There are many approaches to fixing the issues we see today, the list of them is nearly endless. The most profound way, is to See what is there in the first place, by Inquiring within
I found it easier to follow than the Scythian and Habiru Tribes post; probably because much of what's in it, is in conformance with our Levantine cultural values. I would dare say, in conformance with most Asian cultural value systems.
I forgot to say that I worked on a joint posting with Tereza, on the Isha Upanishad which was fun. The substack shared author feature doesn't work well though. We each did a response post to each of these. Here's her links to those:
My whole life philosophy has been based on working the principles of the Gita and Isha Upanishad, into every action.
The next post I do on the Scythians needs to have a retrospective to clarify what I was searching for, The next one will be quite a bit more simple. ;-)
"Whatever action that becomes necessary should be participated in without any passion attached to it."
Yes actions must be taken. However let's not delude ourselves either. You omitted one important part here. Question: How can you expect things to change when people who even remotely share your world views are less than 0.1%?
The answers are given to us by the phenomenon of the Ouroboros. We are nearing the end of the cycle. That means out with the old, in with the new. Unfortunately, the masses are part of the "old". The unconscious ones work for the regime. Therefor if the regime goes, then it means they must go.
Right now, the regime is exterminating it's own footsoldiers/the masses.
Without this step, none of what you mentioned can take place either.
What you say here is true; however, I am sensing the demographics of awareness to be a lot larger than 0.1%. There's also a factor of awakening taking place now. I would be willing to say that the percentage of people who are aware is getting larger. To put in a different way; the Asch Experiment has it that 61% are clueless zombies, out of the remaining percentage, maybe about 12 - 15 % are fiercely aware.
Ultimately, you are right about the potential demolition at hand.
I try to offer as much as people are willing to accept in the way of answers.
In the current global conflict, there is a Crucible; the Truth is in the process of being smelted out, mentally knowing isn't enough, people must Emerge and See. Otherwise, everything will always be an "emergency."
In order to transform Human Nature, Sight must take the place of Mental Thought, Tribal Division, Appearance based Identity and the whole concept of Power Hierarchies must go. The actions we take to facilitate this Transformation are the necessary Actions.
"In order to transform Human Nature, Sight must take the place of Mental Thought"
I call it sight beyond sight. And if this is the requirement for making it into the new cycle, then not many are going to make it.
Although I might be off in my percentages, most are still stuck in the red-blue paradigm.
Republicans have a distaste for the "cabal", yet they are immersed in the illusion that elections are real.
Then there's those who can see beyond that, but have shifted blame toward the J3ws, which is understandable because they are the managers of the animal farm.
Some can see even beyond that, and understand that even the J3ws are merely being used, and instead shift blame to the top level managers who are often referred to as Sabbatean Frankists.
Fewer still, understand that all of the above is part of the natural cycle.
But even those who do, might not make it. For you can give a learned man the emerald tablet and he will understand nothing, because he lacks the sight beyond sight.
So yes, unfortunately I really do think that the gate is going to be very narrow.
I think many feel that we are indeed nearing the end of this yuga, or age - the kali yuga or iron age. This has been a time of (relatively inexpensive) mass production, of the burning of large amounts of energy, and the subsequent expansion of humanity. I know not what the next age will be, and I doubt any do by the highest power. How that age changing time, that inflection, unfolds can be, and will be, shaped by those living through it. Sri Aurobindo optimistically saw the potential for humanity to rise to some form of superhumanity. That may yet happen. But iron rusts, and under the right conditions, rusts away far faster than many realize. Even in our lifetimes, we have seen a shift from an ethos of building for longevity, to one of what one writer (Charles Hugh Smith) has called crapification. So much of the world that now surrounds us is literally built to fall apart, forcing yet another transfer of energy (in the form of whatever passes for money) to those in deep love with it. Those who have come to rely totally on that so-called consumer economy will be failed by it. When the abstractions of "money" fail to produce food and the requirements of life, physical reality alone will be left. Consumers will face the choice of becoming producers, or of wasting away. Some will choose a path of violence, of taking. Such must be faced by warriors, and prevented from their pillaging and plunder of the tools of production, as it will be on those tools that the producers, and builders, and farmers will rely as they shift from a system of long distance labor arbitrage to one of localized production and shared creation. Yes, many will fall in the process. Violence will take some, but far more will likely simply starve, or, weakened by hunger and poor hygiene, be taken by disease. The four horsemen will inevitably ride again.
The gates to survival can be widened by shifting oneself, and to the extent possible, one's community, to a production mindset and mode, something which can be done even today, before the collapse. In fact, gathering the skills and tools and knowledge does take time. Widen the gate by actively doing so, both for oneself and for a community of your own making. There really is no other viable path that will result in bringing more souls through the gate and beyond the chaos which will soon be upon us.
I’ve read the Lord’s Song many times over decades and perhaps until recently I’ve have a better grasp, yet I do not proclaim to be an expert nor do I have at present the ability to expound as you have done so here. That said, very enjoyable reading and also appreciate the links.
There is a Universal Oneness, yet in this present existence, illusion (Maya), we all are easily misled by appearances and divisions (duality). The avatars of Hinduism are an excellent example of the Oneness being expressed in the many forms. Indeed Atman is Brahman, or in Christian circles, we are all sons and daughters of God (Brahman). Or yet again, the Dao is everywhere.
As you have alluded to, the first and foremost is ‘to know thy self’. How many truly know themselves? If we have respect for ourselves then we will respect others, or know the illusion of separation. IE harming others harms yourself.
