Owners of Equities in the Public / Private Fiefdom of Globalist Power Hierarchies, use Trusts to enable Power to be exercised anonymously. Reducing the Individual through Fraud and Force.
The issue in this whole thing is the Centralization of nearly everything in our civilization. It may take a few decentralized approaches to fix.
The key to fully gaining a complete comprehension, is to really dig into how Common Law Trusts function and how they are being used to leverage Private Equity to control Public Policy and Funding. The fiat currency is nothing more than an IOU.
This site has a ton of information about the world after the reset.
And even more about why and how we came here.
For the reset to succeed, it must keep the digital infrastructure in place and some people fed so there is an effort to "keep the worst effects at bay".
I am hoping to remove the complications that money creates. We have the technology to do so, but the psychopaths in control, whose only tool to power is money (it buys all the rest They use, the things and the people), avidly hide and suppress it.
Without the need for money - in ANY form, from goods/services (trade/barter) to electronic bits - We are freed to live as richly as We choose upon Our planet, all sovereign.
Money is a very dangerous tool, too. Not only does it give power to psychopaths, it promotes Them to the top, and then We see what We see today. Psychopaths making slaves of Us. I offer a blueprint and a piece on My knowledge of one tech that is now in black projects.
One of my favorite movies is "The Magnificent Ambersons" from a novel by Booth Tarkington, directed by Orson Welles and with great actors like Agnes Moorehead. I should read the novel, I never have, but they say its one of the films the studios hijacked from Welles and cut up badly. Even so its a great movie. The family gets its comeuppance, so like Hollywood and unlike real life, but I wonder if the original or the novel was more nuanced about ownership vs. control.
Thanks for the link. Great discussions for sure. I'll take a close look at anything you want to send my way. I already have a post in cue. It will have some videos in it.
Popular classification is: Trump Lovers, Undecided and Haters. Over the years I progressed (reversed?) into H-category. Reason: Trump endorsed COVID vaccines and cooperated with Pfizer & Co, To my astonishment, he is still proud of his actions.
He sold his soul to the Globalists and their depopulation agenda.
And his trick to "drain the swamp" was a mischievous one. to say it politely.
You are extremely talented writer, researcher, Egyptologist, what about a piece on history of Jews, from Canaanites / exodus from Egypt / through expulsion from multiple countries / WWII concentration camps / 'till Israel/Hamas current 'conflict'?
I do have some of the material related to the current situation. Especially the details that revolve around the "Plan" to create "Israel," the Balfour Declaration, ect.... Yes there is a lot of that material people should know as a background, as we are all witness to the current slow motion catastrophe. I was going to hold off on posting directly about this and related subjects until people take some time to really find themselves and become calm enough to reflect. Believe me --- calmness is quite important. As for the ancient part of the history, there are very few things that can be relied upon for accuracy. In Ancient Egyptian, there are accounts of infiltrators who came during the first intermediate period; taking advantage of a weakened country. Some materials on this is really going to take some time, in order to make sure I'm getting it correct, if I write about it.
"if I write about it" -hmm.., IF you want to start collecting references, I can forward my small batch for a start. Hopefully people will calm down for a while, IF circumstances allow, and then you will be ready to publish it, just on time...
This is very good, lots of things to look up and understand, takes time. The Strawman, Allodial title, British Admiralty law, etc. Things never taught in school for obvious reasons. I looked up lots and knew a bit already, but for new persons reading this it is not an easy go and each point could be a post in itself. Remember Nafahotep, you are far ahead of 99% of us when it comes to this stuff.
About the Jewish stuff at the start, are these people really Jewish? My readings say no. They seem to be cut-outs hiding behind Judiasm to cover who they really are which seems to be criminality at the top who controls their minions thru occult pagan rules and laws, and hiding this from us. Why would they want to be killing and maiming so many Jews from the shots if they were really Jews (not to mention the Nazis were one of their tentacles funded by the same group running Wall St.)? The Israeli parliament area is all occult and they want Baphomet to sit in the temple of Solomon. This isn't Judiasm or the Jewish person in your local supermarket.
You are right, The Sabbatean Frankists are the ones who "Hide" behind the various Religious communities. They practice blood rituals, institutionalized pedophilia, they generally think of themselves as ones who have a "Divine Right" rule.
