One point I like to make... a simple Question... What is the reason behind it all?

Yes we are living in a Khakistocracy... yes Government war are all connected through Freemasons Jews and Zionists.

What is the point of all?

Who dares to ask and who dares to follow Ariadne's threat down the Rabbit hole?

Because all of this doesn't make sense in any sense even if you try.

The Truth will blow your Mind harder than a Magnum 45.

An Alien Race with no physical body that want this world for themselves.

A slow motion Alien Invasion.

There can only be one... us or them.

The Destruction of the Environment is as much part of the plan as is Government Wars and enslavement


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May 26Liked by Nefahotep

Exceptional points made here. And might we not realize in thinking back in time where thought of revolution was assuming fair combat and armory's. Ben Franklin's bodatiose quotes couldn't withstand the thought nowadays. The military, that we are told to believe is so vast, in order of constitutional obligations protecting nations, have the utmost upper hand. So even expressing a revolution by the same principle could literally exacerbate what the author extrapolates from the sources and defined into this essay.

It's physically impossible in other words. I wouldn't waste my time pointing this out if it wasn't so relevant at this point in time.

It's going to take the act of individuals within the confinement of officials to suddenly become human again.

Maybe instead of perpetuating the eternal conflict, we as Americans demand the white house representatives apply this presentable evidence, literally abundant in this series as well as hundreds of verifiable examples documented daily here on Substack. Not to mention the incredible documented sources these incredible researchers like Author's and Tereza with Third Paradigm reference. I'm always amazed when there's credible sources linked to their essays. Relying less on opinions about such profound relevant subject matters.

Combine the financial implosion about to be unleashed on purpose as part of the apparent globalist/eletist agenda, alongside the wars, poverty (homelessness pandemic) and unaccountable mass migration yadda, yadda and you'd have to be a highschool educated 20-somthing that had to choose work over adult education not to see the patterns of Imperialism. Well that's my excuse, anyways I'm in my early 50's now with 30 years of experiencing this trick-bag called a human life on Earth. Because I'm not interested in getting aquatinted with or being part of that which requires a certain level of sociopathy.

Facts are facts and why even hesitate in comparing the two as the clock ticks closer to midnight?🫵...

...and Yes I'm commenting on this so-called Holliday to remember the fallen of war or ones succumbing to mortality or worse. Perfectly.

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Typo..mai s little game..dissenters..were noted. Doxxed......not fixed!..and murdered*

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This extremely fine article commentary is

sentient..transparant..magisterial ...on point..absolutely current.. constructive for 2024. The author explicates the objective facts undergirding the commencement of what millions of Americans

opt to call the New American Kristallnacht . Idiotic irrelevant hysterical jjewish inspired hate speech about Natzi s! can no longer deflect from what the Globohomosexual Jews of WeF -Blackrock..Blackstone and isreali --jewish biopharmakeia controligarch usurper banksters ....Talmudic bolshevist totalitarians, have destroyed starting in 2020.. i,e....Covid..Gaza .Ukraine now rafah ..hyper inflation..jewish domestic bioterrorism..adulteration of air food medicines,water...free speech..dissolution of private property rights..extreme Isreal firster taxation e with

zero ethical representation ....other Jewish domestic terrorism...jewish space lasers..Sam .b.fried..sam Altman s AI used to enslave humanity ..Jewish open borders for every nation state except antichrist shit hole failed state of homicidal apartheid isreal...**.....maui..east palatine..palestine..5g..fake viruses ,synthetic Petrie dish created parasites with nanobots morgellons graphene oxides ,aerosol stratospheric injections..the nightmares of bill gates..the cow farts superstar -eugenicist for Isreal,WeF Blackrock Jews etc..are unconscionable living horrors no intelligent sentient biological human can deny,appease or evade. . what has and what is transpiring

