Hi Nef - this a great article, with so much to unpack!

I like the way you did a review of the Protocols and confirmed that most of what they planned has taken effect. And I particularly like the way you explained it was not the Jews.

I have come to the same conclusion as you that they use the Jews as scapegoats for Evil to hide behind, much exactly the same way that the monarchial Roman Catholic Church hides their evil behind all the Catholics who believe in Jesus Christ. It's not much different.

Regarding the Protocols - I came to the conclusion that whoever handed it to the Russian that took it back to Russia to be translated and published in Russia was either an agent for the Elders of Zion, or was duped - because in publishing it, and Britain republished it immediately afterwards - but without doing any concrete analysis of how to counter it all - then all they were really doing was circulating the plans for communist revolution, which to the worldwide army of useful idiots they would have known exactly what it was and lapped it up.

So a book published by claiming it was a warning - and yet no plan or suggestion to counter the evil intentions, was in fact simply a PLAN OF ACTION being published and disseminated widely.

This is actually a HISTORICAL PATTERN in publishing - I have noticed many books that were claimed to be warnings about future events, and then events turned out exactly that way and the author is hailed as a genius - one of the books on the French Revolution falls into this category.

But so do books like 1984 - I don't think that was a product of his imagination so much as he knew that is EXACTLY what the British establishment was planning because he was part of that establishment. Again it serves to inform the army of useful idiots.


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Right now, we are experiencing the collapse of the "No Annexation, Globalists Empire."

You are quite right about how the "Jews" or Yews are scapegoats, or patsies for what the hidden hand has been doing.

The pattern of ultimate control is to place a "Governor" in the public front, to sell the public on a false chain of command. Then, those who are in actual Control, may Rule the Globalists tax farm, while enriching themselves in secret. The advantage of this Control Configuration is the mislead public can only ever get mad at the "False chain of Command," there by leaving the true Puppet Masters to escape and complete the process of Ingraciation, Infiltration and Usurpation once more.

This Control Configuration is a whole concept that goes back to the Scythian adage:

"One shall Govern in Front, while another shall Rule from Behind."

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It's taken me awhile to get back to this but it's a very interesting and subtle distinction. No annexation because then it's all controlled through finance and philanthropy--or what passes for it. Thanks for this, Nefahotep.

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My pleasure, Tereza.

This concept is one of the main points, as a tributary towards acknowledging the very specific way the Trust system functions as leverage to control whole countries, without the need for military occupation.

This actually took me a while to see as well. But we all need to see it.

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It's funny that after I posted this, I was trying to close some old pages with multiple tabs and came on the original of this. I don't know if you linked it elsewhere but it seemed to precede your post in my genealogy of open tabs ;-) Another synchronicity that this is important.

On my Hitler's journey post, Julius Skoolafish posted 4 or 5 links in one comment (among other comments with long lists of links) that ended with, "Hitler was controlled? Convince me."

I watched those while painting a room yesterday and they gave very good evidence that Hitler was not funded by Jewish bankers and only did the Transfer Agreement under duress to end the boycott. One refutes Eustace Mullins as trying to deflect criticism that he was a Hitler apologist. Here's his comment:

Julius Skoolafish

• On The Accusation That Hitler Was Financed By Jews

Starts around 6 minutes


• On The Accusation That Hitler Created Israel



“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim.

It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation their international word swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.”



• How Hitler defied the bankers (PDF)


After watching these, it's an open question in my mind again whether he served the Rothschilds. Decisions like Dunkirk were made with honor, it was only met with dishonor and perfidy after the war. Perhaps Hitler was at this turning point where 'all became unfair in love and war.' His decisions were made based on the old paradigm that there was a basis of mutual respect between the Eurocentric countries, including the US. Clearly he was wrong but maybe more naive than complicit. You and Julius are at the cutting edge of this question, both coming to it with an open mind. I'll be curious to your thoughts, if you haven't already seen them.

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Yes I got some comments from Julius Skoolafish, I think there could be some points there; it is rather important to remember that Hitler was quite likely involved in the Vril Society. This adds a blood cult dimension to the picture --- possibly. But even there; I will make no accusations.

Before we busy ourselves with trying to reconstruct and back engineer every detail, there are some known behavioral patterns of the "Ashkenazi / Sabbatean Bankers," the people I'm referring to are not what I define as Jews.

As we are all in the same lack of having been there to really witness what happened, there will always be details and points to be made on a very fine level.

Julius Skoolafish does make some great points, I would still exercise caution in any arguments or point of view where passion of belief can rise. I have never trusted ANY individual who was, or is in a position or office, especially these days the way Politicians are.

I personally don't have a dog in the race here either way ---- I actually want to learn the truth as much as possible. I'll check out the other links you have there, I do have an open mind.

My primary motivation is to figure out just how the Globalist Parasites are behaving today, by looking carefully at what they obviously did. The other part of that, is to find constructive ways that enable personal agency, along with Individualized Sovereignty to Nullify all "color of law."

One thing I think we can all agree on: This topic is extremely large. There is a lot of material to take into account. It is very healthy for people to engage in these discussions because of the different vantage points that can emerge, we can see more than we did not before.

