Corporate Chains of Custody, Illustrate how Control is more emphasized than Ownership
Owners of Equities in the Public / Private Fiefdom of Globalist Power Hierarchies, use Trusts to enable Power to be exercised anonymously. Reducing the Individual through Fraud and Force.
Corporate Chains of Custody is a very complex topic, there are many interconnected tributaries on many fronts to explore.
To see the best parts of Ownership one must observe ‘Trust’ and what it can do.
The Chains of something should imply a ‘Bond’ between parties where there is a hierarchy of priority and control. There is a lot of History to that control in the Dragon Court series. It is evident that there has been a long slow march towards Centralizing Power, where the few can exercise Control at a distance in an anonymous manner.
This current post is meant to be a Companion to my prior post, which has a complete summary and list of Dragon Court postings, as I put it in context with today’s Globalism:
Trust is central to the success of Civilization.
In the legal sense, a Trust can exist anonymously, this enables the principle holders of a trust to hide from public awareness. Through Trusts, a Trustor needs no ownership at all of the entity or asset that is the subject of the Trust, yet the Trust wields complete control, because the Trustee in the position of Performance has a Bond and MUST perform in order to provide to the Beneficiary. Members of the Board of Directors may be Trustees —— Corporations are the Beneficiary and so are their Voting Stock Share Holders; who in turn, may also be Trustors as well, since many Trusts are Private — this where there can be overlap. Private Trusts have no public record.
Corporations themselves hold Bonds they must perform on; those are Sureties for the Trust held privately by the Trustors or Grantors. A Grantor can also be a Government or an Individual.
As an example:
The obedience within Trusts in the legal sense is why products like Remdesivir or the Covid Jab get pushed in a “public policy format.” The PREP Act and the EUA function like a Bond for the Corporate Government. US Inc. The Individual Trustees are responsible for holding control over the Corporation without ownership that the Trust commands. Of course there are many nuanced levels to this. Trustors and Grantors of Trust are completely insulated from liability (just like Other Transaction Authority in the DOD contract with Pfizer), Trustors personal names are nowhere on the actual Ownership of the firm that is tasked with the performance within the Trust.
Trusts can exist inside of other Trusts, inside of Trust and then….. inside of yet more TRUSTS

The diagram, Figure 1 above is also a good way to illustrate how Arbitrary Hierarchy works, as well as how the Secrecy is set up in overlapping layers of Trusts.
A note to my readers, I am still learning more about this and how it works, there are many conflicting sources of info online, so please let me know if I should change something or add something. I welcome your comments.
The original research in Corporate Chains of Custody was done by one who goes by the call sign; “Firestarter,” a poster on Ron Paul Forums, I encourage everyone to have a close look at the threads he posted. It is VERY long and informative:
A Public / Private Fiefdom
Nearly 94% of ALL corporations are owned by just four primary investment corporations. Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity Investments.
Corporate Chains of Custody part 1
How Centralization can be a place for Corruption to Thrive. Where Policy enshrines Criminality. Corporations form a Democracy; between themselves, the Principals in control of voting stock are the Stakeholders. This “Democracy between Stakeholders” excludes everyone else, worldwide. Essentially, this is the REAL government on a global scale, all networked together, all Criminal, all connected together via Private Trusts.
The chart below, (Fig 2) is a basic layout of Corporate Control, minus a lot of other items to keep it simple. Public / Private Framework in the context of a Private Corporation
Private Equity is the Trust held by the Trustors; they delegate how their “Property” is to be used by the Beneficiaries in the Trust arrangement. Through the Trust System, the Trustors can hold command of all Corporate policies and assets. So, Private Equity doesn’t mean they privately Own a company, it means they can privately Control it. This is the same arrangement in the Public Sector, where a Federal Corporate Franchise can also secretly Control the Dejure Instituted Government.
The US Government is more than a Corporation; it’s a Franchise.
The very basic Chart below (Fig 3), shows the same Stakeholders also own Private Equity, in the Public Sector
Notice the Bank of International Settlements and the Central Banks? Private Trusts are held by DTC and Cede & Co. One thing I should have added is the International Finance Corporation (IFC) this organization helps delineate policy from the World Bank. This is so that Governments write policy and laws that favor the Globalist Corporate Stakeholders, pressure from the IFC is likely applied to the Legislature.
