Solutions that can End the Globalist Hellhole; First One comes from Within -- Know thy Self
It can really wear everyone down to just focus on the endless lists of crisis, man made problems, control mechanisms and secret societies. What can be done? Nullification can be a good start.
Declaration of Individual Sovereignty and Reclaiming the Social Status of “Sui Juris” is a Solution that Severs our prior Political and “Legal” ties. Those who choose Freedom must Claim it. For themselves!
This is one very important step in asserting your Self Determination, to counter the social, political and “legal” mechanisms that have been deployed against You. Those who think they are “Higher” than you; those who think they were born to “Rule” everyone else, base this false claim on “status.” Social or Political Status is not even close to who and what you are. In order to make such a move, it must be stated that all the things “viewable socially” on the “outside” must have a deep root of principle grounded from inside. That’s primarily what this post is about. Where we Begin.
Please share this post if you feel inclined to.
There are many reasons to Declare Independence from the current System of systems. Here is one good reason rather well illustrated by Kathrine Watt, if you have not read this, you probably should; for legal issues centered around Weaponized Government, I highly recommend Bailiwick News:
On the historical development and current list of 'quarantinable communicable diseases.'
The legal framework supporting federal and state government use of police power to apprehend, detain and quarantine individuals sits on three legs.
I'm writing about the federal framework because I speculate that the quarantine provisions, directed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Surgeon General, are provisions that the globalists will try to use more forcefully during the next pandemic simulation, through local law enforcement and public health officials: kidnappers working for the federal government while wearing local law enforcement and health care worker uniforms.
Just like the original Declaration of Independence, there is a long Train of Abuses, please read"I Protest" by Donald Jeffries, who I highly recommend, post linked below:
A Rigged System From Top to Bottom
As the Libertarians used to note, every time a new law is passed, we create new “criminals.” There are already far too many laws, and yet the public clamors for more. Millions want those they disagree with politically to be “locked up,” you know, like career Deep State villain Hillary Clinton. Who is, of course, definitely NOT locked up. The swamp has never been fuller. It’s ironic that, with all the politicized prosecutions going on, the criminal elite continue to evade the long arm of the law they control. I wrote about all the modern Deep State criminals in Hidden History. None were ever prosecuted. Even if they were prosecuted, they would be acquitted by the same brain- dead juries that convict hapless riff raff on zero credible evidence.
Here is another important post that shows the issues at hand, 2nd Smartest post this on the Great Taking Documentary, I encourage everyone to read this, it isn’t long and is to the point:
You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything – David Rogers Webb
There are Nullification efforts under way on the State Level in Tennessee, this is an important development to follow. I highly recommend Karen Bracken’s sub stack, her work is very crucial in beginning the process of Nullification of Federal Corporate control.
TN Citizens for State Sovereignty - Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth
Nullification is not only a state's right it is a state's duty and responsibility
Karen Bracken (Founder) and David Vance (Co-Founder) both citizens of the state of Tennessee have organized a citizens group to support legislation that creates 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification. Once “Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act” (HB0726/SB1092) is passed by the Tennessee Assembly it will provide a legally binding process in which to invoke Nullification. As of right now there are no actions to take EXCEPT to get as many people as possible to sign up on this Substack page.
I urge everyone to join her in her work.
Solutions start within You — Spiritually
To properly address Solutions, it seems that we could outline them, from the view point of the Individual Observer. To get to a sense of clarity, the right questions must be asked.
“What can we See?”
A Human World tied up in Conflict. Yet that is just a reflection, Existential Reality is a battlefield that offers manifested Being a chance to see One.
“Why are we seeing This?”
We as Individual Observers are Conflicted, this is the hammer of the gods, meant to heat up the World into a Crucible, to smelt out the Truth.
“Who is having this Experience? and Why?”
The Self is both having an experience and IS being experienced. When we come here, we must work out Oneness from within our Human sense of Identity.
“What can be done with that which we Observe?”
Change what is Inside; when the world inside is transformed, the outside one reflects that.
Within every Individual, there exists a sense of “Separateness,” that there is an “US” and a “THEM.” The very concept of Power, in Human terms comes from that Illusion of Separateness. As I emphasize on other posts; Power does not exist Outside of You, so any Solutions to World issues can also be found within, ultimately.
