I want to pin my usual proviso:

Bloodlines and genetics are stuff of the body ----- it does not define who you are, in my view. We are not the body. But we are experiencing it.

This discussion about physiology is mostly aimed at teasing out certain aspects of our human prehistory and how it may have some bearing on what we see today.

I am not a believer in one argument over another, I'm willing to appreciate all points of view, as my purpose in this is to present.

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It’s body, but it’s culture too. It makes us who we are, as these values and customs are passed from one generation to another. I know many Basque families who live in my state and town. They claim that they are the original people from the Garden of Eden. Many also have heart problems, and there’s a big fear of that. My generation of Bascos was the first to not have arranged marriages in our area. They kept that bloodline pure; only marrying Basque with Basque. My cousin is RhNeg, we are not Basque, we are Tyrolians.

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That's actually quite interesting. I would be delighted to learn more about the Basque and Tyrolians. You could probably teach me more than what's available online.

In my comment above about not being the body; this is based off of the concept of the inner being as consciousness; in all my writings especially where the discussions arise about the politics and divisions in politics, like race, ethnicity, sexuality and social status, I make every effort to nullify these as a final definition of who we are.

In the case of Bloodline purity:

It would make sense to have arranged marriages especially if the Rh factor could be kept from mixing with positive; which in the past, would have been fatal to the baby.

All important points, thank you for sharing.

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Very fine commentary.The issue beyond the core theme of the article, which arises red dragon like from a vast unknown ocean of mystery...in actual fact is the

false religion of science...*every day has new revelation. new hope..new information streams so often contradicting what white coated..expert. *doctors* and scientists were. at least at the time.....absolutely ..dogmatically..convinced about..was so much of post modernity persecutorial ...normie -..lyshenkoism.."?.. We get it. Blood line only solipsistic identarians of all backgrounds became zircon godz...*..Green scams everywhere that controligarch monopolist bankster s had influence and power....so much of genetics and medicine ..in putative or so called science is flatly..wrong.. speculation extended quasi hyperbolic monochromatic weak thinking...insufficient evidence.....a lot will disappear in a few scant years...Still.a very interesting article. *

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So do you think there is something nefarious about RhoGAm? Or it just happened to be helpful for RH neg moms?

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RhoGAM is a medication that contains antibodies against Rh factor protein. It stops the body from making its own antibodies against Rh-positive blood if a pregnant parent is Rh-negative and is exposed to the blood of their Rh-positive fetus.

I don't think it's nefarious, it may be beneficial in some cases. I would be cautious to make determinations, except that these days it seems there is a drive to push mRNA into every injection, including dental anesthetics and insulin for diabetic people. I would be concerned for the survival of the baby and the mother.

RhoGAM can cause Rh isoimmunization and can resulting in serious health problems in babies. Classic studies show that people who are Rh-negative have about a 1 in 5 chance of developing Rh isoimmunization. This takes a lot of consideration if someone may think they need to use it.

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So...with that, I'm just thinking out loud, and am curious to understand; Is the mRNA being used to weed out those who are not of the Rhneg, dragon factor? As I have also noted; First nations peoples across the world, the indigenous pop, have been, are being highly targeted over many decades!

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You're right, there has been a war on the indigenous people and their cultures for centuries. I'm not sure that the mRNA is being used to just target the indigenous. There's no question about mRNA as a bio weapon, it's been used on nearly everyone. The Dragon Bloodline is actually more unique than Rh neg blood, they claim to have special traits that regular people don't have.

My sister works with First Nations People to help them choose nutritional options that works best for them. My sister and I have approx 20% Mohawk in our family.

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I always thought RH bloodline was Reptilian but Lisa Renee says no,it's starseed or indigo. It's a big website so can't post that particular page but leave you this.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood

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Agreed - However, I believe this to be a war between two factions, good n evil - AKA two related, royal tribes, who have in the years past, split apart. Similar to that of the, bible stories retold.

