Amazing research! No wonder you make so many deep comments on Tereza’s Substack.

I’m currently reading about Hess and his erratic behavior at Nuremberg. Do you think the Nuremberg/Spandau Hess was a double? Or had he been so abused by the British that his mind was addled?

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Hess family are of Black Nobility. It's hard to say what was going through his mind at the time, the British could have compromised him. The ones who control City of London, are no strangers to mind manipulations. The Pilgrim Society originally run by Viscount Alfred Milner was intended as a major media control mechanism. Check this out if you want to see how the British do mind control:


Nobody can really control the mind. But they sure can lie to it.

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Order of Teutons '23; Then: Teutonic Order, religious order that played a major role in eastern Europe in the late Middle Ages and that underwent various changes in organization and residence from its founding in 1189/90 to the present. Wiki;


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A really nice write up.. As was the last one as well..

I entertain Cliff Highs take on the "aliens" and that the Elohim trails are traceable in lots of original ancient scriptual sources as factual traces of factual corporeal beings that "came around" visiting our mother Earth putting their trails all over around here.. Not the least all the major "religions" seems imprinted with "theirs/Elohins" needs as basis for it..

.. as also the structure of hierarchy and millitary/trade (and bansters) organisations seems quite evilly put together..

In short his findings according to him suggests that "space aliens" where = Elohims is one of several factions of "space aliens" historically coming here but likely they are a really evil space "hominid" coming here to mother earth for utility aspects exlusive to the needs and ends of the Elohim only..

He paints it as "No wonder the Jews and their cultural psyche behave so strange from them being captured and in servitude of these abusive evil space faring alien hominids".. aka "the Jews are Stockholm syndromed" into the way they act and by now "knows no other way"..

In sorts it starts to seem sensible all these parasite managerial nonsense run as "societal norms".. The evil imprint is abbusive and dark.. But if facts come around to view these adversarial psychotic "lesser gods" as real it fits the picture to resolve quite a bunch of what we normal beings finds as utter nonsense and pure evil incarnate..

A fact relative to contact with "a technologically superior culture" this yt by Robert Sephet is to the point and for "us westerner" amuzingly easy to "see through".. Now - similarily if we were technologically inferior way back and got visited we would pretty much react the same..

Robert Sepher btw is keenly into the presenting the "white face of NSDAP esoteric research" but leaves out the dark trails you brought to the scene..

Cargo cult..


First contact with "gods"..


Lloyd Pie - DNA CRISPR (burning out parts of genes for DNA-manipulation)


(man has 23 genes.. No other hominid on earth does!! .. they have even numbered (24, sometimes 26 or even sets of genes)


Your work is greatly appreciated.... many thanks!

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There does seem to be a lot that resonates with what Cliff High has to say. There are areas of his discussion that I don't fully follow, like the Moon is a Spaceship, that People are there on the Moon, etc... But what he says about the Elohim seems as a distinct possibility.

My take on Aliens is a complex one, because I can read Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian:

Alien or Extraterrestrial Life is not likely to be Hominid or Humanoid, the humanoid form may be native to Earth; the other ones that seems to be visiting here are GMO Genetically Modified Organisms, in my humble opinion. The question would be "how" did genetic alteration occur?

In 2014 or there about, there was a object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. This was discovered by some private treasure hunters, when they initially got international attention for the discovery, Fox News and many Ashkenazi owned News outlets started to throw "cold water" on the story, to cause all the potential investors to flee from facilitating the discovery.

This object looked somewhat like the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. Nearly completely defeated for finance, these treasure hunters went on their own investigation to get samples of rock. After analysis, the rock samples (not of the object itself) from around the and on top of the object, were determined to had been exposed to sudden temperatures of 4,000 F -- then flash cooled down again with no chance of crystallization to form. The side scan sonar readings of the whole area at the bottom where this thing rests is very interesting. It shows that this thing is part of a crash site. From the images; it must have come in at a very low angle, slicing an under sea mount in half, and coming to rest about 1.5 miles away, with a very clear debris trail. Bottom line: it is obvious that "something happened" in the distant past.

If genetic alteration is a distinct possibility then what are the vectors?

