Taxes absolutely are illegal and should not be paid...

Absolute freedom, we deserve nothing less...



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The White House considers plans to bring Palestinian to US as refugees...


Thanks Israel gov, thanks US gov thanks the UK gov and your puppet masters... Create the problem, fuck up the solution and make you pay in everyway...

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I even agree with your take on Glenn, makes vomit in my mouth with his Israel love fest nonsense, but he's analysis of the situation is absolutely accurate, he's just deflecting on where the trouble stems from.

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Yes, yes and yes.... We really do think alike... This whole entire article resonates entirely with my own analysis of then and the resemblance to today... The whole thing is like watch a train crash in slow motion, doing all you can to warn the world to hit the breaks....

My top solution is, we don't fight any war that these bastards create, we really must aim to break the cycle of names carved into stone for some groups wrapped and twisted agenda... It's fuckin disgusting to think how perverted it all is... The create the war, we fund the war, fight the war and they profit, it's abhorrent, grotesque and really should be stopped...


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You could add to your list: Compulsory learning in schools regarding your country's Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the importance and currency of Executive Orders by the President & Commander In Charge, and the machinations of your Government and Military. Your people would then be able to see the truth of what is happening in America and indeed around the world, and not be fooled or scared.

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LOVED this piece! The only thing I dispute is the use of the word, "chaos," which has been conflated (by Others) with pandemonium. Chaos has an infolded set of seed parameters that emerges ordered in time. Nature is chaos. Fractals are chaos.

My latest piece working to free Humanity from the rule of the psychopaths in control:

Are You Aiding and Abetting? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/are-you-aiding-and-abetting

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You're right, however, I thought by using the term "Chaos" it would resonate with the context of the Political Pendulum and Psychological Tools used to keep people Obedient.

Chaos is a natural, existential expression of energy as it seeks out "Novelty."

The unfolding of the Fractals are a Proof of energetic existence both Physical and Non-Physical.

I probably should have used the word "pandemonium," but a lot people tend to recognize chaos in the political sense. I'll check out your article.

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Yes, They have conflated that term to the point that Most think of pandemonium when They hear the word, "chaos." So, yeah, I grasp why it was used. I'm just an excruciating grammar nazi! LOL!

Looking forward to Your thoughts!

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Etymology of many words in our language are a tell, as to where they may have originated.

Corporation = "Crop Ration" -- Religion = "Re Legion" (Roman Legions) There are many of these.

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Indeed! Quite a fascinating study, etymology is!

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Nice essay. I agree with most of it. Managed populism is a hallmark of what Sheldon Wolin called a managed democracy in his book "Democracy Inc". All of the politicians who make it to the big stage are playing by the administrative state rules. Which brings me to this:

"Do you think Trump will ever do any of these things?"

Only if it is part of the agenda and will benefit the administrative state on behalf of the national security state. At no point in time will it be done to go against that establishment, perhaps only to help it shed an old skin.

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The 16th amendment did not authorize a direct, unapportioned income tax. That’s a lie that’s been repeated for decades to obscure the truth. All income taxes are EXCISE taxes - a tax on the exercise of federal privilege. If you are not engaged in federally privileged activities, you do not have “income” and owe nothing.

The IRS takes commonly used words and defines them in the code and those specifically defined terms do not mean the same thing as the commonly used words. That’s how they deceive us.

Educate yourself on what the law says:



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Ok, I'll stand corrected. The main point I was trying to make was the social and political "willingness" for people to go along with taxation.

I completely agree with you, about this and I will check out your stack.

Cheers 🙂

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If I may, in addition to the two links above I break down the Supreme Court ruling that proves the income tax is an excise, which has not been overturned:


And I also show exactly how the IRS is lying to you about the true nature of the income tax on their website:


And I also publish my own personal returns so you can confirm I’m a real person engaged in a real battle with these liars.

Happy reading!

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"Constitution was constituted in 14th-century English as a word indicating an established law or custom. It is from Latin constitutus, the past participle of constituere, meaning "to set up," which is based on an agreement of the prefix com- ("with, together, jointly") with the verb statuere ("to set or place")."