Here is what the Global Corporate Syndicate probably looks like in this Approximate diagram, Fig 4 below. The connections are based on Trusts and Bonds, Hierarchy is implied too:
Looks like quite a mess, but that’s what you get when you let Power accumulate in secret. When you let your own Individual Sovereignty get diluted by Instituted Powers; where Lies become LAW and Truth becomes Outlawed as, “Your own personal fiction.” The most important question to ask: “Do you Trust them yet?”
Please let me know in the comments if I have the overall layout right or wrong, as I stated above, I am still trying to learn details about how this stuff works.
Conservative viewpoints often try to “Support” the Corporate Structure as it is, mistaking it as support for Capitalism:
The Constitutional Republic substack tries to “legitimize” the Concept of a Federal Corporation and in the main article states that all of it has a purpose:
What is a federal government corporation, and what are the essential characteristics of a government corporation?
As defined in this report, a federal government corporation is an agency of the federal government, established by Congress to perform a public purpose, which provides a market-oriented product or service and is intended to produce revenue that meets or approximates its expenditures. By this definition, there are 17 entities that are government corporations.
Congress is ALWAYS doing it’s job in the interest of the Represented, right? — OK sarcasm off.
Federal Government Corporations:
Commodity Credit Corporation (15 U.S.C. 714)
Export-Import Bank (12 U.S.C. 635)
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (7 U.S.C. 1 501)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (12 U.S.C. 1811)
Federal Financing Bank (12 U.S.C. 2281)
D-U-N-S Requirement: For administrative and financial accountability.
Federal Executive Departments are the principal units of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States.
Department of State (DOS): Responsible for foreign policy and international relations. It manages diplomatic missions and represents the U.S. at the United Nations.
Department of the Treasury: Manages the government's revenue and expenditures. It also oversees the issuance of bonds and the printing of currency.
Department of Defense (DOD): Responsible for national security, defense, and the armed forces. It is the largest department in terms of budget and personnel.
Department of Justice (DOJ): Oversees law enforcement agencies like the FBI and administers the federal legal system.
Department of the Interior: Manages federal lands, natural resources, and oversees agencies like the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey.
Department of Agriculture (USDA): Oversees farming, forestry, and food. It provides support to farmers and manages food safety.
Department of Commerce: Promotes economic growth and technological advancement. It includes agencies like the Census Bureau and the Patent and Trademark Office.
Department of Labor: Oversees labor laws, workplace safety, and employment statistics. It also administers programs for job training.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Manages programs related to public health, medicine, and welfare, including Medicare and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Oversees federal housing programs and administers housing grants.
Department of Transportation (DOT): Manages the nation's transportation infrastructure, including highways and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Department of Energy: Responsible for energy policy, nuclear safety, and the nation's energy infrastructure.
Why Federal Executive Departments Needs a D-U-N-S Number: Required for federal procurement and grant applications, ensuring accountability and transparency in financial transactions.
[Financial Transactions using the Fake Fiat Dollar, while the real Money is tied up through Trusts and REAL priorities are Bonded Agendas by Secret Contracts.]
Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE)
A Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) is a financial services corporation created by the United States Congress to enhance the flow of credit to targeted sectors of the economy. Unlike government corporations, GSEs are privately held corporations but have public purposes. They are not funded by Congress but must adhere to additional oversight. Examples include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which provide liquidity to the mortgage market.
[Remember Dodd Frank? Lots of “Oversight.”]
Why GSE Needs a D-U-N-S Number: To facilitate financial transactions and risk assessments, especially when interacting with private financial markets.
My Take:
So, a GSE apparently adheres to oversight; where was that oversight when the PREP Act was used in conjunction with the EUA to set contracts with Pfizer and Moderna to produce a poison injection? The Medical Countermeasures were classified as Bioweapons by DARPA —— in it’s own documents.
Where was the oversight when they used the Other Transaction Authority, OTA to exclude the vaccine producers from civil and criminal liability?
Where was the oversight when the Media and Social Media coordinated with each other with the same message: “Safe and Effective?” The real problem is not a lack of “Oversight,” I’m sure there was plenty of that. The entire oversight was provided by the Pilgrim Society, a social information and media outreach organization that operates out of the City of London, serving the Trustors — Parasites who ordered the Plandemic and Genocide. THEIR oversight was busy coordinating online censorship.