If Parasites were on or in this object and later got into the food supply to ancient people, it could have had an impact on genetics depending on exactly what it was.

If radiation from the crash had caused fish in the area to be poisoned, people could have gotten mutating effects.

What mutating effects?

Cone Headed people with Elongated Skulls are found across the planet, but the genetic research in them identifies the Haplogroup they are from come exclusively from the Black Sea area, or ancient Khazaria. Timelines are important, this was all supposed to have happened sometime near 6,000 years ago, hard to trust dates though.

So, more good questions:

Elongated skulls are very complex for them NOT be a deliberate GMO. Was it done by complex lifeforms from somewhere else? --- Most likely but who?

If what we consider the "Life Forms" we are presented with in the "Disclosure Docs," [you know] the Humanoid so called greys could ALSO be GMO ? .... They likely are.

Next question, if most Aliens that are visiting Earth are Humanoid, who was the original GMO facilitator?

Are the Elohim GMO? --- I think they might be.

There are many many MANY possible variations to what the actual truth is.

My ultimate take on Extraterrestrial life is that most super advanced life forms that would have a passing interest in our species, would not be corporal, not embodied in an organic form; because they would have long ago Spiritually Evolved past the need to exist as an organism, this does not in my mind imply they would have any kind of AI or robotic tech.

From my own cultural / spiritual background, in my experience we are mostly nonphysical beings already. Evolution of Consciousness is the cause of the physical evolution of life forms EVERYWHERE across the physical universe, because that is the purpose of the physical existential plain.

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You talk much sense as in sensible well thought out arguments..

Many thanks for the deep reflections..

As for the Baltic disk, that is a very interesting topic. That spot is right around the corner of my own home vincinity where I reside in the south of Scandinavia/Baltic sea..

The "spiritual beings" as a pure being normally is a topic a bit over my reach - once I heard a lecture from Rudolf Steiner and it was way above what I could even contemplate.. Spiritual beings assembling, eventually taking physical forms aso..

It was totally so out there in my then introspect to grasp the message, thlugh now some years on I seem a little bit more prepared to accept some these perspectual ideas to walk with them for a bit..

I find that our existance in materia form in space with time pacing us and - as Cliff reffers to and adhere to the Russian physicis Khosyrev - time fuels our reality: I find this specific situation is in some specific way carrying a meaning to it and keeping something desirable in it - making its state "higher" then only the spiritual realm in some ways - it seems the "prison/captured in a body part" of it posesses something in this beingness somthing distinct that we are meant to hold as guardians or caretakers of sorts with some sort of specific purpose..

I feel clearly that in the case of paradox on being possesed by bad spirits; It rests on our physical form of beingness is being superior in as we have the ultimate power to decide in it or surrender our will and consent away - thus a more superior state in some sense..

For the topic on good/higher benevolent spirits I would not know to say much about it - only me pondering that our own situation is rather the test and a challenge to evole with/around some higher goal of sorts..

I heard one constructive critique on Cliff in that he - like as shamans do - "surrenders" to psycho active high shamanic doses of plant or mushroom origins to make "spiritual learning trips from the higher realms" or how to phrase it.. .. how will it maybe not be a "cut off spirit domain realm within creation" as a subset rather then a spirit learning quest in the "realm of all creation by the creator" that is in actuality spirit travelled.. What of its realms concerns reality and what could be "colored by the controlling elements of these substances".. I respect him though enough for his willingness to share his insights witch I take more as wisdom than ramblings..

But I rest my case and find his interest in historical linguistics strong enough reason for me in order to follow his work and at least consider it..

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Very interesting, thank you. I did a quick look up of Black Sun and did come across an outfit called Black Sun Global which seems to be some sort of communications agency, whatever that means. Sounds suspicious, anyway. Particularly when a look at their website came up with aims like measuring the S in ESG. The S in ESG stands for Social. The mind boggles as to how they'll use that as cover to monitor our behaviours and our internet use. Not just us as individials but our community's too, so the communitarian nightmare can become reality. https://www.blacksun-global.com/en/our-thinking/insights/blogs/measuring-the-s-in-esg.html

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Yes the YT

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This woman mentions you a few times from 12:20. Some of what she says is ok but she's still on the nation state kind of thing and misses the larger black nobility-though finally gets closer at the end quoting someone else. Just fyi..