In the Social and Political Arena
Human interactions are being affected by those who crave power; seeking control, and where do they seek it? Outside of themselves. — Is it any wonder that these are some of the MOST out of control Individuals anywhere?
Here are some of the areas they have attempted to manipulate in order to enrich themselves at the rest of humanity’s expense, on a personal level, this is not a complete list:
Spirituality has been reduced to Religion to extract Obedience ……. restricting access to God in order to gain control over “Belief,” leads to control over social behavior. Spirituality is personal and cannot be controlled, when realized. They hate this.
Sovereignty of Being has been reduced to “citizenship” and phony “persons,” this has lead to….. accepted roles that are “subordinate” to a chosen few that operate a Corporate Fiction. They want to be Equitably Inclusive; with everyone equally a Slave.
Personal Identity and Autonomy reduced to Digital ID ……. they desire to have ultimate control to enable them to apply Social Definitions to your Identity, this allows them to assign “Associations” to you; furthering the construction of an Apartheid Caste System. This is one way the “De Facto Authority” hijacks and makes a claim on your “De Jure — Sovereign Self;” this is an outright Fraud of the State.
The above infiltrations led to the following:
With the formation of Religion; the basis for Arbitrary Hierarchy was laid down, establishment of centralized government resulted and caused the spread of unaccountability and corruption. So, with Citizenship, the following were poisoned:
Natural Rights were reduced to Enumerated Privileges…… Even the Constitution cannot define the full extent of your Sovereign Rights. That’s why they don’t like the term: “Sui Juris.” Meaning: “Of One’s Own Right.”
People of Natural Rights, whose status was “Sui Juris,” created the Constitutional Republic. The Constitution governs our Federal Employees NOT the rest of us. The “Creators” always lawfully take presidence over the “Created.”
All Freedoms within a “Human system of Governance” are reduced to just Liberty which is nothing more than a leash; you can go “here” and no “further.” This happens because when a list is written, a Definition becomes established.
True Learning has been reduced to just Schooling or assembly line Education, resulting in the Controlling of Information and the Distortion of Knowledge; like fake narrative based history, junk science such as vaccinology and germ theory.
With Schooling there is a mandated curriculum; with True Learning there is curiosity.
Economics have been reduced to using Fiat IOU’s; which is not real money combined with Collateralized Servitude, conditions everyone to accept their proper place in the Corporate Tax Farm. Some animals at the farm are more “Equal” than “Others.”
Health has been reduced to Allopathic Medical Procedure putting your health and well being on a subscription service, this includes “Mandated Medical Procedure.”
Nearly all of the above issues are caused primarily by Unlawful Claims being made against you, a Natural, Independent and Individual Lawful Sovereign. Psychological methods of manipulation have been a primary method to gain leverage in these areas. Followed by Fraud and outright Force.
First part of any “Solution” should emphasize the sense of the Sovereign Being within each Human Being:
I have addressed this concept of Independent Individual Sovereignty before, I will restate some the pertinent parts of these posts for framing this. Primary focus here is to setup a method of establishing status that can function in a social and political context, while altering or abolishing our prior political bonds. The most effective status that respects the true Sovereign Self of each person is known as “Sui Juris.” I’ll dig into that a little more further down, near the bottom of this post.
Individualized Sovereignty and Political Power Structures how can these coexist?
In the above post, I begin with the sense of Self Nature, mystic knowledge of Oneness, then in the second part, I apply it towards nullifying the Political Control frameworks we are all facing. The first part is the most important: “I am that I am.” This is foundational, realizing this becomes the main root of cause to assert the power and importance of Individual Sovereignty, reclaiming that from the “Legal Fictions,” Corporate Government Franchises feed off of.
The nature of Being is Infinite and therefore Undefinable.
To Summarize:
The condition of the sovereign “being” is a projection of the one-self into a physical birth; it is experienced by and for the sacred self. Human existence is a product of this sovereign experience. The true nature of being is formless, yet it is all there ever was, or could be. All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of Being are a focal point within infinite awareness. This makes each human being sovereign because the experience is observed from the vantage point of the Eternal Self; clothed in the ideation of Individual Identity. The Eternal “I,” True Being; that is both The Observer and The Observed, is One coming from Oneness. To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. The fastest route to realization of this truth is Love. Our whole basis for Identity should be that of the formless nature of Consciousness; not human labels, or status based on titles appearances, since these are always transitory.
