Energy, Frequency and Vibration, from Quantum connections to Spiritual Being
Physical Life can be said to have a Quantum connection, the Quantum element in the physical is a Nexus to Consciousness. If Energy, Frequency, Vibration make Form; 5G is a Scalar Weapon to disrupt it
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Science of Quantum Study is so large, it is not possible to cover every aspect here. This is an unusual post, I’ll try to summarize best I can:
To preface this topic, I have been doing a lot of study on the Quantum Sciences, particularly where it relates to Propulsion and Alternative Energy. There are many tributary topics that are interconnected to this one. While I present this for everyone to explore with me here, I am making no claims as to what all the potential benefits or drawbacks are in the related technology. Many Stackers have been writing about the dangers of 5G Frequency and Radiation, this is a big reason to discuss the potential connection it may have to Zero Point / Quantum Tech.
I have always been interested in a way to create something that can defy gravity, fly at any speed and function without the use of traditional fuels. At the age of 14, I was dreaming up and designing concepts that could possibly work this way. Lately, Zero Point has become a much more widely accepted concept among the public. My research should only serve as a record of proper inquiry and not answers in totality.
Sacred Geometry may be at the core of the atomic and molecular form of matter occurring in nature. Numeric systems like the Mandelbrot Set are a method to represent formation values for Local and Non Local pattern associations.
DNA can be thought of as having a type of Sacred Geometry, whose molecular form results from frequency and vibration, expressed energetically. Though, the True Energetic Form comes from a source completely Non Physical, it’s expressed as Physical Energy wave form, influencing the biochemical properties.
5G Radiation is a frequency and vibration form that directly interferes with DNA, by setting up an interference pattern to the Cosmic Constant or Planck. This is a seminal reason why it is so dangerous to life. Yet, in spite of the warnings of it’s down side, this tech keeps getting pushed into service everywhere; because of it’s potential, it’s capable of Extinction level damage.
There may also be a potential upside to the Tech that creates these frequencies; if it can be used to access Zero Point Energy, while using the caution of staying away from the "Counter Frequency" found to be present in 5G Tech. There are Examples of Tech using this principle.
See video of Malaysia Flight MH370 as it de-materializes, while being monitored on military surveillance drone footage, simultaneously with two separate satellites in space, trained in on this event. This is completely irrefutable evidence the US Military HAS use of this Tech! Video located near the bottom of the page. And I don’t believe any attempts to debunk this; it could never have been faked.
Zero Point Energy is a Primary source energy, up to now our Civilization has only ever used Secondary, or residual source energy. Burning fuels and other methods are only “converting” the already existing energy from an object by extraction as a fuel source and is inherently inefficient. Even Solar power is inefficient.
Zero Point Energy is Free, Unlimited Energy; it can be assumed to be safe as long as the frequencies involved are not setting interference patterns into our DNA.
"We are a lot more than our DNA." Yet our DNA is much more than it appears.
Energy, Frequency and Vibration are at the core of the True Laws of Physics, in the physical universe. Existentiality has many frequency forms, that we are unable to experience with our body’s physical senses, we are likely only sensitive to less than one tenth of them.
Sacred Geometry formed by Frequency
As stated above; DNA sequence of molecular organization stands out as having properties of sacred geometry, the configuration of which could be formed by Frequency and Vibration. Energy can be the quotient of the Vibration / Frequency amplitude. The vibration and frequency can create Form Associations that maintain a consistent orientation within a pattern. The above video shows how this may work at the Quantum level, with particles forming that pattern association, creating pattern entanglement to each other; wherein the pattern changes relative to changes in frequency, organic and inorganic molecules likely respond to this in a similar way.
Planck’s Constant in simple terms, following is from Google:
I usually scrutinize Google for descriptions, this time it makes sense to have some introductory simplification.
What is Planck's constant?
Planck's constant, symbolized as h, is a fundamental universal constant that defines the quantum nature of energy and relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. In the International System of Units (SI), the constant value is 6.62607015×10−34 joule-hertz−1 (or Joule-seconds).
What is special about Planck's constant?
The significance of Planck's constant in this context is that radiation, such as light, is emitted, transmitted, and absorbed in discrete energy packets, or quanta, determined by the frequency of the radiation and the value of Planck's constant.
Why does Planck's constant exist?
Planck's constant was formulated as part of Max Planck's successful effort to produce a mathematical expression that accurately predicted the observed spectral distribution of thermal radiation from a closed furnace (black-body radiation). This mathematical expression is now known as Planck's law.
What is the purpose of Planck's constant?