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Which woman is mentioning me? Is it on YouTube?

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Great article, very deep dive.

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Now concerning the Jews, the idea of The Chosen Race obviously comes from the Bible. But nowhere in the Bible does it even infer that they are chosen because of some superior quality. In fact, to be familiar with the Bible, is to know that the people developed as the ones to be consecrated to Yahweh, where just as problematic as any other race. The only thing that sets them apart is their peculiar laws and rituals.

Today’s “Jews” can hardly qualify as true Jews. That system is abolished with Christ Jesus, and even if you don’t believe in Jesus, they are so far from their cultural roots, that they are disingenuous at best, to identify themselves as Jews.

My native Filipino wife is clearly more American than she is Filipino, having lived so long in this country to have assimilated our customs and forsaken her native ones. Sure, you can still see her Filipino identity in her appearance, but that’s about it.

So the present day idea of The Jews being chosen and special, is a complete disconnect with reality, or perhaps a useful tool to fulfill a certain agenda.

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The web is very deep, you used this good reference it seems


I think that site is missing even deeper layers. Keep up the good work!

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You are right I think it is only somewhat complete, it's up to all of us to do what it takes to find the connections. Some clues I have used to see more of this web, is check out the "legal frameworks" that are being deployed against everyone.

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“Hierarchy is abhorred by nature’s law”

Guess wolves, felines , simians, etc., didn’t get the memo.

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Natural Hierarchy based on Competition is quite different from the contrived "Arbitrary" type, humans have specially created to control other humans. I suppose I should have been more specific.

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And I am talking about hierarchies the way God intended them to be, not what we have in the evil dragon bloodlines.

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Well, in my observation, all men are created similar, but in no way equal. And as such, I believe there is a natural hierarchy among humans. We may not like that - I certainly wouldn’t mind living the Downton Abbey life for myself - but alas I was born to the working class.

That said, I think there is supposed to be right rules of conduct to each caste, but those can only be upheld by following an internal code, which is in my opinion can only be realized through the Christian belief system.

And since Christianity is on the wane - facing near extinction- we find ourselves in the mess we have now.

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There's no questioning the fact that those Vril Society women were red hot! :)

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I like it when people speak Truth to power... especially going deep.

When I tell people the Nazis were all related to the Jewish occult I usually got abuse so I find it soothing that other people pick up on this.

Two things worth mentioning:

The Wewelsburg Castle in Germany.

It is a shrine of Nazi Occultism with a Black sun and a dungeon which seems to me like a Ritual Sacrifice Chamber.

Well worth researching that.

It is also worth noticing that the Wewelsburg is the tip of a Grand Architecture "The Spear of Destiny" which was never completed.


The other thing is the Elohim Vril and Sumer.

I have the profound understanding that the Elohim Anunaki and Draco are the same... Energy beings.

And the Rothschilds relate to Nimrod.

So yes the Occult works but not the way they think it does.

Because IMO all levels of life in different Dimensions or Frequency layers connect at the Schumann Resonance... the Dream Frequency.

And so can we.

We are the creation that outgrew our creator Race.


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For what it's worth.. I do entertain Cliff High and his* linguistic historical evaluation of Elohim/et al as being actual corporal beings according to him evidenced in the oldest remaining sciptual sources.. The schtick being to learn and translate the original writings in its original language..

He complements thae "they are corporeal" with that they as well have powerful remote psychic abilities ("telepathy" is meaning "tele empathy" originally) and that they/the Elohim can mental project illusions in order to stalk/project into the perception of a victim to have them/the Elohim be felt as "real" whatever the Elohim projected..

*I do find Cliff's take intriguing as to at least consider/evaluate and investigate it further more..

Cliff holds an idea that it evidently seems as "yoga" and mental practiced stability regimens are a set of instructions as a "how to user manual" for man-to-machine interface where man was the source and controller of "space craft" as "carbon based tech compatible" with an assumed alien held carbon based electronic chipset machinery devices..