The purpose of Birth and Existential Experience:
Sat ——— Chit ——— Ananda
Being ——— Consciousness ——— Bliss
Manifestation —— Awareness ———— Fulfillment
Severing our Political ties and finding our own way. What can guide us towards True Freedom?
The Political vs Spiritual Man, here are some of the important highlights:
A Human life is a temporary focus of attention within an infinite awareness called Consciousness. God is the true Self within of all of us. We are all there ever was or ever could be. Death is not what we think of it, — in truth, nobody ever dies, the body is only transitory. We are Consciousness, what happens if billions of people are able to perceive a self-identity that is not physical? Nobody can be controlled anymore. Nobody EVER could be controlled, acquiescence was always ignorance. Political Power was always a delusion. No Human Being has a standing to Control another Human Being, ever. Self determination is the ONLY power there is.
Three Delphic Maxims:
The Delphic Epsilon was placed at the top of the pediment of the Temple of Apollo, right at its center. At the lower-left corner, there was the inscription:
“Γνώθι Σαυτόν," English Transliteration: Gnothi sauton (or se auton). Meaning: “know thyself” in Greek, while at the lower-right corner, there was the inscription:
Ἐγγύα πάρα δ' Ἄτα English transliteration: eggua/egguê para d'atê Meaning: “Give a pledge and trouble is at hand.” This one says it ALL.
“Μηδέν Άγαν”, English transliteration: meden agan. Meaning: “nothing in excess”.
Being is a Verb, an action word to describe the movement of consciousness
Know Thyself First ————— Because you are Sovereign. Nobody rules over anybody. There is nobody above you, there is nobody below you.
Make NO Pledges ————— You owe NO allegiances. Nobody is ever Obligated to anyone else, yet we all have Freedom of Association.
Seek Nothing in Excess ——— You are Not bound by your actions, do them without attachment to the fruits. This is an important lesson that comes from The Bhagavad Gita.
What is the Self in the Purest sense? It really cannot be explained, it can be experienced. Excerpt below was taken from an unknown Celtic translation: (I am not certain of the origin)
Seated god Says:
“your eyes
are held
To my stillness.”
He who, nameless, named
Now sits, throned naked In memory halls.
He who, voiceless, whispers
In echoing soul.
Tied by more than chance, Tied by here,
by holding stare.
He who
holds steady
the golden promise Of sun’s journey – torc horizon,
glinting heavy.
the two apart woven now
To strong chain. Just like this.
Eye locked, mind forged, Welded, hammered across lifetimes.
He who,
needs no armour, Who, cross-legged, needs no defense.
Mountain looking, ocean speaking, Still as centuries.
He who,
hair braided, hair cloaked, Looks out from, in to ,
Within, within This burning circle, This heavy wheel horizon.
He who, Is.
That which IS — is Nameless, so What is in a Name? There is a good reason that “I am” can only be followed by a proper noun and not a common noun
There are entire books written about Names and their Meanings, this is only my take on this, as it also ties into the primary focus which is Sovereignty, to address “I am.”
As stated above; Being is a Verb, an action word to describe the movement of consciousness
“I am” is a linguistic expression to announce “Being” which is an action of Consciousness, the main reason for using a proper noun; like a Name, is that a proper noun can represent Meaning and yet NOT be objectively Defined. A common noun is more often a very clearly constrained, defined concept or object; by placing “I am” in front of a common noun, Being becomes diminished, made lesser than it is, linguistically speaking, disrespected.
For example it is linguistically abusive to say “I am a Citizen,” because that is a “Status” that has very clearly enumerated properties, disrespecting the Infinite Being standing there, which has more than just Liberty, it has Freedom and possesses that forever, naturally.
If “Being” does have a name, does it become Defined? Does it gain Meaning? As soon as the mind is able to lay claim to an experience of the unknown, it becomes an “object;” which named, is thus reduced from the illimitable from whence it came, but not entirely.
Meaning can steep itself into a Symbol, but neither Meaning nor Symbol can shackle the Spirit to Definition.