with these 4 topics .... no less than a bad dream from which no one can escape..The demon possesed yapping..colluding..scamming barking isreali-jewish micromanaged dogs of war have openly haughtily profiteered on the genociding of untold humans.Cui Bono?..the isreali Jewish eugenicists,..New Jew Order bioethicist green scammers..."..climate change pseudoscience..lyshekoistic lying Jews,...the gay rabbi s derisively calling all non Jews "Edom.."Amalek.".Goyim shikses Schwartzahs..shabbos goys..kooshim.kushies.."white trash that must be eliminated.*... etc. No doubt demon pubs and Republicrats..limited hangout clowns like rfk..flaming zionazi and of course genocide Joe..trumpdog..all bad actors on the falsely called "deep state "stage..so...formaldehyde Joe Biden and Barry Obama s minyan..the 460 or more Jew puppet masters.... get the undertaker blinken and obese full retard Victoria nudelman nuland..the hideously obese vile animal

.. to lead fallen scorched earth America down

more hyper expensive Jewish blood stained rat holes ..but finally "Americans"not computer vote rigged superparasitical degenerates,are dissenting..standing up..speaking plain truth contra ..against the political class of hideous Isreal firster

super felon insider trader degenerates..fact is we need more articles like this with links because the worst is yet to come.*We also admire Theresa who strives. mightily for pure objectification in an era of Jew micromanaged talmudc - bolshevistic Neuro linguistic programming...for new readers and young folk who don't understand..this portends ..sugnifies...micro trigger words designed to invite manipulateable rage and near violent dissent..like mao Tse Tung s little game contest..supposedly dissent but as dissenters tried to constructively criticize..they were noted.. fixed.. and murdered. that is what the isreali Jewish controligarch technofacist s want with Twitter. X..substack ..Farcebook ..Microshaft windows..all super surveillance honeypots..you must know by now..entrapment..entrainment..entrancement...*. etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.. as if that's not enough the bioweapon labs the Jewdevil neocons are protecting bordering Russia...and all that grift that

con artists Biden Mike Johnson..Lindsay Graham..Schumer pritzker..house negroid Lloyd Austin get from the ...gay Jewish disco meat grinder of Ukraine..now owned by Larry fink and Satanyahoo..the supposed 2nd Isreal for zograts...*fact check more*.....by the way..substack is not by any means the only online repository. for fine article commenters. Substack has plenty of fbi..mossad trolls. **..dont doubt that*...The Occidental Observer and RT have also stentorian commenters minus the obvious mossad UNIT 8200 hasbara troll cyborgs..."Do guilty virtue signalling double minded Americans over and over and over always need to say. "It's not all Jews,but it is most Jews?..*Anyone who is innocent will expose murder grifters deceivers con artists bait and switch politicians..trojan horse bad actors ..* no one need make sorry excuses for what The Synagogue of Satan..aka. The New Jew Order has done..terrorizing all analogue non Jewish humans...** too late vile reprobate jews.* the online antisemitism bill has already backfired* Don't fall for the good Jew bad jew..Good cop bad cop scsm...*The Goyim Know .*. Stop listening to any fake news from vile reprobate Jews...we have many Muslim friends who agree with us completely..we are non sectarian Pro 2A Christians..we have nothing to do with the *American* duped Isreal firster evangelical delusionaries who follow Mexican Jew Talmud preached John HAGEE the apostate who uses the Scofield(Jew adulterated)fake Bible...so don't cop out and slur millions of non evangelical Christians..*Rearm Now.**Choose Freedom.....not

isreali - Jewish satanic neoliberal theofacism*

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May 23·edited May 23

Just keep in mind that there's a strong discrepancy in coverage between the Ukraine conflict and the Gaza conflict. Zelensky and his predecessor have killed about an equal amount of civilians as those who died in Gaza. On a daily basis there's new footage of them firing Himars missiles(or otherwise) into supermarkets, music festivals, town squares etc. Yet not a single squeak about it in the media, in any country. They don't show it because it doesn't suit the narrative.