Everyone has a rendition, victors like their versions - Others are buried, with the hope of being found.

Hopefully we will sort this out with love, so that we can live amicably, and without further strife.

Thank you for your thought provoking article.

Blessings ~

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Thank you for your thoughts. I did receive a shot with each of my children as I am Rh negative. I just felt fortunate because I had an aunt who was also Rh negative and she lost six children in birth because they did not have it in her day but now with everything that I've learned about The pharmaceutical companies, I'm a little afraid but it's been a good 20 years since my last one!

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This is fascinating to me and dovetails with my personal life. I was an rH factor newborn whose B positive blood mingled with my mother's B negative blood. According to my father my heart stopped beating for over a minute and everybody was crying as doctors were trying to shock me back but he said "I knew you'd come back. You were a fighter like me." I was given 50/50 odds of survival at birth which my Dad proudly stated were much better than the 1 in 50 odds he was given at birth when he had been born with the same exact condition. "Medicine has come a long way since 1948." He told me and shrugged. I was completely unaware of the tie in of rH negative blood to royal bloodlines. Considering the inaccuracy of carbon dating and the like, could the flood have been the same one as the great flood with Noah's Ark in the Bible?

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The flood story is quite likely an ancient reference to the Black Sea Flood. The people who lived in the low valley would have been trying to escape, in some cases it would be unsuccessful. I'm not sure of an ark. There may have been "something" people may have used to float.

About the Rh neg factor; Robert Sepehr has very clearly established some provable analysis of the Human Species as being a Hybrid one.

As for being a strong fighter, there's no doubt that you are, if you're part of my dissident tribe, you are in good company. ;-)

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Idk what this is I just found out im A+ seems like nonsense

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thank you

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Very interesting article Nefahotep, thanks.

Sepehr seems to be avoiding talking about nazi germany. One example is the shot that rh- moms can be given when having an rh+ baby, so it doesn't get attacked by the mom's immune system. The shot is called RhoGAM and was developed by nazi scientists IIRC.

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They weren't aliens that mated with humans, there were mention of angels having mixed with women. The Holy Bible, Old Testament, though I don't remember if it is Genesis, Exodus..?

This is interesting to hear about the blood types!

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What does O-neg, Rh- neg mean?

Besides getting a transfusion is nearly impossible and blood banks offer me $$$ until the find out I have been to both Africa and Europe in the 80s and 90s.

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It is possible to be born oneg and rh neg to 2 o pos and rh positive parents. My sister is one such

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And I am o pos rh pos. All in genes. Mom n dad must carry 1 rh neg gene copy each.

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I can certainly see the tie-in between the Black Sea flood and Noah. And Frances has an interesting point about the culling of other Rh negs. Especially if Jews in the NT are the new Canaanites from the old, and used to hide the dynastic line behind a shield of being victims, a prophesy they're willing to fulfill to keep the ruse going, as we've seen.

Proton Magic mentioned the Theosophical Society as a suspect source in the first video. I'd also say that The Sun is THE pre-eminent gossip rag to be posting about elongated alien-seeming skulls. It is curious how many of the 6% Rh negs are represented here, though, and not just because this article drew them. I'll file this away in the back of my round skull for further verification ;-)

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"Round Skull, " 😆 🤣

I have another post that I plan on sending that explores the elongated head phenomenon more closely.

Since this is meant to explore the physiology as a way to get a glimpse of prehistoric human exchanges, the next post will go into more detail. I'm not a biologist professionally; but there are some fine points that should be viewed from a different angle than the typical "Academic" method.

This ties into the Dragon Bloodline maintaining their purity.

The main reason for showing the article from the "Sun" is there are very few sources for discussion about these remains related directly to the Black Sea area; most of the related material is connected to the Paracas in Peru.

Before I post, I'll run it by you, I'll send you a pdf copy in private message.....Just for giggles.