In the case of the Jews, as a community they were set up to take all the blame for things these Parasites do. Basically, you have it 100% correct.
On Baphomet: it actually originated as an ancient Celtic God of the Forrest. It is probably one of the most misunderstood symbolism ever. The "Satanist" think it is the devil, so they foolishly worship it; the Christians think it is an image of the devil, so they think of it to be evil and hate it. I'll say it's always much better to carefully study the original symbolism of things. Part of this is why the Elites have self styled themselves into a lie, they have mislead themselves.
Whomever wrote this should pay attention here and now: There are The unanimous declaration of the thirteen united States of America; The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859; the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles; and the Constitutions of the 33 states and commonwealths and of the territories. SAL and Treaties along with the lawful validation of each. That is the totality of law. The correct names were not used in this article.. That is important. You appear to be contemplating flipping from one de facto jurisdiction to a different de facto jurisdiction and not to a de jure jurisdiction of a Civilian Court of record. Having fulfilled all the lawful requirements to establish the status, standing, venue, law form, and original jurisdiction Article III Amendment VII. All the paper work finished signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service. wait a proper time with patience for default and acquiescence. Build your Jury Pool. Become the provisional government on the land and soil, air and water of your state, commonwealth or territory. With all your bona fides in order of the de jure men and women with their progeny without ruler or subjects..
Read another anon complaining about how complicated it is.
I'm not trying to flip from one jurisdiction to another, I have Declared Sovereignty, in much the same way that the founders Declared Independence. Yes, Individuals can and should consider it. For reference I will add this from another commenter on American Hypnotist's post
Bitteroot addresses Hypnotist:
Good article to open people's eyes as to a type of trust that is rarely used and has not been taught in Law Schools for some 75 or more years. The last Lawyer I talked with who was taught these trusts set up under the Common Law, was retirement age when I met him way back in the late 1990's.
I appreciate the link to the "handbook" given in the article, it has both good and questionable information in it.
Good information is that information that is supported by Court Cases prior to the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865 and a few court cases from the period up to around 1900. Sadly, most court cases cited in that handbook do not have a date listed for them and would require a person to spent a lot of time in a Law Library looking up the cases and determining if they were valid for the type of trust the handbook is talking about. This would require a knowledge of more than the date of the court case but also the court cases cited in each court case to know for sure the case was relevant to a trust under the Common Law.
There is a term mentioned in the handbook which is "sui juris." This term does not seem to be defined in the handbook. Sui Juris is a Latin definition which means "of one's own right", it means that someone is "capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights." It is crucial to note there is no mention of "legal age" or "legal capacity" in the definition. That is because in the U.S. we have a post Civil War 14th Amendment. More on that in a moment.
Prior to the 14th Amendment a U.S.A. Citizen obtained their "Rights" from their Creator, i.e. God. This is set out in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence which says in pertinent part. "...all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..." Note the word "unalienable." It's root word is "lien" which is when someone else or some entity has a higher claim to what you say is yours, than you do. Example: If you have a mortgage on "your" house, the bank or mortgage company has a "higher claim" to that house than your claim. Just quit paying the payment and see what happens to your house! Point to remember is that when your rights are "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) they come from God and God is above all earthly governments.
[Remember what I said about “I am that I am.”] ——- Sovereign Regis
The 14th Amendment, 1868, turned things upside down. It says in pertinent part, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State in which they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,..." there is a lot to "unpack" in this 14th Amendment. Please follow closely:
1. We will start with the words "...the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..." In Law where do "privileges and immunities" come from? They are what government can give "citizens". They are not the same as "rights" from God. Note the phrase at the beginning of that Amendment, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States..." Notice the coupling together of the concepts of "born" and "naturalized." this was the beginning of doing away with the idea of some people being "freeborn Citizens" with God given rights and classifying all as "citizens" in the category of "naturalized", why? A naturalized citizen is someone born in a country that does not recognize "God given rights" but who wants to become an American. They go through the process of "naturalization" and once that is completed they receive "privileges and immunities" granted by government, not rights from God! What government has given, government can take away!
