Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Nefahotep

Big Brains are NOT a sign of intelligence, especially elongated towards the rear

Where are they? To have been completely non-existent today means that they would have inbred themselves into oblivion

Which is not smart, they were dumb as a bag of fermented jew-shit


I have written much, and OP here seems to be mis-directing the true source of power of the ashkeNAZI, they even call it the first-brain


There power was never in their head, this post is mis-direction, things are never what they seem, and what they tell you in public is always a lie;

Besides all the source here in this post are satanic christian-zionists like Mike Snyder ( doom porn king of zerohedge, aka ZOG MSM ) who is a big 'first-brain' boy; Why would he mis-direct their source of power?

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All the magic of the Kaballah is in the first brain, notable to Nefahotep, like a lot of stuff, I wasn't aware of the death of the belief that all power of the satanic jew comes from their asshole, but now I have seen the light;

I learned much of this from a hand-rolled AI that is non-woke, and none aligned it just tells truth, on the journey I asked the real founding of the CIA an it was fascinating and especially the history of the ANUS being the center of man in the Kaballah & Talmudic worship

Also interesting is the real history and love of 'sodomy' especially its effects on children;


Lots has been written about old satanic rabbis that carry syphilis that is passed to male jew infants at birth in oral circumcision, but what is not discussed is ass raping them to put the seed of satan in their asshole and not just orally; Fascinating stuff about the source of their power (madness)

Today of course its known that the syphilis in head & anus caused terrible health problems and made children evolve into psychopaths, what they would call 'power'

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The whole point of the post IS to ask questions that are constantly ignored by main stream lame stream news; I don't necessary ENDORSE many of the authors, it is the evidence that there were definitely some very odd things going on. I consider these things as Hybrids; not with "Aliens" but with something that doesn't seem like it fits with humans.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

My analysis is ONLY with PHYSICS & PHILOSOPHY I apply no other tools

I take nobody word or any talking head on anything, I do my own research on own questions and apply occams razor & cui-bono

I let the chips fall where the lay, and I don't come to any party of a bias or preconceived opinion I hate satan all its post-abrahamic offshoots equally

I hate trump & biden equally, knowing both to be pedophiles and pimps, I hate demoRats & RINOS same-same knowing both to be sodomites

I don't do hugs, or suck cock nor take it in the ass, I am the black sheep in this satanic shithole we called USA


I don't buy into any fucking alien, or hybrid bullshit, the world is what we have today in front of our own fucking eyes; In all human history there is ZERO proof of alien visitation, and statistically speaking if it didn't happen yesterday it will not happen tomorrow;

I see tons of this conspiracy alien 5G bullshit on substack, IMHO its all just more ZOG mis-direction.

Who gives what the fuck the chattering classes are talking about? I quit watching TV in very early 1980's,


I don't give a flying fuck about any individual, I just see patterns, who are they working for, and who is funding them; Most of the shit its all same same as your sources epoch-times, zerohedge, beforeitsnews, ... yabba-yabba UK-london ass fuckery zio limited-opposition hangouts; all GHCQ owned the NSA of UK

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Mar 7Liked by Nefahotep

No problem I'm not attacking you its my style, I'm trying to talk to everybody

My only mission is to ridicule all in power that's the only power us little people have over the satanic gods that rule our lives

By exposing their real 'secrets' we show what they are really are,

On the other hand morons who push flat-earth, 5G, and black-nobility are just limited-opposition hangouts ran by satan to keep the goyim chasing its tail

It's best to find their real secrets and expose and ridicule them on their own pedestal;


I don't really care whose idea is whose, I care who are they talking heads pushing the ZOG-SHIT, and who pays their salary; Like Michael Snydner;

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You're a fierce one, gloves off. I am that same way especially in person. I have always thought if we can expose the actual individuals who are pulling the strings, making them unable to hide, the world at large could stamp them out.

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Consider your sources virtually every talking head that you quote where "Synder" is the worst are christian-zionists working for Satan play acting like they're on the side of the goyim, the only place their jew-shit is leading people is to hell

I'm not fucking joking, while they all publicly talk about elongated head people once ruling the earth, amongst themselves they worship the anus as man kingdom

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Interesting. I always wondered why the Egyptian pharaohs wore those ridiculous looking crowns. Well, the crown of Upper Egypt, anyway. That's the cone-shaped one, and was white. The crown of Lower Egypt was more normal-looking, except for that flare in the back, and it was red.