Planck's constant tells about the behavior of the particles and the waves on the atomic scale, including the particle aspect of light. Planck's constant is discovery because of the concept that energy can be expressed in discrete units or quantized, this proved fundamental for the development of quantum mechanics.
Planck theorized that matter could not take on all energies of the spectrum but instead could absorb energy only at specific equally spaced energy levels. If only specific frequencies could be absorbed, then only specific frequencies could be emitted.
How accurate is Planck's constant?
(The kilogram is currently defined as being equal to the mass of a platinum-iridium artifact stored in France.) The new NIST measurement of Planck's constant is 6.626069934 x 10−34 kg∙m2/s, with an uncertainty of only 13 parts per billion.
What is the relationship between energy and Planck's constant?
The energy associated with a single photon is given by E = h ν , where E is the energy (SI units of J), h is Planck's constant (h = 6.626 x 10–34 J s), and ν is the frequency of the radiation (SI units of s–1 or Hertz, Hz) (see figure below).
E = n h ν = n h ν λ (Energy formula as per Planck's theory.)
Planck's constant, "h", can be used to find the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation. The equation is E=hν , where E is energy in Joules (J), h is Planck's constant, 6.626×10(−34)J⋅s , and ν is the frequency. The unit for frequency is Hertz (Hz), and 1 Hz=1s
Please see the Article: “Is Planck’s Constant a Cosmological Variable?” from the International Journal of Astronomy
Sacred Geometry under the DNA molecule. Theoretically, it is possible to construct a helix from almost any series of polygons, there happens to be only one polygonal formation that would fulfill all the necessary criteria: ten regular pentagons orientated about a decagon
Please See:
A Personal Discussion
My Daughter was studying for a section in her Psych Class; one morning, she asked me a question about the chemicals in the brain being able to determine romantic feelings and attraction. This sparked an interesting conversation:
Her Question:
“Are the biological chemical processes in the brain what determines who we are attracted to?” Or “How we feel?”
Setting aside the Knowledge of Being as purely Non Physical, this brought me back to a discussion I had with a commenter on my stack: They had said something to the effect of: “Somehow people with Rh neg blood always seem to gravitate towards each other. That somehow we naturally find each other.”
[Like Co-respondence] For reference please see: Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations
So the question goes right to DNA, because in the Rh article, I presented the possibility that the Human Species itself is very likely a composite one, “Hybridized” from multiple unique species. And is possibly a product of various hybridization events that have happened in the last 75 thousand years. The last one may have been as recent as 4,000 years ago.
When it comes to attraction; we are all used to expressions like: “We share a chemistry with each other.” etc… There also used to be a common expression of someone giving off “good vibes.” But if “chemistry” is based off Genetics, then what is DNA actually? This is an esoteric question.
She continued to ask:
What really holds the bonds and creates molecular process? Science always states this is due to chemical bonds, but what makes it all interact? What actually makes the electrons in an atomic mass behave the way they do? My sense is; it all has to do with Quantum Entanglement and Unified Field Theory.
What is the basis of the “positive and negative” charge or energy at the atomic level? This is Local and Non Local. As demonstrated quite well by the Numeric system called Mandelbrot. [There are other Fractals, this one is most commonly discussed.]
What causes this to function the way it does? Energy seeks to go to ground.
[Everything comes from One and then returns to One.]
What if we look at this from a different perspective: We are all mostly Energy, what makes energy move? Frequency and Vibration. Movement always seeks Rest, resulting in Balance, which is Peace.
DNA is said to express sacred geometry, like the "Mandelbrot Set." If all the physical existence in the universe is responsive to a base frequency, and vibrates in coalescence; this can be considered the base point of all physical energy everywhere. This is "Zero Point Energy," it is the primary building block of the Physical Universe, this is part of Unified Field Theory.
So DNA is not just a biological process, is an energetic one, responsive to the universal vibration. Each living organism has a matching frequency both physical and non physical. Therefore, each of us who finds ourselves attracted to an opposite sex, are experiencing energy, not just biology. Blood may be sensitive to this type energetic resonance in ways we do not fully comprehend.
Romantic feelings are not because of the biological processes of the chemicals in the brain; those chemicals are caused by the frequency and vibration expressed by the non physical being that is there. The Esoteric Nature of Being is the origin of this charge; the Biology cannot hold the full charge by itself, but it can become a Vessel for it.
Coming together with another’s body is a way the energy seeks to go to ground. Corresponding like frequencies tend to attract, in some form they are different due to the vibrations of the masculine and that of the feminine. These energies seek to balance each other out; even at the most “Base Organic Level” such as sexual procreation, this is always an exchange of energies with frequency and vibration. When these frequencies combine, they can create a new frequency, this enables the formation of new life in the physical sense. The Universe itself is said to have been born from a single primordial sound. And sound is vibrational harmonic.