I suppose that’s where I have had a disconnect with the Gita, and perhaps just a personal flaw of not seeing the duty in killing. Yet too I am aware that life lives off of another’s life, no matter what form it takes, be it animal, plant, mineral, microbes, etc. This is just part of my personal journey and yet too, this is my duty to the world to live and express my unique spirituality with self-others.
Your suggestions of actions are well heeded, if only more would realize the power of such actions. In truth the last four years it has been apparent that the controllers want to incite violence as this will grant them the excuse to usher more oppression.
A real shift will not be fruitful if we do not recognize the importance of others (common people). It is in our individual uniqueness that is our strength when we come together as ‘One’.
May others read your articles and be inspired to take proper action for the benefit of all beings.
This was always the true reason why I started doing publishing on Substack. It's very important to be able to truly See what is going on, first part of that is to See inward.
All of this is fascinating - such intelligent conversation and debate and learning in the comments. Yet my head is spinning around so much thought. When I need to clear my head, I go outside, and everything inside me settles and I become clear, calm. What I see with all these different ways is that all ways being discussed here have the same objective - it's how we interpret that objective that may be different. But it shows that all of us are needed for whatever we can bring, and in the giving, receive what we seek.
I liked reading about the 3 basic aspects of hell; the nitty gritty of evil in just 3 words. Seeing these inside ourselves, not looking away, and allow ourselved to be "cooked" - as Rumi said in his poems - provide us ways of choosing different actions but all One in the same objective. This heartens and inspires me.
“ You would think that Death is somehow opposite from Life, right? The sense that the body is no longer harboring the vitality of a living soul means something final to that Human Persona; but it is NOT final to that Being, nor the Infinite Being from wince it originates.”
We can Claim our Individualized Sovereignty by rejecting assigned Status;
I reject any assigned status!
"We can Refuse our presumed appointments by Vitiating the Fraud of Pledges". I had to look up Vitiating. YES!
.....invalidating their Registries, nullifying their legal system, "people are themselves Treasure", rejecting "education" programs on narratives, nature’s medicine and “know thy self.” Everything is one thing... yes, indeed. I have been meaning to have a look at your work. I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for it. I would go so far as to say their "legal systems" are fraudulent enough already that they have already demonstrated that they are not valid.. We just need to bring that to light.
In refusing their appointments, we would never allow the carnage of taking without giving back, which has all but destroyed so many ecosystems and the lungs of the earth (waters, forests). Yet we also must be on guard for the tricksy doublespeak going on such as "green new deal," "smart" devices, cities, etc. Those are destroyers of individual sovereignty and Critical Thinking needed to invite and include Nature in to being in charge of solving its own problems - then listening and respecting what is asked of us and in front of our faces. Looking away is not an option. For me, the heart must also be invited into the conversation and given equal seat at the table - and deeper listening to heart-centered being because head-centered has got us into this mess.
Beautifully written and such deep material. I was reading in the Course this morning that there are thousands of paths, all with the same objective. This is absolutely congruent with the Way, the Truth and the Light. That seemed like the only appropriate way to end that sentence.
Pacifism as violence, by allowing the oppressor without challenge, is such an important concept. I talk about it back in an early video on Arundhati Roy. And Pacifism as Pathology. So much fertile material! Thank you, Nef.
Always my pleasure to help. It's my aspiration that all this "knowing" of inner knowledge, will help move everyone closer to the point that is needed, where no matter what the proper action is required --- there will be no hesitation. (I always hope for no war, no fighting.)
"In a World where Death is the Hunter, there is no room for Hesitation." Don Juan in quotes from Carlos Castaneda.
Your Course in Miracles is quite interesting, I'm looking forward to your post on that.
FIne stuff here. I was struck by the thought that the word, "create" could be used synonymously with the word, "work." The happiest people I know do not even think of happiness, they just create for the sake of creating. Or something like that!
The Bhagavad Gita showed me the ancient roots of Romany Gypsy philosophy and felt like coming home when I first understood it. Some of my understanding was expressed recently here:
That was an excellent post, Frances. I had left a long comment there too, I know I often can't resist.
What you mention as the "Helping Hand" in your life has always been there, it's never been gone. What we experience in the sequential moment is not Truth, it's only our Reality at that present. Everything that lead you to where you are was not a coincidence, not a mistake, nothing was ever random.
When you asked the powerful question of "Why BUB, Big Universal Boss could not forgive the evil part of itself and reincorporate all of itself as one." ---- You describe:
"The forest fell eerily silent. Not a pin drop could have been heard. It was as if time itself had stopped and I felt a surge of rage envelope me, but I stood my ground and reiterated my question with defiance, knowing, as I do, that BUB loves me BECAUSE of my precociousness and not in spite of it."
Time has never moved, it's always been us who are moving. We could think of ourselves all as 'precocious children.' Whenever we Ask a Question facing inward, especially a question of Truth; the only answer that could come did so for you AS "Silence." You did nothing wrong, this happens a lot, when one asks a question of the Self, the answer is naturally and instantly there already. Just like when there is a low pressure zone, a high pressure force comes in to fill it. You had an intimate relationship with Self, expressed by viewing the outward peace that was the forest. The heart is in the Forest; the forest is there in your Heart. You have never left that sense of peace behind; that's a balance existing within you.
Thank you, brought back beautiful memories. Read a lot of this after travelling through India in 84 and became Enlightened. My favourite Mantra was Try to Give more than I take from every interaction with another Soul. Even just a smile or compliment. Unfortunately my current Mantra I go to trouble Calmly and Un Conditionally Own It is my Battle Cry to stand up for Good. I hear you Brother and I stand beside you for the Battle for Humanity has begun. When Good Souls join together for a Good Cause a Divine Power can be created.