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In the same vein, of figuring out what the truth is of the flood narrative (among other things), here's a post that Jack Sirius linked in a comment: https://www.thetorah.com/article/noah-ham-and-the-curse-of-canaan-who-did-what-to-whom-in-the-tent? It looks at the curse of Canaan, not Ham, as emphasizing that it was the Shemites who were masters over the Canaanites, not Egypt. It's always curious to me how bold and undisguised is the assumption that the Shemites/ Hebrews/ Jews are to be masters and others to be their slaves. And the roundabout arguments for why, despite appearances, the cursed MUST have done something to deserve it. It could never be the guilt of the patriarchs.

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The whole concept of patriarchal control is abhorrent in our inner nature. It's the feminine power that's the home of the masculine heart.

Your analysis of Shemites as masters also fits perfectly with a part of the Ancient Egyptian evidence I show in my next post:

Spoiler ---- Ancient Egyptian mural shows very obvious Cone Headed infiltrators and are described as offering "services" to a prince. This may provide some additional verification, I'm not sure.

I'll check out the link, I think there's all the various bits of evidence; that when laid out on the table, begins to focus into an ever more clear picture......

Studying history just blows my hair back.

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What a beautiful line, particularly coming from a man, "The whole concept of patriarchal control is abhorrent in our inner nature. It's the feminine power that's the home of the masculine heart."

I still wonder about the depictions of the Egyptian gods and the relationship to the stories of Genesis, particularly if we see them as a projection of guilt. First we have Cain killing Abel, presumably, so the 'blessing' or inheritance of the right to rule goes to Seth without any of the blame for fratricide. The Egyptian god of the underworld, Osiris, is killed and dismembered by his brother Seth but re-membered and resurrected by Isis to conceive the Falcon god Horus, who the current Pharaoh embodies.

Horus is most often pictured with Anubis, the jackal god. Anubis is who wraps the dead body of Osiris after being dismembered by Seth and re-membered by Isis. Curiously, there's no animal that Seth represents, and he's disappeared from memory. In the Amarna letters to the Pharaoh, the mercenary warlord Abdi-Ashirta is depicted as a jackal because he's poaching the lands under the vassal lords by ruthlessly putting down rebellions and then claiming them as his own. I think Abdi-Ashirta is really Abram of Genesis, who travels with 3000 warriors.

That's why the question of who is master over Canaan--Shemites or Egypt?--is the point of the story of Noah's curse. And when Joseph 'interprets the Pharaoh's dream' to deliver all the self-reliant farmers into indebted serfs, he aligns with the Egyptian dynasty. Joseph's dynasty was the power behind the throne, intermarrying their women, who carried the priestly line, with the male Horus. Could that timeline be plausible from your research, Nef?

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Yes, this is quite possible. There's quite a lot to unpack here from the stand point of the Indigenous Culture of the Ancient Egyptian mindset; this is because, as you can clearly see the Genesis story clearly has characters that have matching roles.

I trust you completely when it comes to how to fit the Genesis story into the Biblical context. In many ways you have accurately described:

Shemites = Joseph as infiltrator and power behind the thrown.

Canaan = population of 'slaves' who are indebted. They weren't Egyptian Natives.

This makes the Neshua of Egypt (Pharaoh) a puppet. "One shall Rule behind; One shall Govern in front."

The priestly line were doing exactly the same thing we see today; Government in "Front"---- Rulers in Occulted secrecy. This was the problem the Heretic King was trying to solve: Ankenaten attempted to sever the kingdom from the power of the priests of Amoyn, who ruled behind.

There's a boat load of symbolism to be found from both cultures and in this case, it's like those symbols have gone through a blender. Everything has an important meaning.

The Gods of Egypt were always known inside the initiated circles as "One who holds many Names." Most of the current misunderstanding comes from Christian authors who came later to interpret the ancient pantheons of the gods as though they were truly worshiped as separate entities.

The Christian Holy Trinity seems to have come from Ancient Egypt too.