Some additional notes:

There is still a lot of historic documents and Firestarter does present a reasonable case of what he says.

He seems to dismiss David Irving as one example of diverse opinion -- I think Irving's contribution is very important.

Since we are studying something that already happened, we should not observe it as though we are rooting for a specific result.

Bottom line: Believe nothing, yet observe without preconceptions, it's hard most of us to do.

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I saw your recent piece on the Vril Society, I'll read with interest.

Wait, are you saying that Julius was or is in a position or office? Or do you mean his sources?

I found that with Archibald Ramsey, like Benjamin Freedman, I needed to do some reading between the lines. Protecting white Christianity isn't my objective, obvi ;-)

I never thought I'd be saying this, but Hitler seems like the last hope of showing all political leaders aren't corrupt. Isn't that a reversal!

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You wrote:

"Wait, are you saying that Julius was or is in a position or office? Or do you mean his sources?" ---- I'm sorry, I didn't mean that he was in office, or his sources.

My sense is that Julius may have a strong sense of passion about Hitler and that I don't -- or won't take a strong position on Hitler, like Julius might be doing. I mention Politicians and trusting them because of what we see today. Do you trust Trump? --- I don't. But I must be willing to honestly observe what happens.

I really want to be careful and keep as true a sense of neutrality as I can. Hitler may very well have been a good guy; I'm not saying that he wasn't --- Julius seems to go to "defense" rather quickly, but in truth there is really nothing to defend --- all the history we are discussing is long past, nothing can be done about except study it. Julius may be correct.

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Interesting, I guess "Amidst ongoing protests and political fallout, White House officials have modified their tone on the conflict. Rather than repeating talking points about Israel’s right to self defense, officials on Monday emphasized what they described as the United States’ constructive humanitarian role in the conflict. "


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our experience of the physical world ... The Great Pyramids of Giza - in the Egyptologist's opinion, who built them?

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Found this fascinating.


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I'm a bit reserved in my response.

It was NOT aliens, ancient people of Tau Wei were very smart and hard working. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure, ---- I would say that humans did the work. I would never want to discredit our ancestors.

It was done with very advanced stone cutting techniques and possibly high technology, as evidenced by the saw cuts and tube drill samples on stone, found everywhere in Egypt.

My sense is that they were built after the sphinx enclosure, this is what the runoff patterns show.

"In the Egyptologist's opinion, who built them?" -- Their idea is only similar to mine in that, I say humans built them. My ideas differ from theirs because they insist that literally everything in ancient Egypt was created or built with copper chisels and stone hammers. [Not]

The more ancient the artifact, the more advanced the workmanship seems to be. Like the Serapium, Black Granite Boxes having No 7 on the hardness scale (with Diamond being 10) were cut so precise that laser analysis of the surface shows flawless flat surfaces; impossible even for today's tech.

The Pyramids were very grand and quite beautiful in their hey day, with white turra lime stone cladding and black granite top caps at the peak. They were the stuff of dreams, inspiring and mystifying.

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You are a bit reserved in your response, and modesty is a positive trait.

" the sphinx enclosure" I have never read about it.

I just listened to the tricky Wiki piece on the Great one in Giza.

They were using CEDAR wood and it IS still there!?

And on one dollar bill a cap is still floating, ANUIT COEPTIS...

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I am only half through but still feel the importance of this exposé to downloading a pdf for paper print for my "generational archive hide away library"..

Your effort to collect and mirror these great sources is made alive with the string of point around the hinge word 'annexation' and as true as a military post and your address* is designated for your (mail in) post with its box (military orders/account registered by Unidroit/"UCC") we all are invited like "Moses mother" to abandon our true heritage cultural possesions and chose to be a nice little child "abandoned in a vessle" on the "Nile waters" (commercial conquest de la mere) to be "adopted by the rulers Queen mother" thus first and foremost as (legally adopted) foster child "hailing the President/King/Ceasar and fight for our foster-land"..

*(legal cloak of dress over your lawful inherent cultural heritage treasures)


Annexus (Latin) Perfect passive participle of annectō (“attach”).

Relevant Latin words..



nectō (verb)

nectō (present infinitive nectere, perfect active nexī, supine nexum); third conjugation

to connect, interweave, attach, unite; relate synonyms ▲Synonyms: cōnectō, iungō, vinciō

to bind, tie, fasten synonyms, antonyms ▲Synonyms: cōnectō, colligō, adalligō, cōnfīgō, cōnserō, dēligō, ligō, illigō, alligō, dēfīgō, fīgō, vinculō, dēstinōAntonyms: explicō, absolvō, dissolvō, solvō

to bind by obligation, oblige, make liable

to contrive, devise, compose, produce synonym ▲Synonym: dēdūcō


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Thank you, that was quite riveting.

It is really important for civilization to gain a clear picture, to become a reflection of the individualized nature of the people that breath life into it, making it what it is.