A timeline message that I needed to read and hear!!! I took two major lessons from just my first reading of the entire text! First, work for the sake of the work, not the reward, fruit or outcome of the work! That really spoke deeply to me! I guess I had never looked at it that way or had forgotten to see it that way! Second, inaction is action in the scheme of things! I guess I had never thought of it that way either!!! Thanks for the info and lesson! I will be re-reading and watching the video and reading the attachments and thank you so very kindly for all this wonderful information!!! Many blessings, love and peace to you my new friend!!!
i've been reading and to some extent studying the gita since 2014. read it many years earlier than that, it was in 2014 that i became more able to see it with some understanding.
once i had turned my eyes to look at what was going on, in mid 2021 i saw immediately that 'we are *living* the bhagavad-gita.' i would say that to people when i was still in my enchanted missionary phase after first waking up to the depth of the darkness we are in. and i would add, to the few who were listening, 'and i'm excited to be with arjuna to bring light to what is looking to darken us.' or words to that effect.
Oh I'm looking forward to reading this! I'm saving it for when I'm fresh in the morning. The Bhagavad Gita has been around long enough, one more night of ignorance can't hurt ;-)
It begins with challenging what our understanding is of 'ahimsa' - non-harming, when Krshna admonishes Arjuna for wavering before the battle because he saw he would be killing his blood relatives. I think a difficult book for new agism to get a handle on.
I'm excited to engage on this complex text. I wonder if I might suggest, though, that 'new ageism' is another form of label like 'woke,' where I know you came to a place of feeling it was an unfair generalization. Perhaps I'm more sensitive to it because you characterize A Course in Miracles as new ageism and therefore, I think, associate it with the confused thinking that led to the trauma inflicted on you in your childhood. Maybe that isn't true and I'm making assumptions. But talking about these as concepts rather than people's reactions to them seems more straightforward. Does that make sense?
i see what you are saying about the possibility that 'new ageism' is a label. a label to mask what? perhaps it is that it has the ability to mask a broader truth underlying the general idea that 'new ageism' is a kind of pre-canned overly sweetened custard way of thinking that lacks the ability to discern anything distinct under its rubric.
note that I don't think of 'woke' as unfair. that adjective is a mischaracterisation or misunderstanding of my essay. i see 'woke' as a label that misdirects a type of thinking to a 'side' when it actually applies to the no-side of both sides. as i wrote, woke has been used to ascribe to a certain group, the so-called liberal humanitarian ideological ‘left, a character or tyranny that everyone on both ‘sides’ has. it is 'side' free and yet woke is taking sides. ideological capitalistic freedom economics, for example, has that same tyrannical structure: be alike to its 'perfectly egalitarian' ideology or perish. (i explored that ideology in an old essay called ‘death by freezing’ that shows how economics is a religious ideology. if curious, it is here:
as to 'new ageism' i will be iconoclastic, perhaps, and convey that i have come to understand it as the recipe to create a kind of pre-canned bland custard of experience, as noted above, in which there is no boundary or the ability to see nuance in reality because reality is in denial. in a sense it is a complementary energy to the tyrannical nature of so-called woke (left and right) that sees differences without the nuance that would allow those difference to eccentrically flourish. woke, left and right, demands that everyone be turned into asexual undifferentiated uncreative no-thinkers, ie the same bland pre-canned custard. on the other hand new agism chooses to deny nuance and idealistically sees everything as already the same pre-canned blandness. summary: woke is the energy to remove nuance; new agism is the denial of nuance.
so for me a nuance between woke as label and new age as label is that woke is attributed to a group within the community. and with that assignation has created a false dichotomy because 'woke-ism' as an energy is equally distributed across the full spectrum of tyrannical compliance to rules and authority-style thinking.
is new ageism similarly ascribed to a particular group? that is a subtle question and as i explore this here i will see if i see clarity. this will be likely a crude ramble as the ideas jumble around looking for understanding.
as write this i'm exploring how new ageism is distinct from woke because its objective is to separate its adherents from the reality of mad elephants killing spaced out meditators and to create an ideology of motherhood that denies the devouring and/or even the narcissistic mother as part of the 'real' landscape, as examples. that denial of reality is pretty equally distributed across the spectrum of 'left' and 'right', although the manifestation 'left' and 'right' is a bit different. an example on the 'right' might be the denial by mbas of the reality that the physical infrastructure that allows us to have the civilisation we have requires skilfully trained and experienced people, including farmers. and so today's new age school councillors and corporations with infrastructure requirements denigrate and/or underfund them. (i experienced that across 15 years of engineering in a large telecom and observed it undermining airlines and similar capitalistic 'structures'. and with hearing from the young graduates around me of the stem emphasis in school guidance rather than towards dirty hands on technical training.) this is active denial of the reality of the situation. on the other 'side' is the sloppy thinking that being nice is enough to succeed in changing the world. this is seriously mocked in some stacks as ‘khumbaya-ing’ the situation we are in. this is one of the great lessons of the bhagavad-gita; new age nice, arjuna's stricken conscience in the face of his battle against his malevolent family, for example, is abhorrent and a lack of responsibility for seeing the reality of the situation. in my past essay to which you allude i referred to the guru's disciple who denied the reality of the rampaging elephant because his guru 'taught' him that all is such a nice oneness.
also a slight correction; most of my trauma was associated with having been brutalised by a narcissistic mother. i'm not sure that new age was a part of that trauma in a significant way, or in any way, given that that trauma in its totality mostly predated new age ideology. and narcissistic trauma, still significantly denied as a reality in our new age denialism, is structured independently from it. new age denialism is a great ideology for narcissists to hide behind. as to my parental and grandparental adherence to the liberal ideology of kinsey's green-lighting infant and child rape, that certainly predates new ageism as i understand it.
so, has this exploration clarified anything or muddied the waters? not sure. i think that these ideas may give rise to another essay. i've taken them down into my ‘things-to-write-about’ pile.