We also know that people were living around the shores of a freshwater Black Sea when the sea levels rose and the Mediterranean flooded in. They would have been forced to move, and this is the area where you say DNA says these unusual skull shapes came from. It could be just coincidence.

Thanks for a thought-provoking article.

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It's COHENCIDENCE, and not coincidence

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If check out the preceeding article on Rh neg bloodlines, there's a mention of the Black Sea and it's fresh water ancient history.

The videos with Robert Sepehr are also quite an eye opener. There's a lot of history that we really don't know, especially pre dating 7,000 years or so.

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Useless Eliters… So succinct. I knew I’d been over-using “megalomaniacal, genocidal dark triad psychopathic clowns”…

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I contend that, when it comes to psychopathy, the "elite" (or, as I call Them, the useless ELiters) inbreed to retain the gene for it. They are primary psychopaths. When this gene is expressed the Ones emerging are INCAPABLE of feeling caring, compassion, love, or empathy for Others.

The useless ELiters want to retain it, because heirs that actually care would likely mess up Their psychopathic plans for Humanity.

But I agree that the skulls are not cranial deformation. I do ponder why these People would suddenly appear, with DNA that tests out as "not Human." And I also ponder what the results would be of the Ones like the man pictured if Their DNA was tested...

Very good look at the curious existence of these skulls!

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I don't entirely discount the possibility of Extraterrestrial interaction; I'm just trying to be careful to scrutinize, in my attempt at finding solid perfected evidence. You could be right about the Psychopathic trait as an inheritable characteristic, too. I have become aware that DNA is highly responsive to "frequencies and vibrations" when this is taken into account, it could very well mean the "form" it is instructed to create is based off different harmonics.

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Conceivably. I just know that Dr. Hare found the gene... And it correlates highly to psychopathic inability to care and all.

And yeah, I give fair probability ET was/(is?) involved on Our planet. The Sumerian texts are perhaps not specific in saying the "Gods" were ET, but of any explanations I have heard, that makes the greatest sense, by a wide margin.

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Very interesting article, Nefahotep. Since these mutated humans had more brain mass and an elongated shape to them, I wonder if they were smarter and/or more spiritually intuitive than normal skulled humans. I’m sure they were smarter than the Coneheads that were popular on Saturday Night Live 40 years ago. 😉

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Knarffle the Garthoff is a common expression; whenever I have an overwhelming list of things to do. Almost like the old expression: "I walked to school and back home; in the snow, up hill, both ways."

Cone Heads is a true "cult classic." ;-)

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Fascinating subject and post.. Thank you. I will make my way through the videos and links.

In a very general sense, I think hybridization and modification of human DNA has been going on a long time. Still going on - as we know - and suspect the collection of DNA via PCR tests was, in part, an attempt to sort out the complex soup of humanity; who is who.

Also think the basic physical model of humans is pretty common throughout the universe.

It's so much bigger - this cosmic story humans are part of - then we know. Interdimensionals, beings from other places, non-human infiltration, cosmic wars, all of it is in the mix.

The recent work of Mauro Biglino and Paul Walis on the OT being about an non-human force coming and taking over (some would say 'alien' has been helpful to me. These accounts are ubiquitous throughout many cultures.

The stories we've been given are not holding, and I imagine a lot confusion is inevitable.

Clif High has talked about Cone Heads and the Elohim as well.

As you note, we tend to get quite caught up in the physical bit, but that's just the garb we wear. Still important and its own technology - clearly some force is working hard at limiting ours. Still a variety of beings would come in variety of forms. I assume positive non-humans have been here, and intervened in good ways and the inverse too. A lot to sort out.


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Great Post.

The Dragon Bloodline... anything you have... sent me.

The Chinese and Japanese Emperors come from these Draco Bloodlines.


The Great Flood was due to the destruction of Planet Atlantis that raised the water level of the earth by 100m... and it brought with them those Draco... Destroyers of worlds.

They are our creator race... acting like Gods over us... and the Jews are their Offspring.

They destroy this world like they destroyed Atlantis before (now the Asteroid Belt).

This is what I wrote about this before.


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I'll send what I can, I have a whole series on the Dragon Court and Order of the Garter. The sources that are a part of this research; Firestarter, Nickolas de Vere and a few others, I'll come back to this comment and insert of bunch of links.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

By the way... when we are on that subject...

The word "Hell" in German means Light in English... something to consider with these energy Draco...

Because it is them which created Religion...