Another way to view the Male and Female frequency is think of a sine wave form; where the Crest is the Female and the Trough is the Male. If you swing the crest directly over the trough, you get a circle, remember what the Yin and Yang symbol looks like. Throughout existence; there is nothing inordinate, all is entangled together with no actual separations, the circle shows all is One, continuously whole, continuously One Energy.
About 5G:
When we have a discussion about 5G and the detrimental affects it has; these are effects that are manifested in a very significant way. It has zero impact on the true Psychic Being or the Individuated God Self; existing both inside and outside of Space / Time. Only the physical energy aspect of it where it connects to the biology gets harmed by these frequencies, causing disease in the body. So there’s a purely non physical aspect to the DNA, just as there is a physical one.
I am quite Proud of my Daughter for having the willingness to engage in these conversations. These are the types of discussions we often have together in my family.
Ironically, I found this referenced by Google:
What is the quantum entanglement between human’s love?
Love, much like quantum entanglement, is an invisible force that binds us, affects us regardless of distance, and is affected by our mutual attention and intention. Quantum entanglement also introduces the idea of harmony through vibration, which is also often referenced in many ancient beliefs.
Love is what Creates, it's what Sustains, it's what Fulfills and Liberates. Life emanates from it; Love is the goal of Being. We are here by no accident, nor random happenstance. Life is deliberate, we choose to come here with the Immortal Will and Divine Force.
Sound Vibration is also able to cause Levitation:
The Observer in Modern Physics Some Personal Speculations
Article from with some excerpts below:
The phenomena of the cosmos require an observer in order to be learned about and understood by us. The observer can take many forms, for example:
1. A person watching amoeba through a microscope
2. A person watching an ocean sunset
3. A spacecraft monitoring a distant asteroid (and transmitting data to earth)
4. A person conducting an experiment in a laboratory
The ideal observer is one who causes no unnecessary perturbations to the system being observed. An observation made by such an observer is called an objective observation. In our school physics and chemistry, we routinely assume that our observations are objective.
But reality seldom, if ever, provides us with ideals. The real observer always causes an unnecessary perturbation of some kind. Scientists must remain alert in their efforts to minimize the magnitudes of these perturbations. The extent to which they succeed determines the level of confidence they can claim in their results and, therefore, the certainty they can expect in their knowledge of things.
In the 20th century, physics was forced into the position of re-evaluating the role of the observer, both in relativity and in quantum mechanics. In relativity, the absolutes of Newtonian physics were banished, and observations obtained by observers in different frames of reference became all that was available. These observations were linked through a system of coordinate transformations.
In quantum mechanics, the observer and the system being observed became mysteriously linked so that the results of any observation seemed to be determined in part by actual choices made by the observer. This situation is represented by the wave function, a function in the complex domain that contains information about both the cosmos at large and the observer's apparent state of knowledge.
Numberphile and Mandelbrot Set:
This zoom sequence is short, approx 1:45 shows the nature of fractals.
The following article has some extensive discussion about the relationship between sacred geometry and quantum behavior.
Down in the fractal depths of quantum matter and space-time
Article by: Giulio Prisco Dec 12, 2017

Some Excerpts from the above article:
The smooth space-time fabric of reality seems to break down at very small scales, and become a fractal with infinite depth. New physics, with intriguing implications for metaphysics and theology, could be hidden in those fractal depths.
Smooth (continuous and differentiable) curves and surfaces become locally flat if you zoom-in deep enough. But fractals are always rough at all scales, and you can zoom-in a fractal forever.
In his seminal book “The Fractal Geometry of Nature,” Benoît Mandelbrot mentioned “a new fractal wrinkle to the presentation of quantum mechanics.”
“Feynman & Hibbs 1965 notes that the typical path of a quantum mechanical particle is continuous and non-differentiable, and many authors observe similarities between Brownian and quantum-mechanical motions.
Zooming in the Mandelbrot set.

Perhaps the similarity between quantum paths and fractals indicates that fundamental reality itself has a fractal structure.
[Pattern Associations formed by Frequency]
“Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals,” by Richard P. Feynman and Albert R. Hibbs (1965, edited by Daniel F. Styer in 2005), reads: “Typical paths of a quantum-mechanical particle are highly irregular on a fine scale, as shown in the sketch… In other words, the paths are non-differentiable.”
In 1980, after the introduction of Mandelbrot’s fractal geometry, L. F. Abbott and Mark B. Wise showed that the observed path of a particle in quantum mechanics is a fractal curve with Hausdorff dimension 2.