In this concept; that which is undefined is infinite. What is the purpose of a name? To convey a sense of deeper spiritual Meaning and confer that to the Individual that it was meant to address, giving acknowledgement to the Formless Spirit standing within that Life. Traditionally, a name of Meaning was sacred, only offered to an Individual by a Shaman or Guru.
Names — (My Interpretation)
In ancient times, Sir Names did not exist in the manner they do today. Given names or First names were almost always mentioned upon address to someone, then followed by the name of the father of the family, then sometimes the name of the grandfather as well; to invoke a sense of respect towards the individual who was introducing himself. Clan names were also in the original place of what became the Sir name, prior to the beginning of the Feudal Era.
First Names were always for common every day use, important for public address, yet they could have some personal meaning.
Middle Names are common place today, they sometimes function as an alternate name of whom ever it is. These can also have deep meaning.
Last Names are Sir names and they are intended to offer respect to the family that the person Hails from. Family does have meaningful importance. With the imposition of Birth Certificate Trusts they have become similar to a manufacturer name sake; like a farmer, from where the livestock comes from to provide more chattel for the Tax Farm. Sorry, I am not trying to offend anyone here, there are many ways that our culture has been twisted to serve the desires of the few.
Spiritual Names are much more important; yes, I do have a bias towards those. Having a Guru or Shaman give you a Name of Power ties your sense of character to an other worldly sense of Meaning. Sometimes those types of names are ones you later choose to use for yourself because of the deep meaning you hold for it; the symbolism of any name, associates you with something that is very Meaningful indeed. Spiritual Names tether you to Infinity. Sometimes a Middle Name can also be a Spiritual Name.
Names cannot be fully “Defined” because definition is a static, fixed millstone that is linguistically inert of anything that can flourish with the Spirit.
Meanings vs Definitions:
What has “Definition” is static, linguistically dead; unchanging, existing only in a Dictionary.
What has “Meaning” is dynamic, living and breathing with an Individual’s Life and can include connections to non-physical Reality.
Registration of Names and other Folly
The same Parasites who started out their Criminal Empire by Stealing Names are now the same Criminal Culture that operate the Registries, in the Birth Certificate Scam: I have posted many times on this subject.
To gain control and Define people, the Parasites have tried to imprison Meaning in a Registry by printing Names in all Capital letters; doing this, they Unlawfully Claim ownership of all Free Inhabitants and their Identities. They began this paperwork when you were born, they placed a nice little toe tag on your infant body; a Birth Certificate and a Citizenship, just like when a family of Slaves had a newborn, the Slave Master had to inventory that new member as an “asset” or a “collateral” for something else that he owed. There are ways to correct your legal status by filing affidavits, but this must be made simple for everyone to do.
My Solution Name Registries:
If you find that your Name is counted on a Corporate Government Registry, the simple solution is to choose a different Name that you like, that has Meaning for you, the Government will never find out; it’s none of their business, especially if you are not using an SSN, not signing up for Medicare, not collecting Social Security, then you are not on their radar.
Some people would argue: “Well if you are choosing to use a Name that’s not your original Given Name, isn’t that also Name Stealing?” My response is: “Nope, it is not and here’s why; if you live according to the discipline found in the symbolism of the Namesake you are giving that symbol proper honor. The truth is not based off of presentation alone, it is found in how we Live it.” My own chosen Name is a great example, holding symbolic and spiritual Meaning:
Everyone has the natural freedom to seek Balance within themselves, it cannot be denied to anyone. In Being there exist a Non Physical and a Physical property; Peace is a product of balance between those worlds. Peace is Beautiful. Peace rules the “Two Lands,” within each of us, as “King of Two Lands:” Neshua em Tau Wei.
What Meaning can Freedom really have?
When Man is experiencing his best Freedom, it is consistently expressed through “self regulation.” Man is traditionally considered of a higher evolution than an animal, because of the extensive use and involvement of Mind. “Morality,” is a product of this.
I’m not saying that the majority of people thinking alike would ever solve the issues we are witness to these days; having an intimate sense of Meaning connected to this Morality, adds the infinity of the inner Spirit to what is right and proper from within. All of man’s action becomes informed by this.