Osiris = Being / Knowledge is beyond both Life and Death = God or Father

Isis = Mother / Force is the bringer of life and holds life here = Ghost or Mary

Horus = Life / Sight is the actor of movement (Chosen of God = chosen to see) Divine Vision

To reiterate:

Father / Son / ......... / Ghost

God / Divine Vision / Divine Mother

Notice how the statuary of the three are presented: Osiris and Isis with baby Horus is nearly identical to Mother Mary and Baby Christ with God left out of the picture, because he is considered the Unattainable to man by Christians.

>> Chosen of God was never really meant to be "A People." Chosen of God is to "See God in All Things." The Eye of Horus is the porthole to See Truth, this is why the current Parasitic Culture want's everyone to Hate the "Eye."

The timeline for when all this infiltration and usurpation took place was seemingly around the first intermediate period, before the fall of the Madi Culture Pre-dynastic era. I have come to interpret King Scorpion as a potential usurper to the more peaceful Madi.

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Powerful stuff, lots to think about here, Nef. Yes, the father-son of the trinity had occurred to me but you're right with the feminine as the Ghost or Voice between the two, the breath or spirit.

Where is that phrase from "One shall govern in front, one shall rule behind"?

Did the farmers of Egypt owe a portion of their produce to the Pharaoh? Any form of taxation or serfdom?

I'm wondering if the concept of coinage and taxation could be traced back to this lineage. It's definitely what Joseph instituted with taking the seed grain after the opportunistic Pharaoh dreamt of a drought.

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My mother was Rh=. Dad was Rh+. I ended up Rh+.

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You need 2 copies of rh neg therefore both parents must carry 1 recessive for rh neg each...

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Indeed. I am aware. [smile]

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My daughter is O Rh negative and neither me nor her father is. One of us is obviously a carrier but neither of us knows our blood type and as we don't do doctors, hospitals and the like for obvious reasons in the last 4 years, have no way of knowing. She was informed during her pregnancy with her first born son, 11 years ago.

Assume we would have been told of our blood type if it was a rare one?

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Both of parents carry a recessive. 2 recessive to get pos rh parents to have rh neg child

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Seems like doctors these days don't openly discuss the typing of blood, unless it's rare. I would say as long as you're healthy, stay away from the medical establishment.

There used to be an effort to find out what type you have at least where I am, but that was in the 1980's. Blood donation services may offer to test.

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I am O Rh Neg bloodline which comes down to me via Jewish and/or Gypsy ancestors in my paternal grandparents.

I don't think that the royals tolerate other bloodlines which carry the Rhesus negative factor and it seems that they have tried to cull us repeatedly to gain some sort of exclusivity of Rh Neg blood for themselves. It is, surely, notable that Gypsies and Jews have been singled out for elimination and rejection for centuries. My paternal grandparents escaped European persecution in 1920 by migrating to Britain, long before WW2 saw their relatives almost wiped out.

The figures quoted in videos by Robert Sepehr are inaccurate. I also despair that he fails to notice that the attempted cull of Gypsies and Jews has relevance to understanding why Rh Neg people are declining in number.

Over the entire world, according to Wikipedia, Rh Neg people represent only 6% of human beings. Among the Basques, the density is much higher, i.e., 15%. I spent some time travelling in France and Spain, particularly visiting all the mountain ranges. I did notice that the Basque (also known as the Euskadi) are incredible robust people with a quite distinct cuisine and language from their French and Spanish neighbours.

In trying to understand the differences between Rhesus Negative and Rhesus Positive people, I have noticed that I am drawn, in friendship, to other Rh Neg people far more than to any other blood groups. It has been remarkably consistent throughout my life. My two closest friends (in real life atm) are both O Rh Neg, like me.

What characteristics do we have in common?

We do have one extra vertabrae.

We are also psychically gifted, which disconcerts others and makes them suspicious of us.

We have taken IQ tests and deliver high scores.

However, physically we are not otherwise similar.

One of us is tiny, blonde, blue-eyed and pretty. She is still remarkably fit at 72 years of age.