2. Notice the word "citizens" in the 14th Amendment. It is spelled with a lower case "c". Yet, for example in the Constitution; Article II, Section 5 the same word is spelled "Citizen" with an upper case "C" and that word is not the first word in a sentence! "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..." In Law, even the capitalization of a word has meaning! Prior to the 14th Amendment, the capitalization of "Citizen" meant a human being who's rights came from God not from government. Notice that there were 2 classes of "Citizens" before the Adoption of the Constitution! Those born here and those who had become Citizens prior to the Adoption of the Constitution! That is prior to there being a government that could "naturalize" those not born here!
3. Post Civil War there was "The Act of February 21, 1871" which, among other things changed one letter of one word in the Declaration of Independence. It changed an "u" to an "i" changing the word "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" pronounced "in-alien-able" root word "alien" (which interestingly enough the first 4 letters of that word tell you this word is "a lie"!) So when this Act changed the word in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence from "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" (in-alien-able) it supported the change in status of all Americans from God given Rights to government given rights!
Why is this important in light of the article and handbook on Trusts from yesterday's article? To have a Common Law Type Trust the parties to it must be "sui juris"! Remember the definition of "sui juris" is "of one's own right" and "Capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights". If you are a 14th Amendment "citizen", (little "c" meaning you are a subject of government and a subject of God, aka "a Sovereign") you have no "private law rights" you have "government granted privileges and immunities" such as the "privilege" of being "taxed", travel freely granted by private car only if you are "licensed", the privilege of being used in commerce via your "Birth Certificate" which is an "Admirality Law Instrument" (Law of the Sea, therefore you have a "birth certificate" showing the "berth" where you came into existence) used in International Commerce and much more.
The type of "Trust", a trust under the Common Law, as talked about in yesterday's post are concerned, that type of trust came from English Common Law adopted by the "colonies" in America long before there was any US government "taxing authority" under the 16th Amendment. (The story of it's failed ratification is told by another below this post). These type of Common LawTrusts are not subject to the April 15th Tax, but the April 15th Agency does not agree with that and will and have prosecuted those using these trusts to operate a business out of-unless they obtain an EIN and pay taxes on the trust income. Strictly speaking, when a Common Law Based Trust becomes "bastardized" by adopting ANY Statutory provisions such as an EIN, that trust looses the ability to protect assets and as a tusrt that contains any Statutory Provision it now falls under the purview of the Court system of this land, (America), and can be pierced, legally, by those courts, the assets taken by the court, and the parties to the trust, including Trustors, Trustees and Beneficiaries, convicted of fraud or crimes, under the Laws of the UNITED STATES Corporation, not the united States Constitution (lower case "u" intentional).
The courts will readily agree that this type of trust are "legal" which means they are subject to the courts jurisdiction and have been used "illegally" either via bastardization via mixing Statutory Trust language and concepts with Common Law language and concepts or by a person lacking in the "sui juris" status using the trusts.
In the last 20 or so years, a Common law Trust, such as the ones talked about in yesterdays post, have been pierced by a Federal District Court and the Federal Appeals Courts have up heald the lower court's rulings and SCOTUS, to my knowledge has not taken any cases involving these trusts.
In some 50 years of fighting the "good fight" I have only seen 2 individuals who were able to beat a trial in court because they had successfully removed themselves from being a 14th Amendment citizen and after nearly a year of attempts at tripping them up in a court room and after local newspaper articles of a "Couple Dumps Citizenship In Anti-government Rant" they were successful.
Now for a "silver lining." If you understand the "Restored Republic Idea", we should all be "restored" to Citizen status and the US Corporation ceasing to exist. Then, the use of this type of trust will, again, be taught, used and understood by all-even the Lawyers and Courts/judges.
In the meantime, unless you know you are not a 14th Amendment citizen and the Common Law Trust you are using is not bastardized by Statutory Trust language or concepts and those who are named in the trust as Trustor(s), Trustee(s) and Beneficiaries are not 14th Amendment citizens, be extremely careful as you move forward.
There has been color of law since 24 December 1860 and martial law since March 1861, Except Oregon. So there is no 14th amendment and 13 is TONA as of 1819. Once you get your definitions and names straight my might actually figure it out. Look up ex parte Milligan. :) All the best of every good fortune for the good.
It's all meant to appear SO complicated and SO terrifying in the diagrams. Many words are necessary to impart the deliberate convoluted scheme when the fact of the matter is...A few surgical strikes; ONLY A FEW...Would bring the whole Machine to a ROARING HALT. 'The People of the World' would FINALLY get their justice against these Demons Wearing Human Being Suits with their robbery, torture, torment, misery and murder throughout millennia!!!