However showing all the casualties in Gaza, although horrific, does suit the narrative.

They do it because they want to enrage both sides. And in so doing, they intend to implement Revelations, which they themselves wrote. You can view revelations as a blueprint, similar to operation lockstep and others.

Just keep in mind that whenever there's feigned concern from a government like South Africa, it's because it serves the agenda, and not because they want justice. Every government is equally corrupt, and they're all in on it.

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I am fully aware of the discrepancy that you mention; however, the purpose of this post is primarily recognize the efforts of Conscientious Objectors who are willing to stand up and speak out against the system of systems, which includes Ukraine just as much as it includes Israel. Also, to incisively point out that there are people who are willing to protest, at great risk to themselves. To point out the fact that there are Infiltrations that take place within these movements, the Infiltrator's primary objective is to defame and hijack them into looking like they don't matter. The younger generation that is willing to stand against Tyranny should be respected and recognized.

What you say here about: "Them doing it because they want to enrage both sides. And in so doing, they intend to implement Revelations, which they themselves wrote." -- You are correct, every aspect of war is being hijacked including the protests, but the protestors who do what they do at great risk to themselves, are acting honorably.

About South Africa: I realize that SA has a lot of corruption and wants to Genocide all White People living there, so they lack credibility in the sense that they show any actual concern; they DO make some true statements about Gaza -- that's why I cite them. Believe nothing -- Question everything -- at the end of the day, I stand with Life and those who truly share my sense of concerns.

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May 23Liked by Nefahotep

>but the protestors who do what they do at great risk to themselves, are acting honorably.

That's fine, so long as they do not lose track of how the decision makers operate, and walk into a trap.

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It is only now that I realize that a third of the article was dedicated to criticizing my comments from another thread. It seems that even mild disagreements are not tolerated here. I must honestly say that you disappointed me... I thought you to be above this, but alas.

But regardless, I will do my best to address your concerns. Let's start with the following:

>It’s not possible for Beings to not have Consciousness

You seem to imply that I make my statements lightly. But my statement was based on a foundation of solid granite. Let's go back a few thousand years and see what the Gnostics had to say on the subject, I will paraphrase.

"A certain portion of the population has counterfeit consciousness, and not real consciousness. They are the ones who cannot deviate from the will of the Archons". Here is a modern meme:


But the Gnostics are far from the only ones who expressed this phenomenon, contemporarily known as NPCs.

Let's take a look at Saturn and it's various expressions. Saturn, the hexagon, the black cube, all represent the same phenomenon. Saturn is said to be the driving force behind people's daily experiences. It is known as fate/karma. It is entirely possible to be driven exclusively by the karma that is attached to you. In this state, you are NOT a sovereign being. You are a slave to karma or the black cube.

The global elites are fully aware of this mechanism, and they use it to their advantage. Once you get someone stuck in a victim-perpetrator cycle, they will most likely be stuck there forever. Only the Magician archetype can break out of this eternal cycle. They erect black cube monuments everywhere. Example: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaeYF0-UYAADvPf?format=jpg&name=large

Well I could go on, and showcase how in all forms of mysticism there is this recurring belief. But frankly, it is pointless. I've broken it down for you here, and you can research it further yourself. But more importantly than that, there must come a point where you must develop this inner knowledge for yourself. Because as I've said before, one give a learned man the emerald tablet, and it will be useless to him.

I will skip over all the parts where I was berated and go straight to this:

>And if you already know how it's going to end, you must think you're god.

I suppose you are correct, that I should refrain from making such statements. Frankly anything I say, is next to useless because everything that is going to unfold in the next few years at least, is all but set in stone, regardless of what I say. And the reason for this, has everything to do with what I wrote above.