In every Age of Enlightenment, there has always been a firm sense of righteousness that was expressed from the Individual’s moral perspective and then socially encouraged; yet when the same becomes written into “laws,” the social structure begins to deteriorate.
Whenever a society is getting old and infirm, it always manages to collect an endless list of “laws,” just like a sick old man collects supplements, to keep his health. Though society may become sick and ready to die, the Individuals within that society may be perfectly healthy, it’s the system itself that ails alone, Social Conformity always demands Compliance, otherwise Tyranny cannot stand.
Truly Moral Individuals are the backbone to a strong and healthy society, voluntarily cooperating with each other. Each equally Sovereign.
Symbolism lets the seeker of Knowledge access Meaning without all the Mental baggage
This is similar to symbolism found in ancient Celtic stories as well as in their symbolism. Cernunnos is a perfect illustration of this:
The god of the forest Cernunnos is depicted as a man sitting cross legged with the head of a Megaloceros (Irish Elk) in place of a human head, with it’s great long antlers. The antlers themselves look a lot like the wings of a Dragon. His left hand holds a snake representing the wild inner nature of man, while the corresponding ankle has an anklet to keep it bound. This symbolizes Moral Constraint. The right hand is holding an anklet removed from the right ankle, this symbolizes Liberation and Individual Freedom. Together this whole picture illustrates man’s true sense of Self Discipline, thus balanced with Nature.
For reference on Cernunnos:
Here's some more info that gives further details on Cernunnos:
Note: I might not completely agree with this site's analysis but it gives a good primer on this topic.
Here is a little from the article:
Whatever role Cernunnos had in the lives of early Celts and Gauls remains as nothing more but speculation. Nonetheless, worship of Cernunnos was so widespread that the Christian church may have drawn inspiration from the deity to depict the goat-like Satan.
More or less, early Christians took one look at the horned god and went “nope, none for us, thanks.” So intense was the detest of pagan deities, that Christianity went ahead and demonized most (if not all) of them. Cernunnos was among the long, long list of gods that didn’t make the cut into the up-and-coming monotheistic religion.
Mentioned above is the “goat-like Satan,” the author is referring to Baphomet, another major symbolic figure that is completely misunderstood by BOTH Christians and their supposed opposites, the Satanist. Symbols and deep meanings can be hijacked for agendas they were never intended for. So now, we can look at Dragons in a different light, are Dragons by themselves Evil? My answer is of course NO, in fact a dragon can stand for inner spiritual vitality. The symbolism used by the Dragon and Order of the Garter, by itself is not terrible, even “occult” concepts are not terrible; what IS terrible is the Fraud these Parasites have perpetrated against civilization by stealing and misusing symbolism for their own purpose.
Baphomet is similar to Cernunnos; seated god with the head of a goat is symbolizing the animal nature within man. He is shown with the two horns on the head representing the seeming dualistic nature of existence, yet there is an upside down star between those horns. This is where Christianity gets badly hung up. The upside down position of the star is an indicator that the force of god is descending into the raw nature of man, while at this figure's feet is shown the ascending force (we call it Kundalini) rising upward to meet the descending divine energy. With one hand pointing upwards towards the sun and the other hand pointing downwards towards the moon; meaning "As above So below." My firm stance on this is it is NOT evil. This describes the movement of energies within man's inner nature.
Some important points to keep clear as we are potentially heading for very hard times:
As I reflect on the questions I posed at the top:
What can we See? Why are we seeing This? Who is having this Experience? and Why? What can be done with that which we Observe?
If there was never a darkness anywhere in the world, not in Human experience, how would Human Mind ever begin to see and experience Light?
The one thing that I suppose I could have mentioned so many times, would be:
Earth is the Chosen Place, a battlefield of the mightiest Warriors; where the Arch Mason shapes his Works.
A World of Wonder and Beauty, not possible without the abominations of Time and Decay.
Wherever a Blue Lotus grows, so intoxicating and of heavenly perfumed scent, it is certain the swamp it grows in is Soiled with most Foul Sludge ever imaginable.
Sometimes it is necessary for there to be terrible things in order for people to realize wonderful things. Human nature changes very slowly, unless there is a downward force. How else could a tree grow a straight trunk if there was no gravity? I am not advocating for the enemy Parasites here, but I see them as odd and unwitting teachers, training us all to pay very close attention to the things we have taken for granted in the past.