My diagrams were meant to simplify how everything functions....... I might not have them completely accurate, but I'm trying to be.
Well, there's Davos; everyone knows that shitty place, then there is Basel Switzerland, "Wasting-ton" DC, City of London, the Cayman Islands where the Grand Magus Pedophiles live. There are many places where they are. Here's a bulk List of them:
I maintain what's said. These people are spoiled and evil and while there's no doubt about it...They're still human, can die and evil has no COURAGE. It runs when challenged by true strength ALWAYS.
Demons HATE having to return to hell to agonize and do all possible to avoid it...THAT INCLUDES RUNNING AWAY WHEN WHAT THEY THINK THEY OWN HAS NO MORE VALUE.
It isn't meant to appear COMPLICATED BY YOU. Most people perusing the basic information people are suddenly digging-up and finding in old archives and such are actually meant to paint demoralization among the world's people...To manipulate all to just lay down and die; kneel and kiss the collective A$$E$ OF THE Pedo's and all the Demonic.
The inception of all is to be deliberately complicated by those creating it. There are ALWAYS WEAKNESSES IN THE STRUCTURE...ALWAYS. It's most certainly NOT as they would have the threat appear. It's a slight of hand the COMMITTEE OF LONDON HAS ALWAYS EXCELLED WITH.
No one should blame ordinary people for "allowing this to happen." Our lives have been kept short, we have had to work long hours and haven't been allowed to enjoy our children, and we are lied to and subjected to military-grade mind control.
James Rink has an interesting viewpoint on all of this as in a previous life he was the son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. He says the king and queen escaped the guillotine and came to America, and that he was adopted by the paymaster, Daniel Payseur. Payseur set up a trust with 23% of the royal family's wealth, which was used by the bloodline families to industrialize America.
Thanks I'll check it out. The Pasteur family has been mentioned a lot lately. If they are at the center of this stuff, I'll try to make them famous. In the meantime, it's important that people grasp what their true power is. We can all walk away from the plank that holds up government, when our weight is off, the plank tips and down it goes. 😆
I have to cross-post this, it is magnificent. Thank you so much for all you do. xx
This is absolutely amazing. The way that corporations have formed a global wealth web for their owners is so hard to explain but here you can see how it is formed and maintained. Sun Tzu told us to know our enemy better than we know ourselves. This post helps a lot.
Our ONLY downfall is when WE believe THEM. Once we no longer do, it is them only. The money doesn't matter, remember that the truest form of wealth is it's sole Creator. ---- That's all of US. We have always been the power behind their power.
On the topic of "Owning nothing" you will have to look at the DTC and it's network.
How "ownership" of everything aka "Collateral" could (?!) be transferred, at least as "the law" presents it, is explained in this small booklet:
A colossal bankruptcy could come handy.....
This is awesome, thanks for the link. Looks like the full version of the feature on Rumble is available now:
The issue in this whole thing is the Centralization of nearly everything in our civilization. It may take a few decentralized approaches to fix.
The key to fully gaining a complete comprehension, is to really dig into how Common Law Trusts function and how they are being used to leverage Private Equity to control Public Policy and Funding. The fiat currency is nothing more than an IOU.
Thank you for the video.
I looked at it and was happy to see more of the involved parties at the very end of it (!)
I understand that some people feel a pressing need to:
keep the judicial system in place
keep their wealth in their pockets
keep voting for it in place.
So Let me recommend another video here to put this into perspective:
This site has a ton of information about the world after the reset.
And even more about why and how we came here.
For the reset to succeed, it must keep the digital infrastructure in place and some people fed so there is an effort to "keep the worst effects at bay".
Whatever, stay grounded!
This week a documentary was released with the author, David Rogers Webb.
Here's the ebook for The Great Taking:
I hope everyone downloads this.
I am hoping to remove the complications that money creates. We have the technology to do so, but the psychopaths in control, whose only tool to power is money (it buys all the rest They use, the things and the people), avidly hide and suppress it.
Without the need for money - in ANY form, from goods/services (trade/barter) to electronic bits - We are freed to live as richly as We choose upon Our planet, all sovereign.