My attemted summary above of what I gleaned out of following Cliff the ladt few years might be taken with an prescribed pinch of salt.. Check Cliff high yourself for the further take performed ny the horses mouth himself..


Sample from some of Cliff's take on the Elohim topic..



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Dec 18
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The people of the books are more or less in part half of the German society and as coming from the Roman empire becaming the Holy Roman empire ("Germany/Italy") existing up until the mid 800's..

The Christian/Roman take down of prehistoric German/Teutonic tribes leveled and conquered eventually leaving Europe with Sweden/Estonia being the last lands to fall for Christian-Roman fiefdom with its days tyranny with feudalism and all precursers of Hell on earth presently felt in a modernized version..

Dear Herr Hitler surely is mostly dragged in unrighteous mud since his public paper trail is scripted strictly as "the good guy".. (Mike King (Cohen?) is the trail blazer for this line of reasoning.. I like to hear Mr King out but in the long run it gets one sided "the other wat around"..

The initial wall to break through on Herr Hitler and the mainstream media bs around "the monster" for sure is an important step to venture..

Herr Hitler as only an elevated spiritual good guy though is a topic of concern when it nears heroism brackets around it..

The hard core thruth though is most truths will never ever be allowed to escape the narrow secret actors running the deals from the closed back room deals from (((those))) that are the players pulling the actual levers of world business..

The world is a bussiness Mr Beal! It has been since the time man crept out of the slime.

"Network" 1976

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Dec 19
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You are right to hold a fairly neutral perspective on the study of this history; that's what I've been trying to do too. The "act" of sorting through all the materials that are out there, really takes an equal mindedness.

Sometimes, I see people getting really passionate about one or two aspects of the "story," this can easily become a trap to get you to take sides.

The Jews are in such a habit of being able to have "ownership" of historical narratives, that they have managed to set up laws in 19 countries that sends people to jail for even questioning the so called Holocaust, or voicing any criticism of the Zionist efforts to steal land [Israel].

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Christ is so from the 'ab ra ha am' -like culture.. He rebelled they say..

In honesty Christ is mostly about the word of teaching the elements of natural law as opposed to the law "of" men. The book of the bi/dubious El (-ohim) has reference on how to follow his foot steps in order to be a free man but let me clue you in on a fast and dirty lingual tracing the binary micro elements of sound/script linguists ought to research..

ab vs ba

(ab=of/outward flow)

(ba=steadfastly on/decided/flow inward)

ar vs ra

(ar=inbetween/within (the land)

(ra=outer rims/the limits and beyond)

ah vs ha

(ah = "a" =the physical realm/objects=motion outwards)

(ha="a in reverse" = "(to) have/motion towards)

am vs ma*

(am=as in" I am"as motion/flow inwards)

(ma=to give, as in "ma-ma" ("the giver/care taker of life)

*beautifully put in the Norse word amma=to breast feed=brest federesse

ab ra ha am = of/from (the) outskirt limits have (from you) get (for them).. = the clan of the deceivers..

The truth of deceivers parasiticus (sitting by others supper table) is truly greatly chissled in the beings "of abraham"!!


On the binary set of sound/in script as "language/communication"

"Syllable tables"


"Comments to logic tables"


On language logogram communication and "common sense wisdom logic"


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Awesome comment,

The study of linguistics is quite interesting. The thing I've noticed in my study process is that, the basal sounds, especially of Proto - Afro - Asiatic and Proto - Indo - European have root consonants that are meant to sound out what the word is intended to describe.

For Example: In Vedic Sanskrit, the word to tear something is "Vrk" -- this is a word that sounds just like the act of tearing something. There are many other examples like this. Ancient Egyptian for "cat" is Meuh: with a slight glutteral stop at the end.

When language is applied to describe or express esoteric reality, there are some base sounds that are often used, that do not incorporate the use of consonants. Like AUM. As part of the exploration of frequency and vibration, we gain a closer connection to the origin of our existence. In Kriya Yoga, we have a chant called the AUM chant, when done properly this has a very calming and healing effect.

I'll check out those links, thanks ---

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