The word Devil spells backwards Lived... so they are Draco... fire spirits... that lived before in the place where there is the most energy... Hell = The Sun.

So they live in Hell which is the Sun...

Anunaki = Anu (The Sun) Naki (Children) so they are the Children of the sun living in the sun.

The sunspots are their eggs breeding in the sun in a 12 year rhythm.

Living Energy in a living Universe aka Taoism... with Qi the living energy.

Heaven and Hell are really the same place.

It just depends on your perception.

It Gets better... they are naturally digital lifeforms.

The Morse code can be related to them.

Computers can be related to them.

Mathematics is their natural Language and can be related to them.

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The etymology is amazing isn't it? Opposite of Live is Evil.

Religion is actually Re- Legion, as in Roman Legions. It's where the idea of "leg-i-slation" and "leg-it-i- mate," comes from. Etymology reveals truth of meaning, hidden in plain sight.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

Actually...Re Legion is Re as in RA as in Amun Ra... the Egyptian Sun God.

Amen... as in Amun Ra... the name of the true God.

So in reality they are the Legions of Amun Ra.

Which as you say reveals the true purpose of Religion which is to create War through two opposing forces.

Interestingly in ancient Hebrew the words were written down without vowels they were interchangeable.

So the word Vessel and Vassal are the same.

Combine this with what I said earlier and you have Draco creating us as Vessels / Vassals to carry their spirit.

They created Religion in order to control us.

We are The Creation that outgrew the Creator Race Draco...

We are a Dimensional Portal so to speak.


It is a beautiful subject I could loose myself (and have) all day.

It opens up so many possibilities.

Shame that people restrict themselves in unfounded believe when there is so much more!

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The thing with Dragons... and they are real... but they are not fire breathing snakes...

They are beings that exist of pure energy... invisible to the Human eye.

I have taken a picture of one by sheer accident...

It is in here:


I also had encounters with them and only my Qi Gung training saved me.

That is why I know they can "possess" people.

This is why the Occult loves them because they possess people.

Stacey Plaskett... look at this video.


This is literally out of Harry Potter... the Cruciatus Curse.

My Picture proves they exist and they can give people power over other people with feeble minds such as Pedo Joe...

Something people should be aware of...

We are not alone... and the enemy cannot be seen.

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Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

Nefahotep, are you aware of the work by the British forensic historians, Wilson and Blackett, on deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics using the Welsh (Cymry/Cimmerian/Kimmeroi) language? Welsh is a well-preserved form of Ancient Assyrian and traces its roots back to Ancient Egypt:


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I was aware of some of the Welsh linguistic phonetics that matches Ancient Egyptian. I'll check those links out.

I've mostly studied the research of Antonio Loprieno, it's always a good idea to find ways to cross reference research.

Wilson and Blackett probably have something important there. About a year or so ago, I saw a YouTube video on this Welsh/ Ancient Egyptian connection. I was quite impressed.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

The "Cymroglyphics" book was put together by Wilson and Blackett's publisher, Ross Broadstock. Wilson and Blackett's original findings were published in their book "Moses In The Hieroglyphs":


There are many relevant videos on the "BritainsHiddenHistory Ross" YT channel, including interviews of Alan Wilson:


Sadly, Broadstock, Wilson and Blackett have all died within the last eighteen months.

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I'm going to study their work. Those guys must have been on the cutting edge, we need more people like them.

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Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

Yes, they were. Surprise, surprise, the mainstream has been trying hard to cancel them for decades. Wilson and Blackett were viciously attacked and went through personal hell for years. Baseless law suits were filed against them and their home was burned.

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Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep

multiple attacks on their lives - firebombed etc

see Richard Hall - a great researcher for more on it all. I suspect they were all likely killed because their research revealed a shocking overlay of the historical narrative that changes everything we have been told.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Nefahotep


As you probably know, Tony Blackett died in a second house fire a couple of months ago. Not only have we lost three giants, I dread to think how much unpublished material was lost in the latest fire :(

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Crazy I was just talking about this with my wife. We're both Ukrainian and have been looking into our Scythian ancestry, which has traces of this type of characteristic. The red hair and blue eye combo is a big tell as well. Ever check out Robert Sepher?

Amazing article by the way.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Author

Yes, Robert Sepehr video is at the very bottom of the article. He is extraordinary. By the way, I have very similar characteristics too, I want you to know, I'm not trying to pick on anyone 😉

Ukrainians are great people.

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deletedFeb 23Liked by Nefahotep
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I think we were all cheated out of the best features. ;-)

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