Money is a very dangerous tool, too. Not only does it give power to psychopaths, it promotes Them to the top, and then We see what We see today. Psychopaths making slaves of Us. I offer a blueprint and a piece on My knowledge of one tech that is now in black projects.
The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
And one piece looking at the tool:
Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
One of my favorite movies is "The Magnificent Ambersons" from a novel by Booth Tarkington, directed by Orson Welles and with great actors like Agnes Moorehead. I should read the novel, I never have, but they say its one of the films the studios hijacked from Welles and cut up badly. Even so its a great movie. The family gets its comeuppance, so like Hollywood and unlike real life, but I wonder if the original or the novel was more nuanced about ownership vs. control.
In ancient Egypt it was a heritage position; now it sometimes runs in family business, example the Clintons.
Just popped up https://sarahwestall.com/hidden-history-discovered-in-ancient-architecture-our-past-is-not-what-you-have-been-told/, thus no comments.
And slightly older, but also great: William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice
Now that is interesting. Old accounts are always interesting.
Thanks for the link. Great discussions for sure. I'll take a close look at anything you want to send my way. I already have a post in cue. It will have some videos in it.
What about this: https://www.brighteon.com/cd27d373-3e04-474a-ae9a-1d481462b60b
- Trump promises to deport those with "Jihadist sympathies"
- This means EXPANDED government surveillance and police state tactics
- Those powers will of course be turned against the American people
- Iranian Foreign Minister warns of preemptive war against #Israel
- If Israel launches ground invasion of #Gaza, #Hezbollah attacks
- Iranian nationals apprehended by US Border Patrol
- Jihadi terrorists are entering the USA through the open border
- Blinken meets with Israeli War Cabinet for 8 hours
- Demands humanitarian aid to Gaza residents
- #Hamas demands 6,000 prisoners be freed by Israel
- #Pentagon tells 2000 US troops to be ready for deployment
- US marines being deployed to the "shores of Israel"
- This means US military will have boots on the ground in the war
- Congressional report says US must be ready for TWO wars, with #Russia and #China
- But the USA can't even manage ONE war, much less two or three
- Janet Yellen promises the USA can "afford" two wars by printing more currency
- You can print currency but you can't print tanks and artillery
- Rumor that US soldiers don't want to fight for Israel
- Israel's BRUTALITY against Palestinians a PILOT PROGRAM for enslaving and exterminating billions of human beings
- Zionists believe they have a divine right to exterminate the Palestinian people and take their land
- 15-minute cities (Agenda 2030) modeled after Gaza Strip mass imprisonment program
- The solution to all this conflict? Treat people with DIGNITY and stop the ethnic hatred
I couldn't agree more, thanks for the video, I'll watch it.
Popular classification is: Trump Lovers, Undecided and Haters. Over the years I progressed (reversed?) into H-category. Reason: Trump endorsed COVID vaccines and cooperated with Pfizer & Co, To my astonishment, he is still proud of his actions.
He sold his soul to the Globalists and their depopulation agenda.
And his trick to "drain the swamp" was a mischievous one. to say it politely.
I completely agree. I trust nobody in the Political world.
May I, please....
You are extremely talented writer, researcher, Egyptologist, what about a piece on history of Jews, from Canaanites / exodus from Egypt / through expulsion from multiple countries / WWII concentration camps / 'till Israel/Hamas current 'conflict'?
A heck of a job but might be rewarding...
I do have some of the material related to the current situation. Especially the details that revolve around the "Plan" to create "Israel," the Balfour Declaration, ect.... Yes there is a lot of that material people should know as a background, as we are all witness to the current slow motion catastrophe. I was going to hold off on posting directly about this and related subjects until people take some time to really find themselves and become calm enough to reflect. Believe me --- calmness is quite important. As for the ancient part of the history, there are very few things that can be relied upon for accuracy. In Ancient Egyptian, there are accounts of infiltrators who came during the first intermediate period; taking advantage of a weakened country. Some materials on this is really going to take some time, in order to make sure I'm getting it correct, if I write about it.
"if I write about it" -hmm.., IF you want to start collecting references, I can forward my small batch for a start. Hopefully people will calm down for a while, IF circumstances allow, and then you will be ready to publish it, just on time...