The global elites are the only players in town. Everyone else is stuck in their karmic cycle, and do not have the means to resist the script that has been determined by them. It is like having the expectation that the sheep, will overthrow the shepherd. I had this discussion over 30 years ago, where I foolishly exclaimed that "they" are the problem, and that without them, everything would be fine. The response I received was that without the global elites, those who are lower in the pyramid would fill the power vacuum and that nothing would change. Initially I disagreed, but then I developed the inner knowledge to see the truth in that statement.

Only if people achieve true consciousness, will they have a defense mechanism against a cunning predator like the global elites.

I suppose with this, I should probably take my leave. You are on your own journey and far be it from me to interfere with that. Maybe I'll see you on the other side, maybe I won't. Good luck in any case.

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Mild disagreements ARE tolerated here. And Discussing them openly is what we do.

You use a lot of Hierarchical Language: I am not above anything nor am I below anything, I'm willing to question as much as people are willing to discuss.....

You bring up Gnostics:

Wiki states: "Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems that coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge above the proto-orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions."

Gnostic: From Dictionary.com --- pertaining to knowledge

adjective. pertaining to knowledge. possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters. (initial capital letter) pertaining to or characteristic of the Gnostics. [So with this definition, you can apply a Gnostic approach to something]


Gnostic: From the Bible --- knowledge; root word from Greek: Gnothi γνῶθι = know

The Greek word gnosis (knowledge) is used as a standard translation of the Hebrew word "knowledge" (דעת da'ath) in the Septuagint, thus: The Lord gives wisdom [ħokhma] (sophia), from his face come knowledge [da'ath] (gnosis) and understanding [tevuna] (synesis)" — Proverbs 2.6. [This just seems to give the linguistic origin from Greek of a Hebrew [Yiddish] word]

If those who call themselves "Gnostics" claim this: "A certain portion of the population has counterfeit consciousness, and not real consciousness. They are the ones who cannot deviate from the will of the Archons". ---- They are primarily focused on establishing and maintaining the fiction called Arbitrary Hierarchy. A pyramidal construct to enshrine a delusion of Superiority and Inferiority, through out all human interactions, enabling the Rulers the Archons justification for being in those positions. They use excuses like Bloodlines, Race, and Association to create a Master / Slave relationship. This must end.

You claim: "You are a slave to karma or the black cube." This only appears to the case. In the Isha Upanishad in original Sanskrit: Action cleaves not to a man. One of the most egregious errors the Parasitic Elites make is they think we can't learn to speak, read and write in our most Ancient Languages. From Ancient Egyptian book of the Dead: "We are One coming from One."

What you mention in terms of "people achieving true consciousness" is not creating it, or achieving it; it is about awaking it. It's already there, if our civilization actually becomes fully aware of Consciousness, we will have a Golden Age.

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May 26·edited May 26

There is some validity to what you say. Essentially, using the phenomenon I described, one dehumanizes a portion of the population, and can be interpreted as Elitism or a justification to do immoral things. It has admittedly been co-opted that way by certain bloodlines, they are the fallen. It is a pitfall in and of it's own.

But what I am about to say, could possibly be the absolute most crucial piece of information that I can share, and I do not say this lightly.

I use the word pitfall, because of something that can occur as part of a Luciferian phenomenon. In one's seeking of higher Truths, one can easily fall into the trap of Elitism, exactly as you described. That is what Luciferianism is. But that does not mean that the knowledge itself, is altogether false.

Ask yourself the following. How is it possible that humans can fall for the exact same trick, 1 million times in a row? The answer: Because of a lack of consciousness. Does that not lend credence to the phenomenon of the NPC, or the karmic trap?

In short, yes Gnosticism can be misconstrued as Elitism, and it precisely for that reason, that the ladder must be climbed carefully, so as to not to fall into the trap of Luciferianism.

But do not discard fundamental Truths either. For how can you hope to "fix" the problem if you don't think there is a problem?

A few posts ago, you agreed with my comment that " the gate is narrow". What do you think this "gate" is?