I am of medium height and build with easily tanned olive-toned skin, very dark brown eyes and hair. Not so fit at the same age.

The third has remarkably changing eye colour ranging from green to hazel, depending on her mood, dark almost black hair and very light coloured skin.

We would dearly love to know where our negative Rhesus factor really comes from!

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It would be interesting to know, what blood type that pedo (Epstein) is/was? As he is said to have wanted to seed the world.

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I think he was type "p" --- you can fill in what that stands for.


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That's really interesting! I still don't know mine- each time I've had tests they refuse to share it w me. Bizzare!

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I think when you go have your blood drawn, you have to pay extra for typing, that's the latest I've heard.

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I'm Rh neg too. I have an interesting mix of backgrounds. Been learning a lot on blood types, I was really hoping to get a better idea of the prehistory behind it.

Robert Sepehr has many videos, I think when he produces them, he tends to focus in one or two aspects of the topic he's covering.

Most of the close friends I have are Rh neg as well. I know this because of the interest of one of them, he practices Eat right for your Type.

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"Most of the close friends I have are Rh neg as well. I know this because of the interest of one of them, he practices Eat right for your Type."

In my years, I have also noted, the majority of ppl I have become associated with, are of my blood type. Interesting, isn't it?!

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I think we are drawn to each other, it's quite interesting. Has to do with something esoteric tied into the Energy, Frequency and Vibration, I have a post on this, it's complex, somehow it's connected to Quantum Entanglement, but the blood has an influence we don't yet comprehend.

It's quite fascinating.

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Yes, agreed!

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Yes, eating for your blood type, as well as the tribe you hail from, are important for proper weight. NDN's, Italian, French, German.... should not eat certain foods, lest they become obese as well as contracting other ailments.

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The more I study this the more it makes sense. My native blood influence for example, causes the formation of too much cholesterol. Yet there's no clogged arteries. My former doctor kept trying to put me on statins. I never took them.

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Good for you - Stay as pure n natural as you possibly are able.

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If the royals do know the source of the Rhesus negative factor, they are doing a great job of keeping it very close to their chests. I don't accept the 'alien' theory, but it is a very curious thing because it does suggest that there is a source of genes which does not connect to species of ape.

As you rightly point out in your article, this is a physical difference but, at a spiritual level we are indistinguishable from any other living beings.

I am glad you thought to tackle this issue even though it leads to a dead end - for now, anyway! xx

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Holy Bible says angels mixed w early men

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Yes. I am not convinced that our translations of that ancient text are necessarily accurate.

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In Good vs evil, I am of the belief, there are two royal families at play here.

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I'm convinced that much of what's translated has been deliberately altered,forged, and selected as well. Besides transcription and copying errors and very little ability to understand the context and nuances besides the shortcomings of language both spoken and written, there seems to be very little possibility that we'll ever know much by way of specifics of what went on millenia ago except that the big picture has probably changed very little if at all.

I think N does a fine job of admitting that a lot of this is speculation and congratulate him for it. Way to go, Sir!

This is interesting material but I've learned to be comfortable with simply not knowing.

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I like the cliff version: these alien entities were on a vacation and liked what they saw, Earth, thousands of years ago, estimated at 8500, and stuck around. D I is working on his next book addressing this occult occurrence. I call it the great mystery, an muricas indian observation boxed up for pondering what’s inside.

Enjoy the thoughts as we have extremely large issues front and center, and none of this matters what so ever soon. Brains wasting tyme…kinda a soft Fuk off…

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Cliff versions are also a diversion, as we must know the past, in order to correct the future of all life here on this place we call home!

Blessings ~

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Either you believe the current ptb are decendants of ananarki (fallen angels)

Or you don’t. Nothing personal.

For me it explains all the deception!

Ying Yang, opposition forces, evil good, magnetic fields; ie how reality plays out in real time.


Deals are made, mostly in secrecy.

Then gas lite as a complete lie.

And the majority believe it.