This is very good, lots of things to look up and understand, takes time. The Strawman, Allodial title, British Admiralty law, etc. Things never taught in school for obvious reasons. I looked up lots and knew a bit already, but for new persons reading this it is not an easy go and each point could be a post in itself. Remember Nafahotep, you are far ahead of 99% of us when it comes to this stuff.
About the Jewish stuff at the start, are these people really Jewish? My readings say no. They seem to be cut-outs hiding behind Judiasm to cover who they really are which seems to be criminality at the top who controls their minions thru occult pagan rules and laws, and hiding this from us. Why would they want to be killing and maiming so many Jews from the shots if they were really Jews (not to mention the Nazis were one of their tentacles funded by the same group running Wall St.)? The Israeli parliament area is all occult and they want Baphomet to sit in the temple of Solomon. This isn't Judiasm or the Jewish person in your local supermarket.
You are right, The Sabbatean Frankists are the ones who "Hide" behind the various Religious communities. They practice blood rituals, institutionalized pedophilia, they generally think of themselves as ones who have a "Divine Right" rule.
In the case of the Jews, as a community they were set up to take all the blame for things these Parasites do. Basically, you have it 100% correct.
On Baphomet: it actually originated as an ancient Celtic God of the Forrest. It is probably one of the most misunderstood symbolism ever. The "Satanist" think it is the devil, so they foolishly worship it; the Christians think it is an image of the devil, so they think of it to be evil and hate it. I'll say it's always much better to carefully study the original symbolism of things. Part of this is why the Elites have self styled themselves into a lie, they have mislead themselves.
Whomever wrote this should pay attention here and now: There are The unanimous declaration of the thirteen united States of America; The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859; the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles; and the Constitutions of the 33 states and commonwealths and of the territories. SAL and Treaties along with the lawful validation of each. That is the totality of law. The correct names were not used in this article.. That is important. You appear to be contemplating flipping from one de facto jurisdiction to a different de facto jurisdiction and not to a de jure jurisdiction of a Civilian Court of record. Having fulfilled all the lawful requirements to establish the status, standing, venue, law form, and original jurisdiction Article III Amendment VII. All the paper work finished signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service. wait a proper time with patience for default and acquiescence. Build your Jury Pool. Become the provisional government on the land and soil, air and water of your state, commonwealth or territory. With all your bona fides in order of the de jure men and women with their progeny without ruler or subjects..
Read another anon complaining about how complicated it is.
I'm not trying to flip from one jurisdiction to another, I have Declared Sovereignty, in much the same way that the founders Declared Independence. Yes, Individuals can and should consider it. For reference I will add this from another commenter on American Hypnotist's post
Bitteroot addresses Hypnotist:
Good article to open people's eyes as to a type of trust that is rarely used and has not been taught in Law Schools for some 75 or more years. The last Lawyer I talked with who was taught these trusts set up under the Common Law, was retirement age when I met him way back in the late 1990's.
I appreciate the link to the "handbook" given in the article, it has both good and questionable information in it.
Good information is that information that is supported by Court Cases prior to the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865 and a few court cases from the period up to around 1900. Sadly, most court cases cited in that handbook do not have a date listed for them and would require a person to spent a lot of time in a Law Library looking up the cases and determining if they were valid for the type of trust the handbook is talking about. This would require a knowledge of more than the date of the court case but also the court cases cited in each court case to know for sure the case was relevant to a trust under the Common Law.
There is a term mentioned in the handbook which is "sui juris." This term does not seem to be defined in the handbook. Sui Juris is a Latin definition which means "of one's own right", it means that someone is "capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights." It is crucial to note there is no mention of "legal age" or "legal capacity" in the definition. That is because in the U.S. we have a post Civil War 14th Amendment. More on that in a moment.
Prior to the 14th Amendment a U.S.A. Citizen obtained their "Rights" from their Creator, i.e. God. This is set out in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence which says in pertinent part. "...all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..." Note the word "unalienable." It's root word is "lien" which is when someone else or some entity has a higher claim to what you say is yours, than you do. Example: If you have a mortgage on "your" house, the bank or mortgage company has a "higher claim" to that house than your claim. Just quit paying the payment and see what happens to your house! Point to remember is that when your rights are "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) they come from God and God is above all earthly governments.
