Severing our Political ties and finding our own way. What can guide us towards True Freedom?
Just who really has actual control? In a world built on lies, just an ounce of truth could shatter the whole thing like glass. Illusions are fragile, when enlightenment comes, everything changes.
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Political ties are enforced using False Power: Fraud and Force, when the Fraud is exposed, all the authoritarians have left is Force.
Our Political System is a tool for the few who call themselves Owners and Rulers. They use it to hide Power and how they Hold it. I have spent a lot of time researching to find out exactly who is really controlling the “Controllers.” In my Conversation with another author here on Substack, with regards to the Black Nobility, I gained a great deal of reflection.
Frances Leader Aug 13 says in the comments:
“I am thinking that we are hard pushed to identify those who are NOT servants of the Black Nobs. This draws to my awareness the myriad of people who have died, persecuted til their last breath, for resisting those who believe they have divine rights to rule us all.
Those are our ancestors and what we do now represents them. It is a very hard act to follow but I cannot see an alternative.”
My response was:
“I agree with that 100%
And what becomes ever more apparent, for me at least, is there really is no power outside of "The Self."“
I took her message to heart and it is the inspiration for this post, thank you Frances.
I highly recommend her work, she has some of the best, comprehensive information on this topic as I have seen, if you want to subscribe, the link to her stack is her name above.
In order to get at the heart of Political Bonds, we must ask a different question: What is Power? What do we really know about it?
There are different facets to this topic, we can look at Governments, Politics, Nations and of course Banks; when one takes a much closer look, it becomes clear that none of those actually have any power at all, we are just used to believing it can be found in those places. There are other variants to the same question: Is power located in a specific location? Is it something that can be held, or possessed? Does it come from five basic elements? Such as:
Prithvi — Earth पृथ्वी:
Apas — Water आपः
Agni — Fire अग्नि
Vayu — Air वायु:
Akasha — Ether / Space आकाश
Or are these merely the reflections of what power really represents in Nature? If so, what makes it’s Existence possible? There are some very smart people who say that the physical cosmos is made from Time, Frequency and Vibration. In a physical sense, they could be right.
On this auspicious day, August 15, the Birth Day of my Guru, Sri Aurobindo; I choose to take the opportunity to look within, inevitably the answers may only be found there, since there is really no such thing as “Outside.” Greatness found within the Self is what can make an Experience of the outside world Great.
So to begin with, I will quote a simple truth once spoken:
About Power:
“Most people seek after what they do not possess and are enslaved by the very things they want to acquire.” – Anwar Sadat
I know very little about Sadat, but it seems that he was very perceptive. It would be wonderful if any of our politicians were to show true understanding of that statement.
This is my own take:
A Thrown is only a Chair where a Human Sits. It is not a seat of Power.
The Seat of Power is where Being views inward to See what Is.
Power only exists in the physical world because we allow it. Once you become perfectly still, you will notice things that were unnoticeable before. There in mental silence, one sees more than what Mind can describe. Mind takes a seat on the observer’s couch, when the deeper Self comes forward, knowing is instantaneous. Our actions become informed only by this sense of knowing. We see other people’s lives as an extension of the Self, this is the attention to Beauty that we see in life.
To better express what I am getting at; here is an excerpt from Savitri, the epic poem written by Sri Aurobindo:
A spirit who is no one and innumerable,
The one mystic infinite Person of his world
Multiplies his myriad personality,
On all his bodies seals his divinity’s stamp
And sits in each immortal and unique.
The Immobile stands behind each daily act,
A background of the movement and the scene,
Upholding creation on it’s might and calm
And change on the Immutable’s deathless poise.
The Timeless looks out from the traveling hours;
The Ineffable puts on a robe of speech.
Where all it’s words are woven like magic threads
Moving with beauty, inspiring with their gleam,
And every thought takes up it’s destined place
Recorded in the memory of the world.
The Truth supreme, vast and impersonal
Fits faultlessly the hour and circumstance,
It’s substance a pure gold ever the same
But shaped into vessels for the spirit’s use,
It’s gold becomes the wine jar and the vase.
All there is a supreme epiphany:
The All — Wonderful makes a marvel of each event,
The All — Beautiful is a miracle in each shape;
The All — Blissful smites with rapture the heart’s throbs,
A pure celestial joy is the use of sense.