(i'll comment on your perception of my false perception of acim below in another comment reply to you and mystic william.)
hello mystic william. i am open to understanding how the acim is not in alignment with new age thinking. as i 'confessed(?)' to tereza i found acim to be unreadable. i attempted it several times out of respect for someone who strongly recommended it before giving up on it. and so i am not in a solid position to understand how it isn't new age. so, please elucidate me on my false understanding if you would like to do that.
New Age is what I call ‘Luciferian’. It attempts to exalt the individual into an almost Godlike state. It says you create whom you are and create all you see. ACIM actually says the exact opposite. Although on a surface reading it reads as if it is very New Age. But upon a deeper reading it is very non new age. It says there is only one question to ask. Ask to see the real world. The world God created. Not the world we see. The world we see is a false world. It is merely a reflection of our own fearful thoughts. The real world is based not on our fearful thoughts but upon God’s vision for us. Our judgements block this from being to be seen.
Agreed. But I believe Guy does, based on some essays we've written responding to each others' stacks. I'm writing an episode now on this one and bringing in the parallels to the Course. As Nef says, it's not a religion but a system of thinking.
see comment to mystic william re acim. and if you are able to clarify why my perception is faulty please do so. i am open to that and am even more curious, in a way, to what your explication on that will be. as i have honestly state, i haven't been able to finish reading acim after several attempts and so i am open to have my misperception about acim corrected.
as to "As Nef says, it's not a religion but a system of thinking." that actually has me scratching my head a little because i'm confused what might be the difference between 'a system of thinking' and a 'religion.'
It changes HOW you perceive. It isn’t a closed loop thinking system. It changes your perception as to what you are thinking you are seeing. This then changes your thinking hugely.
This is one of the areas of Eastern Philosophy that the west could never quite get.
The 'ahimsa' - non-harming is actually complex. If Arjuna follows ahimsa towards his cousins, that can be considered 'himsa' towards all the people the Kuruvas are tyrannizing; he would be allowing the Kurus to continue what they were known for.
This is the issue we are facing with the current "Kuruvas," located in Davos.
and the vilification of a simplification and a debased version of masculine energy and the idolification and artificial inflation of debased version of feminine energy have been a huge himsa disguised as creating the means towards ahimsa is likely a part of the bigger psyop.
until very recently i used to think it was 'just' a weird kind of psychology, with the caricatured mascuilinisation of women and feminisation of men. I now see that since the agenda for millenia has been splitting to abet control, that 'logically' the artificial and unnecessary splitting away from these 'dual' energies as part of both men and women is likely a directed action. and that in the last 100 years or so that has included actively assisting this process with the chemicalisation of food and 'medicine'.
even if those directing it are unconscious of what they are doing, exactly, this is a subtle aspect, imo, of the bhagavad-gita.
"Caricatured mascuilinisation of women and feminisation of men." This is an act of attempting to use the the Inner Energy or "Shakti" of one to weaken the other. Whoever thought that would work as intended simply doesn't know that the Masculine energy is not "separate" from the Feminine; they are One. The physical manifestation of Male is not possible without Female; this applies to things like personality, expression of emotional intelligence and methods of mind process. The energetic body in Masculine form is always aware of the Feminine in energetic form. (I'm not referring to sexual energies.) This is what I call Purusha / Prakriti two aspects of Oneness in the original sense. Another way to view this is; sign-wave form, sign wave function where the 'crest' is apparently in an "opposite" position from the 'trough.' If there can be consideration of what it looks like to fold the sign wave back on itself, the arrangement forms a perfect circle. I have always perceived the the nature of life as a circle. There is a Yin and Yang analogy, that's a circular view of Purusha / Prakriti --- One cannot exist without the other.
This goes back to everything is One coming from Oneness. There is no conflict possible between these two expressions of One; Purusha is inward facing and Prakriti is outward facing.
and in recent months has been a significant part of my healing as i recover from the damage of a narcissistic emasculating (devouring) mother, the ptsded emasculated and absent father, etc. this has in recent results or effects in the last couple of months actually seen measurable physical changes in my 'male' body: increased muscle mass, strength and resilience, better blood flow to all extremities and what my energy healer suggests is a reversal by 25 years or more from my 'physical' age. looking at what i've been doing the key part these changes is coming into balance with the yin-yang energies. after i left the devouring home i spent about 30 years studying jungian psychology especially female psychology to heal the destroyed anima. because i had swallowed masculine energy as evil bs i didn't even think about healing that destroyed energy until just a year or so ago. amazing! delusion knows no bounds and is always the other person's issue.
Eye opener, thank you
I found it easier to follow than the Scythian and Habiru Tribes post; probably because much of what's in it, is in conformance with our Levantine cultural values. I would dare say, in conformance with most Asian cultural value systems.
I forgot to say that I worked on a joint posting with Tereza, on the Isha Upanishad which was fun. The substack shared author feature doesn't work well though. We each did a response post to each of these. Here's her links to those:
My whole life philosophy has been based on working the principles of the Gita and Isha Upanishad, into every action.
The next post I do on the Scythians needs to have a retrospective to clarify what I was searching for, The next one will be quite a bit more simple. ;-)
"Whatever action that becomes necessary should be participated in without any passion attached to it."
Yes actions must be taken. However let's not delude ourselves either. You omitted one important part here. Question: How can you expect things to change when people who even remotely share your world views are less than 0.1%?
