poking around in the library at my Guru's Ashram, I was only 4 years old. When I saw images of the Egyptian Gods, I ran to ask where can we meet them? Where are they? I completely felt a warm love for them, a unexplainable connection. From then on, I learned as much as I could. I knew I had a spiritual kinship with them.

The poisoning aspect was just more recently, as I have noted in looking at the Holocaust of Germans, during WW2 and many of the elements of drug pushing the Khazars were known for, it all began adding up.

As for the reincarnation of Neferhotep; there is a deep sense that I may have been in Egypt, in fact, I may have been there a few times. I do get flashed memories just instant images of what things looked like, people and places, but not personal enough to point to having been a specific person. So the symbolism of Neferhotep is based off the meaning of the gyphs themselves, but it means that Peace = Balance and that Balance = Beautiful -- also, that which is in balance is Perfect. The accepted definition is "beautiful and peaceful" but the gyphs give the balance part of it.

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Thank you so much for the reply and links. What you said makes a lot of sense, however I think you're much further down the path of spiritual enlightenment than myself, but I really appreciate you teaching and helping us along that path:) It's amazing how young you were when you became interested in Egypt, as well. You're an old soul, Nef, or are much more connected.

Something else came mind from what you said - "Cain Abel = I Balance." I've never quite figured that out, other than I do think all things seek balance.

And this, if you didn't see before: "Russian Ashkenazi = Uses In Khazarians." (It's as if the Khazars were a diversion from the Ashkenazi??).

And, a bit of comedic relief, in regard to the donkey-headed god. If you take the name Yahweh like this...Y-"ah" W-"eh," and read it backwards it shows He-Ha or Hee Haw:) Or Hew Hay for the donkey to eat.

OK, I have a lot of reading to do, so I'm off to do just that.

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😆 🤣 He-Ha I love it. I've been to a rodeo before but this one has Meanings.

No matter the experience, there is always humor.

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The Nakam story is interesting; so these Jews actually believed that the Germans killed 6 million? Enough to make an effort to take revenge? This will be interesting to contrast with on my next post regarding Adolph Eichmann. The population figures for the Holocaust don't add up.

Osarseph = Osir — Seth, or Ausir — Seth.

Another connection for his name combination might be: Gogg --- Magog, or Yajuj --- Majuj as this occurred to me, I was going to mention it in the post, thought better to keep things simple.

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If the priestly class can make up such ridiculous lies, in regard to the Bible, then they will lie about anything, even being so delusional as to believe their own lies. My son was married to a half-Ashkenazi girl for 2 years, with her for 6 yrs., and it's hard to fathom how many lies she told, even when she didn't need to. She was what nightmares are made of. I also read a book, authored by Congressman Paul Findley, speaking, in part, about how much Pres. Lyndon Johnson lied, even when he didn't need to. It's said he was of the tribe, and I have no doubt he was.

I see what you're saying about Osarseph, and it makes sense, but I guess I look at the words and names differently, whereas both our ways reveal truths. I think they change their names for several reasons: 1. To cover their tracks. 2. To confound/confuse. 3. To hide something from a higher power, much like a child would do with their parents.

No matter what they try and do to hide, the English Language has come about from a higher power, of which they can't hide from it, no matter how hard they try.

"English Language = Huge Angel Signal," with signal meaning: A sequence of states representing an encoded message in a communication channel; Any variation of a quantity or change in an entity over time that conveys information upon detection.

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The higher power that you notice in the English language, is actually a dynamic that is occurring between Meaning and Definition, with the meaning getting hidden by definition; you are truly masterful in parsing through the word roots, which reveals the intent found in the meanings. This is can be done within the context of the English only, but it also requires that etymology references online or elsewhere don't get corrupted by AI, or by some type of revisionism. I think you have been doing excellent work on this; I know, there's always so much more that could be done.

The way I have been doing this is similar, but within other languages that I've studied. Sanskrit being my base language, the symbolism and etymology work together. I began looking at the reconstructability of Ancient Egyptian as a bridge into much of the hidden Meanings, that we are apparently not supposed to see.

Somehow, it seems there would be an excellent effort to set up some kind of "Linguistic Congress," where everyone who are paying attention to this, could create the foundation of this Esoteric / Linguistic knowledge base.

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in "other losses" many more germans were killed than that, but massively hidden from the public. at least 7 million , possibly 14. by starvation and theft.

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Fantastic post. That is a very refreshing look on history. It also explains a lot of things I have read that didn't make sense.

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Nef, this was excellent research! Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work, and for also helping spread my information. Because there is so much to unpack here and that I ran out of time today - I'll Be Back:) I also need to read it again, even though I took a bunch of notes.

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thank you

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It's a pleasure to share.

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Crazy how bread can be used to deploy these chemical weapons.

In Pont-Saint-Espirit in the 60’s the town went mad and the bread was blamed. I believe a baker was convicted (and maybe even executed). (I had no idea about the message Josephus received about the baker!). Turns out that the CIA was experimenting with LSD. I never figured out how they administered it, maybe it was still in the bread. They would have been more than happy to frame the baker.

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Wow, this is amazing. It’s going to take me a couple reads to fully understand all the details.

I’m really fascinated by the poisoning in the bread. In our other thread you mentioned eating chapati as an unleavened bread. You mentioned something about today’s yeast - do you have any further insight on that? I had never thought to question the Red Star yeast that I use in my homemade bread. Are we being poisoned by the sketchy American wheat as well as the yeast?

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I don't think we are being poisoned. With leavening process not having any bugs, we are entirely using the yeast itself.

I brew Ale 🍺 and I actually do both flat bread and leavened bread. I often use my own yeast from brewing in my dough. The wheat is another matter, I get mine from an Indian market that I know has zero WEF, UN and WHO compliance. No bugs. All I said about the Chapati is that it's delicious, I make it myself, but you can request it at Indian restaurants. I grew up with it, every meal.

American white bread never stood a chance with me.

As for poisoned food these days, we all must pay attention to what we eat.

Foot note: I use red star as well as my own yeast. Just being conscientious, you won't go wrong.

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We homestead and grow our own as much as possible and don’t use most poisons from a grocery store. When we need specific items we don’t have, we purchase from local farmers. Since the beginning of the fraud in 2020, we have built an extensive apothecary with home made brewed elixirs and organic and natural remedies without the need of toxic witchcraft Pharma Kia. Our grand parents and great grandparents called upon the Lord Jesus Christ, didn’t have a pharmacy, tv or cell phones and lived to see their 90s and 100s.

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