It’s often thought that quantum particle paths (trajectories) are undefined. The double slit experiment, which according to Feynman encompasses all that is “mysterious” in quantum physics, is often taken as a demonstration that quantum particles are not “real particles” with clearly defined trajectories. But quantum mechanics can be formulated in terms of fractal paths similar to the stochastic (random) Brownian motion of particles suspended in a fluid, first explained mathematically by Einstein.
[Many ideas presented by Einstien, are effectively refuted by Quantum Entanglement, there is no speed limit in the universe.]
The plausibility of these ideas is confirmed by recent findings showing that quantum-like behavior can be reproduced in classical fluids and explained by classical (non-quantum) fluid dynamics. In fact, fluid droplets bouncing on a vibrating fluid bath move with a striking similarity to quantum behavior.
To explore the fascinating quantum-like behavior of fluid droplets, watch this video below and see two review articles by John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics at MIT: [You will need to Google search] “The New Wave of Pilot-Wave Theory” and “Pilot-Wave Hydrodynamics.” The idea that comes immediately to mind is that quantum particles could be driven by sub-quantum micro-physics.
Stochastic mechanics is non-local (it needs instantaneous correlations between remote particles), which troubled Nelson himself. But since standard quantum mechanics is non-local, any theory that reproduces the results of standard quantum mechanics must be non-local. In a 2012 review paper, Nelson noted that stochastic mechanics could be “an approximation to a correct theory of quantum mechanics as emergent.”
“But what is the correct theory?”
Quasiparticles (skyrmions) in condensed matter.
In “The Universe in a Helium Droplet” (2009), Grigory Volovik shows that quasiparticles and collective excitations in condensed matter substrates, like superfluid liquid helium, follow mathematical equations, derived from the microscopic physics of the substrate, very similar to those that describe real particles in empty space. These mathematical equations contain “effective fields” that play a role similar to real fundamental fields in empty space, including metric fields analogous to Einstein’s gravitational field in empty space.
Therefore, it seems plausible that our fundamental physics could be derived from the more fundamental micro-physics of a “trans-Planckian” world.
Please see this excellent post: Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy
A written version of My video, Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy From The Aether by Amaterasu Solar
Zero Point Energy and some of the Implications
Some documentation on the research of Zero Point Energy
In the field of quantum physics we have two different terms that we can use to focus our energy in manifest what we want to accomplish. The vibrational frequency says that everything in our universe vibrates in some frequency, this happens because everything has some energy, including us, our thoughts and feelings.
Zero-point radiation continually imparts random impulses on an electron, so that it never comes to a complete stop. Zero-point radiation gives the oscillator an average energy equal to the frequency of oscillation multiplied by one-half of the Planck constant.
This article below has some interesting scientific discussion about Zero Point Energy, including a device that is rudimentary and made to accrete energy.
Zero Point Energy can have Topological Monopole properties, Electogravitic Force and applied Quantum Entanglement
What is a Topological Monopole?
Topological Magnetic Monopoles (TMMs), also known as hedgehogs or Bloch points, are three-dimensional (3D) non-local spin textures that are robust to thermal and quantum fluctuations due to the topology protection.
What breaks quantum entanglement?
Quantum entanglement bonds can be broken through a process called decoherence. This occurs when the entangled particles interact with their surrounding environment, causing their quantum states to become disrupted and the entanglement to be lost.
If you use the search terms: “Topological Monopole Quantum Entanglement” you get the following page:
There are hundreds of documents at this page, all discuss Topological Monopole, which is where I found this one below; Science.Org article on Topological Monopole:
Some National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) videos that were leaked show demonstration of Zero Point Energy usage:
Flight MH370 disappearance is discussed at length here in this video below; the part of it that has Quantum implications is centered in the following time slot: 31:00 to 38:20 titled Hijacking Event.
If anyone is interested in the Propulsion System Tech that powers the three orbs, please pay particular attention to the temperature signatures in front and just behind them. I have now watched this several times, it seems that Quantum Sciences are at work here; not sure about Extraterrestrial Tech, I know that Tesla’s original research was stolen from him at the time of his death. At a minimum, the Corporate Government has possession of something they should not have.
Pictures below are likely from Northrup or Lockheed, they are either experimenting on the Orbs or are working on them. I don’t think this is Alien Tech. I will not completely rule out “Back engineering of Alien Tech” but I think we are the ones who created this.
Very short video of military experimenting with UAP Tech, Spanish fishermen caught it on video, off the coast of Spain. Pause video at 6 seconds mark to see it closer.
The video below was recorded from the cockpit of a B 737. The object shown is a craft possibly made by Northrup Grumman.