You wrote:

"We all are invited like "Moses mother" to abandon our true heritage cultural possessions and chose to be a nice little child "abandoned in a vessel" on the "Nile waters" (commercial conquest de la mere)" --- This is a profound way to express the nature of annexation of the individual into a collectivism that has become so normal, they cannot see it, even as they live it.

By shining a light on the things we have gotten used to, we develop a willingness to break free; to "see" what is.

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Well.. Thank you for the great thoughtful essay..

Mind you: the taxable goods you bring from one nation to another you will when "passing the (mercantile annexation) customs" - and the customs paid comes due caused where when we abandoned our own 'customs and traditions' it was turned from law of the land to mere chant law - thus surrendered (by land piracy) and put under siege by the military tent occupation ("pa tent" / in/under military tent camp besieging us)..

A King (Khan/Keiser/Choen) was in the old Norse/Friisian customs never inherited but merited by popular choice" and valid with the kings head on a platter if failing the betterment from his leader scape..

Thanks for commenting..

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Fantastic and soothing research, thank you. Soothing to me at least because it provides clarity and understanding. Without that, the mind can't calm down and we can't be at ease with others.

Language has been hijacked so saying what "Jew" means is as important today as much as it was in yester year! It is one of those words that triggers a reaction.

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That is precisely correct. I may need to put a summarized preface at the top of the new postings coming up. There's a very large one where Firestarter and one other Historian have a lengthy dialog, discussing the potential "evidence" that Hitler was an Ashkenazi Jew.

So, in the past writings about this subject, people (historians) have mostly (sometimes accidentally) conflated the various internal factions of the Jewish community as being monolithicaly same. I find it to be quite helpful to be as precise and specific as possible, it puts people at ease as you say; it also delineates what has been going on, allowing us to see through more of the historic "fog."

Right now, more than anything we all benefit from clarity while things like Gaza, Banking crashes, new diseases and other things seem to keep popping up.

As an Individualist, I see those who we may refer to as enemies as individuals.

I have been fighting against group identity for a long time.

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I love it and it's in the scope of my interests.

My first comment: Over the centuries Poland went through periods of annexation (partitioning(s).

Polish people (Poles is a derogatory nick name created and popularized by Jews) are battles-hardened.

The new/current battleground involves Pfizer, too hard to swallow pill? -- We shall see…

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You have a great sense of historic reflection. That's a major important part in why I'm posting all these.

If we all keep the details at the forefront of our minds, while observing the current events, fabricated catastrophes the truth will be and stay forever revealed.

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Incoming “fabricated catastrophe” is white pneumonia syndrome, but it may dissolve as more people see through the manipulations like recent plandemic.

What about historical reflections in the broad sense of the word...

We have body and soul/spirit. I think. Since spirit is an energy, thus it cannot just disappear, only the flesh that hosts it.

It’s called reincarnation; I think that memories from our previous lives are sipping to our subconscious and appear in our dreams. I used to have dreams that were foretelling events that did happen. Not anymore. Was I in a different dimension, a parallel one?

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In all existence there's really only one thing; consciousness, our experience of the physical world is marked and distorted by the sense of duality we believe is in front of us. When we cause duality to leave our perception, we can see life and death are really not opposite. It would take a whole post just to try to explain it, but there are no parallel dimensions.

Everything is one. Nobody really dies. The ego we think of ourselves to be is only transitory.

When it comes to past lives, memories of prior births, this gets really complicated very fast. Most people jump right into the wrong idea about this, unless they have had a near death experience NDE.

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Nov 27, 2023Edited
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That sounds like a book published in London, by the same people who were managers of Churchill. I'll have to check it out, bet there are some interesting details in there, got to read between the lines of course.

Israel never had a right to exist, Balfour Declaration is an abomination to the original Palestinians. This is what I'm beginning to realize.

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Nov 27, 2023Edited
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Thanks, Hannah --- You are 100% right, I'm saving that one downloaded and printed.

Max Igan is very much spot on with his analysis; I'll go check out his latest, I love how eloquent he normally is.

So, one thing that I want to touch on, regarding the Jewish community, I have had personally some very bad experiences. The sense that I've come to is, there are a large majority of them that have been trained as part of their "Group Identity" as Jews, to see the rest of the world as oppressors. This results in many of them, perhaps not all, wanting to defer their own sense of Individualized Identity as subordinate to the Group. There seems to be a lot of weak Individuals in that strata, because of thousands of years of having Individualism essentially bred out of them.

Yet, here I come along and do everything I can to express that they are all individuals, I know it seems a little strange; I guess I'm trying to place a bit of responsibility onto them. I suppose that the Hive known as "Ashkenazim" has a large percentage of it's Individuals "Annexed." ----- Lol.

There may be some truth to them being not fully human, there is some solid evidence that the Ashkenazim are of the same haplogroup that are known for their elongated heads; now mostly a rarity, the Hapsburg family was known to have this feature for hundreds of years. There are some physical data that does point to these new changes as having been "introduced" somehow from an outside source.

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Nov 27, 2023
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Thanks, Hannah

I'll download that video if I can, "YOU ARE AMELEK" that's intense, a lot of important info there.

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Nov 28, 2023
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