Rise, or fall. Everyone will have to make that choice for him/her self. I will not be around forever, trying to find the words to help people help themselves. In fact I am just about done.

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Indeed, I refer to those non-corporeal "entities" as "controlminds." And I surely do not consent to any such "entity" deciding for Me anything. I stand on Ethical ground, high above that legal/governmental system. And invite Others to stand with Me in aggregate (NOT "collectively" - which implies a collector...). When enough of Us are doing so... They will have no power.

Good examination of the machinations and history of the controlmind mess We see on Our planet!

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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It’s a good but sad post, and thanks for all the time on it. Some points:

1. Zionism is a movement of the global crime syndicate. Both real Jews and real Christians get caught up in promoting it but the vast majority of Jews and Christians do not have nor want anything to do with it.

2. Many Jewish people do not agree with the Israeli Govt’s war mongering though some have bought into it. We should not lump them together.

3. The Israeli govt is another part of the global crime syndicate. They are occultists and are fake Jews. Just about all US politicians of any stature are fake Americans. They are playing their assigned role in the plan to bring in world government. Hamas etc are also part of the same syndicate. The Israeli govt should not be confused with Israelis nor Jews.

4. Most every govt of every country is part of the global crime syndicate.

👉The avg person on the street is not represented by these govts, and are just pawns on a great chess board.

👉We can see the surrounding countries actually are on the same page as the global crime syndicate. If it was a conflict of only the people on the ground these countries would have invited and welcomed refugees from Gaza (they have huge space for that, and a real UN of concerned nations would easily foot the bill which would be pennies compared to world war), but that wouldn’t bring in war $ nor a larger war would it? The syndicate needs real death and destruction to change the world, not a solution.

👉After 9.11 many Americans were ok to go kill Afghanis and Iraqis, but many were not. We should not lump them together. The US war in Iraq killed ONE MILLION Iraqis for no reason other than to follow the same global crime syndicate plan that is unfolding now. Americans were not held in high esteem in those days if you recall, but they were swindled by the 9.11 false flag, same shit happening to the Israelis now.

5. Some protests may be organic then infiltrated by paid agitators, many are started by the agitators who gather regular people to join in. Do any protests ever complain about the global crime syndicate? Protests that don't protest against the correct entity just spread more of a mess, and that's the plan.

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"Most every govt of every country is part of the global crime syndicate."

Is that global crime syndicate a Zionist organization by any chance? 🤔

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Hi James, my 30,000 foot view of this mess is that "syndicate" means all levels of the org, just like a large company, and that means there are different vertical divisions each running different but interrelated programs, with Zionism being one of those programs. Zionism is a strategy for specific deliverables (turning a large part of the ME into the religious center of the syndicate), and of course has Zionists in that division, both fake Zionists who are just running the strategy of the program, and "real" Zionists who believe in some ideology of Zionism like homeland for Judeo-Christianity. I'm falling asleep so may not have written this properly or completely...

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Thanks for your helpful reply, PM. I’m now much more enlightened on the subject. Cheers

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May 23·edited May 23Author

Number 1 -- I covered it in the post, but here is another one that I linked here:

https://nefahotep.substack.com/p/the-no-annexation-principle-and-why Many people ignored this one and it is important because it describes the way Annexation was changed into a form that relies on Contract through Corporate Government.

Number 2 -- I have covered before in other post that I referenced like https://nefahotep.substack.com/p/video-presentations-can-give-some There are some Jews who are Protestors. Did you bother to take a closer look?

Some more post I did on this.

https://nefahotep.substack.com/p/adolf-hitler-british-agent-part-1 and

Number 3 and 4 -- The Israeli govt is another part of the global crime syndicate. Every Gov is part of the Crime Syndicate -- I have covered that many times as well.

Your other points are valid to a certain degree.

Protestors that are genuine about what they stand for, most young people don't have all the facts that you or I discuss here. Give them a brake, most people still don't know about the Sabbatean Frankists or their masters the Black Nobility. You know and I know the governments of the world are all Corporate Franchises

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Thanks, I think we are in general agreement. Yes my statement here

"...who gather regular people to join in", means including Jews who protest.