The answers are given to us by the phenomenon of the Ouroboros. We are nearing the end of the cycle. That means out with the old, in with the new. Unfortunately, the masses are part of the "old". The unconscious ones work for the regime. Therefor if the regime goes, then it means they must go.
Right now, the regime is exterminating it's own footsoldiers/the masses.
Without this step, none of what you mentioned can take place either.
What you say here is true; however, I am sensing the demographics of awareness to be a lot larger than 0.1%. There's also a factor of awakening taking place now. I would be willing to say that the percentage of people who are aware is getting larger. To put in a different way; the Asch Experiment has it that 61% are clueless zombies, out of the remaining percentage, maybe about 12 - 15 % are fiercely aware.
Ultimately, you are right about the potential demolition at hand.
I try to offer as much as people are willing to accept in the way of answers.
In the current global conflict, there is a Crucible; the Truth is in the process of being smelted out, mentally knowing isn't enough, people must Emerge and See. Otherwise, everything will always be an "emergency."
In order to transform Human Nature, Sight must take the place of Mental Thought, Tribal Division, Appearance based Identity and the whole concept of Power Hierarchies must go. The actions we take to facilitate this Transformation are the necessary Actions.
You mentioned something important here:
"In order to transform Human Nature, Sight must take the place of Mental Thought"
I call it sight beyond sight. And if this is the requirement for making it into the new cycle, then not many are going to make it.
Although I might be off in my percentages, most are still stuck in the red-blue paradigm.
Republicans have a distaste for the "cabal", yet they are immersed in the illusion that elections are real.
Then there's those who can see beyond that, but have shifted blame toward the J3ws, which is understandable because they are the managers of the animal farm.
Some can see even beyond that, and understand that even the J3ws are merely being used, and instead shift blame to the top level managers who are often referred to as Sabbatean Frankists.
Fewer still, understand that all of the above is part of the natural cycle.
But even those who do, might not make it. For you can give a learned man the emerald tablet and he will understand nothing, because he lacks the sight beyond sight.
So yes, unfortunately I really do think that the gate is going to be very narrow.
Agree 100% with you. This is the Arc of difficulty, spanning Nature's Iron Law and our heart felt Ideal of Compassion.
Yes, gate is narrow, I would like to widen it at least a bit ;-)
I think many feel that we are indeed nearing the end of this yuga, or age - the kali yuga or iron age. This has been a time of (relatively inexpensive) mass production, of the burning of large amounts of energy, and the subsequent expansion of humanity. I know not what the next age will be, and I doubt any do by the highest power. How that age changing time, that inflection, unfolds can be, and will be, shaped by those living through it. Sri Aurobindo optimistically saw the potential for humanity to rise to some form of superhumanity. That may yet happen. But iron rusts, and under the right conditions, rusts away far faster than many realize. Even in our lifetimes, we have seen a shift from an ethos of building for longevity, to one of what one writer (Charles Hugh Smith) has called crapification. So much of the world that now surrounds us is literally built to fall apart, forcing yet another transfer of energy (in the form of whatever passes for money) to those in deep love with it. Those who have come to rely totally on that so-called consumer economy will be failed by it. When the abstractions of "money" fail to produce food and the requirements of life, physical reality alone will be left. Consumers will face the choice of becoming producers, or of wasting away. Some will choose a path of violence, of taking. Such must be faced by warriors, and prevented from their pillaging and plunder of the tools of production, as it will be on those tools that the producers, and builders, and farmers will rely as they shift from a system of long distance labor arbitrage to one of localized production and shared creation. Yes, many will fall in the process. Violence will take some, but far more will likely simply starve, or, weakened by hunger and poor hygiene, be taken by disease. The four horsemen will inevitably ride again.
The gates to survival can be widened by shifting oneself, and to the extent possible, one's community, to a production mindset and mode, something which can be done even today, before the collapse. In fact, gathering the skills and tools and knowledge does take time. Widen the gate by actively doing so, both for oneself and for a community of your own making. There really is no other viable path that will result in bringing more souls through the gate and beyond the chaos which will soon be upon us.
Very well said, on all points.
Thank you, that is refreshing and beautiful.
Namaskaram 🙏
I’ve read the Lord’s Song many times over decades and perhaps until recently I’ve have a better grasp, yet I do not proclaim to be an expert nor do I have at present the ability to expound as you have done so here. That said, very enjoyable reading and also appreciate the links.
There is a Universal Oneness, yet in this present existence, illusion (Maya), we all are easily misled by appearances and divisions (duality). The avatars of Hinduism are an excellent example of the Oneness being expressed in the many forms. Indeed Atman is Brahman, or in Christian circles, we are all sons and daughters of God (Brahman). Or yet again, the Dao is everywhere.
As you have alluded to, the first and foremost is ‘to know thy self’. How many truly know themselves? If we have respect for ourselves then we will respect others, or know the illusion of separation. IE harming others harms yourself.
I suppose that’s where I have had a disconnect with the Gita, and perhaps just a personal flaw of not seeing the duty in killing. Yet too I am aware that life lives off of another’s life, no matter what form it takes, be it animal, plant, mineral, microbes, etc. This is just part of my personal journey and yet too, this is my duty to the world to live and express my unique spirituality with self-others.
Your suggestions of actions are well heeded, if only more would realize the power of such actions. In truth the last four years it has been apparent that the controllers want to incite violence as this will grant them the excuse to usher more oppression.
A real shift will not be fruitful if we do not recognize the importance of others (common people). It is in our individual uniqueness that is our strength when we come together as ‘One’.