Everything is One. It's sometimes quite difficult to bring this type of realization to a conflict like we are actually observing today. So, what is the actual nature of this conflict? The "Force" that the Parasites represent don't want Man to achieve this realization, their goal is to Halt Spiritual Evolution. At some point, the Parasites will in fact cease to exist. Violence which is not necessary will not cause them to change.
Right now, the best way to effectively fight against them is to remove every tool they use to manipulate us. Such as the Legal System (Not Lawful) and many other tools, by either Nullifying them or by Severance from our prior Political and Economic appointments.
As I wrap this up, I want to Mention some information on the term Sui Juris, I hope everyone gets a chance to read this.
This is part of a very Large Topic deserving it’s own Primary post.
I think Sui Juris has a lot of potential as a legal method that can be used against the Criminal Parasites. The Corrupt Courts won’t recognize your claim, but that should not stop you from making a Sovereign Declaration. Don’t take any of this as Legal Advice. I am not holding a license for “Legal Practice.”
From Bitter Root Services comment made a few months back on Hypnotist post Regarding Trust:
Sui Juris is a Latin definition which means "of one's own right", it means that someone is "capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights." It is crucial to note there is no mention of "legal age" or "legal capacity" in the definition. That is because in the U.S. we have a post Civil War 14th Amendment. More on that in a moment.
Prior to the 14th Amendment a U.S.A. Citizen obtained their "Rights" from their Creator, i.e. God. This is set out in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence which says in pertinent part. "...all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..."
Note the word "unalienable." It's root word is "lien" which is when someone else or some entity has a higher claim to what you say is yours, than you do.
Example: If you have a mortgage on "your" house, the bank or mortgage company has a "higher claim" to that house than your claim. Just quit paying the payment and see what happens to your house!
Point to remember is that when your rights are "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) they come from God and God is above all earthly governments.
The 14th Amendment, 1868, turned things upside down. It says in pertinent part, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State in which they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,..." there is a lot to "unpack" in this 14th Amendment. Please follow closely:
1. We will start with the words: "...the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..." In Law, where do "privileges and immunities" come from? They are what government can give "citizens". They are not the same as "rights" from God.
Note: The phrase at the beginning of that Amendment, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States..." Notice the coupling together of the concepts of "born" and "naturalized." This was the beginning of doing away with the idea of some people being "freeborn Citizens" with God given rights and classifying all as "citizens" in the category of "naturalized." — Why? A naturalized citizen is someone born in a country that does not recognize "God given rights" but who wants to become an American. They go through the process of "naturalization" and once that is completed they receive "privileges and immunities," granted by government, not rights from God! What government has given, government can take away!
2. Notice the word "citizens" in the 14th Amendment. It is spelled with a lower case "c". Yet, for example in the Constitution; Article II, Section 5 the same word is spelled "Citizen" with an upper case "C" and that word is not the first word in a sentence! "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..."
In Law, even the capitalization of a word has meaning! Prior to the 14th Amendment, the capitalization of "Citizen" meant a human being who's rights came from God not from government. Notice that there were 2 classes of "Citizens" before the Adoption of the Constitution! Those born here and those who had become Citizens prior to the Adoption of the Constitution! That is prior to there being a government that could "naturalize" those not born here!
3. Post Civil War there was "The Act of February 21, 1871" which, among other things changed one letter of one word in the Declaration of Independence. It changed an "u" to an "i" changing the word "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" pronounced "in-alien-able" root word "alien" (which interestingly enough the first 4 letters of that word tell you this word is "a lie"!) So when this Act changed the word in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence from "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" (in-alien-able) it supported the change in status of all Americans from God given Rights to government given privileges!
Regarding Trusts:
Why is this important in light of the article and handbook on Trusts from yesterday's article? To have a Common Law Type Trust, the parties to it must be "sui juris"!
Remember the definition of "sui juris" is "of one's own right" and "Capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights". If you are a 14th Amendment "citizen."
