This is related also to the Middle East: Gene Decode and David Nino: The Khazarian Mafia https://rumble.com/v40apqr-gene-decode-and-david-nino-the-khazarian-mafia.html

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

I don't listen to the news anymore but can't help the filth seeping through to my senses sometimes. Thank you for providing clarity and the truth over propaganda. I trust you more than the BBC (which isn't saying much before you get too big for your boots)!

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, I'll never be popular......

I'll never be as big as Broken Broad Casting----- BBC. LOL 😆

Best thing for everyone is believe nothing, observe as much as you can.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

This post was the first writing on the conflict that I could whole-heartedly resonate with. I’ve read so many articles about people taking sides...so much division, I’ve been disheartened by all those viewpoints which just lead us further down the path that the global cabal want us heading down.

Thank you for your clear headed analysis and explanations. 🙏

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The knowledge that unites is the perfect knowledge. We don't really exist as separate beings. If we all realize unity, then violence becomes impossible.

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Yes 💕

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Another excellent history lesson for me. I always gain a clearer understanding of the world I live in after reading your outstanding SS articles. Thank you, Professor Nefatohep. 👍👏🥇

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I'm actually very much a student myself. Every time I find another document or ancient text it adds to my sense of cognitive knowledge. Dots get more connected.

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Well, then that makes me a student of a senior student. This scenario is a win-win because we both learn from the same information. 👍👍

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

A line in the sand.

Mathew 7

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I'm not religious but....

The fall of Israel is a planned event and a biblical sign for the end of times... astrollogically, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

It seems that everything returns to its roots before it dies.😢😆

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Rina van der Merwe wrote an extremely important comment on Frances Leader's post link:


From Rina:

I’d like to share what I’ve just read on Laura Aboli Page / Telegram . I can’t express myself better. .The Israel/Palestine conflict is proving to be the ultimate weapon of division. Even within the ‘truth’ and alternative media community, there has been a wedge created by this horrific war.

I have heard people that I used to agree with, say the most outrageous things, as if suddenly they had lost all sense of humanity and compassion.

The hatred between the two sides runs deep not only amongst those in the region, but in people all around the world.

Decades of stereotype indoctrination and violent events have proven effective in creating a deep division that is severing the world as we speak.

Islamic radicalism has been used by the powers that be, for decades, as a means of provoking instability and wars around the world, 9/11 is the perfect example of this. The image of Muslims as a violent, radical religious group of people, has been well ingrained in our Western psyche. But is it true? No. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world and only a tiny percentage of violent radicals.

When it comes to the Jews, we are faced with a complex dichotomy; they are the eternal victims of one of the worst barbaric episodes in history and at the same time, they have a disproportionate amount of representation within the structures of power, which inevitably leads to mistrust and animosity amongst many. But are all Jews wealthy, powerful and bloodthirsty? Obviously not. Only a very small percentage could be categorized as such.

Evil has been in power for millennia and has permeated through all nations, all races and all religions.

It seems to me we’ve forgotten the red pills that we’ve been swallowing. Did we not learn that all religions have been infiltrated by the powerful cabal that rules the world? Do we not know that the Vatican is as much a center of evil as the institutionalized power structures of Islam and Judaism? Did we not realize that all governments are puppets of this same cabal? Have we not uncovered time and time again how they use barbaric events to further their agenda by causing fear, outrage and hate amongst us? Do we still not know that by dividing us they win and we lose? Have we really not understood that we all share a common enemy?

Why has everyone suddenly forgotten that what we are seeing in Israel and Gaza is nothing more than the cabal playing both sides in order to provoke a global war that will allow them to get closer to their long planned, wet dream of a One World Government?

It’s not about Palestinians vs Israelis! Both are being used and sacrificed as pawns on a real-life chess board in which checkmate means total world domination and the end of life as we know it.

In order for their Great Reset to take place, they need to destroy the status quo, and a global war is the perfect means to achieve this.

So the more we accuse one another, the more we blame one another, the more we hate one another and the more we kill one another, the closer we are to their agenda taking shape. Until one day we will find ourselves living in a dystopian trans-human reality.

Will we realize then, that it was not the Jews nor the Arabs? Will we finally see who the real enemy is? When it’s too late?

I truly hope not…🙏🏻

It’s time to re-swallow the red pills and remind everyone of who the real enemy is, its not Jewish people, it’s not Arabs, it’s not Russians, it’s no nation, no religion, no race - it’s a cult, a cabal, a global elite, I don’t care what you call them, our enemy is that small group of people that pull all the strings.

Let’s sever those strings and embrace one another. Until we realize we’re all on the same team as ‘we the people’, we stand no chance of winning.

So next time you speak, or write, or post something on social media, be aware of the message you are spreading, ask yourself if you are feeding the hate and mistrust, or encouraging understanding and compassion. Take the time to consider if you are aggravating the problem or contributing to the solution… What’s it going to be…?

Laura Aboli :

This is quite powerful, my response is:

You hit the nail on head there. I couldn't add more to your point. I will add this to what I have just posted.

There are some very important points that you state regarding red pilling. If we consider "Knowledge" of just exactly "What" is going on, we must learn to SEE and not THINK.

True solutions to this become clear with seeing and with mental silence.

Try to observe what it is with an equanimity of your attention. Equal mindedness is not the whole solution entirely; but it is a start.

One of the biggest traps we all tend to fall into is the concept that if we can analyze, think and create in our minds solutions for problems, somehow we can succeed while still using the same "Intellectual Rules," that were used to create those problems. That will never be a solution.