May others read your articles and be inspired to take proper action for the benefit of all beings.
This was always the true reason why I started doing publishing on Substack. It's very important to be able to truly See what is going on, first part of that is to See inward.
All of this is fascinating - such intelligent conversation and debate and learning in the comments. Yet my head is spinning around so much thought. When I need to clear my head, I go outside, and everything inside me settles and I become clear, calm. What I see with all these different ways is that all ways being discussed here have the same objective - it's how we interpret that objective that may be different. But it shows that all of us are needed for whatever we can bring, and in the giving, receive what we seek.
I liked reading about the 3 basic aspects of hell; the nitty gritty of evil in just 3 words. Seeing these inside ourselves, not looking away, and allow ourselved to be "cooked" - as Rumi said in his poems - provide us ways of choosing different actions but all One in the same objective. This heartens and inspires me.
“ You would think that Death is somehow opposite from Life, right? The sense that the body is no longer harboring the vitality of a living soul means something final to that Human Persona; but it is NOT final to that Being, nor the Infinite Being from wince it originates.”
Thank you for the inner shift ❤️🙏
We can Claim our Individualized Sovereignty by rejecting assigned Status;
I reject any assigned status!
"We can Refuse our presumed appointments by Vitiating the Fraud of Pledges". I had to look up Vitiating. YES!
.....invalidating their Registries, nullifying their legal system, "people are themselves Treasure", rejecting "education" programs on narratives, nature’s medicine and “know thy self.” Everything is one thing... yes, indeed. I have been meaning to have a look at your work. I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for it. I would go so far as to say their "legal systems" are fraudulent enough already that they have already demonstrated that they are not valid.. We just need to bring that to light.
In refusing their appointments, we would never allow the carnage of taking without giving back, which has all but destroyed so many ecosystems and the lungs of the earth (waters, forests). Yet we also must be on guard for the tricksy doublespeak going on such as "green new deal," "smart" devices, cities, etc. Those are destroyers of individual sovereignty and Critical Thinking needed to invite and include Nature in to being in charge of solving its own problems - then listening and respecting what is asked of us and in front of our faces. Looking away is not an option. For me, the heart must also be invited into the conversation and given equal seat at the table - and deeper listening to heart-centered being because head-centered has got us into this mess.
Please feel free to check out some of the prior postings. I'm a tad bit controversial. ---- Cheers
I shall, and I am good with controversy. It's the only way to travel.
Beautifully written and such deep material. I was reading in the Course this morning that there are thousands of paths, all with the same objective. This is absolutely congruent with the Way, the Truth and the Light. That seemed like the only appropriate way to end that sentence.
There's so, so much to respond to. I'm thinking to make it my next post, bringing in the Course, the gospel of Philip, and then an article Vanessa Beeley recommended to me: and this: referred by Yusef on another thread.
Pacifism as violence, by allowing the oppressor without challenge, is such an important concept. I talk about it back in an early video on Arundhati Roy. And Pacifism as Pathology. So much fertile material! Thank you, Nef.
Always my pleasure to help. It's my aspiration that all this "knowing" of inner knowledge, will help move everyone closer to the point that is needed, where no matter what the proper action is required --- there will be no hesitation. (I always hope for no war, no fighting.)
"In a World where Death is the Hunter, there is no room for Hesitation." Don Juan in quotes from Carlos Castaneda.
Your Course in Miracles is quite interesting, I'm looking forward to your post on that.
FIne stuff here. I was struck by the thought that the word, "create" could be used synonymously with the word, "work." The happiest people I know do not even think of happiness, they just create for the sake of creating. Or something like that!
If life is a currency as in electric current then it originated on this world in the closest thing to heaven... the Himalayas.
They have found remnants of Atomic destruction in India.
And they found Krishna's City too.
Also... one place I want to visit is this: Sigiriya
We should not look at the USA as the pinnacle of Civilization as it is the cesspool of it.
Same for Christianity... it is a lie.
Civilization started in India and China.
The east has infinite secrets to reveal...
The west has lies they try to hide.
The Bhagavad Gita showed me the ancient roots of Romany Gypsy philosophy and felt like coming home when I first understood it. Some of my understanding was expressed recently here:
That was an excellent post, Frances. I had left a long comment there too, I know I often can't resist.
What you mention as the "Helping Hand" in your life has always been there, it's never been gone. What we experience in the sequential moment is not Truth, it's only our Reality at that present. Everything that lead you to where you are was not a coincidence, not a mistake, nothing was ever random.
When you asked the powerful question of "Why BUB, Big Universal Boss could not forgive the evil part of itself and reincorporate all of itself as one." ---- You describe:
"The forest fell eerily silent. Not a pin drop could have been heard. It was as if time itself had stopped and I felt a surge of rage envelope me, but I stood my ground and reiterated my question with defiance, knowing, as I do, that BUB loves me BECAUSE of my precociousness and not in spite of it."
Time has never moved, it's always been us who are moving. We could think of ourselves all as 'precocious children.' Whenever we Ask a Question facing inward, especially a question of Truth; the only answer that could come did so for you AS "Silence." You did nothing wrong, this happens a lot, when one asks a question of the Self, the answer is naturally and instantly there already. Just like when there is a low pressure zone, a high pressure force comes in to fill it. You had an intimate relationship with Self, expressed by viewing the outward peace that was the forest. The heart is in the Forest; the forest is there in your Heart. You have never left that sense of peace behind; that's a balance existing within you.