On #2 I made a comment on it, so yes I was on it:


Proton Magic & Co. Oct 19, 2023 Liked by Nefahotep

Well said, especially well-timed:

"Those Individuals who are responsible are only POSING as Jewish Leaders ——— they work for the City of London and The Black Nobility."

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May 23Liked by Nefahotep

Thank you, Nefahotep. You and Tereza do an excellent job of untangling the many twisted truths and outright lies that make up this ancient story.

For me, I make sense of it all by seeing war and government as tools used in implementing the control-manipulate-harvest business model adopted by our rulers to operate this planet as a livestock-management business. I think seeing it all from their point of view helps to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses - perhaps principal among which is we are many, they are few. They can only succeed for as long as we continue to fall for their lies and deceptions.

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May 22Liked by Nefahotep

Yes of course, that is where I believe we derive the first "rule" or "moral virtue".... Seeing the other as you and defining or in your mind ascribing the same value to their life as your own is imperative to living in peace. It's clear now and throughout history that those who define anothers life as worthy of being extinguished, we sunk to our basic animal instincts/mentality. Doing no physical harm except in genuine self defense is core tenant of common law, genuine human law, not the acts and statute bollocks.

🤣🤣🤣 Yeah me too, the thing is most things should just be as simple as that to agree on, it's a mad fucked up world where some people are arguing whether an entire group of people in Gaza should be allowed to live without the fear of destruction and death the currently face, but here we are....

Everything should always be voluntary... Nothing should ever be forced on anyone, that original force is what I think Tereza and I guess probably us two also take major unbridge with.... Decentralisation is the way to go in order the fragment the top down control certainly, but don't you think we'll just end up with something similar but more local... A scenario like defending your commonwealth against the drug cartel run one just over the hill? The reason I ask, is because the way I see it, human nature doesn't disappear, so when we fragment down in size, we'll still have a lot of the same problems, just not on the same scale, however even that can change, as you note conspiring, we can conspire for good and bad, of course I don't want the continuation of whatever the fucked up shit we do have now, but we cannot sit here and claim no benefits whatsoever... I do understand whatever benefits we've had likely came at cost to someone, some place else, this is really where I believe decentralisation holds the most promise in that the likes of the convid bullshit could never have happened...


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It's difficult to say what will actually happen if we were successful at achieving a system of decentralized localized communities. We would certainly not be looking at world war 3; powerful nation states would not be in the equation, so there wouldn't be an incentive to have huge wars. Humans have always had small localized skirmishes; I sense that we are at a point in our spiritual evolution where even the skirmishes would be extremely small or rare, hopefully non existent. The default in human nature is not conflict but conflict avoidance.

The specifics of decentralized life will need to go through growing pains, logistical challenges and establishing a system of Lawfulness with Common Law or similar.

For Economics; I think Tereza's idea of decentralized banking and small scale sovereignty, she explains in her book, How to Dismantle an Empire is an excellent first step. At the core of everything, there needs to be a community that has caring loving respect for each other.

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I'm honored to be included in this epic post. Since I got a sneak preview, I'll repeat what I wrote:

"Excellent post, Nef, very coherent narrative, really flows from one essential point to the next. Funny, when I read your definition of conspire, I thought, ‘It’s not all bad.’ Conspire is one of my favorite concepts, with -spire being spirit, the breath, the element that connects us. And then you talked about that!

'I like how you go from the very graphic and visceral examples of what’s happening to the theoretical underpinnings that make it possible. It’s easy to feel like these are dry, boring subjects but one leads right into the other.'

Glad to be thinking in step on this journey, Nef!

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I'm honored to have you along this journey with me and your approach to these issues, especially with your 4 agreements, they are an inspiration to me. Thank you for your encouragement in this one, I wanted to make sure that I was covering most important aspects.