You clearly get it --- Thank you Rina

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Thanks a lot for this!

All my life I have read about the so-called Holy Land and the way that it has been coveted by nefarious actors. I met a Palestinian man in Corfu during the 90s and every time we hear about atrocities in the Levant I think of him. I wonder where he is now and I hope he managed to find a peaceful life. At the time he was camped out in an olive grove alone and without papers. The story he told me was shocking and his powerlessness in this world was matched by my own powerlessness.

At the time I worked at the top of my profession, as a PA at board level of a major City of London corporation. I felt ashamed to tell the Palestinian man about that, but I set about researching the people who pulled the strings as soon as I returned to the UK. To discover that I worked for the Black Nobility was a mighty shock. To witness them, up front and personal, was sickening.

What I learned only increased my sense of powerlessness in the face of such overwhelming evil.

They are just people like us but they have no empathy, no love. Their entire modus operandi is to increase their wealth, status and possessions. They salivate over competition and they always win by the foulest means possible. They have no morals or ethics. They genuinely do despise us as cannon fodder, useless eaters and dispensable. If you show any sign of objection to their methods they just replace you with another foolish hopeful - and there are millions of those.......

Sorry for rambling. I will get back to fighting with the only thing left to me - writing all I know into a marginalised internet ghetto alongside decent people like yourself, Nefahotep.


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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

That video of the Palestinian Perspective is extremely powerful!! ❤️🙏

We MUST learn the history of the Rothschilds using the Jewish people to cloak their Darkness and hatred for We The People Everywhere on the Planet, constantly creating war for the military-industrial complex profit.

A few years ago I read about the Khazarian Mafia, which is another name for this Darkness spoken about in that video


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I've read the Veterans Today article, I went through it with a fine tooth comb. The main problem I have with the description of the Khazarians and Satanist is the author tends to conflate the overall Jewish Community as being "in on it." I prefer to do everything I can to carefully identify with nuance just exactly WHO these individuals are that are doing all social and political damage we see everywhere.

The author may be correct in and of the contextual limits of the Sabbatean's culture. Khazarian Culture really doesn't exist in any substantial form, at least not anymore; though they may be the origin of the Black Nobility in PRE Roman times approx 2,800 years ago.

There have been many "Infiltrations" of previously peaceful cultures, some of those overlap and it becomes difficult to verify just exactly what happened in those times of antiquity. This is why I tend to steer clear of Biblical stories other than viewing it from a much more symbolic perspective.

There are a lot of people who mention the Khazarian Mafia; I would just say that there is history there, maybe the origin of the Ashkenazi which stems from Scythian Culture. I like to use the term Black Nobility, because it just seems more "Current."

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Very interesting. Read a lot of Larry Romanoff's work. Never come across the term Black Nobility before.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

Compartmentalization of individuals that are narrowly focused or are not corruptable seems to allow for good people to be unwittingly used for nefarious purposes/ organisations .

It seems that they use good people to display a philanthropic facade that the populace believes.

This strategy is successful only because the naive compartmentalized good person actually believes in their cause...

This is true evil genius and I have fallen for it, and continue to fall for it.... And I thought my bullshit radar was pretty good... I guess it's good, but not effective in this case... and I guess that means my bullshit radar is shit.

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Everyone has a desire to be able to take a stance that is proper and approved by our conscience. If we inform our conscience with a sense of truth, we must do so by beginning in stillness of mind.

Our minds become polluted with Belief, throughout our lives, so do our emotions.

It's a very difficult challenge to approach the truth because it has no agenda. We individual humans always have an agenda, unless we first seek to silence the mind. Then, truth just pops out at you, no bull shit radar required.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

I like that stillness of the mind. I read it as a calmness of spirit...a peaceful openness to learning mode. Would love to cultivate that; a steady foothold.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

When I am confused about something I practice listening. Listening solely to my internal dialogue.

It yabbers on and on and I say to it ' realy'... and ' that's fairly interesting '.

It eventually runs out of conditioned responses and bullshit, allowing me to be me.

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Well said, especially well-timed:

"Those Individuals who are responsible are only POSING as Jewish Leaders ——— they work for the City of London and The Black Nobility."

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deletedOct 19, 2023Liked by Nefahotep
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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

I just watched this. Thank you for posting.

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Hannah, thank you for sharing that Max Igan video; even though it is so sad, what Max describes must be shared as you have done. It is heartbreaking to see what's happening, it's taken me awhile to process. I am really hoping that more people are waking up to what is happening.

Killing children, starving them and bombing hospitals is where civilization goes to die.

Max is right when he says that the leadership of Israel are Bolsheviks.

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deletedOct 19, 2023Liked by Nefahotep
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I think you are right about this. There's sufficient evidence that the DNA of the elongated skulls found worldwide have a genetic marker that matches the Ashkenazi from Ukraine. This is where most of the current world leaders come from.

It's a complicated topic but it turns out that the Ashkenazi hapalo group is a genetically modified organism GMO.

I've been mulling over whether or not I should post on this topic, as I have collected a lot of information about it.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

I know nothing about the subject, I just have a strong intuitive feeling that those who are trying to destroy humanity are not human. Would love to know more!

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I'll see if I can put together a post on that.

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deletedOct 20, 2023Liked by Nefahotep
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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Nefahotep

Deep dives seem to injure my spirit all the same. Learned so much recently (last few months) but it's the kind of knowledge/knowing that - for me- weighs heavy...leaves me quite unsettled and deeply saddened. Yet, I'm curious and awake and don't watch/follow MSM...Need to cultivate a robustness I guess. Be wonderful to have a faith.

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