What “Constitutional Republic” above, leaves out is that Corporate Boards of Directors and CEO’s alike must satisfy those who are the “Trustors” of the Trust in which they are Trustees. They must satisfy Performance Bond requirements, to those who are the Beneficial Holders of Stocks as well as the Stakeholders.
Also, where the Constitution is concerned; there are 17 entities, government corporations, that are abominations NOT called out in the founding document. The whole of the Government could work with a tiny minimum of “Agencies,” the whole thing should be chopped down to the size of a “Postage Stamp.”
This is an Extremely Important, recent article by American Hypnotist:
It's All About Trust:
A trustor, trustee, and beneficiary all have various rights and obligations within a trust structure (which can vary depending on the trust in question), and this is indeed the source of their power.
In a trust, legal title to certain property is vested with the trustee, whereas right of use (beneficial title) is vested with the beneficiary. This is why you can sue a beneficiary, but you will never be able to get the property out of his or her trust via a lawsuit precisely because he is NOT the trustee.
Trusts can be massive, or they can be small and simple.
A trustee wields great power BECAUSE he does what he does for someone else’s benefit—this is how the role of trustee stabilizes civilization itself.
JD Rockefeller supposedly once said that the key to power is to “own nothing, but control everything”—and this is exactly how trusts (and their predecessors by other names) work.
Indeed, he could have simply said that the key to power is to form trusts, and it would have meant essentially the same thing. Again, trusts allow property to be available for use by one party, while remaining under the ownership of another party.
If you go to this article: “It’s all about Trust” — one Commenter; Bitter Root Services has multiple extremely incisive points that should be read by everyone, in fact there are several very interesting conversations
Control vs Ownership video illustrates the concept:
Stakeholders are Stock Owners through Private Equity; held in Trusts, they can also be Retail Shareholders as well as be on the Board of Directors, they can be Selected for “public service” as Politicians in the Public Sector to hold office, such as seen in Figure 3 & 4. Or they can apply influence through NGO’s and Campaign Finance either way, the Trustors are always getting what they want from the performance of the Trustees. The most powerful Trustors do not own anything in their name, they don’t use fiat money, they hold the power of “Paper” and they get their Trustees to do all the work for them. The purpose of the Beneficiary is to “benefit” the Trustor.
US Government Diagram as it looks today:

The above diagram looks like a King Sized Mess, just for our own Government.
Figure 6 below shows the Federal Corporation was created by the Republic, but the States were the creators of the Republic, so State Sovereignty is primary, at least for the sake of the country.
A simplified version:
Corporate Chains of Custody, Part 2
Who controls the Centralized Controllers? The whole Corporate Syndicate is controlled by four investment funds – The Big Four - that control the US and World economy. Who owns or controls these Big Investment Firms?
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and Fidelity are nowhere near the top of the Power Hierarchy. To start with: Vanguard is privately owned and controlled, it also owns large percentages of the other investment firms and manages pensions for the public sector employees, a key fact in evaluating what the incentive is for those employees.
Global Private Equity Owners are the ones whom this system is designed to benefit. This system is not isolated to the Private sector, it is mirrored in the Public one as well; as a Public / Private Framework. All Governments in the western orbit are Franchises of just one control point, Located in the City of London.
Bronfman-Rothschild, Inc. is a major player in Vanguard.
For some time I’ve been investigating the Bronfman Crime Family, the article below is not too long once you read it, you will never forget the name Bronfman:
Imagine the Mafia actually managing Public Pensions, what could possibly go wrong?
WHO REALLY OWNS YOUR MONEY? The DTCC [ Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.] and CEDE [Nominee Name for Depository Trust Co.]
This article, published in 2008 is very accurate even for today:
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation owns all of the voting stock in DTC, which makes DTC a subsidiary of Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. DTC is not the holder of record of the securities for which it manages the custody.
Stealing your Name, reduces your status to Public Beneficiary, this is used to have Control over your Identity
Birth Certificates are a unique type of Trust that creates a Surety for the Federal Reserve Inc. The resulting Volume Attenuated Trust (VAT) is used to hypothecate the value of the fiat currency. That’s the “Full Faith and Credit in the US Treasury.” Two ledgers must match; volume of use to amount in circulation, accounting for the expected taxation usury the IMF will ultimately collect from the IRS for BIS. Those who are Trustors / Private Equity Owners have actual control of the BIS, the Board of Directors are Trustees ——Beneficiaries are the Federal Reserve Inc. and other Central Banks.