Each being there is a member of the Self,
A portion of the million — thoughted All,
A claimant to timeless Unity,
The many’s sweetness, the joy of difference
Edged with the intimacy of the One.
Savitri is a very large composition by Sri Aurobindo.
If you are interested in Sri Aurobindo, The Mother and their many literary works, the following links appear to be good.
E Books on line:
Ashram website:
These important experiences give us an opportunity to see One:
Beauty is a Refection of the Self of all. When we notice it, we connect back to the Self and for that time, there is no separateness.
Love is a Realization of Self. When we experience it, we know that we do not exist as separate Beings.
Perhaps one of the things I have posted before deserves being restated here on this post and that is specific to: Individualized Sovereignty (the link is in the title)
The True Power of Sovereignty is a birthright that from birth, we are trained to discount, yet taught to accept that same birthright in the Elites or various Leaders. (Power Brokers)
From birth on wards, everyone seems to just accept the ideas presented to us about who or what “we” are; [to define our proper place] just to convince all of us we are in a smaller box than the Elites are. Throughout history, they put into place a system of their own design, enabling them to “feed” off of all of us. The root of their control is our acquiescence to their manipulation.
To end it, we all must realize what it REALLY means to claim our Individual Sovereignty. True and absolute Being is tethered to Infinity, Sovereignty is an expression of it. So the only Power that exists anywhere, is only found within.
So, on a Social Scale — what can guide us to fully realize Freedom?
The answer was available in ancient Greece, but let’s remember that our Spiritual sense is the master of what our social scale looks like:
Three Delphic Maxims:
The Delphic Epsilon was placed at the top of the pediment of the Temple of Apollo, right at its center. At the lower-left corner, there was the inscription:
“Γνώθι Σαυτόν," English Transliteration: Gnothi sauton (or se auton). Meaning: “know thyself” in Greek, while at the lower-right corner, there was the inscription:
“Μηδέν Άγαν”, English transliteration: meden agan. Meaning: “nothing in excess”.
Ἐγγύα πάρα δ' Ἄτα English transliteration: eggua/egguê para d'atê Meaning: “Give a pledge and trouble is at hand.” This last one says it ALL.
If you Know Thyself, then you know Truth; then you should NEVER give a pledge, never offer Allegiance to a Lie. If you know thyself, you must Honor Thyself.
A Human life is a temporary focus of attention within an infinite awareness called Consciousness. God is the true Self of all of us. We are all there ever was or ever could be. Death is not what we think of it, — in truth, nobody ever dies, the body is only transitory. We are Consciousness, what happens if billions of people are able to perceive a self-identity that is not physical? Nobody can be controlled anymore. The Elites lose their gambit. Nobody ever could be controlled, acquiescence was always ignorance. Political Power was always a delusion. Arbitrary Hierarchy is unnatural and Nature abhors it! Once everyone stops supporting it, the fall will be catastrophic for it.
The picture below illustrates this concept beautifully and is also why I call them Parasites, It’s not the only reason though:
They can’t exist without US
Severing Our Ties to the System we always Thought we Knew:
Self Reliance is revolutionary in a world dominated by Conformity, a dangerous form of Liberty is True Freedom. We must sacrifice things we think we are, so that we can embrace what we truly are.
We must invalidate our prior obligations in favor of a truthful life, those who continue to keep those appointments do so to their peril. Do you pledge allegiance much? Our Country deserves our Patriotism, The Corporate Government deserves a Pyre. Remember your Country is a community of people who you love, the Government is a Parasitic Criminal Enterprise that constantly demands obedience and conformity.
What is Government?
Govern = Control —— Ment (mentality) = Mind
Mind Control —— do you control your own mind? Think about it.
With the Plandemic, nearly EVERY Government committed a direct act of war against their own “Citizens.”
You cannot effectively fight a war, unless you have found true peace within yourself. Know Thyself First. Make NO pledges. Seek Nothing in Excess.
We are in a WAR whether you know it or not; whether you like it or not; the Dynastic Bloodlines called Black Nobility have been behind all of this. They know that they are trapped into their own actions; they are in a fight for their existence, that puts all of us into that same relationship. If we are to honor our Natural Born — Independent Individual Sovereignty, we must fight them. This has been mostly an information war, now that they have decided to wipe out close nit communities like in Lahaina, we may need to start considering what this war is leading to. The only war I can think of that is similar to what we are wittiness to now, is the War of the Mahabharata, and the message that must now be learned, especially by North Americans is the one found in The Bhagavad Gita. Some of the most powerful teachings can be found in the Gita. It puts ourselves right in front of who and what we really are.
The Gita says: "Do your allotted work but renounce its fruit—be detached and work—have no desire for reward and work." This is the unmistakable teaching of the Gita. He who gives up action falls. He who gives up only the reward rises. In the fight, we must view ourselves as being in the exact right place at the exact right time; in the dharma of the moment, the true warrior takes his action without any passion attached to it.
The Gita has the same message as the Isha Upanishad in this regard:
कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेत् शतं समाः।
एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥
kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ |
evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare ||
Commonly known English Translation and Interpretation:
“Doing verily works in this world one should wish to live a hundred years. Thus it is in thee and not otherwise than this; action cleaves not to a man.”
Man is not attached to the action he performs nor is he a product of it; even though he appears to be.
THE JUSTIFICATION OF WORKS — Isha Upanishad pages 19 and 20 Sri Aurobindo States:
This freedom does not depend upon inaction, nor is this possession limited to the enjoyment of the inactive Soul that only witnesses without taking part in the movement. On the contrary, the doing of works in this material world and a full acceptance of the term of physical life are part of its completeness. For the active Brahman fulfills Itself in the world by works and man also is in the body for self-fulfillment by action. He cannot do otherwise, for even his inertia acts and produces effects in the cosmic movement. Being in this body or any kind of body, it is idle to think of refraining from action or escaping the physical life. The idea that this in itself can be a means of liberation, is part of the Ignorance which supposes the soul to be a separate entity in the Brahman. Action is shunned because it is thought to be inconsistent with freedom. The man when he acts, is supposed to be necessarily entangled in the desire behind the action, in subjection to the formal energy that drives the action and in the results of the action. These things are true in appearance, not in reality. Desire is only a mode of the emotional mind which by ignorance seeks its delight in the object of desire and not in the Brahman who expresses Himself in the object. By destroying that ignorance one can do action without entanglement in desire. The Energy that drives is itself subject to the Lord, who expresses Himself in it with perfect freedom. By getting behind Nature to the Lord of Nature, merging the individual in the Cosmic Will, one can act with the divine freedom. Our actions are given up to the Lord and our personal responsibility ceases in His liberty. The chain of Karma only binds the movement of Nature and not the soul which, by knowing itself, ceases even to appear to be bound by the results of its works. Therefore the way of freedom is not inaction, but to cease from identifying oneself with the movement and recover instead our true identity in the Self of things who is their Lord.
For further reading please see:
Know Thyself First. Make NO Pledges. Seek Nothing in Excess.
Because you are Sovereign. You owe NO allegiances. You are Not bound by your actions, do them without attachment to the fruits. Nobody rules over anybody. There is nobody above you, there is nobody below you. All is One.
Something to keep in mind as we all watch the New World Order flail and seethe in it’s death throes; attempting to cull maximum numbers:
A Thrown is only a Chair where a Human Sits. It is not a seat of Power.
The Seat of Power is where Being views inward to See what Is.
When we sever our political ties, we invalidate our prior obligations and replace them with the Truth. Political Power is an Illusion, the true source of power is waiting for you in the Mirror.
"So the only Power that exists anywhere, is only found within."
Since the beginning of the Plandemic, my entire life was disrupted in so many ways - physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. I had to make many difficult decisions that would affect my future, all during such bodily duress. It was a time of phenomenal growth and development of all my faculties.
I can happily say today that I'm a better being than I've ever been before and all of it due to the suffering I was exposed to these past 3.5 years. I know myself better, love myself more, look better than before, desire only personal growth and have a greater appreciation for life and humanity. Because we live in a world where the entire population is under the control of just a few families who believe they are God-like entitled humans, we must find a way to survive the prison these families have placed us in our entire lives. Your post here is a glorious remedy for those who choose to live by its instructions of hope and power to overcome the Black Nobility.
This can only be done if we strengthen ourselves as sovereign souls to fight off the evil powers that are seated at every corner of this planet. I'm so glad I found you through Frances and equally joyful that I found Frances here in Substack. I've learned so much from her and am sure I'll learn much from you too. Bless you both. 🙏🙏
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