It was a pleasure to have an opportunity to preview your post as well, I'm really looking forward to it, I always love your video presentations, to me it's a highlight ;-)

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May 22Liked by Nefahotep

Well written and informative piece, packed with knowledge as usual my friend. This bit below stuck out to me....

"This is where I always emphasize Individualism; we don’t experience life AS a Group. We are not Groups. Some Groups can be a force for great things and positive change; however, this can be through a conscientious freedom of association."

We experience it as individuals as in from our perspective, but the external world is for the most part experienced or maybe better put created/formed as a group. What I mean by this is, there's etiquette, "rules", things we all collectively agree on in order to live alongside one another. Take just a silly small example of this... Driving on a road, if we don't all agree to drive on one side of the road and not the other, then shit would get chaotic real fast. Obviously this doesn't require a "government" to achieve ( although it's currently done that way obviously), but it would need a coming together of the minds, of the individuals into a collective consciousness in order to 1. Agree on it and 2. To create awareness and/or distribute information to maintain it. This applies to a lot of things, not everything obviously and certainly not most of the shit the crooks in suits have on their fake acts and statute books.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, life or living is not a solo endeavour regardless of how much some of us are of an individualistic mindset.... 🙏

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May 23Liked by Nefahotep

Groups are a bit of a minefield. Any group that shows signs of being effective will be quickly infiltrated by local law enforcement and/or FBI. Beware any individual who joins a group and shows interest in a leadership role - almost certainly a plant :(

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I do see your point here. I was of course coming from a more spiritual perspective. I should have emphasized the sense of experience is always from the vantage point of being an individual. For example, if I view someone else as though they are a part of the Divine Being we are a part of, I am naturally going to be concerned for them and for the community in which we live.

I can agree about not driving on the wrong side of the road, I don't plan on trying that anytime soon ;-)

In a social sense, right now we are at a cross road to decide what type of society we would like to live in. Will it be a Compulsory Collective society, or will it be a Voluntarily Cooperative one? By Voluntary Cooperative, I don't mean Communist ideals, since that and other "-isms" are various iterations of Collectivism.

I'll agree with you especially on: "Life or living is not a solo endeavor regardless of how Individualist we may be." This is why I have always supported a Decentralized approach and Localized Community.

We live in the world we create, right now as I express in this post, the younger generations are standing up for innocent life.

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May 22Liked by Nefahotep

Nefahotep- just want to say I really appreciate your work. So much clarity. You; steadfast, patient, balanced, thorough - and most of all- courageous. Salute!

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Everyone here makes that work worthwhile and engaging.

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I have a nice quote that I find relevant to this topic:

"War is when the government tells you who the bad guys are. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself."

- Benjamin Franklin -

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May 22Liked by Nefahotep

Although I agree on the face of it, we must always remember to maintain vigilance, as lesson from history show that the revolutionary "leaders" can and often are co-opted by the same devious and manipulative story tellers... As Nefahotep wrote in the quote below.....

"In order to transform Human Nature, Sight must take the place of Mental Thought, Tribal Division, Appearance and Status based Identities; the whole concept of Power Hierarchies must go."

This is absolutely key in my mind to solving humanities contentious issues, ruling classes and mentalities are verifiably the most destructive ideas/stories and responsible for the most harm against one another at all levels.

Peace, power and freedom to all.


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Perfectly quoted and elaborated! 🤩

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"Although I agree on the face of it, we must always remember to maintain vigilance, as lesson from history show that the revolutionary "leaders" can and often are co-opted by the same devious and manipulative story tellers."

Which brings me to another quote from the same man:

"We have given you a Constitutional Republic. Let us see how long you can keep it.

- Benjamin Franklin -

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May 23Liked by Nefahotep

Not long was the answer I'd say... 🤣

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I knew I was missing something ;-) Next time.....

That's an excellent quote.

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