There are many resources that document the basis of engineering behind these carefully hidden technologies. Please see attached below. Unfortunately, the site where I was able to find these, may not be reliable if you find the PDF documents useful, please download them to store offline. If you are so inclined, please help me evaluate them, and let me know what you think.
Electrogravitation as a Unified Field Theory by Jerry E Bayles
Evidence of Very Strong Low Frequency Magnetic Fields by A. Meessen
Living Water and the secrets of Natural Energy with Viktor Schauberger translated by Olof Alexandersson
Zero Point Energy, Star Gates & Warp Drive by Jack Sarfatti
Wormholes by P.C. Aichelburg and F. Schein
A Theoretical Field Propulsion Design
Patent for HAARP Tech:
5G Frequency Jammers can be a good resource in experimenting on the effects of counter waves to cancel out the 5G.
The development of this advanced Quantum Technology, is showing that technology and science will eventually be able to reflect the truth of Oneness. Any Technology, must be a reflection of the state of Spiritual Evolution being expressed in Life. Perception of Oneness has been part of ancient Mystic Knowledge for thousands of years, though mostly accessible to those who were Initiates. It will be essential for our civilization to act in a responsible manner with this tech.
On a more Esoteric Note:
Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Fractals, Unified Field, Zero Point Energy, Topological Monopole and especially Entanglement at a Cosmic Level, all of it points to the fact there is only One Thing: And that’s Consciousness we are each a unique focal point within Infinite Awareness, temporarily experiencing this thing called Human.
What the science is pointing to; we create reality and the nature of the cosmos is based on oneness; even though it appears to have a duality from a human frame of reference. The physical universe is only possible because of the Primacy of Consciousness. We are Consciousness, Knowing is not because of Thought, it is because of Sight. Knowledge is a direct reflection of Being. True Intelligence is not the product of the mental process; it is a distillation originating from consciousness itself. Quantum entanglement implies that separateness of experience is not possible as a final fact. It is the One Self perception in the act of Observing Itself; Each focal point of Self Perception is actually experiencing its own world or Reality. We are both the Observer and the Observed. We are both the Lover and the Loved. That which is Far is the same as Near; that Standing passes beyond others as they Run.
There is not one World that having 7.5 billion lives in it; there is one Consciousness experiencing 7.5 billion different worlds. (perceptions of experience)
In Closing:
You are not just a Drop in the Ocean, you are The Ocean within a Drop. An expression of Oneness can also be found in very advanced math. According to Osho, the Part and the Whole are one Energy. Even though, the Part appears to be separate from the Whole. This concept can be expressed by the Unified Field Theory.
I shared this story on YouTube channel initially... I believe it resonates with your closing statement and as noted in it, was the catalyst event that brought pretty much all of what you've discussed here into sharp focus for me.... To me personally since I know for fact I experienced this, proved to me that there absolutely is more than just the material existence that exists... A God, I'm not sure exactly, but fuckin hell there's definitely another side or dimensions out there or maybe it's in there... 😮😂...
From my experience/experimentation, I believe psychedelics/mediation/sound frequencies break down the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, allowing our conscious mind to experience our sub conscious thoughts, feelings and memories..... however I also believe, in our subconscious mind we can access the universal consciousness......
One of my first truly breakthrough experiences, during my own experimentation was this..... the words/feeling/communication I was experiencing, felt as if they were coming from someone/something/somewhere else.......
""""" Hey we've been waiting for you....... don't be scared...... don't be scared....... your family is here with us..... you don't really know him well, but he's family, he's family...... it's (then proceeded to tell me a name) he's safe, he's here with us, he's your family don't worry, he's with us""""
3 days later I was with my mum and we were talking about our family and I was asking if any of my older family members had caught or been effected by convid..... at first she said no.... then after a short pause she said her cousin..... with the same name I had heard/felt/experienced 3 days before had been in a coma for 4 days with pneumonia and died the day after my experience......... I was gobsmacked and instantly began to feel an incredible sadness this was one of the most profound experiences of my life......... I had only ever met the man a few times and never really seen him or his family in my day to day life or on social media as I only use this......... there had been no mention from anyone or way of me knowing about his predicament in the weeks prior.
I was a hard-core atheist before this....... now I have a new found sense of........ enlightenment amazement, fascination and desire to discover the world to which is there but we cannot see or experience, not in our normal state anyway...
Peace, power and freedom to all the psychonauts out there.......
Lots of stuff to unpack Nefahotep, very intriguing and thank you. Look at this post and the section on the orbs around the plane similar (same?) as in your post, and on 9.11 around the planes that "melted" into the towers. These are likely related to hologram making: