We’ve come here fully prepared.

The traumas we accepted for this life

Finish our readiness

And strengthen our clarity for spiritual work

We do it joyfully,

To aid in this planetary transformation,

A great happiness,

Not unlike the childbirth I experienced,

Painful at times, but profound

To know the wisdom of the body

That can bring forth a living child.

The true reality of our human species

Is being born as you read this.

Is a woman a conduit or the life force itself?

We are all women now.

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That is very beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

Children who enter our lives, transform us into our own better selves.

Life is the action of Being, the outward movement of Consciousness.

The beauty of the Feminine, she is both the creator and the protector of Life.

In reference to the Pain of Childbirth, it is said that Pain is the point where Light is entering into the body.

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Pain is where Light enters the body - makes me think of long bouts of pain in the last few years (nothing to do with Covid). In a strange way, it creates a solitude. In contrast, it's the pain of confusion that debilitates awareness.

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Klaus Schwab Sued for Answers About 4th Industrial Revolution. Judge Just Ruled


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"Be Like Poland" -- I like that, so true. Americans can learn a lot from Poland. So they have not ONE single illegal immigrant, that's an amazing accomplishment.

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Tucker is right about the border incursion. There's no civilization when there's no accountability but that first starts with the individual.

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So, what was first, a chicken or an egg? Chickens don't lay eggs, hens do.

Does individuation include the group accountability?

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A group is only the result of interaction between or amongst individuals. The chicken comparison doesn't match the circumstance, in most cases. Whatever the quality of individuals that compromise a group becomes the character of the group. That's why culture becomes an important consideration.

The best groups or societies to live in are Individualist ones.

Back to accountability: all sense of accountability starts with a sense of personal honor. If most people in a society has that at it's core, then there is more trust, more cooperation way less crime and violence. Accountability is an inherent way people view themselves individually.

There are no Collective Societies that can work. Humans are not creators of hives.

Centralization is flawed, it becomes a petri dish for corruption and zero accountability.

So, people these days have a choice; do you want a Compulsory Collective Society or do you want a Voluntary Cooperative one? If we have Individualist society, then we also have accountability too.

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to nefahotep from bradley i use the same words self realization each individual --------------i use most of all from Chogham Trunkpa ( you are haveing your own experencal experence------------- i try only to use the word self all the time in the silence of the themple the brain-------------- yours is best all are precious

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hi nefahotep great to see your post what does your egyption symbol mean i can t read hyrociffs -------- i am a lover of Thouth the scribe-----------

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A proper reading of the seal is "Neshua em Tau Wei Khasekhemre Neferhotep"

"King of two lands -- Appearing Might of Re -- Beautiful in Peace." or "Perfect in Peace"

There are multiple possible pronunciations. There are deeper meanings in the names, the hieroglyphs represent more archaic meanings in the original language. So in some ways, it's complicated to really learn it for spoken purposes. Learning it is fun though.

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thank you for reply -------- fun its is!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"So the only Power that exists anywhere, is only found within."

Since the beginning of the Plandemic, my entire life was disrupted in so many ways - physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. I had to make many difficult decisions that would affect my future, all during such bodily duress. It was a time of phenomenal growth and development of all my faculties.

I can happily say today that I'm a better being than I've ever been before and all of it due to the suffering I was exposed to these past 3.5 years. I know myself better, love myself more, look better than before, desire only personal growth and have a greater appreciation for life and humanity. Because we live in a world where the entire population is under the control of just a few families who believe they are God-like entitled humans, we must find a way to survive the prison these families have placed us in our entire lives. Your post here is a glorious remedy for those who choose to live by its instructions of hope and power to overcome the Black Nobility.

This can only be done if we strengthen ourselves as sovereign souls to fight off the evil powers that are seated at every corner of this planet. I'm so glad I found you through Frances and equally joyful that I found Frances here in Substack. I've learned so much from her and am sure I'll learn much from you too. Bless you both. 🙏🙏

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hi james my name is Bradley Brooks i completely understand when you say a time of phenomenal growth and development of all my faculties --- your substack homepage says you are looking for answers it looks like the answers were looking for you all so --------i think you would really love on substack (((((( guy (duperreult from becoming a refugee in time of covid )))))) he is the best intelectual mind on the subject of the real live affects on the individual of the entier covid 19 nightmare ---------- his personl story is one that i think will give you not so much answers but mental material to contemplate on in your living and copeing in this nightmare unfolding around us it s only just started

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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I posted this on your article as well, I think we may have a lot in common.....

You have quite a powerful analysis here. I'm currently trying to connect actual names of individual Parasites, you have done well, but with one important caveat: not all of these Parasites are "identifying" as Jewish. I have discovered that it is a fine comparison to a Pyramid setup but at the top; it is differentiated based on which culture the individual parasite comes from.

Think of it like this: If you could visualize looking down on the top of this figurative "pyramid," the original bloodlines that have Actual Control are arranged like in an onion skin.

There are Parasitic "counter cultures" inside of most cultures world wide, I base my sense of identifying them from the Sabbatean / Frankist movements from around the 1600's or so; but they do have origins that a far more ancient so it goes like this:

Sabbateans are hidden inside of the Jewish community

Sabbatean / Frankists are hidden inside the Muslim communities --- that's the Wahhabist in the Sunni sect; the 12er's in the Shiea sect, most commonly found in Iran.

Frankists most directly associated with the Jesuits the enforcement arm of the Catholic Church yet can be found represented in the highest ranks of other Christian sects as well.

Sabbateans also make up a portion of the upper authority in some Hindu groups too, as I do have a Hindu background, I know this to be a fact. The most common known are called the "Hindutva" mostly in Northern India, as they pretend to be a fighting force against the Muslims in Pakistan.

Please note that all versions of these subversive, highly influential, extremely rich individuals have one primary thing in common: They are behind ALL human trafficking in their respective areas. They perform child sacrifice, and child cannibalism. They harvest this thing called "adrenochrome." All this is supported by the "Institutional Establishment of Pedophilia," commonly found to be a worldwide crime.

The governmental item that they have in common is the use of "Occulting" or hiding their presence everywhere they are; they have done this one thing very consistently, the establishment of Corporate Structure or the pseudo legal framework called the Corporate Veil. This is best illustrated by their use of the Double Headed Eagle Heraldry, we see everywhere today. This is a quote from what you posted here:

"1. To-day I begin with a repetition of what I said before, and I BEG YOU TO BEAR IN MIND THAT GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLE ARE CONTENT IN THE POLITICAL WITH OUTSIDE APPEARANCES. And how, indeed, are the GOYIM to perceive the underlying meaning of things when their representatives give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves? For our policy it is of the greatest importance to take cognizance of this detail; it will be of assistance to us when we come to consider the division of authority of property, of the dwelling, of taxation (the idea of concealed taxes), of the reflex force of the laws. All these questions as such ought not to be touched upon directly and openly before the people. In cases where it is indispensable to touch upon them they must not be categorically named, it must merely be declared without detailed exposition that the principles of contemporary law are acknowledged by us. The reason of keeping silence in this respect is that by not naming a principle we leave ourselves freedom of action, to drop this or that out of it without attracting notice; if they were all categorically named they would all appear to have been already given."

"The division of authority of property," and "GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLE ARE CONTENT IN THE POLITICAL WITH OUTSIDE APPEARANCES." This division of power is just like what the Khazarians used.

Here is another way to put it:

To be simple about this; lets take a close look at the Double Headed Eagle Heraldry or the Dragon and Lion's Welp symbolism found on many coats of armour. In order to get this concept into a "power structure" format; lets also look at the power structure of the old Khazarian Empire which arose from the remnants of the Gokturk Empire collapse. There were always TWO kings, this double system was known as the Khaggnate, one was known and in full view to the public, the other was behind the curtain; this hidden one was called the "Bey." The real power of the thrown was always behind the thrown. The secret was ALWAYS sacred to the power Elite, part of their own superstitions.