That is our task, wake the Fuk up fellow umans. Why? So we can unite against our common enemies, the liars.

Will it happen soon enough?

That is the crux of all the commotion…

To be determined and soon as timelines are shifting towards the the fast lane as they are out of the closet and in our faces

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I don't agree that interest in blood types is 'brains wasting time'. I think we have much to learn on the subject and it has diddly squat to do with aliens.

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So disagree with diddly squat,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood

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Referring to transhumance via almeans we currently understand.

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I'm fascinated by this from a merely genetic standpoint. As you have said, there is so much more that we don't know Look forward to perusing some of the videos. My mother was RH negative. All of us 4 offspring who survived the pregnancies are RH positive. I was number 6 and the youngest (two were rejected/ miscarried - one of those 2 was tubal pregnancy putting her life in danger). With each RH positive child, it gets worse for the mother and more risky for the child. I carried a lot of guilt for years over that, since she reminded me often how sick I made her the entire pregnancy. It also affected me genetically.

Don't know about all the other hypotheses, but blood types alone and how they can be used for transfusion, or not, is a mystery. Now I want to read your other posts on Firestarter's research on the Dragon bloodline.

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You are always welcome to peruse the archives. There's a lot of history Firestarter lays out. There's much symbolism in the way the Old World was born.

I have all the Dragon Court series numbered there are 9 so far.

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The topic is interesting, but there are some problems. The first vid mentioning the Theosophical Society is a bit of a give-away, because it is one of the occult groups that make up the tentacles of the global elite. Besides the problem with genetics and its failing quest to be able to make phylogenies (like 23 and Me) , test for cancer (Theranos), or DNA fingerprinting (See Omar Jordan’s recent debunk), I suspect Rh- in blood lines is either due to massive inbreeding, or is a Red Herring to make themselves feel special. Well they are special: specialists at lying, cheating, stealing, and using smoke and mirrors to do so.

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Eek! That is harsh and quite offensive! I am O Rh Neg bloodline which comes down to me via Jewish and/or Gypsy ancestors in my paternal grandparents.

I don't think that the royals tolerate other bloodlines which carry the Rhesus negative factor and it seems that they have tried to cull us repeatedly to gain some sort of exclusivity of Rh Neg blood for themselves. It is, surely, notable that Gypsies and Jews have been singled out for elimination and rejection for centuries. My paternal grandparents escaped European persecution in 1920 by migrating to Britain, long before WW2 saw their relatives almost wiped out.

The figures quoted in videos by Robert Sepehr are inaccurate. I also despair that he fails to notice that the attempted cull of Gypsies and Jews has relevance to understanding why Rh Neg people are declining in number.

Over the entire world, according to Wikipedia, Rh Neg people represent only 6% of human beings. Among the Basques, the density is much higher, i.e., 15%. I spent some time travelling in France and Spain, particularly visiting all the mountain ranges. I did notice that the Basque (also known as the Euskadi) are incredible robust people with a quite distinct cuisine and language from their French and Spanish neighbours.

In trying to understand the differences between Rhesus Negative and Rhesus Positive people, I have noticed that I am drawn, in friendship, to other Rh Neg people far more than to any other blood groups. It has been remarkably consistent throughout my life. My two closest friends (in real life atm) are both O Rh Neg, like me.

What characteristics do we have in common?

We do have one extra vertabrae.

We are also psychically gifted, which disconcerts others and makes them suspicious of us.

We have taken IQ tests and deliver high scores.

However, physically we are not otherwise similar.

One of us is tiny, blonde, blue-eyed and pretty. She is still remarkably fit at 72 years of age.

I am of medium height and build with easily tanned olive-toned skin, dark brown eyes and hair. Not so fit at the same age.

The third has remarkably changing eye colour ranging from green to hazel, depending on her mood, dark almost black hair and very light coloured skin.

We would dearly love to know where our negative Rhesus factor really comes from!