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Yes, so it's still "sets in place" enumerated parameters. Those include passing debt to the states. I consider that Unlawful, just as I consider it Unlawful to establish "Ipso Facto Guarantorship" for all so called "Citizens." Simply because two "other parties" have a pact together, doesn't mean they have the power to force a third party to abide by it.

Each Individual has a status of Sui Juris, they are the De Jure source of all powers of State.

At this point, the State is busted and is corrupt, no matter what the constitution is.

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Ideally I'm an anarchist, but we are now in ultra-State Capitalism with a communist front! We must adjust our goals to what is possible in the foreseeable future. Oswald Spengler wrote: "There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money - and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact."

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Thanks for this 🙏 We're on the same page. I lived in Rhodesia/ Zimbabwe and I've seen it already.

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There are many places, particularly smaller countries that are like canaries in the coal mine. History never completely repeats, but it rhymes.

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What a wonderful article explaining where we’ve been, and where we’re likely going. I belong to a freedom group.https://learn-freedom-university.mn.co/ that teaches you how to live in private. This means no income tax, no property, tax, support of the second amendment, how to protect your child, etc. etc. etc. And also means you resend your drivers license and turn in the plates on your car you do not contract with state authorities. You live as a foreign national. Let me know if you want to know more, but people are already starting to flip the script on the government. This is all done lawfully as the mentor of the group is a non-bar attorney who’s been studying this for decades.

Jeff Marshall

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I'm very interested, I'll check out the link.


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https://www.giannamiceli.com/ Here is another link to the administrator of the group!!

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~~~~~~~~Trump could very well Preside over such things as:

Introduction of CBDC’s and Digital National ID, a non starter for me.

Ratification of the WHO Plandemic Treaty, IHR, this is an Act of War

Forced Vaccination and use of ever more mRNA vaccines

Climate Emergency Lock Downs, or ones about a declared Plandemic

Migrant check points everywhere, with “Officers” asking: “Your Papers Please?” (Better than making

illegals soldiers and police!)

Out right roundups of “suspected illegal status individuals” (Needed)

More Censorship online, [we can still bypass this] ~~~~~~~~~~

The DEM LEFT will do all of the above except the migrant stuff I flagged which should be done! We'll have to hope Trump "populism" can't be managed into most of the above. Trump's genocidal "Warp Speed" continues to show Trump is controlled.

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Indeed. He is working with the owners of the corporation (USA Inc.), and surely not for Us.

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Trump said all the right things during the Plandemic but let the Medical-Military have their way through inaction, refusing to use his authority. Like he said "You don't shutdown America," but then let it be shut down. His "respect for the military" already totally converted to woke by Obama was terribly misplaced through either ignorance or intimidation. Possibly he is scripted to be America's last gasp, knowingly or not. Nixon saved us from the left crazies, but then instituted horrible Establishment bureaucracy and "opened to Communist China!"

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I actually agree about rounding the migrants up and sending them back if possible. I object to the ham handed indiscretion that will probably be used, My significant other is Filipina. I have concerns for her safety.

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Get married, I suppose, to reduce the risk. Carry marriage papers.

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I'm married. Crazy wild-eyed osifers won't care, they see someone who looks a certain way, they just step in it and act stupid. I don't want the conflict.

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Except for some of those who fought hand to hand with Asians in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, most Whites are friendly to Asians in my experience. Blacks? Not so much.

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Horrible that "where are your papers" is now a thing here, but it best to have them.

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Very interesting post, Nef. Glad to see the true definition of anarchy brought out. I agree with most everything, although I'm leery of Musk and Beck. I love the concept of counter-roll opposition and managed populism. Great phrase!

I think you know my theory that Trump was the Great Setup to the Great Reset. He's a flipper that put the spin on liberals to reject everything he was for. And yes, he's next up on the selection but it doesn't bode well. He's Maga, son of Set, who's going to usher in the Third Temple and sacrifice 10,000 animals. As the Diva says, he's Zionist Man of the Year and as ZOG-owned as they come. The past four years have just been another set-up to make sure he comes in on a steamroller. https://divadrops.substack.com/p/heads-you-losetails-you-lose.