Thank you, brought back beautiful memories. Read a lot of this after travelling through India in 84 and became Enlightened. My favourite Mantra was Try to Give more than I take from every interaction with another Soul. Even just a smile or compliment. Unfortunately my current Mantra I go to trouble Calmly and Un Conditionally Own It is my Battle Cry to stand up for Good. I hear you Brother and I stand beside you for the Battle for Humanity has begun. When Good Souls join together for a Good Cause a Divine Power can be created.
A timeline message that I needed to read and hear!!! I took two major lessons from just my first reading of the entire text! First, work for the sake of the work, not the reward, fruit or outcome of the work! That really spoke deeply to me! I guess I had never looked at it that way or had forgotten to see it that way! Second, inaction is action in the scheme of things! I guess I had never thought of it that way either!!! Thanks for the info and lesson! I will be re-reading and watching the video and reading the attachments and thank you so very kindly for all this wonderful information!!! Many blessings, love and peace to you my new friend!!!
TBG! 🙏🏾
yes! thank you.
i've been reading and to some extent studying the gita since 2014. read it many years earlier than that, it was in 2014 that i became more able to see it with some understanding.
once i had turned my eyes to look at what was going on, in mid 2021 i saw immediately that 'we are *living* the bhagavad-gita.' i would say that to people when i was still in my enchanted missionary phase after first waking up to the depth of the darkness we are in. and i would add, to the few who were listening, 'and i'm excited to be with arjuna to bring light to what is looking to darken us.' or words to that effect.
great summary and references.
Thanks Guy, there will be a joint post with Tereza on the Isha Upanishad. Should be some interesting discussions that come from that.
yes. tereza mentioned that. i look forward to it. gracias.
Oh I'm looking forward to reading this! I'm saving it for when I'm fresh in the morning. The Bhagavad Gita has been around long enough, one more night of ignorance can't hurt ;-)
It is a curious thing!
It begins with challenging what our understanding is of 'ahimsa' - non-harming, when Krshna admonishes Arjuna for wavering before the battle because he saw he would be killing his blood relatives. I think a difficult book for new agism to get a handle on.
I'm excited to engage on this complex text. I wonder if I might suggest, though, that 'new ageism' is another form of label like 'woke,' where I know you came to a place of feeling it was an unfair generalization. Perhaps I'm more sensitive to it because you characterize A Course in Miracles as new ageism and therefore, I think, associate it with the confused thinking that led to the trauma inflicted on you in your childhood. Maybe that isn't true and I'm making assumptions. But talking about these as concepts rather than people's reactions to them seems more straightforward. Does that make sense?
hola, tereza.
i see what you are saying about the possibility that 'new ageism' is a label. a label to mask what? perhaps it is that it has the ability to mask a broader truth underlying the general idea that 'new ageism' is a kind of pre-canned overly sweetened custard way of thinking that lacks the ability to discern anything distinct under its rubric.
note that I don't think of 'woke' as unfair. that adjective is a mischaracterisation or misunderstanding of my essay. i see 'woke' as a label that misdirects a type of thinking to a 'side' when it actually applies to the no-side of both sides. as i wrote, woke has been used to ascribe to a certain group, the so-called liberal humanitarian ideological ‘left, a character or tyranny that everyone on both ‘sides’ has. it is 'side' free and yet woke is taking sides. ideological capitalistic freedom economics, for example, has that same tyrannical structure: be alike to its 'perfectly egalitarian' ideology or perish. (i explored that ideology in an old essay called ‘death by freezing’ that shows how economics is a religious ideology. if curious, it is here:
as to 'new ageism' i will be iconoclastic, perhaps, and convey that i have come to understand it as the recipe to create a kind of pre-canned bland custard of experience, as noted above, in which there is no boundary or the ability to see nuance in reality because reality is in denial. in a sense it is a complementary energy to the tyrannical nature of so-called woke (left and right) that sees differences without the nuance that would allow those difference to eccentrically flourish. woke, left and right, demands that everyone be turned into asexual undifferentiated uncreative no-thinkers, ie the same bland pre-canned custard. on the other hand new agism chooses to deny nuance and idealistically sees everything as already the same pre-canned blandness. summary: woke is the energy to remove nuance; new agism is the denial of nuance.
so for me a nuance between woke as label and new age as label is that woke is attributed to a group within the community. and with that assignation has created a false dichotomy because 'woke-ism' as an energy is equally distributed across the full spectrum of tyrannical compliance to rules and authority-style thinking.
is new ageism similarly ascribed to a particular group? that is a subtle question and as i explore this here i will see if i see clarity. this will be likely a crude ramble as the ideas jumble around looking for understanding.
as write this i'm exploring how new ageism is distinct from woke because its objective is to separate its adherents from the reality of mad elephants killing spaced out meditators and to create an ideology of motherhood that denies the devouring and/or even the narcissistic mother as part of the 'real' landscape, as examples. that denial of reality is pretty equally distributed across the spectrum of 'left' and 'right', although the manifestation 'left' and 'right' is a bit different. an example on the 'right' might be the denial by mbas of the reality that the physical infrastructure that allows us to have the civilisation we have requires skilfully trained and experienced people, including farmers. and so today's new age school councillors and corporations with infrastructure requirements denigrate and/or underfund them. (i experienced that across 15 years of engineering in a large telecom and observed it undermining airlines and similar capitalistic 'structures'. and with hearing from the young graduates around me of the stem emphasis in school guidance rather than towards dirty hands on technical training.) this is active denial of the reality of the situation. on the other 'side' is the sloppy thinking that being nice is enough to succeed in changing the world. this is seriously mocked in some stacks as ‘khumbaya-ing’ the situation we are in. this is one of the great lessons of the bhagavad-gita; new age nice, arjuna's stricken conscience in the face of his battle against his malevolent family, for example, is abhorrent and a lack of responsibility for seeing the reality of the situation. in my past essay to which you allude i referred to the guru's disciple who denied the reality of the rampaging elephant because his guru 'taught' him that all is such a nice oneness.
also a slight correction; most of my trauma was associated with having been brutalised by a narcissistic mother. i'm not sure that new age was a part of that trauma in a significant way, or in any way, given that that trauma in its totality mostly predated new age ideology. and narcissistic trauma, still significantly denied as a reality in our new age denialism, is structured independently from it. new age denialism is a great ideology for narcissists to hide behind. as to my parental and grandparental adherence to the liberal ideology of kinsey's green-lighting infant and child rape, that certainly predates new ageism as i understand it.
so, has this exploration clarified anything or muddied the waters? not sure. i think that these ideas may give rise to another essay. i've taken them down into my ‘things-to-write-about’ pile.