[Remember what I said about “I am that I am.”] ——- Sovereign Regis
The 14th Amendment, 1868, turned things upside down. It says in pertinent part, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State in which they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,..." there is a lot to "unpack" in this 14th Amendment. Please follow closely:
1. We will start with the words "...the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..." In Law where do "privileges and immunities" come from? They are what government can give "citizens". They are not the same as "rights" from God. Note the phrase at the beginning of that Amendment, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States..." Notice the coupling together of the concepts of "born" and "naturalized." this was the beginning of doing away with the idea of some people being "freeborn Citizens" with God given rights and classifying all as "citizens" in the category of "naturalized", why? A naturalized citizen is someone born in a country that does not recognize "God given rights" but who wants to become an American. They go through the process of "naturalization" and once that is completed they receive "privileges and immunities" granted by government, not rights from God! What government has given, government can take away!
2. Notice the word "citizens" in the 14th Amendment. It is spelled with a lower case "c". Yet, for example in the Constitution; Article II, Section 5 the same word is spelled "Citizen" with an upper case "C" and that word is not the first word in a sentence! "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..." In Law, even the capitalization of a word has meaning! Prior to the 14th Amendment, the capitalization of "Citizen" meant a human being who's rights came from God not from government. Notice that there were 2 classes of "Citizens" before the Adoption of the Constitution! Those born here and those who had become Citizens prior to the Adoption of the Constitution! That is prior to there being a government that could "naturalize" those not born here!
3. Post Civil War there was "The Act of February 21, 1871" which, among other things changed one letter of one word in the Declaration of Independence. It changed an "u" to an "i" changing the word "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" pronounced "in-alien-able" root word "alien" (which interestingly enough the first 4 letters of that word tell you this word is "a lie"!) So when this Act changed the word in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence from "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) to "inalienable" (in-alien-able) it supported the change in status of all Americans from God given Rights to government given rights!
Why is this important in light of the article and handbook on Trusts from yesterday's article? To have a Common Law Type Trust the parties to it must be "sui juris"! Remember the definition of "sui juris" is "of one's own right" and "Capable of owning property and enjoying private law rights". If you are a 14th Amendment "citizen", (little "c" meaning you are a subject of government and a subject of God, aka "a Sovereign") you have no "private law rights" you have "government granted privileges and immunities" such as the "privilege" of being "taxed", travel freely granted by private car only if you are "licensed", the privilege of being used in commerce via your "Birth Certificate" which is an "Admirality Law Instrument" (Law of the Sea, therefore you have a "birth certificate" showing the "berth" where you came into existence) used in International Commerce and much more.
The type of "Trust", a trust under the Common Law, as talked about in yesterday's post are concerned, that type of trust came from English Common Law adopted by the "colonies" in America long before there was any US government "taxing authority" under the 16th Amendment. (The story of it's failed ratification is told by another below this post). These type of Common LawTrusts are not subject to the April 15th Tax, but the April 15th Agency does not agree with that and will and have prosecuted those using these trusts to operate a business out of-unless they obtain an EIN and pay taxes on the trust income. Strictly speaking, when a Common Law Based Trust becomes "bastardized" by adopting ANY Statutory provisions such as an EIN, that trust looses the ability to protect assets and as a tusrt that contains any Statutory Provision it now falls under the purview of the Court system of this land, (America), and can be pierced, legally, by those courts, the assets taken by the court, and the parties to the trust, including Trustors, Trustees and Beneficiaries, convicted of fraud or crimes, under the Laws of the UNITED STATES Corporation, not the united States Constitution (lower case "u" intentional).
The courts will readily agree that this type of trust are "legal" which means they are subject to the courts jurisdiction and have been used "illegally" either via bastardization via mixing Statutory Trust language and concepts with Common Law language and concepts or by a person lacking in the "sui juris" status using the trusts.
In the last 20 or so years, a Common law Trust, such as the ones talked about in yesterdays post, have been pierced by a Federal District Court and the Federal Appeals Courts have up heald the lower court's rulings and SCOTUS, to my knowledge has not taken any cases involving these trusts.
In some 50 years of fighting the "good fight" I have only seen 2 individuals who were able to beat a trial in court because they had successfully removed themselves from being a 14th Amendment citizen and after nearly a year of attempts at tripping them up in a court room and after local newspaper articles of a "Couple Dumps Citizenship In Anti-government Rant" they were successful.