Birth Certificates; You’re Pledged by the Federal Government as Collateral
This article written by By Roger Sayles is very well written and describes the Birth Certificate Bond / Trust arrangement well, putting it into historical context. Please check it out, I have commented on this topic dozens of times:
Private Trust mirrored into Public Trust
Figures 10, 11 and 12 are from a slide player linked below, there is no narration for it, there are 23 slides in the deck. Probably one of the best illustrations of the Birth Certificate Trust / Surety. The overall concept works in a similar way to reduce all forms of property ownership by splitting it into public legal title vs beneficial owner title.
Slide Player:
Globalist Stakeholders want control over your Birth Certificate so they can control the Money they fabricate. By controlling the Money in the economy, they can control the Real Assets such as Land and Water Rights; even Physical assets like Gold and Silver. This is because if you used their fiat debt note to purchase a real asset, it was like using an IOU to buy it. Meaning that in their mind, you really don’t own it. An asset purchased on debt really doesn’t belong to you; also, if you are using the Straw Man corporate identity to function in the economy, they don’t recognize you as the Sovereign that you are….
DTC and Land Titles
Here is an article that goes into some detail in regards to Allodial ownership. I realized that it seems to be really far off from where I started with Corporate Chains of Custody; but rest assured, EVERYTHING is actually connected. Land Titles are not that much different than Stonks; they are effectively paper titles, so they are in fact controlled by the DTCC just like ‘stocks’ and ETFs. There are centralized methods of control; everyone knows what a “Parcel” or a “Manor” is. How about water rights to the land, who actually owns those rights?
What is Allodial Title? 11 Things (2023) You Must Know
What applies to Land Ownership in this system, also applies to most other things we own; Our own Identities, our Children as can be seen with Birth Certificates, Vehicles, Houses, Money and Assets, fungible or not.
Gokce’s article below explains a great deal of the various splits and divisions that exist to reduce Sovereign ownership of Real estate. The way it is so well defined, shows the general pattern of Trusts.
Also see this important article:
The diagram below, figure 13 shows generally how different types of title subdivisions are defined for Land Ownership:
All of this is a result of the Legal Power of Paper, this is how Trust can be constructed:
The Legal System is a fruit of Linguistic Infiltration. Theft of Symbolism was also part of Name Stealing, if they can control your sense of Identity, they can try to control your mind
Control over your Birth Certificate in order to control the value of the money they fabricate is not the only scope of control they seek. There is another level from within the government and legal structure that these Parasites have managed to interweave, this is the pseudo legal framework currently used to control commerce; Uniform Commercial Code that operates under British Admiralty Law. This code is also the way these parasites have gotten everyone to agree to miss identifying themselves as "Citizens." Because they want you to believe the Admiralty Law to be “Law of the Land.” This is false, it undermines Common Law and subverts Natural Law, this is what I call their "Linguistic Infiltration." Legal Language is created with a slight of hand; words can become culturally redefined, until nobody really notices anymore.
A "Citizen" is NOT a human being, it is a piece of paper to denote status; a Straw Man, corporate fiction at law. Nobody can ever be a citizen. Yet the fiction is used by the Legal System to define YOU as existing under their Jurisdiction; they never gave you a choice, you could never have agreed to this arrangement. A contract without the consent of one of the contracted parties is fraudulent. Fraud vitiates ITSELF, even within their system, a fraudulent contract is void.
Taking things from people until they say YES — is NOT a CHOICE
There is a big difference between the terms Lawful and Legal. In the following link I explore how to view the Linguistic Manipulation; your Identity is tied to your Spiritual Realization of Self:
Please note that when I refer to Sovereignty, I don't mean "King," someone to rule over someone else. In nature there is nobody above you and nobody below you. There is NO Arbitrary Hierarchy. In a very small community context, hierarchy can exist as “Merit based Hierarchy,” or Meritocracy. For example; great respect was always shown to the most efficient hunter in a village, things such as this was considered normal. Yet today, kids are encouraged to accept participation trophies for their attempting to compete in sports.
Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group and WEF
There is a bit of overlap between members of each control center; as I stated in my previous post, there are multiple organizations these Parasites can be personal members of, as can be seen in figure 14 below:
The video below is 46 min long, there are some very interesting points discussed:
‘Silent Coup’ How Corporations rule the World — Matt Kennard, please view this video with a critical eye.