(i'll comment on your perception of my false perception of acim below in another comment reply to you and mystic william.)
I don’t sew ACIM as being part of New Age thinking.
hello mystic william. i am open to understanding how the acim is not in alignment with new age thinking. as i 'confessed(?)' to tereza i found acim to be unreadable. i attempted it several times out of respect for someone who strongly recommended it before giving up on it. and so i am not in a solid position to understand how it isn't new age. so, please elucidate me on my false understanding if you would like to do that.
New Age is what I call ‘Luciferian’. It attempts to exalt the individual into an almost Godlike state. It says you create whom you are and create all you see. ACIM actually says the exact opposite. Although on a surface reading it reads as if it is very New Age. But upon a deeper reading it is very non new age. It says there is only one question to ask. Ask to see the real world. The world God created. Not the world we see. The world we see is a false world. It is merely a reflection of our own fearful thoughts. The real world is based not on our fearful thoughts but upon God’s vision for us. Our judgements block this from being to be seen.
BTW...ACIM is a very difficult read.
great answer. thank you. i'll keep this in mind going forward.
Agreed. But I believe Guy does, based on some essays we've written responding to each others' stacks. I'm writing an episode now on this one and bringing in the parallels to the Course. As Nef says, it's not a religion but a system of thinking.
hola, tereza.
see comment to mystic william re acim. and if you are able to clarify why my perception is faulty please do so. i am open to that and am even more curious, in a way, to what your explication on that will be. as i have honestly state, i haven't been able to finish reading acim after several attempts and so i am open to have my misperception about acim corrected.
as to "As Nef says, it's not a religion but a system of thinking." that actually has me scratching my head a little because i'm confused what might be the difference between 'a system of thinking' and a 'religion.'
It changes HOW you perceive. It isn’t a closed loop thinking system. It changes your perception as to what you are thinking you are seeing. This then changes your thinking hugely.
This is one of the areas of Eastern Philosophy that the west could never quite get.
The 'ahimsa' - non-harming is actually complex. If Arjuna follows ahimsa towards his cousins, that can be considered 'himsa' towards all the people the Kuruvas are tyrannizing; he would be allowing the Kurus to continue what they were known for.
This is the issue we are facing with the current "Kuruvas," located in Davos.
and the vilification of a simplification and a debased version of masculine energy and the idolification and artificial inflation of debased version of feminine energy have been a huge himsa disguised as creating the means towards ahimsa is likely a part of the bigger psyop.
until very recently i used to think it was 'just' a weird kind of psychology, with the caricatured mascuilinisation of women and feminisation of men. I now see that since the agenda for millenia has been splitting to abet control, that 'logically' the artificial and unnecessary splitting away from these 'dual' energies as part of both men and women is likely a directed action. and that in the last 100 years or so that has included actively assisting this process with the chemicalisation of food and 'medicine'.
even if those directing it are unconscious of what they are doing, exactly, this is a subtle aspect, imo, of the bhagavad-gita.
"Caricatured mascuilinisation of women and feminisation of men." This is an act of attempting to use the the Inner Energy or "Shakti" of one to weaken the other. Whoever thought that would work as intended simply doesn't know that the Masculine energy is not "separate" from the Feminine; they are One. The physical manifestation of Male is not possible without Female; this applies to things like personality, expression of emotional intelligence and methods of mind process. The energetic body in Masculine form is always aware of the Feminine in energetic form. (I'm not referring to sexual energies.) This is what I call Purusha / Prakriti two aspects of Oneness in the original sense. Another way to view this is; sign-wave form, sign wave function where the 'crest' is apparently in an "opposite" position from the 'trough.' If there can be consideration of what it looks like to fold the sign wave back on itself, the arrangement forms a perfect circle. I have always perceived the the nature of life as a circle. There is a Yin and Yang analogy, that's a circular view of Purusha / Prakriti --- One cannot exist without the other.
This goes back to everything is One coming from Oneness. There is no conflict possible between these two expressions of One; Purusha is inward facing and Prakriti is outward facing.
and in recent months has been a significant part of my healing as i recover from the damage of a narcissistic emasculating (devouring) mother, the ptsded emasculated and absent father, etc. this has in recent results or effects in the last couple of months actually seen measurable physical changes in my 'male' body: increased muscle mass, strength and resilience, better blood flow to all extremities and what my energy healer suggests is a reversal by 25 years or more from my 'physical' age. looking at what i've been doing the key part these changes is coming into balance with the yin-yang energies. after i left the devouring home i spent about 30 years studying jungian psychology especially female psychology to heal the destroyed anima. because i had swallowed masculine energy as evil bs i didn't even think about healing that destroyed energy until just a year or so ago. amazing! delusion knows no bounds and is always the other person's issue.
Lol --- ;-)
Looking forward to your thoughts, Tereza.