Now for a "silver lining." If you understand the "Restored Republic Idea", we should all be "restored" to Citizen status and the US Corporation ceasing to exist. Then, the use of this type of trust will, again, be taught, used and understood by all-even the Lawyers and Courts/judges.
In the meantime, unless you know you are not a 14th Amendment citizen and the Common Law Trust you are using is not bastardized by Statutory Trust language or concepts and those who are named in the trust as Trustor(s), Trustee(s) and Beneficiaries are not 14th Amendment citizens, be extremely careful as you move forward.
There has been color of law since 24 December 1860 and martial law since March 1861, Except Oregon. So there is no 14th amendment and 13 is TONA as of 1819. Once you get your definitions and names straight my might actually figure it out. Look up ex parte Milligan. :) All the best of every good fortune for the good.
It's all meant to appear SO complicated and SO terrifying in the diagrams. Many words are necessary to impart the deliberate convoluted scheme when the fact of the matter is...A few surgical strikes; ONLY A FEW...Would bring the whole Machine to a ROARING HALT. 'The People of the World' would FINALLY get their justice against these Demons Wearing Human Being Suits with their robbery, torture, torment, misery and murder throughout millennia!!!
My diagrams were meant to simplify how everything functions....... I might not have them completely accurate, but I'm trying to be.
Well, there's Davos; everyone knows that shitty place, then there is Basel Switzerland, "Wasting-ton" DC, City of London, the Cayman Islands where the Grand Magus Pedophiles live. There are many places where they are. Here's a bulk List of them:
This last one is a PDF I still need to explore. The more they are exposed, less they can hide.
I have a copy of the Epstein Island Flight list; unfortunately, his victims are mixed into it.
The Cayman Islands could certainly use a nice Fire right about now.... via DEW....
Love the Links...Thx.
I maintain what's said. These people are spoiled and evil and while there's no doubt about it...They're still human, can die and evil has no COURAGE. It runs when challenged by true strength ALWAYS.
Demons HATE having to return to hell to agonize and do all possible to avoid it...THAT INCLUDES RUNNING AWAY WHEN WHAT THEY THINK THEY OWN HAS NO MORE VALUE.
It isn't meant to appear COMPLICATED BY YOU. Most people perusing the basic information people are suddenly digging-up and finding in old archives and such are actually meant to paint demoralization among the world's people...To manipulate all to just lay down and die; kneel and kiss the collective A$$E$ OF THE Pedo's and all the Demonic.
The inception of all is to be deliberately complicated by those creating it. There are ALWAYS WEAKNESSES IN THE STRUCTURE...ALWAYS. It's most certainly NOT as they would have the threat appear. It's a slight of hand the COMMITTEE OF LONDON HAS ALWAYS EXCELLED WITH.
No one should blame ordinary people for "allowing this to happen." Our lives have been kept short, we have had to work long hours and haven't been allowed to enjoy our children, and we are lied to and subjected to military-grade mind control.
James Rink has an interesting viewpoint on all of this as in a previous life he was the son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. He says the king and queen escaped the guillotine and came to America, and that he was adopted by the paymaster, Daniel Payseur. Payseur set up a trust with 23% of the royal family's wealth, which was used by the bloodline families to industrialize America.
James's web site is supersoldiertalk.com
Thanks I'll check it out. The Pasteur family has been mentioned a lot lately. If they are at the center of this stuff, I'll try to make them famous. In the meantime, it's important that people grasp what their true power is. We can all walk away from the plank that holds up government, when our weight is off, the plank tips and down it goes. 😆
"Daniel Payseur was one of the most powerful people in the United Staes."
I have to cross-post this, it is magnificent. Thank you so much for all you do. xx
This is absolutely amazing. The way that corporations have formed a global wealth web for their owners is so hard to explain but here you can see how it is formed and maintained. Sun Tzu told us to know our enemy better than we know ourselves. This post helps a lot.
Cross post with my blessings. The more people see this the better. Let's pull on that one thread that holds it all together for THEM.
Cheers ...
Exactly 💯. But if the Legal system and Economic system is based on it you know it's good right? 😆
Our ONLY downfall is when WE believe THEM. Once we no longer do, it is them only. The money doesn't matter, remember that the truest form of wealth is it's sole Creator. ---- That's all of US. We have always been the power behind their power.