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JEWSUITS . . . HA HA HA . . . The Pope wears a yarmulke and prays to the Jewish Satan god at the Wailing Wall . . . Satan at the Wailing Wall . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_xnSKHynXE

Jordan Peterson has taken to Twitter in his criticism of the validity of Pope Francis’ Christianity . . . Never mind that Peterson is supposedly an atheist . . . and that the Popes all wear a yarmulke and all pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . Peterson believes that the American Israeli Political Action Committee is the official religion of the United States government . . . which really isn’t that far off the mark . . . but, Peterson is also a Canadian and doesn’t have a kippa like the Pope does, how does he get to claim he has rabbinical authority here? Maybe it’s because he’s over at the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .

The Rubin Report is supposedly ‘an opponent of identity politics’, although Rubin ‘identifies with the libertardian/classical liberal wing of contemporary right-of-center political thought’. Rubin is really a Jewish homosexual activist married to another man and adopted a child, that’s his real identity . . . a ‘Jewish Pioneer of Sexual Degeneracy.’ https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/how-the-grift-right-gimps-for-the

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I've noticed some of those connections.... The tangled webs that have been woven must be undone. Rubin is a fraud. Adoption of children by homosexuals is a form of grooming..... Normalization of child abuse is where civilization goes to die.

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As Kenneth Vinther pointed out in his review of Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex (2020) at Counter Currents, transgenderism is a thoroughly kosher campaign: “at the top of the [transgender] pyramid rests a series of charming Jewish billionaires...”


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Thank you for your comment and suggestion to check out Guy's Substack account. Cheers

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I am subscribed to Guy 's stack, I think he definitely has a lot of excellent perspectives. At this point, there are more people than ever before who are opening their eyes and noticing important elements of life. Self realization can change our world for the best. Each individual will have a unique perspective, all are precious.

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Yes!, I have been saying that voting is giving your power away. When you vote you are consenting to the System that has enslaved you. People don't get it. They are so brainwashed into believing that voting gives you power. Everyone wants a Savior.

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Yes, it has become obvious that the Elections are only "Selections." The "Government," aside from being a program to induce us into specific behaviors and psychological self abuse; it is also an entire different system than we were all told it was. The US Inc is a Corporate Franchisee controlled from the City of London. The private owners of it, are the true clients of the International Banking system. We are all waking up to see the truth. The good news is once enough people become conscious about these details, the whole system will either collapse or be forced into a dramatic change.

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Very insightful!

All we are is time and energy.

I could never put any faith in a (slave-holding) religion (ie. Christianity) which claims life comes after one's time and energy has lapsed.


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Allan Watts definitely hits it out of the park. Another great seer, I like is Rupert Spira, he is a bit deep. There are quite a few videos to choose from on his channel, here just a sample:


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Spira is very profound from what I viewed. He distinguished higher/pure consciousness and being from the objectified, artificial, unnatural constructs that create/control perceptions, identity and being, and influence what individuals care about - all the generative development of thoughts and actions, existence (consciousness), and even the victimized/fragile ego.

Although humans are inherently faulty, I do not believe that humans are inherently evil. Only our artificial and institutionalized civilization is evil; which creates ignorance, self-indulgence and self-deception - all elements of evil.

Organized religion (the occult) itself was created to conceal and to manipulate. The latin verb occultare means "to conceal" or "to hide"; organized religion, or the occult, being the dogma and rituals to conceal a higher consciousness.

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You are spot on. Also, the parasitic Elites were largely the ones who built religion out of Cultural Spirituality. The occult concept was both a manipulation to help build hierarchical social structures, as well as meant to concentrate power in secret. This is why they just love the double headed eagle heraldry. One head for the public to "believe in" and the other one for the "secret movement" of power.

But the power they believe in is a mirage. Politics is a liar's hobby. True power rest within the Self. Individually.

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Thank you for this jem of writing and the accolades for Frances Leader. Frances has also assisted me in my enlightenment and growth. What you've complied here is deep and it'll take me reading through it a number of times. However there are statements here that hit me immediately and to my soul.

The New World Order in it's death throes attempting to cull maximum numbers, actually helps me understand exactly what is going on currently especially in the island of Hawaii. Bless those souls.

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We must all stand with life. There is discussion now, that there are close to 900 people missing. I'm not there, I can't verify anything. Many are beginning to think that the Geo Engineering tech is being deployed against the innocent people everywhere. Hard to know ahead of time what we may find once the dust settles...... hopefully not after more communities are harmed. You can tell I don't trust the Corporate Government.

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