There are some points Matt gets correct
I have many issues with Matt’s premise; he apparently approves of the false idea called “Democracy,” he seems to think Governments actually exist to “Help” people. He talks positive of “Taxes,” a hallmark of many pundits that live in Parliamentarian Countries, he presents this whole issue as Government being a victim of the Corporations; Government framework in most Western Countries were created BY Corporations in service to THEM and their Trustors. Matt does bring up an important central point that is affecting policy in the countries subject to Corporate Interests. That is the IFC:
From Google: What is the role of the IFC in the World Bank?
IFC, MIGA, and ICSID focus on strengthening the private sector in developing countries. Through these institutions, the World Bank Group provides financing, technical assistance, political risk insurance, and settlement of disputes to private enterprises, including financial institutions.
They hire mercenaries to squash dissent in many countries, they are able to employ a country’s military at times, to do the dirty work. This helps “Protect” the “Interests” of foreign investors wherever a bit of Democide is needed for control. Currently they are performing on a contract in Haiti, where the US Inc is being used for invading the Sovereign Country, so that Human Traffickers and Pharmaceutical Companies can have access.
Pay particular attention to the last portion of this video from 40:00:00 on….
The IFC is a Globalist Policy outreach that acts like inter-connective glue of control, designed to favor the World Bank and delineation of Public Policies; I suspect the main tool of this arrangement is (again) Private Trusts that hold control over public finance. Informal imperialism becomes enforced by privately funded military activity.
Public funding used for Private interests, through Private Trusts.
Taxes are a form of Economic Democide, in the process of using force to compel people to carry a debt obligation they never created.
Democracy is Mob Rule by the Majority; no representation and corrupt as Hell.
Government is not a “Victim” of Corporate influence, it’s a “Store Front” for it.
NGO’s have ALWAYS been a source of corruption. Philanthropy and making money come back in a circle to benefit the Philanthropath; most of which hold private Trusts that enable them to control public organizations, while using public money. This is the exact same pseudo legal, mechanism that enfranchises Human Trafficking and Organ Harvesting, all while protecting the criminals who do it and the ones who profit from it.
Time to remove “Trust” their Tool Box
Trust is a key to building all of civilization itself; from there it can also be misused to subvert intent, to create Hyper — Hierarchies “Super Upper Order.” Think of this as a fabric that is carefully woven, designed with the Elite Class or “Over Class” enmeshed. What holds it together? “Trusts,” this could be one of the most important threads in the tapestry, among some other minor ones. If we all pull on this ONE thread — it ALL comes undone. No more Criminal Cabal.
One thing I have said of Trust, repeatedly
Trust is both mutually earned and mutually Treasured; but it is Coveted by those who never Deserved it and should never have it.
It’s not just a Silent Coup, it’s a Silent Tyranny
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. (Ben Franklin)
Compliance to tyranny is obedience to Fear.
Choose which one to follow......
The power of God within you; or the hollowed out husk that is Fear.
Resistance to tyranny often requires Sacrifice and in addition, causes Consequences.
Obedience to tyranny usually requires NO Sacrifice, yet it also has Consequences.
Choose your Consequence.
This is very good, lots of things to look up and understand, takes time. The Strawman, Allodial title, British Admiralty law, etc. Things never taught in school for obvious reasons. I looked up lots and knew a bit already, but for new persons reading this it is not an easy go and each point could be a post in itself. Remember Nafahotep, you are far ahead of 99% of us when it comes to this stuff.
About the Jewish stuff at the start, are these people really Jewish? My readings say no. They seem to be cut-outs hiding behind Judiasm to cover who they really are which seems to be criminality at the top who controls their minions thru occult pagan rules and laws, and hiding this from us. Why would they want to be killing and maiming so many Jews from the shots if they were really Jews (not to mention the Nazis were one of their tentacles funded by the same group running Wall St.)? The Israeli parliament area is all occult and they want Baphomet to sit in the temple of Solomon. This isn't Judiasm or the Jewish person in your local supermarket.
I have to cross-post this, it is magnificent. Thank you so much for all you do. xx
This is absolutely amazing. The way that corporations have formed a global wealth web for their owners is so hard to explain but here you can see how it is formed and maintained. Sun Tzu told us to know our enemy better than we know ourselves. This post helps a lot.