oh. just realized amun ras modern name is tut ankh amun. he owns the prison planet earth where we mine gold to make him more powerful. he lives on nibiru the 12th planet in our solar system. at low frequencies its just ether. you are a descendant of him. i dont mean that as something bad. i guess you know all this already. or not.

in norse faith the norns live there. they are stronger than dieties. they weave everyones fate with their hair. i have met a guy from marocco who was coptic. you basically close your eyes and say the words which come up every now and then. thats how he rules the world. his tomb was never escavated. that the other ones should be taken care of was his work, so hed turn even more powerful.

another guy. he told me im the most allmänbildade (general education) person hes met. he was incredibly wise.

also a female poet twice at her open mic. her most lauded writing contains the words "the most tragic thing about mummys is theyll never turn into flowers". but i know. they can. ive been at that frequency, and much lower, until i turned into a vitsippa (anemone). i basically went around stockholm and ruined everything with my aura. they smell of death and radiate cold and rot to everyone around. i used to be a cybermummy too. ruined whole websites with my mind. i guess i still am. but i take dip to lower my frequency.

i am now trancending higher and higher. and now its gonna work. deja vu all the time. ive written this before.

fort knox was robbed in 1931-1971 and shipped to nibiru. when they abandoned the gold standard. the average value in the world has only increased 2x even if weve turned 4x more. nowadays its the same bars with 99.9% lead.

i have 50 previous incarnations i remember. the oldest one is ed oyugsta damien c staw baphomer.

if you only speak the truth youll automagically get it anywhere. from anyone. they say things they dont even know about. why bella and lady K claims i "know them more" than i know myself. annunaki where the ones who built the pyramids and göbbleke tepe.

they cannot feel love. as they have 2 heads 4 arms 2 genders. so they created us. the greatest gift. they tried with titanium robots but it only has a halflife of 75 years and they got tired of repairing them all the time. there are man made caves on earth that date back 2.8 billion years.

the cuneiform plainly state that they ruled for 15000 years each. so its not abrahamian religions its mardukian. tracey was the first one to mention the scythians. their nest is ukraine. like i said. right. there they crucify people even now on lamp posts, burn the bodies while dancing around em, and piss on their ashes.

they are good people though, just extreme. if you treat them well theyll show you infinite treasures into the universe.

every church in the world has blood sacrifice basements. its not just the jews. and muslims are the greatest people on earth.

latinos are also particular. they are at shiva frequency. have activated many transcendant chakras. they can be at 1000 places at once, play like a whole orchestra, hear 1000 sounds, see 1000 images. 1000 fps not 30 like us.

i have flown through the universe with 2 yugoslavian women. also met 2 very heavy dope smokers who have been on every planet in the whole universe.

my previous incarnation i had parents from tibet and sri lanka. i was renowned and rich.

you can call me adamantine seas. i gave venus all riches to cleopatra.

i am only underground in my art music poetry. used to volounteer at 4 jobs at once each day.

check out radio totalnormal if you want. a local swedish radio show. was there for many moons. bella says im the producer there now. and im the boss at fountain house. nånannansstans nånannangång.

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Aug 30Liked by Nefahotep

Very interesting review, in particular the relationship between Isis-Osiris-Horus and the Christian Holy Trinity. It would be very useful to pursue this connection, as you suggest you would.

Quote: "Why did we Create Civilization? Was it just to Follow and Obey?"

In my opinion, civilizations are not created. In an article I may publish later, I defined it as follows:

Societies as any living beings or organizations are primarily focused on survival and wellbeing. Civilization thus refers to religions, forms of governance, laws, culture, traditions, way of life that have evolved over extended periods of time in various communities towards the continuous betterment of communal life. Religions are central to civilizations as they set standards for morality, relations within the family, the community, business conduct and in particular with the “other”, i.e. other communities within the extended human family.

Civilization is the result of an evolutionary process refined over centuries or millennia during which roots in the communal psyche grow and are reinforced.

Quote: "A National or Global Empire, is not natural; it entirely depends on Compulsion and Centralized Hierarchy to come into existence and grow."

This is open to debate. Communities can grow to very large sizes, this does not necessarily mean they are evil. The civilizational view towards "the other" is the determining factor. For example in the "Age of Discovery" it was "moral" to genocide, pillage, enslave "the other", i.e. all non Western European peoples. Whereas the much more powerful Chinese empire of the 15th century considered "the other" as equal, check the Trilingual Tablet. http://web.archive.org/web/20040603181458/http://cf.hum.uva.nl/galle/galle/trilingual.html

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

I actually completely agree with you here:

"Societies as any living beings or organizations are primarily focused on survival and wellbeing. Civilization thus refers to religions, forms of governance, laws, culture, traditions, way of life that have evolved over extended periods of time in various communities towards the continuous betterment of communal life. Religions are central to civilizations as they set standards for morality, relations within the family, the community, business conduct and in particular with the “other”, i.e. other communities within the extended human family."

In my first Quote: "Why did we Create Civilization," I probably could have used a different tense; "Why 'do we' Create Civilization?" I agree, it is a dynamic in my view that continues from one generation to the next. People would generally tend to get the idea, where I reference "follow and obey," the primary essence of thought here is to make a distinction between a mentality of Voluntary civil participation; and that of Compulsion. Of course there are many mixes of approach in between that can be applied.

"Civilization is the result of an evolutionary process refined over centuries or millennia during which roots in the communal psyche grow and are reinforced."

--- Yes, this is a great way to point to Individual Voluntary engagement. The "reinforcement" in my view is only a healthy one when there is a Cooperative willingness and not any Compulsion coming from "outside" the Individual.

This is also the reason why I constantly refer to the difference between what is "Spirituality" and what is "Religion." This is an important aspect that I think too many people tend to get confused; Spirituality is at a deep personal level of experience, Religion is in my view "able" to inspire individuals to have a sense of Spirituality in a similar direction as others around them, thereby bringing them closer together in many ways.

Religion is however, mostly a social experience; and in certain eras, it was directed by the stories of cultures they came from and then structured as a Hierarchy that was used to Extract Obedience from people, instead of inspiring them. So this is a reason to why I state:

"A National or Global Empire, is not natural; it entirely depends on Compulsion and Centralized Hierarchy to come into existence and grow."

--- In some ways, these very large organizations could be a natural development; their utility in a Hierarchical sense, tends to concentrate too much power to the Few. In the case of Empire, to just the Emperor.

This has been going on in the West under the nose of the entire culture here. We have believed we lived in a "Free Society," all while being quietly "Annexed" by our desire to feel free. We have confused the term: Freedom with Liberty and have sold our whole Culture to those who could fool us into a form of Conscripted Apartheid to Economic Usury.

We experience our life from the position of the Individual; therefore we experience God or the Gods from a deep personal sense of Spirituality.

We don't experience our life from the position of a Group; therefore we can only participate in Religions as well as Societies. This can and does Inspire us, but the root of what is truly Spiritual is found within.

Trilingual Tablet was an excellent read, thanks for the link. ;-)

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Could this battle between Set and Osiris/ Horus be representative of the tension between a monotheistic and polytheistic systems? The strive to be the ONLY god/ king echoed in these stories

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

Perhaps in the context of the story.

In terms of Monarchy; Seth was of a nature originally intended to "Stand Out." [That by itself is not terrible]

Seth was also considered a jealous and narcissistic personality, so I would say the later iterations of Seth / Baal both of which were taken up later by the Habiru as their God; would lean much farther into monotheistic thinking. Very exclusive worship.

Horus is of a nature that Includes all and so, offers a force of Unification, via people's choice. The one thing about Horus that differs from a Monotheistic perspective is; the third eye, or Eye of Horus as a gateway to see inward to see Truth. It is universally present within each of us. To the Egyptians, there was no "Exclusivity," for access to the "Father," or God. Even though they had a Monarch for their country. With all "One God" Theologies the only way to get close to the One God, is through the messiah of that Religion; you are not able to have your own relationship with god.

Christian authors have deliberately done a lot of sabotage to having a proper knowledge base about what is called Polytheism. In fact the very basis for calling it Polytheism is to completely miss the point on what it was to have a truly multi point relationship with Nature and her many personalities. Nuteru in Egyptian means 'Gods' plural. This is a word that led to "Nature." Neter is singular for God.

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This is so true! I like your take on polytheism and how it was spun to usher in a new world order mythos

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"Individually, it’s up to us to find our way to manifest Freedom, probably the best motivation is what we find deep within each of us. — That is our sense of Love, and realization of Oneness."

So beautifully said. So much rich info in this piece. Thank you for sharing what you've discovered.

Enduring truths live outside of time. Reading this reminded me.


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Also Isis crown like a throne makes me think of the later Greeks who wore coronas muralis - mural crowns - whereby shaped like the city walls as they were the patron or deity to protect that city

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So much to unravel here! Also I’ve found this website by an author of an in depth book on Isis mysteries (unfortunately out of print but she will be releasing new anniversary reprint soon) as an excellent resource on all things Isis! https://isiopolis.com

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Thanks for the link, I bookmarked and will check back for a copy.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Nefahotep

There's a lot that could be said about these gods and myths, but here's a few: the 'sir' root of words connote elevation/mastery/rulership, like sir, sri, Czar/Caesar, or sur-face instead of a sub-way, Surya, Zoroaster, etc. Lazarus was also entombed in a coffin and raised from the dead and has a similar sounding name. Not sure how the Aser family fits in, but in Anacalypsis: "in the Old Irish and Etruscan languages, Aesar means God."

Then there's Set, as in Sunset, where the darkness and light are about even, in the evening time, which is Libra (scales of balance, Autumn equi-nox) ascendent (6-8pm).

The barque is like ark or Argo or the crescent moon/Argentum, or feminine aspect to the ship's mast, Mt. Meru, obelisks, the perturbations from the ether, the turbulence in the calm Oceanus. Odds and evens, 1s and 0s, sperm and egg, Adam and Eve...

There have been many other saviour figures that were born from immaculate conceptions or parthenogenesis: Samson, Samuel, John the Baptist, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, etc.

Regarding the Kemetic interpretation of north and south, which is the opposite of our current maps, this would mean that the Sun rose from their left and set to their right, which throws off the meaning of eastern/Orient/Cadmus, etc. Or am I missing something? Left would be associated with sinister instead of dexter, the moon/Sin/sans/Celine/Mt Sinai, etc. Right would be correct, growth, Brahma, etc. Thanks!

Oh, i forgot to mention that Abydos/Abdju is nearer to Ethiopia/Abyssinia. You see abyss there. So Abdju is cognate with Abzu in Sumerian myth or Apsu in Akkadian, etc.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

I just love all those details, thanks for sharing them. ;-)

I had thought the Egyptian Sun God, Re was similar to the Pañcha -- Mukha of Hindu tradition of the "Five Breaths of Hanuman." I tried to find attestations for this, but I only found some references to it here: https://www.worldhistory.org/Ra_(Egyptian_God)/

There are five aspects to Re:

Ra in the Heavens

Ra on the Earth

Ra in the Netherworld

Ra as Creator

Ra as King and Father of the King

[[Re also seems to have three phases:]]

Ra-Horakhty (the morning sun), --- [Horakhty is "Birth of Horus"]

Amun (as noonday sun), and

Atum (the evening sun) associated with primal life-giving energy.

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yes, i write about Horus in one form is the rising Sun in my Iu-su and Karast article:

Iu-su or Iusa also means the coming son, the resurrecting Sun rising from the east:

"The Hebrew deity Ihuh was not simply the one god in a single form of personality; he is the Egyptian one god in his various attributes. He is the one god both as the father and the son, who in the words of Isaiah (IX. 6) is the everlasting father and the prince of peace, who as Egyptian was Atum-Huhi the eternal father, and Iusa the ever-coming son; Atum-Ra as closer on the horizon west, and Atum-Horus as opener on the horizon east."


So you see those reversals, Ihuh and Huhi, like you point out about Hotep and Ptah.

Also Mother Goose represents the Earth, laying the golden egg every morning, the Sun. So although the Sun and the Moon are considered the Father and the Mother, where the Earth is the Son- which matches su/sif meaning ‘son’ and matches the Su/Seb goose representing the Earth, we have this other polarity where the Sun is the Son of the Earth. This heliocentric/geocentric paradox is like the chicken or the egg, or really goose or the egg!

Which reminds me that the term Freemason is also a trinity: Pharaoh/fire/father, ma, and son. The Amazon and its phallic logo is also a trinity: amma, son, and the big daddy kane/canus like the Pati Cane/Vatican/Tubal Cane.

Since the Sun is a physical manifestation of God, it seems there's a connection with Re/Ra and reification and area and Rhea, since her consort is Kronos, i.e., Space and Time. The either field is always there, but when it hits your retina, you can sense it as colors- it becomes reified.

Interesting how noon is similar to Nun/Nu waters/sky. Vishnu is the peak of the sine wave, so that is like the peak noon Sun, Amun. Then there's Nuh/Noah/iNUNdation, etc. I should stop!

thanks, and Hare Hare

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A great read - well condensed for us relative 'newbies' and more great links to follow up on. Thanks, Nefahotep.

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Always happy to put more goodies out. I'm sorry I've been a bit slow. When we got back from our vacation, we were all quite sick. It's been difficult to get back to regular research and writing.

I was always planning on a post that covers Osiris and Isis. I have always thought that there are deep parallels with the Story of Savitri.

I am considering a repost for Isha Upanishad to tie these together.

Anyway, it's just my own perspectives. It's fun to put these ideas together.

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