[Sovereign is a Living Human Being who has No Ruler and No Subjects]
(Little "c" meaning you are a subject of government and not a subject of God, aka "a Sovereign") you have no "private law rights," you have "government granted privileges and immunities." Such as the "privilege" of being "taxed", travel freely granted by private car only if you are "licensed", the privilege of being used in commerce via your "Birth Certificate" which is an "Admiralty Law Instrument." (Law of the Sea, therefore you have a "birth certificate" showing the "berth" where you came into existence) used in International Commerce and much more.
The type of "Trust", a trust under the Common Law, as talked about in yesterday's post are concerned, that type of trust came from English Common Law adopted by the "colonies" in America long before there was any US government "taxing authority" under the 16th Amendment. (The story of it's failed ratification is told by another below this post). These type of Common Law Trusts are not subject to the April 15th Tax, but the April 15th Agency does not agree with that and will and have prosecuted those using these trusts to operate a business out of unless they obtain an EIN and pay taxes on the trust income.
Strictly speaking, when a Common Law Based Trust becomes "bastardized" by adopting ANY Statutory provisions such as an EIN, that trust looses the ability to protect assets and as a trust that contains any Statutory Provision it now falls under the purview of the Court System of this land, (America), and can be pierced, legally, by those courts, the assets taken by the court, and the parties to the trust, including Trustors, Trustees and Beneficiaries, convicted of fraud or crimes, under the Laws of the UNITED STATES Corporation, not the united States Constitution (lower case "u" intentional).
The courts will readily agree that this type of trust is "legal" which means they are subject to the courts jurisdiction and have been used "illegally" either via bastardization via mixing Statutory Trust language and concepts with Common Law language and concepts or by a person lacking in the "Sui Juris" status using the trusts.
In the last 20 or so years, a Common law Trust, such as the ones talked about in yesterdays post, have been pierced by a Federal District Court and the Federal Appeals Courts have up held the lower court's rulings and SCOTUS, to my knowledge has not taken any cases involving these trusts.
In some 50 years of fighting the "good fight" I have only seen 2 individuals who were able to beat a trial in court because they had successfully removed themselves from being a 14th Amendment citizen and after nearly a year of attempts at tripping them up in a court room and after local newspaper articles of a "Couple Dumps Citizenship In Anti-government Rant" they were successful.
Now for a "silver lining." If you understand the "Restored Republic Idea", we should all be "restored" to Citizen status and the US Corporation ceasing to exist. Then, the use of this type of trust will, again, be taught, used and understood by all-even the Lawyers and Courts / Judges.
In the meantime, unless you know you are not a 14th Amendment citizen and the Common Law Trust you are using is not bastardized by Statutory Trust language or concepts and those who are named in the trust as Trustor(s), Trustee(s) and Beneficiaries are not 14th Amendment citizens, be extremely careful as you move forward.
My reason for putting this here is for a discussion about the Sui Juris Status. Not sure about the use of Common Law Trusts, but it may all tie together.
I’ll repeat here what I say just above this section: Don’t take any of this as Legal Advice. I am not holding a license for “Legal Practice.” What I do for myself is at my own potential legal risk. This is war after all, isn’t it?
My Solution to the “Fraud of State” and it’s “Unlawful Citizenship Claim” on you, is to draft up a Declaration of Independence for Individuals to at least create a form of Clear Statement of Facts. Every living Human Being is born free of encumbrances and obligations, their automatic social and political status is Sui Juris, which includes protection of Lawful Sovereign Status for each Individual. Legal Statutes were drafted up under “Color of Law,” and are therefore; NOT Lawful.
There will be more posts dedicated to establishing workable Solutions to our Globalist Hellhole. I will try to compile other people’s posts regarding Solutions and try making a road map for them, everyone’s ideas are important.
Please comment, let me know what you think, I value everyone’s input here.
And the criminal parasites can send a man or a drone with a loaded gun to our front door...things are at that stage for some. Fortuntely not for us in Britain (yet)! The more that people wake up, the safer for the rest of us, possibly. Whatever, we have to do what is right in order to sleep at night.
Two years ago I wrote this:
The Individual arise...
Similar of what you are saying... if we empower the individual we take power from the Government.
I think we both understand that we as a race have been miss lead miss educated and lied to in every possible way.
The ones in power who miss educate the next generation so they don't know if they are male or female educating basically a new Hitler youth to ensure they stay in power.
They must be stopped.
So I say... Hack them... dox them... shame them.
Hackers of the world Unite.