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"It is, surely, notable that Gypsies and Jews have been singled out for elimination and rejection for centuries."

I wouldn't be surprised if that idea turns out to be the exact opposite of the facts.

In fact, it should be common knowledge that the self chosen ones who're always bellyaching about the persecution they endure, have long had a superclious and genocidal attitude toward the goyim.

There's even a name for the phenomenon and it's called, "projection."

Furthermore, "Christians" have also claimed "persecution"...

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Grasping at an opportunity to show how anti-Semitic you are is shocking but not unknown. You veer completely off topic and lack sensitivity. I, Sir, am the grandchild of a Gypsy and a Jew who escaped the pogroms of 1920. Their stories are harrowing but you would rather waste our time tolerating your vicious prejudice which ensures that the propaganda of the 19th and 20th centuries lives on in the minds of the poorly educated.

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"... the propaganda of the 19th and 20th centuries lives on in the minds of the poorly educated."

Yup. We certainly agree there.

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Sorry I strained your single digit IQ.... you really did not understand what I said, did you? Bless.

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Bless you.

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You add sarcasm and insincerity to your litany of offences? How vile.

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Why do you seem to be singling me out for disrespect and over the top condemnation? How charming!

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Not sure what's harsh or offensive, I don't know anything about what group is Rh + or - and/or who has been culled or not based on that so I have no presuppositions and didn't say anything about them. Perhaps what you say is true and if that is an issue important to you I understand but has nothing to do with my comment. From a biology perspective, any trait like lack of RBC antigen will become greater with inbreeding which we know the elites do. Do they use Rh- to prop themselves up? I don't know but wouldn't put it past them (I used the word "suspect", meaning "guess", in my comment, so this is just opinion). I do not personally think that Rh antigen + or - on a red blood cell (and there are 50+ types) has anything to do with actual talents, personality types, etc. because these are multifactorial traits that include nurture not just nature, and both + or - persons may include wide varieties of people and talents.

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This is what is harsh and offensive to anyone with Rh Neg blood: "Well they are special: specialists at lying, cheating, stealing, and using smoke and mirrors to do so."

Generalising somewhat, wouldn't you say?

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@Frances Leader, I took that to mean the elites with this bloodline - not everyone with RH negative blood.

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You are not me.

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Never said I was. What I said was I think you misinterpreted and that he was not referring to ALL RH negative blood people.

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I said

"...tentacles of the global elite...I suspect Rh- in BLOOD LINES..."

is referring to the antecedent in the paragraph, "the elite". No where did I say Jews or Gypsies so you are reading something in there not even remotely alluded to, and I have no idea they are Rh- nor are those groups part of my comment in any way. It's something you are sensitive about and I had and have no intent to involve them in my comment full stop. If I think the elites may be co-opting Rh- narrative this does not warrant acerbic critique.

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I am very very sensitive about this matter. So would you be if you were descended from persecuted people!

I have frequently been accused by Gatekeeper busters of BEING from the aristocratic bloodlines.

I would not describe ONE SENTENCE as 'ascerbic critique'. It was said to alert you to how easy it is to fail to be absolutely clear to whom you refer. I apologise if I misunderstood your inference and thanks for making it very clear that you were referring to the aristo-criminals.

Please would you also try to desist from referring to these scum as 'the elite' - quotation marks or not, you are still subtly accepting their supremacy every time you say it.

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In my early writing about them, I used to refer to them as Elites. I try my best to refrain from using that term now. Sometimes I say: "Parasitic Elites" or maybe if more specificity is in order; Sabbatean Frankist Elites. You have taught me a lot, I am 100% with you on using the term Black Nobility.

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Ok thanks and take care, you are the last person on earth I would want to give trouble. Seems like we are in good resonance now. About "elite", this is just one of the common terms, but I assure you I am not stuck on it. I often use the "blob" but some may think I'm talking about a B movie, "scum" is fine between me and you, but many people read these things. While I agree with you we just have to be tolerant in these difficult times. Best.

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