I've been listening to something you might have recommended to me, Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs https://youtu.be/nJWQVzIaKTI?si=-mUajoJjrg6kg8Y-. I'll definitely be talking about it soon. So crazy, it confirms so much of what we've been talking about. Even Israel as Isis-Ra-El, the three gods, which had just occurred to me from combining my last post with Rhonda's insight. Densely packed!

The interview is by Fintan Dunne, who interviewed me over a year ago about Malone. So that was a fun synchronicity! So let me see if I have this right: you have an Egyptian name, your heritage is from India, but you have the coloring and stature of a Celt. Is that right?

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Nailed it regarding Trump both of you, he's the pied piper for WW3...

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It's a complicated story to tell I'll send it in email. I should bring you up to speed about that. There's some good reasons though. 😉

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“When Fascism arrives here in America, it will be wrapped in the Flag and accompanied by Battle Hymns of the Republic” — Sinclair Lewis

UH! Maybe not! Perhaps it will come as the "Woke" anti-American culture which festered in the Great Universities at the behest of the great dynastic powers hiding behind their "great" Foundations.

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Woke culture in the US is a lot like the debauchery of the Weimar Republic was to Germany.

The Dynastic Parasites have many tools in their Lawfare box.

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Well, the "woke" crap did not emerge organically. This was taught to the children, and fostered every way the psychopaths in control could.

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Organic it was definitely not. It is currently being pushed by the school system and the state. Parents are being targeted if they refuse the LGBT crap. Midway through the post, I cite the example of the lawfare being used against a father here in California. This was posted by Badlands News Brief. I think it is just above the video about the book burning of Nazi Germany.




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It infuriates Me, what They are trying to do to Humanity! Well... I work to solve for Them, those psychopaths in control.

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Yes, but this may well be different. Total destruction of Western nations in the name of NWO was not on the table then. Permanent debauchery justifies depopulation.

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Nothing justifies debauchery and Nothing justifies depopulation either; both of those have been part of an elaborate plan OF the NWO as orchestrated by the Financial Stakeholder / Private Equity Owners. This dates way back to the 1st Zionist Congress. The Wars were all carefully choreographed, carefully managed. All political sentiment was pushed like a pendulum, the debauchery was a more static "Overton" based predictive programming than the pendulus swings of sentiment.

By being able to see clearly what they are doing, it becomes a lot easier to flip the script on the whole system; hunt down the Stakeholder Operators of NWO and end them permanently.

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Yes. Of course I never meant REALLY justifies. It increases depopulation sentiment.

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Perhaps I am horribly mis-informed/mistaken/confused, but my understanding is that the Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871, when THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION and The District of Columbia ("Our Democracy") were created, and subsequently dissolved in bankruptcy by The Emergency Banking Act 1932; so I'm puzzled about whether, and how, the US Constitution still applies. At the very least, the Constitution and all its institutions seem to have been thoroughly subverted, if not completely trashed.

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You are 100% correct. We have had a for-profit corporation running things for a very long time.

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You are right, but most people "think" it to be in force; the way I think of it is, if it's part of the "culture" of most people, they would expect it to be factor.

You're 100% right about the 1871 sunset of the republic.

There's one thing I figured out with the Double Headed Phoenix pattern used by Corporate structure, it occurred to me that the Republic is used as a figure head.

As the Scythian saying goes: One shall Govern in front, One shall Rule behind.

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Yes, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war" also immediately springs to mind. It's a concept that I find strangely reassuring because it reveals that enemy is weak, incapable of winning a fair fight - hence they lie, they cheat, they steal, devoid of all goodness, honor and love. They know they can't win; and so do we!

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Not only are the enemy weak; we outnumber them approx 760,000 to one in this country. The migrants are their attempt to level the board in their favor, but it really won't work.

In Europe, the Farmer's Revolt shows it's quite possible to bring the whole corporate system to it's knees.

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Agreed, and change is in the air, don't you think?!

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The avalanche has already started, it's too late for the pebbles to vote.


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